^ 12 - Orotio Weekly Times* Wednesday, May 31* 2000 mam INTERACTIVE HEALTH by Pat Irwin Lycett, R.N., B.Sc., RN.C., Electronically-assisted JadE Therapies 983-9475 LYMPH ~ LYMPH -LYMPH Keep those juices following Nutritional suggestions for those involved in the JADE Lymphatic Drainage Electrotherapy Electrotherapy process: and all those working towards better Health. 1- CHEW! - the importance importance can riot be overstated. DIGESTION - is like buttoning buttoning a long coat - if the first button is not done right, none of the others line up. Each discrete process relies on the integrity of the preceding organ. Grhandi said "eat your drinks, drink your food". Savour slowly the liquids, and chew solids until they almost run down your throat. 80% of CHO digestion will then take place in your mouth. You will gain peace of mind from- eating slowly,- you will feel satiated earlier, and eat less! !. '2-FRUIT - always eat it alone, as a snack, or at least 20 minutes before a meal', it digests quickly thereby giving giving plentiful nutrients. Less helpful as a dessert. It sits and ferments while protein is being digested in the stomach. Limit yourself to two small portions daily (fruit sugar is healthy s-ugar, but it's still weight-gaining CHO). 3-WATER! - two litres daily. Keeps the cells hydrated, hydrated, they can then use the incoming nutrients and dump the wastes. Encourages good bowel health and function, maintains the frequencies necessary for cellular health ; dilutes the ever-present lymph. 4- VEGGIES! - raw as often as possible, if digestion d i fficult- steam - aiid drink liquid liquid in steamer. Do this anyway, anyway, every chance you get. Have 3 or 4, good variety, roots and air veggies, multi colours, at least twice a day. 5- SIMPLE! - limit the variety of foods at each meal,' • take pity on your poor stomach. stomach. NEVER mix CHO (Starches) and meat proteins (take 4-6 hours to digest). Try chicken with veggies OR rice/millet/couscous/etc. with veggies. Setting new habits is really worth the effort. 6- PROTEIN - Most people people eat far too much protein, leading to a protein/salt overload. overload. Optimal protein - 15% of total energy intake(4 cal/g). Some authorities advise 44g/day @ 1501bs. Err on the > side of under-eating protein. 1 slice w.w,bread = 3.4g ~ bread stuffing l/2c = 8.8g. ~ lc cooked oatmeal 6.0g ~ lc creamed c. Cheese = 26.2g ~ 1 oz. Cheddar cheese = 7.1 g ~ lc sour cream -- 7.3 g ~ lc whole milk = 8.0g ~ 1 boiled egg = 6,1 g ~ 1 bacon double cheeseburger = 31.9g -- 1 KFC chicken breast 26.9g - 1 c brown rice, cooked = 4.5g ~ lc raisins = 5.3g ~ lc soybeans cooked'= 28.6g ~ 4 oz sirloin = 20.7 g ~ 1 tsp almond butter = 2.4g ~ 2 T p.butter 4.6g ~ 3.5oz roasted chicken = 30.9g ~ lc green pea soup = 12.6g ~l/2c cooked carrots = 0.9g ~ lc french beans, cooked = 12.5g ~ 1 potato, baked with skin = 4,7g. THERE IS PROTEIN IN ALMOST EVERY- THING. Most of the rest of the world obtains its required protein from grains. RICE, WITH ITS EIGHT ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS, PERMITS THE CELLS IN OUR BODIES TO MOST EFFICIENTLY USE THE PROTEIN THEY RECEIVE. 7- TOXINS! - AVOID THEM. Animal products can contain approx. 50% toxins. Dairy-25%. Veggies and fruits contain approx. 11%, nuts, seeds and grains 5%. If possible, possible, buy organically grown foods, Limit toxins and genetically genetically modified organisms. 8- SWEETENERS - Very small amounts of maple syrup, honey and stevia (all natural plants) can be used in baking. 9- ATTITUDE - Eat to live, instead of living to eat!!! Strive to be happy, hold a positive self image. It IS a beautiful world and You deserve to be here. 10- SALT - learn to enjoy food in its delicious natural state. Make the decision to NOT add salt to your food. In addition, be aware that ALL processed foods contain large quantities of SALT. (The word sodium (Na) will be found in soriie form in ingredients. ingredients. Added benefit - salt restriction reduces hunger! ! 11- OILS - No hydrogenated hydrogenated fats, molecule is twisted and difficult for body to absorb. ENSURE that w3 & w6 oils (essential fatty acids- EFA's) are included in diet, (veggies, flax oil, hemp oil, seeds, nuts). THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. 12- CHO- Needless to say, keep these complex, as often as possible, ie.Grains, vegetables, vegetables, fruit,etc. Simple CHO are made of white flour, sugar, etc etc. (empty calories) calories) 13- LIVE FOODS - THÈSE ARE FOODS THAT WILL GO BAD IF LEFT FOR A FEW DAYS. Eat nothing that won't spoil - but eat it before it does. Live food more to be found in the perimeter of the food store. Live food actually brings life to the body, its nutrients easily used, the health benefits enormous! enormous! 14- ROTATION - reduce the prevalence of allergies by NOT eating the same foods every day. Foods very high on the allergy lists, and eaten often, every, day by many: milk, wheat, sugar, coffee, tea and one kind of meat. 15- EARTH KNOWLEDGE- KNOWLEDGE- Our bodies really like us to eat what grows where we live. We grow out of a specific mineral complex, just as the plants do. Reduce heavy proteins proteins in the summer heat. 16- START SLOW - Don't try to do everything at once. Work up gradually, but start with 1120. Exercise, particularly particularly WALKING, is a great, LYMPH MOVER. For all your health concerns please be sure to see your health care provider. Information taken from my readings, course materials, and personal experience. Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home THOUGHTFULNESS, SERVICE & CONCERN ' , A Family Owned Business, Offering: Traditional Funeral Services Pre-arranged & Prepaid Services - Cremation Arrangements Alternatives to Traditional Funerals - Out of Town Shipping CORY KUIPERS - PRESIDENT 53 Division Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 2Z8 623^668 OFF STREET PARKING wMtcees mm Anyone wishing to further the cause of beautifying the walking trails of Orono, please signify your interest by calling Carol at 983-5058 or Pat 983-9475 or Beryl 983-5591. Let us help finance your dreams! 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