( Orono Weekly Times. Wednesday, October 25. 2000- 1S~ Durham Region 7.1 per cent OTTAWA - The annual rate of housing starts in Canada rose 7.1 per cent in September to 156.400 units compared to 146.000 in August, according to Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). Urban multiples starts were up 20.5 per cent to 63,000 units, compared to 52,300 in August. Urban singles singles starts decreased 0.4 per cent from 72,700 units in August to 72,400 in September. "Fluctuations are quite common in the residential construction sector," said Claude Lapointe, Senior Economist at CMHC's Market Analysis Centre. "They reflect building startup startup and construction phases and after the downturn in August, a rise was expected in September given the current current positive economic context. context. British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario were mainly responsible for this increase." In British Columbia, 13,400 urban starts were recorded last month, up 50.6 per cent from August, Singles CAR CARE Is your battery tough enough? No matter where you live, Canada is a cold country in winter. When the first severe cold wave arrives you may discover that your faithful old battery no longer has the power to get your car started. A battery's output decreases as temperature drops, so a battery that was doing its job during the warm summer months, may only have half of its output when the thermometer thermometer dips below freezing' Meanwhile, your cold engine may need twice the starting power. If your car is hard to start because of a weak battery, you should consider replacing replacing it before it lets you down. When buying a battery you'll be selecting from among several several within the size range that fits your car. In addition to the price, there are other factors which you should consider when buying your battery: cold cranking amps (explained below), reserve capacity, and length and type of warranty. Cold cranking amps refers to the engine starting (cranking), (cranking), output at -17 degrees Celsius for 30 seconds. A starter may draw 400 amps, so at -17 degrees C it would not take long on a cold Canadian winter morning to drain a battery rated at 300 cold cranking amps. Reserve capacity refers tp the length of time the battery will hold up without recharging. recharging. This usually is expressed in amperes of output per so many minutes. When comparing comparing battery specifications, ypu should compare output and reserve On the same amperage per time basis. Typically, the reserve capacity capacity rating will refer to the amount of time a battery can produce 26 amps at 27 degrees Celsius. (Headlights may draw about 15 amps versus a tail light's 1.5 amps.) When idling along in stop- and-go traffic, with the heater) defroster, tape deck, and lights turned on, the electrical system is carrying a heavy load. It's comforting to know there is a strong battery battery under the hood. That security is well worth the effort of evaluating the best battery for your particular car. Remember, replacing the battery is no substitute for were up 5.2 per tient and multiples shot up 135.5 per cent. Vancouver starts were up 47.4 per cent to 8,400. Prairie urban starts rose 13.1 per cent in September to 26.700 units due mainly to a 22.5 per cent increase in multiples and a 7.5 per cent increase in singles. Ontario urban starts rose 8.4 per cent to 67,3000 units in September, primarily due to a 19.6 per cent increase in multiples. Singles starts stayed the same as in August. Toronto starts at 39.700 units were up 10.Q percent. In Quebec, urban starts were down 6.0 per cent to 21,900 units from 23,300 in August. Multiples rose 4.7 per cent but singles were down 15.1 per cent. Montreal starts at 16,300 units increased 4.5 per cent from August. In the Atlantic Region, urban starts were down 14.1 per cent to 6,100 units. Activity increased in New Brunswick and Newfoundland but decreased in Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia. screening To decrease deaths from breast cancer, Durham Region Health Department is encouraging women over the age of 50 to have a mammogram mammogram every two years. Research has shown that mammography is effective in finding small breast cancers that cannot be detected through a breast physical examination. "According to a 1999 Durham Region Health Department survey, women in Durham Region are doing well with 77 per cent of those aged 50 to 69 indicating that they've had a mammogram in the last two years," says Sandra Fujino-Timothy, a public health nurse with the Health Department. Organized breast screening screening programs have the advantage of having systematic systematic procedures to ensure top quality mammograms occur and results are followed up, promoting early detection. In Ontario, the Ontario Breast Screening Program (OBSP), a service co-ordinated by Cancer Care Ontario, is a program geared toward women 50 years of age and older. In Durham Region, the OBSP site is Port Perry Imaging, 462 Paxton St., Port Perry. To book an appointment appointment call (905) 985-9727. The OBSP offers screening mammography and information information on breast self-examination. self-examination. In addition, the program a cancer tool sends out reminder letters to notify women when it's time for their next mammogram. Women can make appointments appointments directly with the OBSP or appointments can be made through their doctor. "Early detection through a mammogram has allowed us to identify numerous women who are in the early stages of breast cancer," explains Dr, Robert Kyle, Medical Officer of Health for Durham Region. "Early intervention has allowed these women to lead healthy fives today because they have had the benefit of breast screening with mammography." mammography." In addition to the Port Perry OBSP site, there are several other locations throughout Durham Region where women can have a mammogram. For more information on these sites, please call the Durham Health Connection Line at (905) 723-8521 or 1-800- 841-2729, ext. 2158. Got a Sports Story to Toil? CaM the Orono Times Northeull Elliott Funeral Home THOUGHTFULNESS, SERVICE & CONCERN A F airily Owned Business, Offering: Traditional Funeral Services Pre-arranged & Prepaid Services - Cremation Arrangements Alternatives to Traditional Funerals - Out of Town Shipping CORY KUIPERS - PRESIDENT 53 Division Street, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 2Z8 623-5668 OFF STREET PARKING r I I I: I: j Pedicures/Manicures Waxing Nail Extensions Ear Candling Eyelash Tinting ESTHETIC STUDIO Air Brushing Electronic Muscle Stimulate (EMS) Paraffin Wax Brigitte I Brown H *** Gift Certificates | Available I 11 î ' with coupon | 171 Mill Street, Orono, ON LOB 1M0 • (905) 983-8169 regularly maintaining your vehicle. If an engine Is in borderline borderline condition, needs a valve job or tune-up, even a strong battery may not get the car started. Where can you get an automotive battery? In addition addition to retail outlets and department stores, you may also want to go to your local automotive parts wholesaler. Many of them will also accept your old battery and dispose of it properly. Car Care Canada encourages encourages you to dispose of your battery properly. Did you know that one pound of lead from a battery or other source can contaminate 7,000,000 gallons of water, making it unfit for human consumption (the average car battery contains 17 to 23 lbs. of lead)! Canadian automotive automotive battery manufacturers participate in battery recycling recycling programs across the country. Today, millions of units of scrap batteries are . returned and disposed of in an environmentally safe fashion. fashion. Xerrens Wellness Centre A friendly place for your health needs... and Gifts to lift your spirit 5324 Main Street, Orono next to Apple Blossom Shop (905) 983-5000 We carry... 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