( Orono Weekly Time», Wednesday. March I. 2000 - 9 Staying in Touch by John O'Toole, MPR As I write this article, everyone is waiting for our federal Finance Minister, the Hon. Paul Martin to announce tax cuts in his Budget Speech. Even prior to the 1995 election, Premier Mike Harris was alone in calling for tax cuts and now, it seems everyone is singing the same tune. Paul Martin really has only three choices: reduce taxes, begin repaying the debt and return the billions his government took out of employment insurance and health care. If the federal government sets up a new spending program, they had better commit to funding funding all of it and explain where the revenue being used is coming from. Recently, I was very disappointed disappointed by the response I received from our federal member, Alex Shepherd MP for Durham, when I wrote asking him to support support Ontario's request for increased health care funding funding and a redirection in our tax burden. The Ontario Trillium Foundation is the provincial provincial government agency that distributes over $100 million annually to charitable charitable organizations. The volunteer volunteer board for this area covers Durham,. Haliburton, Kawarthà and Pine Ridge and will distribute distribute $5.1 million annually. The money distributed is from, the proceeds of casinos casinos in Ontario. Two events in the riding this past weekend, Big Brothers' "Bowl for Millions" and Big Sisters' "Battle of the Hors D'oeuvres", were very well supported by, my constituents. constituents. These mainly volunteer organizations reach out to children and ' teenagers by showing that we care. Volunteers who give their time to young people are making a real difference in their lives and the ones of those they are helping. I express my thanks to all the businesses and individuals who participated. participated. On Wednesday, March 1st, the Gas Price Review Task Force will gather input in my Durham riding on issues surrounding diesel and gasoline prices. The committee will meet at 9:00 a.m. in the Municipality of Claring,ton's Administrative Centre, located on 40 Temperance Street in Bowmânville, Presenters are scheduled through my office and the public is encouraged to attend. The Oak Ridges Moraine development issue has been a concern for many years. As we all know, much of our gravel comes from licenced quarry quarry operations on the moraine. When I was on municipal council, difficult land use decisions were avoided back then. Now it has been left to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) to deal with this controversial issue. Municipal and regional planning experts will apply their planning skills and policies, along with the 1996 Provincial Policy Statements and the 1991 Implementation Guidelines. Intervenor funding is not on as far as I am concerned as every individual, hamlet or elected elected body and board would then want their own lawyer for free. Furthermore, I would be surprised to see any provincial tax money go toward paying off landowners to prevent them from developing their land. I will be watching the OMB, as we all depend on the moraine for our healthy water, quality of life and our economy. In all things we must seek a harmony and balanced approach. Watch out for the "NIMBY" (not in my backyard) backyard) response. Durham College received $28.75 million from the Ontario government's government's SuperBuild Growth Fund this past week. This announcement means that over 3,000 additional students students will be able to receive their education closer to home. The Durham College Manufacturing and Information Technology Centre (MITC) is a $48 million project. This is a successful story of a partnership partnership involving the province of Ontario, Durham College, the people people of Durham as well as the private sector: General Motors, the Canadian Auto Workers, Unigraphics, Bell Canadh, IBM, Nortel, Rockwell Automation, Allen Bradley and Schneider Electric. The president of Durham College, Mr. Gary Polonsky, is a man with passion, energy and vision and it has been a pleasure to work with him and his board of governors on this project. The Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities, the Hon. Dianne Cunningham, assures me that our government's government's SuperBuild commitment commitment of more than $742 million this year will ensure that we will have the space for the students for increased enrolment numbers numbers expected in 2003. This enrolment increase has been referred to as the "double cohort" effect and has ' occurred with the change over to a four-year high school program. Health conference gets hip to health issues IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE An upcoming health conference conference will give professionals from across Durham Region a chance to get hip to current current trends and issues in health care today. "Get Hip to Health! - Conference 2000," sponsored by Durham Region Health Department, is a two-day conference being held on April 13 and 14 at the Holiday Inn, 1011 Bloor St:, Oshawa. "This two-day conference is geared toward educators, social service and health care professionals, day and senior care providers," said Sandy White, Public Health Nurse with Durham Region Health Department and a member of the conference planning committee. "Our goal is to increase awareness about new developments in health that will assist these professionals professionals to be more proactive about preventive health issues to help them better serve their clients:" . Highlights of the conference conference will include new information information on preventing communicable communicable diseases, heart disease, cancer, injury and substance abuse. In addition, addition, participants will have an opportunity to take part in workshops providing details on dental health, parenting parenting and environmental health. Cost for two full days is $135. Participants can also register for one day only at $75. Registration must be received before April 10. To register or for more informa^ tion, call Durham Region Health Department at (905) 683-4660, ext. 250 or 1-877- 999-4336. ext. 250. Registration information is also available online at www.reglon.durham.on.ca. RECYCLE W _/ in /odds; the lucky winner could be you! $'1 MILLION Cash Grand Prize! FOR cancer "Mlf »e^ l6WlA ' The Oshawa General Hospital Foundation is pleased to introduce the Cash For Cancer Lottery with incredible prizes like $1 million cash plus 11,431 other great prizes. Every ticket purchased helps fund the development of the new Durham Regional Cancer Centre. Get your ticket by midnight March 31st for a shot at 1 of 3 Early Bird Prizes: 1-877-460-3800 In Durham Region, call (90S) 720-4900 CASH • CARS • VACATIONS • AND. MORE • 11,432 PRIZES IN ALL! Total Value Over $5.6 Million The Oshawa General Hospital Foundation Charitable Registration No. 11924 9126 RR0001. Provincial Lottery License No. P000075 'All inquiries, if any, on the odds of winning are to be made to the licensee prior to the purchase of ticket(s). Tickets are only $100.00