-il j Î111V& wedne iâ>, Rm <tt 000 VMeekly Times Serving East Ciarington and beyond since 1937 Subscriptions $23.36 + $1.64 G.S.T. = $25.00/y ear Publications Mail Registration No. 09301 Publishing 50 Issues Annually at the Office of Publication 5316 Main Street, P.O. Box 209, .Orono, Ontario LOB 1M0 E-Mail Address: oronotimes@speedline.ca Phone/Fax (905) 983-5301 Publisher/Editor Marg Zwart ■\ Let the Festival begin By now most of the plans are in place for the first ever Great Canadian Town Band Festival . With the help of the multitude of volunteers and Festival supporters, everything will fall into place, and by next week it will all be a memory, undoubtedly a very pleasant one. The Festival's organizing committee have done their level best to present a superb line-up for this first ever event, beginning beginning with the kick-off BBQ and Military Tattoo Friday evening right to the final horn blasts late Sunday afternoon. The Canada Day Parade and Picnic Committee have also put together another great, unique to Orono,'Canada Day celebration. celebration. With all the excitement and build up to the great happenings of the weekend, it is easy to see how the really big event got missed. This would be the Hooper's Cup Canada Day Baseball Challenge, at the Orono Park ball diamond. The Orono Firefighters went home with the trophy last year, but will again have to defeat the fiercely competitive Orono Amateur Athletic Association Team if they want to keep the trophy for another year. The second match-up of.the day, the game between the Newcastle Chamber of Commerce, and the Orono BIA will the the game to watch. Though no match for the athleticism of the Firefighters or the Athletic Association , these teams have a brawn all their own. It's a brand new season, and with the prestigious Hooper's Cup up for grabs, anything can happen. Have a great Canada Day! Coortiee residents don' want tne sidewaE Day in. Day out? There's .a palpable excitement excitement m the air. it's everywhere everywhere you look, it's what you can't help but see even if you are trying desperately to avoid it-it's the new Canadian Alliance and they are about to get a new leader. By all accounts it is going to be Stockwell Day. He managed to take a blistering win in the first ballot and threatens to do the same in the second. Preston Manning is going to have a hard time competing with this .tidal wave of support and Tom Long is already out of the running. running. But I've managed to sit down and think about all of this in the last little while and there are a couple of things that I don't feel entirely comfortable comfortable about. For. one, the support for Stockwell Day and his camp seems a bit odd. He's not exactly a versed politician even though he was in the Ralph Klein cabinet. He's kind of a young guy and he doesn't seem to have the background of a Manning nor the air of a Paul Martin. Sure he's vibrant and energetic, or . so it looks with all those pictures pictures of him jogging or with his running shoes firmly in hand, but such things just won't, be enough to win you the Prime Minister's chair. You need some kind of background background that alludes to strength of character and persistent ambition. You need to be able to appeal to the spirited, the cynical, the jovial and the obtuse. And you need to look like the guy who is going to fight for the future of this country all in the same breath. Now, far be it from me to even imply that Day doesn't - uave what it takes. He's been a reverend, he's lived up north in what is now the province of Nunavut, he's lived in .Quebec, in Ontario, and in the Atlantic provinces. He's been a lumberjack somewhere, he fixed cars somewhere, he's done a number of things that all impress me remarkably. But still, there is this feel that something is just not quite right. 1 can't exactly put my ' finger on it... F guess it's this 'jack-of- 1 all-trades' business' that really concerns hie. It's this inability inability for Day to clearly describe exactly what he plans on doing for the party. I can see why it would win you a léad- ershjp .campaign, because everyone thinks that he is just like them, "hey, I was a lumberjack, lumberjack, this guy must know what it's like to be me." And it appeals to all the big name backbenchers because they think he's malleable enough for them to twist a little here and compromise a bit there and 'voilai your pet project is being tabled. This is why Day has been so successful in getting getting totally incommensurable people (the social libertarians in Ontario and the anti-abortion anti-abortion groups in the west, for instance) to both be on his . side. But at some point, he's going to need an image..uhm...let's just call it, 'adjustment'. He'S goihg to have to change from that young and compromising appeafance (a consensus builder) to a man of character, principle and ambition (a leader). We're going to 'have to know exactly what he plans to do for us and what his party is going to demand of us in ~ order to be able to plan for ourselves. People, like business business owners, family folks, recipients of social assistance, teachers, doctors etc., are all going to have to account for various contingencies in order to figure out how they're going to budget and invest in the years ahead. A 'wait and see' attitude is just not going to fly when so much is going to be at stake, It's this latter image change that is going to pose such serious troubles. Very soon Day will have to take a stand on the issue of abortion, for instance. If he chooses one way, he'll lose some supporters, supporters, if he goes the other, he'll lose some supporters. He's going to be forced to not merely band about words like 'principle, vision and ambition' ambition' but actually have to provide provide a definition of what, exactly, he plans on being 'principled, visioned and ambitious' about. It's easy enough to say you're going to do. two . incommensurable tilings (take being fiscally conservative and increasing social spending, for instance), ' and then blame the prior government government for leaving it in a 'worse budgetary, position' than you had calculated for. It's formulaic. But boy, oh, boy does it rub people the wrong way. , So expect Day to be all poodle-y smiles and affection now, but soon, very soon, you'll see something else. That is, of course, if he wants to be seen as a Prime Ministerial contender. So, yeah, we now have a new party and, very soon, a new leader. Let's just hope that this new leader is the same guy we voted for in the first place. ■ Several Nash Road Court! ce residents came out to Monday evening's council meeting to speak' against building sidewalks on the north side of Nash Road. These residents live across the street from Courtice Secondary School, and rnàny of them told of the harassment they already endure from the High School students. "Please do not enforce us to endure any more aggravation aggravation by inviting these students onto our side of the road," said one of the residents. The same women presented presented council with a petition of 34 names, where only 3 were in favour of the sidewalk on the north side of the road. "With the limited number of homes on this side of the road, a sidewalk is not needed," she said. Councillor Mutton put forward forward a motion to look at the sidewalk issue on the north side of Courtice Road, in one year. Councillor Young said • he coiisd not support that motion, but Would rather see a motion that no sidewalk be built on that portion of Nash Road. If the people don't want it, why build it? ; It was pointed out by Councillor. Rowe,' that with 'the type of road Nash would eventually become, it was slated to have sidewalks on both sides. She could not support support a motion to spend money in re-addressing the issue after one year, when sidewalks sidewalks would eventually come. "It is our job to convey people safely," she stated. The majority of residents need this sidewalk, if they had an alternative, they would walk on the,north side, this is an issue of the sidewalk, not the students," she stated. Novak, Schell and Trim supported Mutton's motion to Ipok at the situation in a year. SUBSCRIBE I PROMINENT PtoFKSOR OF MATHEMATICS EXAMINES' TUE FORMULA USED 10 DETERMINE PAY INCREASE-