Q Orono Weekly Times. Wednesday, March 29. 2000 - 13 Durham Region Health Dept. & partners Receive over $800,000 to reduce tobacco use Durham Region Health Department is one of six GTA public health departments that will share $815,661 in provincial funding to develop develop a campaign to promote smoke-free homes. The collaborative campaign, campaign, entitled "Breathing Space, Community Partners for Smoke Free Homes," was created by the Regions of Durham, Hal ton, Hamilton, Peel, York and Toronto health departments. The campaign's goal is to increase awareness about the seriousness of secondhand secondhand smoke as a health issue and to encourage people people to take action to protect their health. "Durham Region Health Department established its Smoke-Free Home campaign in 1997," explained Public Health Nurse Joanne Bradley. "We're very pleased to be a leader in the development development of the Breathing Space project. Experience gained from Durham Region's smoke-free home initiatives will now be used to the benefit benefit of other communities." According to Durham Region Health officials, exposure exposure to second-hand smoke is a significant health con cern, especially among children. children. A1999 survey from the Health Department indicated indicated that 22 per cent of children children in Durham Region live in homes where someone regularly smokes. "Tobacco use is the leading leading cause of premature death and disability in Ontario, but this health program is entirely entirely preventable," said Dr. Donna Reynolds, Durham Region Associate Medical Officer of Health. "With three years of previous experience to draw from, Durham Region Health Department is in a very good position to do more to promote not only the dangers of smoking, but the definite benefits associated with smoke-free living." The funding is part of $2.3 million being provided by the province to local community agencies and health departments departments to combat tobacco use. Funding was awarded through an Ontario-wide competition, which assessed proposals for their potential impact. The Breathing Space campaign campaign will enhance existing efforts to reduce tobacco use and exposure to secondhand secondhand smoke in Durham Region. Durham & York farm news by Keith Reid, Soil Fertility Specialist, '% OMAFRA If your wheat is off-colour this spring, it is worthwhile to figure out what is causing the discolouration. It may be possible to take corrective action this year, or it may point to something that should be corrected for next year's crop. The most common symptom symptom seen in wheat fields is yellowing of the leaves.* The first thought in most cases is that this is nitrogren deficiency, deficiency, and this may very well be correct, but there are other possible causes for yellow yellow leaves. Nitrogen deficiency will show up in the older leaves first, as nitrogen is pulled out of mature tissue to supply the new leaves and the growing growing point. The yellowing will start at the tip of the leaves and proceed down the leaves as the deficiency becomes more severe. It can be caused by: • uneven fertilizer application application (which means part of the field has received excess N, and will be at risk of lodging) * losses of nitrogen through leaching (on coarse textured soils) or , • denitrification (on water logged soils). Yellow wheat, which is standing in water, is not likely likely deficient in nutrients. The yellow colour is a response to ethylene, released by the plant when it is suffering from lack of oxygen to the roots. These plants should recover once the soil dries, unless there has been denitrification denitrification losses. In rare cases, potassium deficiency will show up on wheat growing in coarse, shady soils. The yellowing will show up on the older leaves, similar to nitrogen, but it begins as a uniform yellowing of the older leaves, proceeding into bronzing or scorching along the leaf margins. margins. A soil test will quickly tell whether potassium is in adequate supply. Sulphur deficiency is unlikely to occur in Southern Ontario because of the supply supply of sulphur in acid rain. If it did occur, you would see a general yellowing of the whole plant, similar to nitrogen nitrogen but not confined to the lower part of the plant. Manganese deficiency is the other cause of yellowing in the field, but it is much harder to pin down specific deficiency symptoms. Most often, there will be patches Places I've Done Time by: Clifford Francis Last week I received a wedding invitation in the mail. It brought back memories memories of past weddings, good and otherwise. I discovered, through personal personal experience, that weddings weddings are expensive before, during and long after. I have had the joy and honour of attending more than one of my own, and lots of other memorable weddings. One wedding I vividly in the field showing a general general pale colour or yellowing, and stunting. Occasionally, there will be gray-white specks or spots on the lower leaves. The pattern of affected affected areas in the field is often most diagnostic. Manganese can be deficient in highly alkaline soils, particularly when combined with low organic matter, and in soils with very high organic matter. matter. Manganese has increased solubility in soils with reduced oxygen content, so mild compaction can cause a manganese deficiency deficiency to disappear. If you see the tire tracks from the floater truck turn green, while the rest of the field turns yellow, it is an almost sure bet that manganese is the problem. A foliar application of 8 kg/ha of manganese sulphate (2 kg Mn/ha) is the most effective way to correct the deficiency. deficiency. If you are not sure, another another quick diagnostic test is to mix a little manganese sulphate sulphate in a spray bottle, and spray it on a small patch of wheat. If manganèse deficiency deficiency is the problem, the sprayed patch will green up within a day. Of course, insects or diseases diseases can also cause yellow wheat, so don't overlook them as possible problems! IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE TIMES 983-5301 remembers was down in Smith Falls. A friend of mine was going to marry the daughter of an undertaker down that way, and I was to be the best man. The wedding rehearsal was on the Friday night, and the wedding was to take place Saturday afternoon. The rehearsal went well, but it was a very dry affair, as the brides family didn't partake of any alcoholic beverages. I was surprised, because I thought most funeral directors looked like they had been drinking the embalming fluid. Most of them looked half bagged to me. Saturday morning came and everyone got ready for the wedding. I had to wear a white tuxedo and I had bought a new pair of "white cowboy boots. I looked at myself and thought, "you don't clean up too bad." Elvis didn't have anything on me. . I was on my way to the church with one of the ushers when disaster struck. I was pouring myself a class of cherry brandy when we came oyer the brow of a hill, and hit a large pig. The car spun around and. around, and finally finally landed backwards in a ditch. When they got us out, everyone thought I was badly cut, but it was just the brandy. My shirt and all down the front of my pants was stained red. I was late getting to the wedding, and a sight as well, but we got them married. One other wedding I attended as best man, also ended in disaster. The wedding wedding was at 1 o'clock, but the picture taking was not till 4 o'clock. I slipped away for a quick drink after the ceremony ceremony and lost all track of time. 1 never gave it another thought until well after 6 o'clock. By that time it was too late. The bride eventually forgave forgave me years later, when they got divorced. Another time I went to a nudist wedding. I didn't take part in that one, but I'm sure I came within an inch of being the best man there. It's funny, but even a girl, a little on the-plain side, looks beautiful on her wedding day. Once I was married to a police officer, but that didn't last too long. Friends would phone asking for favours, but got none from her. She would tell them, she had enough trouble keeping me out of jail. Four days after we were married, I knew it was over. We were down in Prince Edward Island on our honeymoon, honeymoon, and she didnit want me to, go to the races, or have a drink. She did her best, but she couldn't change me. We lasted lasted 11 months, and then she left. I was sad she took the little sheltie dog, and truthfully I missed him more. SUBSCRIBE TO THE TIMES Call me to buy or sell... Orono and area's real estate representative... 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