^ Orono Weekly Urnes. Wednesday. May 31, 2000 - 3 BIA launches post cards In time for the summer tourist season, the Orono Business Improvement Association (BIA) have issued four postcards depicting Orono scenes. Two cards are black and white reprints of old postcards postcards from Helen Schmid's collection, and the two colour cards are reproductions of paintings by John Climenhage (R). Herman Zwart (L) of Loyal Printing donated the actual printing of the cards. Cards are on sale at many locations in town, the proceeds of which will go towards an as yet undetermined special BIA project. From Around Home by Roy Forrester Two weeks ago in this column I was suggesting that the weekend of May 20 and 21 was the ultimate two days of spring to catch birds in migration. Thickson Woods in south Whitby as well as Prince Edward Point some miles out of Picton and just as far away to the north-west from Orono the area of Fenelon Falls were suggested as sure-fire hot spots. We took up our watch for this period of time at Prince Edward Point with Jim Wright. It didn't take long to realize that the birds had not received the message that this was 'the weekend' to be in full flight.. Prince Edward Point provides a great avenue for migration being along the north shore of Lake Ontario through shrubby terrain where the birds are never that far from sight. There are no tall trees. Our list included a number of American Redstarts, Yellow Warblers, Warbling Vireos, Orioles. Nothing as far as numbers if. it was com pared with other years. Checking out the Bird Banding station at Prince Edward Point which had some eight nets out we found that indeed birds were not on the move. In fact the station closed early in the day due to the lack of birds. It was here that we learned that the main flush of birds was registered registered on May 8th and since that date things had been quiet. I was some curious, had this happened at Thickson Woods? A call to Ester Allin brought a similar similar report as had existed at - Prince Edward Point and on scanning her bird sighting sighting records also found May 8th with the greatest number of birds and species. Giving May 8th a further further boost it also happened to be May 7th that David Mudd was vocally recording recording and sighting Warblers on the move in the Skelding Road area. So the birds arrived two weeks earlier this year. Nature. would ■ have a reason. reason. Royal Lee ' with his Bluebird boxes has come out ahead with two nests of young and one with eggs. My record rests at one box with young and one box with eggs ready to hatch destroyed. This likely was undertaken by nearby nesting Wrens. There is a lot of flight traffic in and out of the nest box inhabited by Chickadees in the back yard. Four hungry mouths are wide open for food. And on top of this the pair of Great Crested Flycatchers are busy lining their nest box with grass. This pair certainly make their presence presence known with their calls and nest building activities. activities. An hour spent in the Long Sault Conservation Area recently proved somewhat somewhat interesting as we walked through a hardwood hardwood bush area. The Redeyed Redeyed Vireo was in good voice as was the Rosebreasted Grosbeak, Veery and the Qvenbird. The latter I have not heard for the past couple. Not only did I hear it at Long Sault but also saw it. To top it off we were greeted at the parking lot by an Indigo Bunting singing out from a dead limb. This bird lias been . sighted by many this spring.. Euchre Results Wednesday Night Euchre Results for May 24 High - 1) Ann Julicher & Jean Jilisen - 86, 3) June Wilson & Mae Tabb - 83, 5) Christine Overy - 77; Low - Martha Clark - 45; Draws - Edgar Millson, Clara Meuleman, t),on Thompson, Wanda McNeil. Next card party - Wed., May 31 at 8 p.m. n ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Minister Rev. Mervyn Russell Church Office 983-5502 SUNDAY SERVICES Kirby United Church at 9:30a.m. Orono United Church 11:00 a.m. "Wheelchair Açcess" ***** Sunday School Classes and Nursery faculties available during Church Services A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p.m. ■ St, Saviour's Anglican Church MILL ST., ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. David R. Saunders, CD 983-5594 • 987-2019 Sunday Service, Sunday School & Youth Group 9:30 a-.m, ***** 1st & 3rd Sunday of Month HOLY COMMUNION ***** 2nd & 4th Sunday MORNING PRAYER Congratulations A Jessica Barrie graduated on the Dean's List from the University of Waterloo with a Bachelor of Environmental Studies in Honours Geography Co-op specializing in Information Technology and minoring in Business at Wilfred Laurier University. Jessica is the daughter of Tom and Sally Barrie and granddaughter granddaughter of Charles and Alma Langmaid and Gordon and Doreen Barrie. After returning from a holiday in the UK, Jess has started her position as VP Marketing with ^CanadaStartups.com in Toronto^ Disturbance on Mill St. Twenty-two year old Tim Aldridge of Mill Street Orono was changed on May 25, for displaying an indecent caricature caricature whicli was taped to his front window. Aldridge was arrested and ( charged with causing a disturbance, disturbance, and with breach of probation. probation. He is to appear in court on June'13, in Oshawa. Newcastle Community Church Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. 390 Mill St. North (North at lights, first right to end) ~ AMPLE PARKING ~ Preaching this we^k Rev. David Chisling "Doing Well, Thanks for Asking" <3 5» w & Orono Country Cafe Full Menu Main Streèt., Orono, Ontario • 983-9009 <1 <se> & Tea Room • Wedding Cakes » Cakes for all Occasio ns « Pastries - Donuts - Pies ® Bread & Buns Closed Sunday & Monday Proprietors: Gary & Carol Vrecker Main Street, Orono 983-9779