IQ * Owm WedldyTtoea, Wednesday, March a, 2000 > v by Roy Forrester J If the lose of snow, warmer days and the reappearance reappearance of our summer birds are a. harbinger of spring then indeed spring is on Its way. The one exception exception would be a weather forecast that ' Ms predicted snow for Thursday. There is no doubt as to the lose of our snow and no doubt of the warmer days that keep piling up. You can well add. to this t hat the summer birds, robins, bluebirds bluebirds and the Redwing male Blackbirds are returning. 'Last Monday, Royal Lee, back Leskard way, reported the return ' of a male Bluebird and the following day to their front lawn box. The following day a female Bluebird made Its appearance. appearance. This, states. Royal, is some three . weeks earlier than former years. No doubt this is due to the much warmer weather we have had* somewhat earlier this year. The male bird, states Royal, has to foe the same bird that was around for the past two years. It perches on the truck sideview mirror and thoroughly whitewashing whitewashing It. Another early arrival is always the male Redwing Blackbird and Sue Da Costa on the Eighth Line east of Highway 115 reported last week such an arrival. The male bird always arrives some three to four weeks before the female fly-in in ' mass. Sue also reports the flock of Evening Grosbeaks still around. They had made a winter of it at the Da Costa's. Early last week Doug Ferguson, Enterprise Hill area reported a small flock of Robins -possibly winter . residents of the area. Individual Robins were being reported throughout the area by midweek and on returning home north I did -sight two such 'birds. Others " are making similar reports.. There is no doubt that ' spring is just around the comer. ' Talking to ' ' Willis Barrabafl from the Seventh Conces-sidn north of Grono - , he states they are enjoying a small flock of 20 or so Red Poles that are regulars at their feeder. Also on the list is a lotie Starling that has the idea it's a Bluejay. Doug Ferguson also reports a flock of Red Poles at their feeder. Bill Bunting brings a report of a Northern Shrike seen In the Orono Estates. 'Hie Shrike is a bird that will chase away other small birds from your feeder. Ester Allin walking in the southern section of the Orono Park sighted a Red- Bellied Woodpecker which is a good sighting. Such a bird was reported at the Newcastle Lakefront earlier this year. Bird visitations to Six Mill Lane, north Orono, is rather sporadic with Chickadees, Red Breasted Nuthatch, Buncos, a couple of Robins. 1 suppose the news of the week, at home, Call me to buy or sell... Orono and area's real estate .representative... Krystyna Jones 983-6013 Realty-Net ASSOCIATES " (DURHAM)lnc. 1060 Simcoe St. N., #103, Oshawa TEL: (905) 721-2112 t s Mew Listing... Cute 'Orono Village Bungalow, 3+ Bedrooms Garage, Super Lot! $124,500! would be the attack made by the flock of Starling that have been around for most of the winter. They cleaned out two suet feeders in but a few minutes. A trip along the lake- front noted Bufflehead and Common. Goldeneye ducks at both Bowmanville and Newcastle. The males are in the mating mode thrusting their heads upwards. Give someone a special March break - give blood March Break means a break from school or work for many people. Why not use some of your time off to give others' a break. Someone in-Canada needs blood or blood products every minute-of the day for treat- i ment of injuries suffered in ' traffic accidents, for surgeries surgeries or for treatment of diseases diseases like-cancer. ' Your single donation of Mood-can help save as many as four lives. Each unit of blood. Is 'broken down into red cells, platelets, plasma and cryoprecipitate. Each of . these components could go to a different recipient. ■ If you are healthy , between 17 and 71 years of age. with a Blood Donor Card or photo and signature ID, you are urged to attend a Blood Donor Clinic on: Wednesday, March IS/QO Clarington Beech Centre 26 Beech Avenue Bowmanville i:OS> p.m. - 7:30. p.m. Blood. It's in you to -give. on Ihmilh -@) Are you <-f Healthy Babies/Healthy Children Public Health Nurses will: • Tell you about prenatal and parent groups and other services In Durham Revlon ■ # Phone you shortly after discharge from hospital to answer questions about your new baby • Provide home visits to answer questions • Tell you about family visitor services in Durham Region calI Durham Health Connec> n Line DURHAM REGION HEALTH DEPARTMENT (905) 723-8521 ext. 2158 or 1-800-841-2729 ext. 2158 Monday to Friday 9:00am to 8:00pm