2 - Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday. July 5. 2000 ^ ORONO Weekly Times Serving East Clarington and beyond since I 937 Subscriptions $23.36 + $1.64 G.S.T. = $25.00/year Publications Mail Registration No. 09301 Publishing 50 Issues Annually at the Office of Publication 5310 Main Street, P.O. Box 209, Qrono, Ontario LOB 1MQ E-Mail Address: oronotimes@speedline.ca Phone/Fax (905) 983-5301 Publisher/Editor Marg Zwart Festival fever Festival fever has come and gone, and hopefully so has the Liberty Bell March. If I ever hear that tune again, it will be once too often. . I want to take this opportunity to personally thank David Climenhage for allowing the vision of a Great Canadian Town Band Festival to take a hold of him, and having the courage to see it through. Of course Dave had a lot of help along the way, from his wife Judy, committee members and the community at large. 1 would also like to thank the community for getting behind the project and for all the volunteers who gave up their holiday weekend to help out at the Festival. There isn't room enough in this space to thank all those who helped, and I'm sure I don't even know where all the help came from, but we all know it takes the cooperation of an entire community to pull off an event such as we had on the weekend. Festival goers I spoke to on the weekend, many of them from out of town, said they had always passed Orono on the 115, and never had any reason to pull off. Everyone was impressed with our little village. We know there's no reason to stay on the Hwy., but the word has got to get out. I must apologize for not giving the Canada Day Picnic the coverage it deserved. Being on the Festival Committee and manager of the BIA ball team, 1 found myself spread pretty thin on July 1st. Whipping that ball team into shape was a major undertaking, and judging by the beating we took at the hands of the Newcastle Chamber of Commerce, 1 didn't do a veiy good job. So many people have asked if the Band Festival was a success? success? That depends on how you measure success. The Festival ran smoothly, everyone had a good time; volunteers volunteers and festival goers alike, the bands were glad to be here, and everyone was impressed with the calibre of bands who played here over the weekend. So, it goes without saying, the Festival was a great success. There were some glitches, and eveyone's graciously pointed them out. The venues were too far apart, and we'shouldn't have planned the festival for the long weekend, were two of the main concerns. It's, no secret, we would have liked to see more people come out to the festival We have learned a lot from this first attempt, which will be reflected in next year's Festival. The important thing was, everyone who came out this year went home inspired, and I know many are looking forward to the Great Canadian Town Band Festival II, ... . Letter to the Editor 1, Weiner West and the rest of the Orono Orphans would like to thank Gary Armstrong for putting on the movies of our homecoming and celebration of the Orono Orphans championship. Also, the other things at the various events that were on the tape. P. 5, Thanks again, Gary. The. Great Orono Orphans. ' , " T SUBSCRIBE TO THE ORONO WEEKLY TIMES ' $25,00 ■ a year. COUNCIL BRIEFS These notes were taken at the General Purpose and Administration Committee Meeting of the Municipality of Clarington, Monday, July 3, 2000, beginning at 9:30 a.m. The meeting was held in the Municipal Council Chambers. Parking meters adapted Parking meters in downtown downtown Bowmanville will need an adapter kit installed before they will be able to read the new coins soon to be circulated circulated by the Canadian mint. The new alloy plated steel core coins will have a different different "electronic signature" than coins currently in circulation. circulation. Adapter kits are available from the parking meter manufacturer, manufacturer, Mackay Meters, for $25 each, The Town of Bowmanville has 184 of the electronic meters. The $4,600 plus taxes and any applicable service costs will be drawn from th Parking Reserve Fund. Child abuse prevention Council approved a "Child Abuse Prevention Procedure" manual put forward Community Services Department to be im plemented plemented for theiir 2000 summer programs. programs. Recognizing that legislation legislation requires that all employees employees report suspected cases of abuse to the Children's Aid Society or police promptly, the Department felt the need to ensure staff were competent competent to identify these cases. In addition, a staff person entrusted with the care of children, must know how to avoid situations in which they may be accused of abuse or neglect. The manual includes a list of indicators of abuse, and procedures to follow if they themselves are accused of abuse. An annual meeting with the Durham Regional Police and the Children's Aid Society will be set up to review all the information required to protect the program program staff from sexual harassment/abuse harassment/abuse charges. On Street Parking permits available Members of Council approved a one year trial of an initiative allowing on-street parking by permit. By purchasing a parking permit, motorists will be exempt from the 3 hour maximum maximum on-street, parking restriction, and the "No Parking between 3 a.m. to 5 section of the Traffic By-law., This initiative was' driven by numerous complaints of residents who have- been getting getting tickets for parking on • Clarington streets over night. A 24 hour permit will cost $10, a weekly permit $25, and a monthly permit $57. "Probably at these prices people will say, T won't bother, bother, I'll take a chance' but it does offer an alternative," stated Councillor Jim Schell. "Many council's have wrestled with this, and ultimately ultimately nothing has changed," said Schell. "We could stick our heads in the sand and keep enforcing our by-laws." he added. Now when people ask, "Where am I supposed to ' park? we can tell them to get a permit" A parking ticket currently costs $15. During snow storms, the 'No parking between 3 a.m and 5 a.m.' still applies. Library design approved Councillors approved a preliminary design for the construction of a new Bowmanville Main Branch Library and expansion of the Municipal Centre. An additional $1,040,000 has been added to the cost of construction. This additional amount brings the proposed budget for the Library addition addition to the Municipal Centre to $8.3 million. Ground breaking ceremonies ceremonies have been rescheduled rescheduled to 2:00 p.m. Wednesday, July 12, instead of this Thursday. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE 983-5301 by a.m.