Orono Town Hall Volume 66, Number 2 .GST Included Wednesday, January 16, 2002 Serving Kendal, Kirby, Leskard, Newcastle, Newtonville, Orono, Starkville and Tyrone since 1937 Clarington rides recreation wave in 2002 "The year 2002 will mark the beginning of a Clarington wide recreation wave,"' stated Mayor John Mutton in his 'State of Clarington Address' at Monday's council meeting. Land has recently been purchased at Baseline and Green Road in Bowmanville for a major baseball facility with the ability to host large tournaments on two regulation regulation size hardball diamonds. The new Bowmanville baseball baseball park will also host two softball diamonds and four soccer fields. The final stage of the park will include multi basketball and tennis courts, , and a skateboard facility. Mayor Mutton said he has asked staff to expedite the purchase of the Rudell Road community park site in Newcastle and prepare for a short term acquisition of that property some 4-8 years earlier earlier than projected. This site was not within the next 10 year plan. The initial development development of this park will feature feature four soccer pitches and two softball diamonds. Phase Kurt Hackenberger interacts with one of the four lion cubs born at the Bowmanville Zoo six ' weeks ago. Zoo Keeper, Michael Hackenberger brings the cubs into his home on a regular basis to teach them socialization skills. two will include a multi-court be started this year facilitating tennis and basketball com- the completion of Longworth plex, skateboard facility and a Avenue from Liberty Street to playground area which will Regional Road 57. "This will connect with the Samuel be perhaps the most signifi- Wilmot nature area. cant transportation improve- The ultimate plans for both ment that Bowmanville has the Bowmanville and seen for some time," stated Newcastle properties will the Mayor. The new road include twin pad arenas paid across the north of for by development charges. < Bowmanville is expected to Construction will begin alleviate traffic congestion in this year on a multi activity the downtown core. The park in the Port of Newcastle.. Bowmanville- north/south Rather than providing organ- public transit pilot project will ized sports fields, this park also become a reality this will feature multiple play sta- year, said Mayor Mutton, tions with connecting walk- While last year was one of • ways and an open play area. the best years for budding "1 am , extremely excited permits since 1989, Mayor about these projects," stated Mutton said, "Industrial/com- Mutton adding, '"for once we mercial and institutional are not only me'eting the growth xyill be our growth demand of the day, but: we base objective," with the icing ■ have planned for the future on the cake being the and will be getting ahead of announcement of the ITER the game with our recreation- project expected this summer, al fields. 'Citizens of Clarington is in good com- Clarington, you have been pany with other fiscally heard'," lie. said. , responsible municipalities In the transportation sec- like the City of Mississauga tor, the Longworth bridge will (continued page 6) Region may consider iio smoking noiicy. It was a request by a 12- lishments are not looking for- year-pld resident asking for ward to implementing more tougher no-smoking rules that stringent by-laws. got the Region of Durham Roger' Cormier, manager looking at developing a of IP's Sports Bar in Region wide by-law. . Newcastle, says he will be ' While municipalities such forced to close up if his cus- as Clarington do. not have tomers are no longer allowed their own no-smoking by-law to smoke. "Eighty percent of they are responsible for my customers smoke," said enforcing the Provincial Cormier last week Friday, "a Tobacco Control Act. no-smoking" by-law would Clarington does not however stop my business," he stated. allow smoking in.any mUnici- Smoking customer John pally owned buildings. Lawrence concurred with As far as enforcing the Cormier's assessment saying Tobacco Act which requires a he would just buy a case of 75% no-smoking area in beer and drink it at home if he restaurants and a 30% no- ' wasn't allowed to smoke and smoking area in bars and tav- drink at the bar. erns, the municipal by-law . Joe, , the . manager at officer acts only on, a com- Buster's in Newcastle, also -plaint basis. The officer will feels, .that a no smoking by- ,'address a complaint when it law would hurt his business . comes inland deal with the , since 80-90% of his clientele property owner .for allowing are smokers. . thè situation to occur. * d"f he economic argument After adapting to the 'hasn't held Up in other juris- Tobacco Act which was dictions where a smoking ban ' passed in ,1993, many of in public places has been put - Clarington's drinking estab- ' 7 % . , (continued page 6)