: 1 dÇ Orono We 000-15 Academic Awards Honour Clarke Students Community awards winners at the Clarke Annual Academic Awards presentation: Students in the intermediate grades were recognized for their academic prowess at Clarke High School's annual Academic Achievement Awards ceremony which was held Wednesday (Nov. 1/00) evening. Community award winners were, left to right: Lyndsey Harness - highest standing in Grade 11 Geography, Jessica Henderson - The Pauline Storks Award -- Highest Standing in Grade 11 History (HCW), Will Lofgren - Newcastle Lion's Club -- highest highest standing in Grade 11 History, Stephanie Cameron and Carly Schmahl - Bowmanville Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion -- Highest Standing in Grade 10 English. Absent - Amanda Willson -- Outstanding Academic Achievement in Grade 9. A crowd of nearly 200 stu- High School Academic M c C r a c k e n , H a 11 i e dents , and their families Awards 2000 McKinnnon, Cara Murray, packed the gymnasium to see Honours Certificates Mark O'Boyle, Ashlynn Students honoured for obtain- Becky Adams, Trevor Allin, Ostrander, Geoff Rivers, Erin ing the highest marks in their Sheila Angl, Carolyn Barber, Rutherford, Carly Schmahl, classes or making the honour Anna Barker, Sarah Bell, Michelle Schyff, Kari Squire, roll with an average exceed- Alexandra Blight, Heather Wes Stephenson, Jennifer ing 80%. Teachers from vari- Boyd, Nicholas Boyd, Stewart, Noah Sturrock, ous subjects were joined by Rachel Brittain, Jaime Brunt, Kayli Tessier, Jonathon Trustees Nancy Coffin and Brenda Burt, Stephanie Touw, Mike Trotman, Laura Bob Willsher and community Cameron, Krystle Campbell, Tutkoluk, Yvonne Verkuyl, representatives in presenting Shawna Campbell, Sarah Ashley Waggoner, Lisa certificates and plaques to the Carter, Shaughn Caswell, Welch, Amanda Willson, students who were enrolled in • Jennifer Cox, Chistopher, Laura Woo, Brad Wood, grades nine through eleven Crichton, Liz Dewell, Patrick Nathan Wright, during the 1999-2000 school Dewell, Brydon Eady, Adrian year. Clarke's principal, Mr. Ede, Peter Etmanskie, Tyler Award Winners Leigh Facey-Crowther, con- Ferguson, Niki Forsyth, Applied Arts and gratulated the award winners Devin Francey, Ryan Frank, Technology. and said that Senior students Mara G oral, Laura Greer, Introduction to Information are recognized during gradua- Amanda Griffin, Ashley Technology: Jonathan tion ceremonies but it's equal- Hand, Lyndsay Harness, Lewis, ly important to acknowledge Lindsay Hawkshaw, Russell Integrated Technologies: the academic skills of the Hawley, Amanda Johnson, Kathryn Bugelli. younger students. Darrell Kennedy, Beth Technological Design: The Clarke School Council > Knapp, Jessica Knapp, Adrian Ede, Jennifer under the leadership of Mrs. Stacey Knight, Jennifer Stewart. Kay McCoustra helped by Lament, Jonathan Lewis, Business Software , decorating the cafeteria with Will Lofgren,- Peter Louws, Applications: flowers and providing refresh- Kyle MacDonald, Megan Tiffany Wilson, ments for the reception which M a c G re g o r, Me 1 i s s a Computer Science: followed the awards ceremo- Maynard,Nicole Peter Etmanskie. ny. McCoii nac hie, Ry an Entrepreneurship: Rosanna Yankanah. Business English: Amanda Storks. Law: Ryan McCracken. Introductory Accounting: Heather Boyd. Communications Technology: Rachel Brittain. Yearbook: Rosanna Yankanah Construction Technology Tell Stacheruk. Mark McAlister, Shane Holliday. The Arts: Music Lisa Lunn, Trevor Allin, Stephanie Cameron, Shawna Campbell. Art : Kathy Bugelli, Pat Dewell, Ryan Howe, Jennifer Stewart, Aaron Rypstra, Anna Barker. Drama: Shannon Burtt, Rachel Brittain. COOP; Carolyn Barber, Sarah Bell, Rob Bilcox, Crystal Bittorf, Amanda Darrach, Leigh-Ann Foote, Alan Forbes, Ashley Hand, Derek Heerschop, Leanne Knapp, Paul Landers, Will Lofgren, David Lywak, Andrea Mark, Nicole Marrett, Jim Maye, Eryp McGlynn, Aniesha Mohammed, \ Michelle Netusil, Matthew O'Halloran, Angie Pereira, Luke Porter, Glen Preece, Sarah Prescott, Erin Rutherford, Tricia Rylance, Justin Standeven, Noah Sturrock, Jennifer Thiele, Chrissy Thomas, Robert Walton, ' Robert Walton, Scott Wébb, Jonathan Whitehead, Neil Williamson, Scott Wood, English: ENG 1D1 - Amanda Jqhnson, ENG 1P1 - Trevor Allin, Pat Dewell, Kyle MacDonald, Jennifer Lamont, Chad Wood, ENG141 -Leanne Topper, Tyler Ferguson, Amanda Griffin, Stephanie Cameron, Carly Schmàhl, ENS2BS - Jay Wagg, Aaron Rypstra, Brad MacMillan, Ryan McCracken, Rachel Brittain, Stephanie Cameron, Will Lofgren. Global Issues: Pat Dewell, Amanda Johnson, Jennifer Lamont. Freneh: Carly Schmahl, Anna Barker. Geography: CGE 1D1 - Amanda Willson , CGE 1P1 Christopher Lyttle, Lyndsey Harness, History; Carly Schmahl, David Seager, Jay Wagg, Jessica Henderson, Will Lofgren, Family Studies: Amanda Spencer, Becky Adams, Anna Barker, Maryanne Marcotte, Marley Gimblett, Amanda Griffen. Mathematics: Stacey -Knight, Jessica Knapp, Neil Runciman, Carly Schmahl, Amanda Griffin, .Trevor Glover, Will Lofgren, Krystle .Campbell, .Chris Forbes. University of Waterloo Math Contest Pascal Contest Ryan Tate, Fermat Contest Will Lofgren Phvs Ed: Kyle Searle, Laura Greer, Nick Boyd, Carly Schmahl, Noah Sturrock, Scott Wood, Sarah Bell, Marley Gimblett * Science : Amanda Willson , Corey Eastwood, Brandon Reaman, Trevor Allin, Russell Hawley, Amanda Willson, Cory Eastwood, Brandon Reaman, Trevor Allin, Neil Runciman, Adrian Ede, Becky Adams, Anna Barker, Mike Courts, Will Lofgren, Krystle Campbell. Overall Academic Achievement: Amanda Willson. 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