Orono Weekly Times. Wednesday, October 18, 2000 Clarington Library So, what is the difference between cheetahs and leopards, leopards, donkeys and mules, dolphins dolphins and porpoises, crows and ravens, bees and wasps? That very question, posed to Freelance Editor Judy Diehl, by Annick Press publisher, publisher, Rick Wilks, sent Diehl and David Plumb on a 3 1/2 year quest to find the answers. "It sounds like a simple idea, said Diehl in an interview, last week, "but once you start, it gets -very complicated." While the couple tried to keep the text interesting as well as informative, they admit, until they saw the illustrated illustrated version, they felt rather blaze about it. Illustrator Vlasta van Kampen wanted to show the pairs of animals in their own habitat and that's what makes this book work will, said Diehl in an interview interview last week. "Kids actually find the book interesting," she says, "hopefully it's a good way to get a bit of knowledge." The first draft of What's the Difference? explored 20 pairs of animals that look similar similar but are in fact very different. different. After several teams of scientists from the Canadian Museum of Nature went through the material, Diehl and Plumb dècided to scale back their project by half. Along the way they learned many interesting facts like: a killer whale is really a dolphin; it's the largest dolphin. dolphin. Black panthers are really really leopards with spots, you just can't see them. Ravens are heavier than crows, that's why they appear to bounce on the road before take-off while crows can leap straight into the air. And one that didn't make it into the book; toad push their food down to their throats with the back of their eye balls. What's the Difference? was released in September and is available at book stores, online, and should be at your local library. Electrid Library Canada and the Ontario Library Association are pleased to invite public library patrons from across the province to participate in "The Ontario. Public Library Research Contest", in conjunction with Ontario Public Library Week. Visit your local branch of the Clarington Public library to access the contest via the Internet stations. You will be asked to find the answer to a research question and submit submit it to Electric Library Canada throùgh an electronic electronic ballot. All eligible entries with the correct response will be subject to a random draw on November 1, 2000. The Grand Prize winner will receive a $500 gift certificate from Chapters.ca. In addition to the 'grand prize, the first runner-up will receive a $100 gift certificate from Chapters.ca and the second runner-up will receive a $50 gift certificate from Chapters.ca. The contest began on Monday, October 16 and ends on October 29th at 5:00 p.m. "The Ontario Public Library Research Contest" is a great opportunity for members members of the public to discover how local libraries have adopted information technology. technology. Please join the Clarington Public Library in celebrating of this year's Ontario Public Library Week them - "It's Not by the Book Anymore." It's your chance to win! Electric Library Canada is an online research database containing full-text articles from over 500 magazines, 200 newspapers and hundreds hundreds of reference works and journals. It also contains over 135,000 photos, 2,700 maps, and over 200,000 television, radio and government transcripts. transcripts. Anyone with a valid Clarington Public Library card may access this service at any branch or through the library's website, www.clar- ington-library.on.ca ALL CANDIDATES MEETING The Newcastle and District Chamber of Commerce and the Newcastle J3IA are hosting an All-Candidates Meeting for the upcoming municipal elections. All interested citizens are invited to attend. Tuesday, October 24, 2000 7:30 p.m. Newcastle Community Hall Newcastle and District Chamber of Commerce MASARU KARATE CLUB CLASSES MONDAY, TUESDAY & THURSDAY EVENINGS * FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT RICHARD JONES EMAIL: rlck.teruko@sympatlco.ca TELEPHONE: (905) 786-2793 FAX: (905) 786-1031 ORONO CHIROPRACTIC and EXERCISE CENTRE Ef nest Scht oeder, B.Sç. D.C. Doctor o f Chiropractic 5331 Main Street, Box 150, Orono LOB 1M0 Telephone (905) 983-5510 Community Commitment Fleet 1,001 1V1£ • Elected presently to second term as vice-president vice-president Newcastle/Bond Head Taxpayer Association • Elected School Board Tmstee 1994-1997 • Elected to Durham Region Labour Council 12 years • Volunteer Clarington Co- Chair of the Durham College University Creating Futures Campaign • Member of the Newcastle Lions and Knights of Columbus • Volunteer to Durham Region Schools instructing instructing students about Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety issues. ' Ward 4 Local Councillor Hjjjp "I-believe in a no-nonsense approach to governing, when a person asks a question they deserve OH answer, not smoke and mirrors. The municipal process must become mote inclusive " . Cecil Mackesey A candidate with a track record of commitment and accountability to the community My Pledge to Ward 4: "1 will work to protect the best interests of our community"