( . Orono Weekly Times, Wedne$day~Apffl 26, 2000 Anwyn Climenhage contemplates Beaty Popescu's work titled Cradle at the opening of'Dream Ecology' at the Robert McLaughlin Gallery last Thursday evening. The 10 gourd-like orbs or vessels vessels which make up Cradle is a set of informed habits where one enters openings that are both empty and full. By: John Climenhage. Questioning is the key to Maralynn Cherry's latest foray into curating. In 'Dream Ecology' currently showing at the Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Cherry, an Orono resident, places before us the works of various artists in an attempt to'get the viewer to dialogue with the artworks, and the ideas which have brought them together. "In a dream space it is up to us to imagine relationships KENDAL NEWS by Joan Anderson We celebrated a glorious sunny Easter Sunday and The Resurrection today at Kendal United Church. It is wonderful to see the green grass appearing and growing longer daily Once I'm stuck with all the lawn cutting this summer I may not be quite so joyous! Concerns and Celebrations Our prayers are with the following this week. Include them in your prayers too. Barbara Savage in Bowmanville Hospital for a broken ankle is now starting to get around. She also celebrated celebrated her birthday today! Happy Birthday and keep working at getting around. We're all praying for you. Dorothy Hellebust is continuing continuing to wage her battle against cancer. Her family is very supportive at this difficult difficult time. Please pray for them all. Helen and Eddy Couroux are celebrating their 55th Wedding Anniversary on Friday, April 28th. Congratulations to you both! Our sincere sympathies to the family of the late Myrtle Wood . WtoryiffiSSed;. away Thursday, April 20th at the age of 95. Myrtle was the mother of Keith and his wife Helen, Dick and his wife Ruth, Ralph, Boyd and his wife Doreen and Norah and her late husband Paul Hetherington. She will also be missed by grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Our sincere sympathies to Martha Farrow of Starkville on the passing of her mother Doris Lennox at 88.years of age. on Friday, April 14. She will also be missed by many grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. greatgrandchildren. Baptism Chris and Angela (Robinson) Austin had their two children Tyler Jack and Alycia Marie baptized at Shiloh United Church April 2. Congratulations on deciding to bring them up in the ways of the Church. BINGO WINNERS! Tuesday evening, April 18, Kendal Orange Hall Bingo winners were Brenda Lowery, Cathy Switzer, Dora MacDonald, April Moore and Elaine Doty who each won one game while Phyllis Lowery, Helen Couroux, Joyce Stacey, Carol Smale, and Dofothy Stark each won two games.. Three game winners were MargaVet Krissa, Edith Hamilton and Lovey Cathcart. Edith Hamilton was the Pot of Gold winner! Doors of the Kendal Orange Hail open at 6:30 p.m. and play begins at 7:00 every Tuesday night. Come and join us for a night of fun! COMING EVENTS ; Pastoral Charge Congregational Congregational Meeting Monday, May 8, 7:30 p.m. Newtonville United Church. All are invited invited from this charge to hear the report from Presbytery regarding requests for new ministers. Kendal Pot Luck Lunch - Sunday April 30, the 11:30 a.m. service will be followed by a Hot Pot Luck Lunch. Please come and enjoy the service and the lunch. Support the largest not-for- profit home builder in the world! Contact Habitat for Humanity Canada or ask for your nearest Habitat affiliate at 1-800-667-5137 (email: hfhc@sentex.net) acmes f ^ W • Habitat for Humanity where none seemed possible" says Cherry. "The artists' in this exhibition have created what I consider to be openings, openings, or a series of lensds, allowing for a layered vision of multiple realities." At times these openings are difficult to find, and the lenses may seem a bit like looking at the world through someone else's prescription. These difficulties are part of this shows' theme. How do all of our experiences interrelate interrelate and combine to form both ouf actual world and our virtual virtual world? Composer Kristi Allik and electronic artist Robert Mulder combine the actual with the virtual, to produce a video image of a specific elm tree. The elm tree in turn activates activates a computer program to generate musical sounds. A variety of mediums are used by Visual artists Beaty Popescu, Adrienne Trent, Penelope Stewart and Nell Tenhaaf providing us with autobiographical moments to show how "we imagine, symbolize or represent our levels of participation" with the world. Dancer and choreographer choreographer Holly Small appears in video form to counterpoint the soundscapes of Allik and Mulder. Dream Ecology challenges the viewer to consider, the question: how do we through our dreams construct our waking world, and how in turn, does the world we construct construct effect our dreams? The exhibition runs from April 20 -June 18, 2000 at the Robert McLaughlin Gallery in Oshawa. Z A Community Events ST. JOHN AMBULANCE IS COMNG TO BOWMANVILLE In partnership with the Firehouse Youth Centre, St. John Ambulance is able to offer an Emergency First Aid & Heartsaver CPR training course to the Bowmanville Community. Date.May 13', 2000,132 Church St., Bowmanville, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Registration and inquires can be completed completed over the phone with a credit card, call 905-434-7800. PORT CREDIT SECONDARY SCHOOL * . Port Credit Reunion on May 4, 5 and 6, 2000, we are celebrating celebrating our 80th reunion. Hotline (905) 890-1010, extension 3188 or ^e-mail mhgre8fiiwoQd@aoi.CQm ^ COLLISION REPAIR PROFESSIONALS Fred Devries Proprietor FRED'S AUTOBODY LTD. Estimates • Repairs • Restorations 163 Baseline Road, Unit 1 Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3L4 Tel: (905) 623-6353 Fax: (905) 623-3913 Cerrens Wellness Centre A friendly place lor your health heeds... and Gilts to lift your spirit OPEN MAY 1 st , 2000 at 5324 Main Street, Orono . beside the Apple Blossom Shop (905) 983-5000 Featuring Health Supplements • Wheat Grass Juice Bâth & Skin Care Items • Jewellery/Clothing Natural Beeswax Products Honey • Candles • Sauces " Cosmetics Art/An tiques ' Purchased or Sold on Consignment Massage Therapist on S taff Official Opening in June