2 - Orono weekly Ttolg$. Wednesday, November 22, 2QQ0 ")» ORono Weekly Times Serving East Clarington and'beyond since 1937 Subscriptions $23.36 + $1.64 G.S.T. = $25.00/year Publications Mail Registration No. 09301 Publishing 50 Issues Annually at the Office of Publication "We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Publications Assistance Program (PAP), toward our mailing costs" 5310 Main Street, P.O. Box 209, Orono, Ontario LOB 1M0 E-Mail Address: oronotimes@speedline.ca Phone/Fax (905) 983-5301 Publisher/Editor Marg Zwart Talk is cheap After next Monday, our roadsides will once again be free of the election sign blight which began very early in October. Monday night's televised debate in Bowmanville, though civil, was somewhat flat. No doubt the absence of the candidate for the official opposition party took the heat out of the local debate. I have never met the man, and I probably should have called his office to see why he planned not to participate in the local debate. However, I believe that if he was serious about his candidacy, barring an emergency, he should have involved himself in the debate. Though the ailing national health care system is receiving much national attention, it was hardly mentioned at the debate. The health care system is beginning to unravel due to issues of funding. This at a time when the country is enjoying enjoying a period of economic growth and prosperity,and while the government is sitting on a huge budgetary surplus. During the course of the evening, Shepherd took credit for his government's initiative to link rural communities across the county to the information highway, via internet link-ups at schools and libraries. A lot of good access to the information highway and universal universal health care are, to the desperate community of Sheshatshiu Labrador, where treatment is not available to the gasoline sniffing children and teens. The remote Labrador community has pleaded for help. The money is available, and the expertise exists to get help up there immediately. And we see ourselvls aâ a civilized country? explained Sergeant Bowles. against the family. "The Office of the Sheriff A ruling from the chose to stand it down till the Supreme Court of Ontario, appeal was dismissed." on May 24, 1990, stated that "It all falls on a bunch of $25,000 of payments made concocted lies," said Emedi's by the Plaintiffs was missu- lawyer Domenic Rosso, plied by the Credit Union, Friday afternoon. "The and they Were not in default appeal process has not been under any of the mortgages, exhausted yet," he stated. In the meantime, the According to Rosso, they Emedi's have been embroiled had 30 days from the day the in numerous court actions, decision was made, triggered by the incident in (November 10) to file an 1976. application for 'leave to Emedi's say they were appeal' to the Supreme Court given no prior warning that of Canada. final eviction would occur on "The one page decision Friday, made by Judge Laskin was , The Emedi home and inaccurate, with three or four property are under 24 hour grounds for appeal," stated surveillance, and should the Rosso. Emedi's try to return to their The eviction of . the home, they will be trespass- Emedi's from their home fol- inglows inglows a chain of events which According to the Sheriff, date back to 1976. At that TRT will pay to have the ' time their lending agency, the Emedi's belongings packed . Croatian Credit Union, and stored till they find more placed a default judgement permanent accommodations. Work has been progressing , to its first anniversary, having to get yet another section of received certification as a Orono under the Neighbourhood Watch com- Neighbourhood Watch munity one year ago. umbrella. • Marianne Winter is still Shelley Etmanskie, an canvassing residents in the Ochonski Rd. resident will be downtown core looking for a canvassing the 40 homes on few Block Captains. Once that road within the next that area is covered, residents week, looking for one more can put a Neighbourhood block captain. Watch sticker in their window, North Orono is coming up letting people know it is not an unprotected area. It is important to get that area covered covered says Marianne, because a lot of vandalism happens downtown. Bonnie Jackson has spearheaded spearheaded the initiative to get south Orono organized into blocks, with the necessary captains. Once an area is certified, the Neighbourhood Watch road signs are installed, notifying notifying any would-be criminal, that they are entering a watchful watchful neighbourhood. Correction Last week's front page story .recording the Municipal election stated Mary Novak received ,3,800 more votes than John Mutton in Ward 1. That number was incorrect. It should have been reported that Mary Novak was ahead in Ward 1 by 600 votes. We regret the error. Re-use PITCH-IN CANADA www.pitch-in.ca Emedi (cènt, from page 1) fact that Mrs. Emedi was not conversive in the English language language further complicated the situation. The mother was transported by ambulance ambulance to Bowmanville hospital, hospital, where she was released a few hours later. "I sympathize with their plight," stated Bowles, "but it is not my position to questiôn the validity of the order, my job is to enforce the court order." An hour later, with nothing nothing but a few items of clothing, clothing, and a plastic bag containing containing documents in the trunk of their white Cadillac, the rest of the family drove off their property, their home for the past 21 years. Mr. Emedi claims he and his two sons are now sleeping in the car. "They forced us out of our own home, just like terrorists," terrorists," exclaimed Mr. Emedi. In 1998 TRT Sand and Gravel purchased the 420 acres of land on which the family home is' situated, from the Sheriff's Department for $525,000. Acting on an Order to Vacate, issued in November 1999, the Sheriff came to the Emedi home on December 1st, and asked the family to leave. The Em'edis refused. Subsequently TRT's lawyers applied to get an order to physically remove the residents. In December of 1999, the Emedis retained a lawyer to appeal the 'Writ of Possession' directing them to give possession of their land and premises to TRT without, delay. That appeal was dismissed dismissed on Friday, November TO, 2000, prompting the Sheriff to take action. According to the Sheriff's Department, even though Emedi's lawyer did appeal the 'Writ of Possession' they did not apply to have it 'stayed'. The order to vacate was valid from the day it was issued last November,