ç i [ 4 - Orono Weekly Times Wednesday, November 17, 2004 Propane Continued from page 2 the railway was shut down. The costs of this emergency emergency and cleanup will be horrendous. horrendous. Our municipal leaders are obliged to pay attention to citizens' citizens' concerns and to protect us from avoidable dangers and disruptions such as these, and from monumental expenses now incurred. They have a great deal to answer for, to the electorate. Margaret Booth Newcastle The Caledon Propane storage facility at Port Darlington Road, Bowmanville, was the scene of a major fire evening that saw the evacuation of 500 residents. - Workshops explore impact of marijuana use among youth and in the workplace _ _ . . - .r a.: r*ont rtf ctlldfints renort- 0: WHITBY, ON, November 16, 2004 - In celebration of Drug Awareness Week, Nov. 15 to 21, the Substance Abuse Council for Youth in Durham Region (SACY) hosted a workshop exploring current health and legal issues concerning concerning marijuana use among youth. In addition, a subsequent subsequent workshop targeting workplaces was held in partnership partnership with Durham Region Health Department. "Recent Canadian studies have shown an upward trend toward marijuana permissiveness, permissiveness, acceptance and use," explained Tori Martin, Chair of SACY and a public health nurse with Durham Region Health Department. "These workshops were designed to provide. - participants with accurate information focussing focussing on the health implications and legal issues of marijuana use." The first workshop, "Weed: Beyond the Buzz; Fact and Fiction" was an educational session for both teachers and grade 10 and 11 student representatives. representatives. It was presented in cooperation with the Durham Youth Drug Awareness Committee. This workshop was held on Nov. 16. According to results from the 2003 Ontario Student Drug Use Survey, almost 30 per cent of youth in grades 7 to 12 reported using marijuana in the past year, with the highest use occurring in grade 11 students students at 45 per cent. In addition, addition, the survey also found it a major concern that although on November 17. According to provincial MARIJUANA seepages St George's Anglican Church 2nd Annual presented by St. George's Youth Group SATURDAY NOVEMBER 27th 6pm St. George's Church Hall, NEWCASTLE Adult: $15 Senior/Child under 12: $8 Ticket Info: Lynne/Lyndsey 905-987-2262 A St. George's Link Project •TI« Weekly Times 66 per cent of students reported reported consuming alcohol in the past year, those that sought treatment tended to be those with marijuana use issues. Therefore, the survey concludes concludes that although more students students use alcohol, marijuana appears to be the substance causing significant difficulty for youth. The second workshop, "Marijuana, Other Substances lift The Orono Weekly Times will publish and the Workplace", was at ^ (VOOOissue run on December 1st. geared to employers, man- |||| agers, human resource and Copies will be delivered to all homes in Orono, Newcastle, Newtonville, Kendal and areas east of Bowmanville. Businesses wishing to place ads in this special edition should call The Orono Ky Weekly Times office at (905) 983-530L Vm )@i .... ... ffl occupational health staff in Durham Region. The workshop workshop covered the use of marijuana marijuana in Ontario, the impact on work performance and the implications of workplace solutions to control substance use. This workshop occurred Tea Grannys & Friends (Khristmas QIup of ®ea . • T . il :h.'ITlUl' 1 in l 1 : ' ;l,'Mini' 'Mil 11 V iiKlilli Ï , ... i;ii:: wir ii "it tm f?- % Unique 'Tea 'Room uiitfi a 'Difference" Full Victorian Afternoon Tea & Leaf Reader Saturday Nov. 20th. & Sunday Nov. 21st 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm (program skirls al I pm) $20.00 per person TO RESERVE YOUR SEAT CALL: 905-983-5816 Visit our website: tcugtunmsuiulhii'nds.i uni NOW AVAILABLE PAUL JONES "A Legacy <>l Blessing's 'll. "'SW 'i< ' li! VrWI; | ' fil'ir ih?r. ,. . ..v-1 U■. : !!' I til TVm ■? ; lift ' 11- 1' ;,h:. h' 1 , il'! I 1 I""!-- |"' i > ! V'hiufii i - - A medley of Praise Songs $15 CD Available at the Orono Weekly Times or by calling 905-983-5857 Proceed# to the Knox Christian School Building Fund & the Alpha Program at the Marnnthn CRC