10 - Orono Weekly Urnes, Wednesday, October 4, 2000 Emergency math party Blair Smith, John Climenhage arid Eric Dreslinski prepare for their ricpoming concert and CD launch In advance of their CD launch, Orono's latest rock sensation, Thneed, have made a virtual version of their album available on a new web site. The group, made up of Blair Smith - bass guitar, John Climenhage - percussion and vocals, and Eric Dreslinski on guitar and key boards have been working on this CD project project for a better part of a year. The CD entitled, 'Emergency Math' contains seven original songs, three of which are available in MP3 version on their web site; www.tlmeedit.com. Emergency Math will be launched in disc form at Thneed's first concert, on October 28, 2000, at the Orono Town Hall. Tickets are available from the Chapman East Gallery, or by calling 983-9908. Cost for the Halloween Bash/Launch Party is $7.00. Prizes will be given for the best costume. • Grade 10 testing a must Next week Wednesday and Thursday, every grade ten student across the entire province will be engrossed in a standardized literacy test. The Annual Grade 10 Test of Reading and Writing Skills, is designed to measure measure how well students are meeting the reading and writing expectations, across subjects, in the provincial provincial curriculum up to the end of Grade 9. After this year, every student student must pass the literacy test before they receive a high school diploma. "Because the tes't is new, this year grade 10's have been told they do not have to be successful in test, fo get their diploma," stated Clarke High School Principal, Leigh Facey-Crowther in an interview interview with The Times last week. However, whethdr they pass or fail the test will be marked on their transcript. Every time that students goes for a job interview, or tries to get into a college or university, the literacy test result will be on the transcript. transcript. Facey-Crowther is urging students and parents to take this testing seriously. On October 11 and 12' grade ten students will begin class with a 15 minute instruction session, followed by two 60 minute testing sessions sessions broken up by a 15 minute break. Thirty minutes after the class begins, doors are locked and students who are late, will not have the opportunity to write the test. "If you're not there on Wednesday, don't bother showing up on Thursday," said Facey- Crowther. "There is no opportunity to make up the test, and you can't write 1/2 a test." Students who do not write the test will have an 'incomplete' marked on their transcript. "Our goal is to get everyone everyone to pass," stated Facey- _ Crowther. Parents are asked not to book doctor and dentist appointments for October 11 and 12, to see that their grade 10 students come to school well rested. Test results should be back to schools by January 2001. "When the results come in, we will look at what are we doing well, or not doing well. If kids aren't reading maps and charts well, we'll have to look at the Geography Departments, says Facey-Crowther. It's not just an English problem," he stated. Tests will not be graded, students will either pass or fail. However, students who fail will be given some indication indication where their weak spots were. Considerations will be given to students with identified identified learning disabilities. Teachers will be preparing students for testing, next week Tuesday, going over some practice tests. Teachers will have to sign an affidavit confirming they did not share any information that was on the test. Tests will be tightly secured till they are handed out Wednesday morning. According to Facey- Crowther, students and parents parents can access practice tests, and further testing information information at the Education Quality and Accountability Office web site at www.eqao.com. "I do think, for the average average kid that comes in and writes the test, it will be fine," says Fatiey-Crowther, "it will be one less thing to worry about. s£ •V <sjk Orono Country Ccife Full Menu Main Street., Orono, Ontario • 983-9009 21/2 to 6 years, limited spaces. Year round, 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Please call (905) 983-5016 webs www.xoocamp.net 3667 Concession 6, | R. R. #1, Orono, LOB 1MO Jungle Ceil World MASARU KARATE CLUB CLASSES MONDAY, TUESDAY 8 THURSDAY EVENINGS FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT RICHARD JONES EMAIL: rick.teruko@sympatico.ca TELEPHONE: (905) 786-2793 FAX: (905) 786-1031 '■ Let us help X tf Si. gjffij m finance your dreams! W 3 ! DUC A Mortgage#* 6 month closed , . . . 7.25% 6 month convertible . ........ 7.25% 1 year closed r ......... 7.35% 3 years closed . . . . . ........ 7.55% 5 years closed 7.65% * Rat es subje'çt to change without notice ■kDUCA CREDIT UNION Oshawa & Bowmanville Branches, Manager Paul Muller • 15 Charles Street Phone: (905) 728-4658 1 E-mail: duca.info@duca.com 136 King Street East Phone: (905) 623-6343 Internet: www.duca.com r «8- 5 M™ ANNUAL MODEL MILROU SHOT Saturday,.Oct. 14, 2000 -11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 15, 2000 - 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. BOWMANVIlll HIGH SCHOOL 49 Liberty Street North, Bowmanville, Ontario Operating layouts StatU Displays Vendors Adults $3 • Seniors $2 Children $2 • Family $6 King Street Bowmanville High School Hwy 401 Exit 432 Sponsored by SOPER VALLEY MODEL RAILROAD CLUB Visual Arts Centre, Bowmanville, Ontario