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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Feb 2005, p. 9

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Wednesday, February 23, 2005 Orono Weekly Times - 9 Church Directory I I i Y,-- • : ,v ■ /■A A: 'i'h*': jjj^iij ;■ i| ill i I ll Jj ill i SN& The United Church of Canada NEWTONV1LLE-SHILOH PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. D.A. Stiles, b.a., b.d. 905-786-2950 Newtonville - 9:45 a.m. Shiloh -11:15 à.m. "A warm welcome to all" Orono United Church Reverend Dorinda Vollmer Orono Church Office 905-983-5502 905-697-9715 - Minister * Vr * * * Sun. Feb. 27 - 3rd Sunday in Lent We celebrate the sacrament of Baptism ~ All Welcome ~ NURSERY & SUNDAY SCHOOL St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church 47 Temperance St., Bowmanville Welcomes you 'to Worship! Worship Service Sun., February 27th -11 a.m. Sunday School -11 a.m. "...Loue one another." John 13 verse 34 Rev. Noel Gordon 905-623-3432 j » t »| IliiilPiPiP; llliillpi iPPllPPiil jillipiipili illjSlIlllil! Newcastle United Church 84 Mill St. S., Newcastle LIB 1H2 905-987-4515 • Rev. James Feairs b.a.,m.dw. Minuter Sun., Feb. 27 - Children's Church - Women of the Bible Rotation, children in The Mouse Pad computer lab. Coffee Plus after worship. Collect for.Clarington East Food Bank ~ Nursery Care Provided ~ Welcome guests and future friends! _ ___ ijij! - ■ : ' : ■■ ' ■ : ■ ' ' ! - Anglican Churches Rev. Canon David R. Saunders, CD St. Saviour's - Orono 27 Mill Street « 905-987-2019 9:30 a.m. - Worship, Sunday School, Youth Group Holy Communion - 1st & 3rd Sunday Morning Prayer - 2nd, 4th & 5th Sunday Coffee and Fellowship to follow St. George's - Newcastle 250 Mill St. S. • 905-987-2019 8 a.m. - Holy Communion 11:15 a.m. - Worship, Sunday School Holy Communion 1st.& 3rd Sunday , Morning Prayer 2nd, 4th & 5th Sunday Coffee and Fellowship to follow 11 ibsij III IIS V ' ; lia! 1 •* ! h 1 i i i iiillllliliijijllijij lllllil I t v| " "I I ; ip ywlrMs <pt tkt lûàt üM¥ld Kaily was given to us just over two years ago. She was an eight week- old border collie/- springer spaniel mix-- black and white, and adorable. In that two years, she has ruined mitts, boots and clothes on the line; frightened our grandkids with her exuberance; kept the cats at the barn where she feels they belong, and grown into our hearts and lives. No one has yet written written a job description for a farm dog. It is important important for a farm dog to stay on his own land, untied, and know what is acceptable on his place. He needs to know the difference between cows in their pasture and cows over the fence in the house yard or garden and to let you know when things go wrong., 1 was back with the tractor and wagon near the bush when the dog we had at that time "Buddy" started to bark and bark at the wagon. Knowing him, I got down and found that the back tire was completely flat. Buddy just knew that was not right. One other time, instead of exploring and hunting away from me, he stayed "right beside the tractor. When I looked over, I saw a small female coyote sitting sitting on the ground. I would have thought he might have put the run to her. On the way home, looking back again, there were four coyotes--the other three had lain hidden. Had Buddy done any chasing, chasing, they would have torn him to bits. Another day, he barked and barked, looking the quarter mile to the road. A house was being moved on a float along the road and he figured that was not quite right. A farm dog needs to CONSIGNMENT EQUIPMENT AUCTION Consignment Equipment Auction BERRYBANK FARMS 3383 Taunton Rd., Orono • 1-1/2 Miles west ofHwy 115 Saturday, March 26 • 10 a.m. Selling a full line of farm equipment, tractors, machinery, vehicles, hardware, tools and lumber etc. For information and to consign to this auction, contact the auctioneer. John D. Berry Auctions 905-983-5787. 23ac ESTATE AUCTION Sunday, February 27th • 10 a.m. • Viewing 9 a.m. MacGregor Auctions located in Orono at SilvanusGardens, take 115 Hwy'to Main Street and follow signs to Mill Pond Rd. Sunday's auction features contents from an Oshawa estate, plus quality consignments: consignments: dining room set, bedroom and living room contents, glass, china, kitchen contents, collectables, large selection of art and prints, miscellaneous tools, books, fishing tackle, etc. Terms: Cash, Approved Cheque, Visa, M/C & Interac Watch for our outstanding antique auction March 13th "Call for all your auction needs--your location or ours. " MacGregor Auctions • Michael J. MacGregor 905-987-2112 • 1-800-363-6799 23ac YOUR BREAST HEALTH know, either from experience, experience, heredity or from being told, that he can chase coons, groundhog or stray cats, but must alert his humans regarding regarding strangers, porcupines, porcupines, coyotes and skunks. Kaily is learning all this. In the early morning morning I watch her sitting and looking all over her domain staring for the longest time. I think she is a thinker. She helps me water the cows, feed the cats and anything else that's going on. If the tractor or truck is going back on the farm, she follows. If it is going towards the road, she stays home. Her love, energy, enthusiasm and vitality has made us feel younger too. My advise --get a pup. David Craig Bowmanville. BE AWARE Know your body. Learn the risk factors. BE PROACTIVE Follow breast-screening guidelines. Practise a healthy lifestyle. fe ^ • ■ ; : : ' ; 1 - r. GET THE FACTS Call the Canadian Cancer Society | to get the information you need r y, **' s '* about our Seven Steps to Health, 11 screening, early detection and ' protecting your breast health. ... . . ; 'f CALL OUR CANCER INFORMATION ; ' » • - ' ' ' -x-- SPECIALISTS WITH YOUR QUESTIONS TO CONNECT WITH OUR SUPPORT SERVICES. ; ■ ■ r 1 • "<*31111 • ' ,1 . . ■■ ■■ - ■ - V»-: -:.S -'i Are you in an abusive relationship? Call Bethesda House 905-623-6050 or 1-800-338-3397 (For women with or without children.) Bethesda House 1 888 939-333 3 • WWW.CANCER.CA ( Sin ( .mi i Sim ii l\ (In • O.A.A.A. Euchre Results Jan.15 Results TOP SCORES Helen Ogden 153 H. Couperthwaithe 137 Wilma Kirk 131 Roger Downes _ . 130 B. Couperthwaithe 127 Ruth Vdovich 125 LONE HANDS Wilma Kirk 9 Ruth Vdovich 8 50/50 WINNER Sue Evans NEXT GAME March 19th ~ 7:00 pm ; J. Ilfi « is®'»***&$* Sâ : . lïlî I I ÉpfJjL É 1 Y ' L'. ! / jj 1 ii Euchre at the Rebekah Hall FEB. 16 RESULTS HIGH SCORES 1st Jane Tomlinson 90 2nd Dorothy Olan 88 3rd Norma Moffat 86 4th Lavina Downes 85 5th Gladys Ogden 82 DRAWS Paul Mucha Thelma Vagg Kay Beggs Next card party - Feb 23rd 7:30 jj it's i.i fact that many ih'c d- .itu. | ai.: Liiuscdby pLOjiiv jj tv COOk 01 >1*1* lx vvi-llv Ulii'iJt I'm iiiiilUiflCU vi .l;'. -'1»0 s'tiSL T.: «iflitlU:■ 1 • > V Y. ; ;. 111CIV .u Yiil L'tkiilil -1 5 1, Vis 'i'.i - pie "it, .,h i i Vi ViVii l.ilunV If you want to drink, that's your business. If you want to stop... that !v ours. Call ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Lakeshorc District 905-728-1020

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