W Wednesday, July 20, 2005 2 - Orono Weekly Times Publications Mail Registration No. 09301 • Agreement No. 40012366 -22- Emai. oronotmeswogers | IP' 6 B Fhl'8 ■ Publishing 48 issues annually at the office of publication. jJJl. Publisher/Editor Margaret Zwart 'We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through Sports and Display Advertising - Donna Wood ET* TT the Publications Assistance Program (PAP) toward our mailing costs. . Front Office and Qassified Advertising - Rosey Bateman WedUy Times Canada A 00 ™ YyRBKly J| t anana ' 1111 ii il Siij pi s Humid! Holidays!! What is left to say in the midst of the longest heat wave in our | 1 dofigharixm memory--on the eve of a two week shut down? i Letters to the Editor Clarington Councillors should be accountable "...get on a reality wave ~ z-,1. • r* for work and oleasure. sooner support a Canadian Dear Editor. called Dear Clarington Councillors: At the last election you folks were voted in to do the "JOB " of running the town. The optimum word here is JOB. Not in 42 years at General Motors, or the job i have now, have I ever been paid for my gas to go to work. Why should you be paid any more than what you have right now? If you find the high price of gas too much, then try and do something about it. If you can't do that, invest in a Smart Car. I hear they get real good mileage. Mind you they can't carry food for horses etc. but they do have room for another person. As for keeping tabs on your mileage, 1 think you should be accountable for every cent you spend. Anyone who writes off their gas at income tax time keeps tabs on their mileage, if they use their vehicle for work and pleasure But maybe we tax payers are asking too much, it might take time away from other duties. Also, about the big box stores coming into Bow- manville. Why should one store be forced to change it's looks when you have allowed another big box store to come in and not asked them to do the same thing. Also, I would sooner support a Canadian owned store, than an American one. (Rona vs Home Depot) Keep our dollars here at home, we might need them in case our gas prices go higher. Dale Haines Orono To whom it may concern •II _ I o onnc n m Dear Editor: 1 understand two of Durham Regional's finest entered on to the land (July 15, 2005), located at 2336 Concession Road 9, Enniskillen Enniskillen Ontario. 1 was surprised when 1 attended the Durham Regional Police Headquarters, Bow- manville, July 18, 2005, a.m. that there was no report to be had of the happening. For the two annonymous cops in question, please arrange a meeting with me. Telephone 905-263-8541. Yours truly, Albert I read an article which appeared in the July 6, 2005 edition of the Weekly Times entitled "Compensation or pay Raises." I tend to agree that the generous pay raises which Clarington council helped themselves to in 2003 should more than compensate for their travel expenses. Because I chose, like most other taxpayers in this area, to live in Clarington, I dare 80 km's round trip every day to and from work, (and there are many people who probably drive further), and I do not get compensated one cent for mileage or vehicle depreciation. depreciation. And, should we be late for work due to unforeseen circumstances, (inclement weather or highway closures due to accidents or propane cylinders flying across the highway etc, etc. ) we lose As for the so called mileage which Mr. Robinson says causes vehicle depreciation depreciation at a higher rate, why doesn't Gord buy a bicycle? After all council is on a so called "Recreation Wave". Gord would be setting a real fine example by biking from point A to point B. It might take him a little longer to get to his destination, but he'll be in real good shape. All kidding aside, maybe Mr. Robinson and the rest of Clarington council should get on a REALITY WAVE and realize that the overtaxed people people of Clarington can only afford so much. If council isn't happy with their rate of pay, QUIT!!!! And go pick apples. B. Wray, Kendal