8 Orono We eldy T^».W«drtfe3<ky, March 22.2000 } çall Durham Health Connection Line DURHAM REGION HEALTH 1 DEPARTMENT Monday to Friday 9:00am to 8:00pm by Joan Anderson Spring has officially arrived and the robins are here. I've been seeing them regularly around for the past four days. It really must be spring because the ice is all off my pond and my dogs, both golden retrievers, begged to go for a leisurely swim yesterday! yesterday! They did, so I think that their insulating undercoat must be like a wetsuit! It's much too early for me! We welcomed a number of visitors to Kendal United Church Sunday - many were friends of the late Sylvia Toffan of whom we have many warm loving memories. Norm Andrews accompanied his son Fred, Fred's wife Melinda and granddaughter Stephanie. Rev. Sullivan commented on the funeral of Norm's late wife, the gracious gentle Ruth, and said that the chapel had been packed to the doors and the love felt there was almost palpable. What a wonderful celebration of Ruth's life. Helen and Keith Wood brought a beautiful floral arrangement from Ruth's funeral, which accompanied the arrangement Joyce Boudreau had brought from Clara Seen's funeral to decorate decorate our service. Andrew and Maria Hellebust visited us from Toronto and are happily expecting a son June 1st. Concerns and Celebrations Please include the following following in your prayers this week, as we will. Dorothy Hellebust has discontinued discontinued the chemotherapy and is courageously struggling with cancer. Joanna Savage is continuing continuing to be built tip for her open- heart surgery at this time.. Jane and Ralph Kennedy have a new granddaughter called Nicole. 1 Strike! Grant McConaghy was the high score at Family Bowling Night with 296! Congratulations Grant! Bingo Winners - Tuesday, March 14 the following won at the Bingo held at the Kendal Orange Hall. Brenda Lowery, Iliona Riggers, Yvonne Terry MacDonald, Joyce Stacey, Edith Hamilton and Lovey Cathcart each won twice. Margaret Kris sa won 5 games, and Dorothy Stark was the big winner of the night, with 6 Bingos! Community Events Pot Luck - Sunday, March 26. 12:30 p.m. Kendal United Church. Pot Luck Lunch will follow service at the regular time of 11:30 a.m. Meeting - Monday April 3, 7:30 p.m. Newtonville United Church - Trustees Meeting of the Newtonville Pastoral Charge. Lindsey Harness Fundraising Fundraising - Tuesday, March 28, 7 p.m. and Tuesday April 4, 7 p.m. Kendal Orange Hall - Bingo proceeds will be donated donated to Lindsey Harness to assist with her fundraising for her Tall Ships Tour. Come out, support Lindsey and have fun doing it! Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Reg Elliott Euchre Saturday April 1, 1 p.m. Kendal Orange Hall - Reg Elliott Euchre Tournament. Another good time, come and enjoy yourselves! Kendal U.C.W. Service Sunday, April 2, 7 p.m. Kendal U.C.W. is hosting their annual service. The guest speaker will be Rev, David Potter, Assistant Minister at Port Hope United Church. The Kendal United Church Choir has also' been invited to entertain. Refreshments and Fellowship after service. All are invited to attend. Roast Beef Dinner followed followed by Switzer Brothers and their music. Saturday April 8, 6 p.m. $10.00 to be followed by the Switzer Brothers - 7:30 p.m. al Newtonville United Church. If you are unable to attend the dinner but still can attend the musical entertainment, entertainment, the charge is $5.00. For tickets call 786-2286 or 786- 2239. Toronto International Quarter Horse Show - March 22 - 26 at National Trade Centre at Exhibition Place. Website: www.tiqhs2000.com Ontario Trail Riders Association Annual General REALIZE YOUR POTENTIAI^INCLILDE CHIROPRACTIC Ernest Schroeder, B.Sc. D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic 7486 Thompson Road, Kendal, ON LOA 1E0 Telephone (905) 983-5510 Meeting - Sunday April 2, 10 a.m. Pleasure Valley, east of StouffVille. 2499 Brock Road (Regional Road #1) South of Coppins Comers and north of Claremont. Call 905-649 - 3334. An excellent lunch will be available to purchase. There will be a presentation by an Equine Dentist, review of liability liability insurance and overview of OTRA's direction. Memberships will also be available. Single 1 yt $20, Family $30. For membership application forms if you are unable to attend, please contact contact Joan Anderson at 983- . 5371, (continued from page! ) increases over a few years. In a phone conversation yesterday, Wiersma. stated, dividends will not be applied to hydro rates, to keep these rates down. "If the return is not at a commercial level [9.88%]," stated Wiersma, "Veridian's ability to borrow money at an advantages rate, is effected." It will also effect our ability to attract investment, he explained. "You want a good bond rating, if your bond rating rating slips, you have to pay a higher interest rate on borrowed borrowed money. Clarington's initial dividend dividend payment of $948,000, was put into a Municipal Enterprise Reserve Fund. "That fund will be used to offset offset costs that would otherwise transfer the tax base," stated Mutton at Monday's meeting. "Like an emergency situation, or a situation where some project had to be upfronted," Mutton said. "About $100,000 out of the Veridian Reserve was put up front to advance a Regional project, the region matched the dollars dollars with $100,000 for some resurfacing on Taunton Road." Mutton suggested residents residents talk to the Clarington representative on the Veridian Board, to get the message across. "Ask for their support in a decrease in the dividends in order to subsidize hydro increases." Healthy Babies/Healthy Children Public Health Nurses will: • Tell you about prenatal and parent groups and other services in Durham Region ' • Phone you shortly after discharge from hospital to answer questions about your new baby • Provide home visits to answer questions • Tell you about family visitor services In Durham Region