Qrono Weekly Times - 7 Wednesday. February 16, 2005 ' v vS ' iilllPlliP Stutt's shutout Newcastle In a late afternoon game played in Orono, the Stutt's Novice Leafs faced Newcastle for the second time this year. Glenn Acorn took over the goaltending duties and recorded recorded his first shutout, stopping all 12 shots he faced. The defense played a great game and deserve recognition recognition for their play. Lucas Crosby, Daniel Owens, Jacob Stere and Ryan Armstrong all did their jobs well. Jimmy Chaplow scored his second of the season by playing heads up hockey. Kale Stephens moved up to forward and scored his first goal of the season. Danny Benedict turned in the pads to 131111 illilllllllillli:! lilliiliill Illllllllllillllillli Donna wood Nikki Martin 9 of Newcastle, practices her Dutch Waltz for an element of her Level 7 test Tuesday at the Orono Arena. Nikki skates with the Orono Figure Skating Club. The ORONO AMATEUR ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION executive would like to thank the following individuals and businesses for their support towards our recent fundraising Valentines Dance: Apple Blossom Shop, Orono McGregor IDA Drugs, Bowmanville Armstrong's IGA, Orono Moore Electric - Willowbrook Bowmanville Sports Shop Morrison's Antique Mall, Orono Brian Hampson Construction, Oshawa Mosport Raceway - Myles Brandt Co-op, Orortp, National Sanitation, Peterborough Courtney's Distributing, Newtonville Oak Unlimited Furniture, Bowmanville Di's Pizzeria, Orono Orono Arena Dufferin Concrete, Peterborough Orono Country Cafe East Side Mario's, Bowmanville Orono Lumber ^ * , Egg Shack - Terry & Wendy Hollingsworth Orono Veterinary Hospital g* I Elaine Dillon, Avon Oshawa Ski Club First Orono Hockey Team Osso Electric Supplies Gatehouse Beauty Salon & Spa Party Lite Candles - Dons Sinclair Glen & Marie Wood Pita Pit, Bowmanville GM Canada Car Assembly Plant, Oshawa Polymer Extrusions Good Life Fitness, Bowmanville Rick & Sherry Howe Gould's Cards & Gifts, Bowmanville Ross & Sonia Winters Greetings, Gifts, & Gadgets Shoppers' Drug Mart, Bowmanville Mall Herbal Magic Bowmanville Silk's Cafe, Bowmanville Hooper's Jewellers Ltd., Bowmanville Steamer's Restaurant, Newcas e Hooper's Trophies, Bowmanville Stutt's Pharmacy, Orono Jake's Clothing - Lori Allin, Bowmanville Tartan ( C ° r ] tr .f ct,ng ran . r nrono Joanne & Ron Flynn Terren s Wellness Centre, Orono John & Janie Dodds Tim Horton's - North Orono ||g^ Kendal Variety, Kendal Tim Horton's - Hwy 401 W/ I Labatt's Brewery Village Bake Shop, Orono Lange's Foto Source, Bowmanville Village Cards & Gifts, Newcastle play winger and was rewarded with a goal and an assist. Mitchell Trachsler had 2 goals and 1 assist, Tyler Trimble scored 1 goal, Cameron Reilly had 1 goal and 1 assist. Assists went to Elizabeth Jackson, Ryan Armstrong, Daniel Owens, and Jacob Diamond. Austin Cole was a big help to the defense taking away the puck a few times. Durham County Seniors Euchre FFB. 14th RESULTS LUCKY CARP Ruth Grady, Liz Reynders MOST LONE HANDS Mary Henderson, 5 TOP SCORES 1st Merriam Hawley 97 2nd Elain Doty 82 3rd Mary Henderson 78 4th Doris Falls 75 5th Clara Meuleman 74 DRAWS Mary Henderson (2), Clara Meuleman, Edna Taylor Joyce Cowan (2) Euchre at the Rebekah Hall FFBRUARY 9TH RESULTS SPECIAL CARDS Jim Tomlinson Joyce Cowan MOST LONE HANDS Walt Mitchell, 6 HIGH SCORES 1st (tie) Joyce Cowan, Lavina Downes 79 3rd MaeTabb 78 4th (tie) Ann Julicher, Norma Moffat 77 p mi Marian Staples, Kay Tomlinson Mary Henderson, Ray Staples Joyce Cowan (2), Mae Tabb Next card party - February 16th I NEWCASTLE SENIORS Top Scores 150 + over results for Feb. 8th GAME GAME BOWLER ONE TWO Elaine Doty 173 Agnes French 196 John Guay 192 239 Jean Hall 176 182 Alec Martin 156 208 Maureen Powell 155 167 Russell Powell 172 Joyce Stacey 186 Marg Wade 166 166 Ingrid Zulauf 162 Alii Strutt 172 158 MIXED l .HAGUE scores 175 + over results for Feb. 1 Oth . Game Game Game BOWLER One Two Three Adrian DeLaat 181 Clayton Trolley 276 186 Jack Vanderstarre 198 Sandy Morton 199 Don Wright 187 204 MaryLou Trolley 188 179 188 Greg Forget 248 203 207 Debl Hannigan 237 178 190 Brenda DeLaat 209 192 Andy Dumouchel 189 184 Rod Morton 194 Fae Forget 201 177 Mike Swan 224 207 Karen Wright 186 182 Bob Kilgar 186 189 bo/50 Winner - Joe Mendonca | cf t riu« Ticket Holder- Mike Swan | It pays to BANK at DUCA Advantage #6: MORTGAGES (Great rates plus Bonus Shares) Variable Rate Mortgage 3.75% 5 Year Mortgage 4.80% Halit» subject to change without notice, For current tatou cull yuiir local Dram*. Call 1-860-800-DUCA or visit www.duca.com Bowmanville Branch Manager: Tom Broudloot 200 King Street East lui, (90!i) 623-6343 bowmarivlIMPduca.com Whitby Branch Manager: Paul Mullor 1818 Oundas Sited East Tel. (905) 728*4658 whltbytMicu.com Come bank with usl ^ DUCA Wm Klwwutliil SorvlooH ..your CVviM UitM mmmrn mvmmm