Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 17, 2000 - 7 Lymph Nodes & Lymphocites At points along the lymph vessels are lymph nodes which filter lymph before it reaches the blood stream via the ducts. Thé nodes are centers centers of production of lymphocytes lymphocytes and other antibody producing producing cells. Lymphocytes are white blood cells which number number from 20-50% of the total WBC's. Their count increases to near 90% in leukemia. The lymph nodes of city dwellers are often black with soot and dust particles. With ozonated steam sauna, black flecks are often found on the towel the recipient if sitting on, especially cigarette smokers. smokers. This gradual toxic accumulation accumulation to those exposed to air pollution or in smokers explains their lessened resistance resistance to respiratory infections, e.g. tuberculosis and bronchitis. bronchitis. During any type of infection/the infection/the local lymph glands become swollen. This is why physicians palpate the throat looking for swollen" nodes during physical examination. Poor lymphatic drainage of the vessels of the foot can cause puffy and swollen toes, with foot odour. Severe lymphatic lymphatic congestion leads to swollen ankles, commonly seen in the elderly with obesity obesity and hypertension, The significance of foot sweating as a natural cleansing cleansing becomes apparent. The deep lymph nodes of the colon, on most people, remain in chronic, swollen congestion. . This can be caused, of course, by chronic constipation constipation and impaction of feces. It can lead to hemorrhoid development and liver sluggishness, sluggishness, also to seepage of bacterial toxins. In this why the lymph system becomes part of the body's septic system. system. When the lymph system is overwhelmed with toxicity, it becomes congested with mucous, vastly impairing the immune system. Massage of the abdomen/especially electronically-assisted electronically-assisted massage, will stimulate the lymph nodes and cause them to drain, helping the detoxifying process. For all your health needs, please be sure to contact your health care provider. References often available by request. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE by Pat Irwin Lycett, R.N., B.Sc., RN.C., Electronically-assisted JadE Therapies 983-9475 Fire Calls The clarington Fire Department responded to the following galls during the period of May 8th to May 15th, 2000: 2 property fires; 3 pre-fire conditions; 2 false fire calls; 7 public hazard calls; 4 rescues; 15 medical/resuscitator medical/resuscitator calls. for all your printing requirements . . . Loyal Printing Ltd. Main St. Orono 983-5301 The Communitv with Future! Municipality of Clarington 40 temperance Street Bowmanville, ON , ■ L1C3A6 (905) 623-3379 COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT SEAONAL EMPLOYMENT The Municipality of Clarington is now accepting applications for the following daytime/evening/weekend positions at the Mobile Skateboard Park: SKATEBOARD SUPERVISOR Quote File # 14-00 Required Qualifications: • Two years supervisory experience (in a recreation 'setting) • Experience in a skateboard setting is preferred • Must hold a Class G. license • Experience driving a pickup truck or van with trailer would be an asset • Must have good computer skills: excellent , interpersonal, customer service & organization skills and be able to work independently • Must hold current qualifications in the following: Basic Rescuer C.P.R. and Standard First Aid • Post-Secondary education in recreation field would be an asset • Daytime, evening and weekend work is required • Rate: $13.08 per hour SKATEBOARD COUNSELLOR II Quote file # 15-00 Required Qualifications: • Experience in skateboard setting is required • Must possess and maintain G2 or better license • Experience driving a pickup truck or van with trailer would be an asset • Must hold current qualifications in the following: Basic Rescuer C.P.R. and Standard First Aid • Daytime, evening and weekend work is required • Rate: $9.49 per hour SKATEBOARD COUNSELLOR Quote File #16-00 Required Qualifications: • Experience in a skateboard setting is required • Must hold current qualifications in the following: Basic Rescuer CP.R. and Standard First Aid • Daytime, evening and weekend work is required • Rate: $8.52 per hour Applications will be received prior to 4:30 p.m., Friday, June 26, 2000. Only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. Applications should be delivered to: Office of the Chief Administrative Officer 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS TO DESTROY NOXIOUS WEEDS Notice is hereby given to all persons in possession of land, in accordance with the Weed Control Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter W.5, Sections 3, 16 and 23, that unless noxious weeds growing on their lands within the Municipality of Clarington are destroyed by June 1, 2000, and throughout the season thereafter, the weed inspector may enter upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed, charging the costs against the land, and that such amounts shall be collected by the municipality in the'same manner as taxes under the Municipal Act. Dandelions and Golden Rod are not noxious Weeds under the Weed Control Act. For further information regarding enforcement call the Region of Durham at 905-668-7721 or 1-800-372-1103. Patti L. Barrie, A.M.C.T. Municipal Clerk NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING UNDER THE DEVELOPMENT CHARGES ACT In accordance with the Development Charges Act, 1997, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington is holding a public meeting to receive the public's comments with respect to the proposed Development Charge By-law. All members of the public are invited to attend the meeting which will be held on:. Monday, June 19, 2000 9:30 a.m. Council Chambers Municipal Administrative Centre 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Any person who attends the meeting may make representations in respect of the proposed Development Charge By-law. A copy of the Development Charges Study Report is available in the Municipal Clerk's office (between the , hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.) at a cost of $20.00. , Patti L. Barrie, A.M.C.T Municipal Clerk www.municipality.clarington.oh.ca May 17, 2000