Orono Weekly Times - 11 Li'mi m: 9- 1 /" 1 ?;: 1 i IN MEMORIAM IS Coming Events Kenneth Ball "Ken" In loving memory of a dear husband, father, grandfather and greatgrandfather greatgrandfather who passed away September 21, 1993. Sadly missed along life's way, Quietly remembered everyday. No longer in our lives to share, But in our hearts, He'll always be there. Love you always, Loreen, Bonnie, Bruce and Families, Susan, 11 ' Les and Family. J 21ac IN MEMORIAM Webb, Irene Passed away September 14, 2004 Webb, Lloyd Passed away May 6,1994 Gone are the days we used to share. But in our hearts you are always there. The gates of memory never close. We miss you more than anyone knows. Gone but not forgotten. Grace and Jean and families 21cpn STAFFORD MONUMENTS LIMITED 1111 King SI F Ri >w mjnvilh' ')( - l\' ' h' l hi 1 ELDENE EDWARDS 905-983-8105 DALE THISSON | :-800-461-4848 I • f.civt ! , W'l.i'lllM't" • "jf im!i .1 Br ')i Vr j '.i• w er >■ .'si ■ ipr inis , . ; ,1,. P I'M 0 1 its • ri• : ■ ■ *i ■ • ■ ■ i' ni' ii"'< Don't miss the Orono Horticultural Society Fall Flower & Vegetable Show Thurs., September 21 7:30 p.m. Orono United Church Guest Speaker: Judi Denny Topic: "Peony - Seven Weeks of Bloom" slide presentation. (a Fundraising Event) Dessert Buffet $5 Admission Phone Shelley 905-983-5102 to reserve tickets. All Welcome 21ac Kirby Church Anniversary Sunday, September 25 5:30 p.m. - 1 Sitting Full Course Supper: Ham/Scalloped Potatoes/Dessert Limited Tickets $12 - Adults $6 - Under 12 (Under 3 Free) For Reservations Call Brian 905-983-9473 All invited to 7p.m. service featuring guest speaker Rev. Richard Parker and special music presentations. DAWSON CEMETERY MONUMENTS Full-size Monuments from $1849 Flat 8, Pillow Markers also available. Low Overhead Low Prices * * * All Monument arrangements made privately privately In your home. Call Tom Henderson In Orono at 905-983-9608 visit our website at: Www.DawsonMonuments.com HAMILTONS INSURANCE SERVICE LIMITED Representing Pilot Insurance, Farmer's Mutual Lindsay, ING Competitive Re toe AUTO • HOME • BUSINESS INSURANCE "Serving Orono & Area lor Over 50 Years" 905-983-5115 21ac YARD SALE Giant Yard Sale Sept. 23, 24, 25 265 Mill St. N., 29 Andrew, Newcastle Antique collectables, gas range (like new), furniture, collection of hard back books, tools, ÀTV, 1985 Suzuki 4 x 2 top shape, truck cap, guitar and case, accor- dian and case. 21ap Card of Thanks We would like to thank our exhibitors that entered the woodworking woodworking class at Orono Fair. It was an excellent show and "YES" we were pleased to see so many lovely pieces of work. Special thanks to our sponsors at L & F Custom Wood Working, Tyrone Sawmills, Ter- ren's Wellness Centre with 3 gift certificates. Special thanks to our judge Robert Shafer. Winner of the first prize lathe was Leigh Parker - Don Evans Memorial Trophy. Thanks to all that entered and hope to see you all next year. Thanks, Irene Matched, Wood Working Chair Person, 21ac Organic Beef Certified Organic grass-fed beef for sale. Delicious, nutritious, affordable. Sides, mixed quarters and meat boxes. Contact Linda at: 905-983-5249 or lagasser@netrover.com 21cpn ALTERATIONS General sewing done in my home, 5 days a week. Phone 905-983- 9761. tfn FOR SALE Dishwasher for sale - Whirlpool Quiet Partner Partner II, excellent condition, condition, 1-year old. Asking $295: Call 905-983- 6173. 2lcpn HELP WANTED Come Grow With Us Join the team at Steamers Restaurant Now hiring cooks, waitstaff, daytime kitchen help. Fax resume to 905-987-4770 or E-mail steamers@bellnet. ca Lost & Found Found in Orono Park - child's multi-media learning centre. Call 905-983-5301 during business hours. SERVICES NOTICE Bowmanville Toastmasters meet at 7:15 Tuesdays at Seventh Day Adventist Church September 20th Humourist Speech Contest September 27th Guest Speaker Renate Zorn More information 905-263-8045 or www. bowmanvilletoast- masters.org 14, 21apt LEER, Chev full-sized burgundy, truck cap. Great shape. $150. or OBO. 905-983-5857 tfn NOTICE Ganaraska Quitter's Guild 1st Meeting for 2005/6 Beginners to advanced welcome Wed., September 28 7 p.m. St. Saviour's Anglican Church Mill Street, Orono 14, 21 cpn CHILI : cook- : OFF : Sent. 24th • main er. • Orono • register at • Di's Pizza • by Thurs. : Wes's Small Engine Repair We do It all... SNOWBLOWERS LAWNMOWERS • TRIMMERS CHAIN SAWS CHAIN SAW SHARPENING You name it, we do it! 5105 Main Street, Orono For service call ■ 905-983-9772 -The <§hop Flowers <$ Gifts "We don't just specialize... We make every order special." Orono 905-983-9155 Oshawa 905433-2515 vwww.appleblossomflowers. com, Chris Whiteside s r^Lawn Maintenance -MHome Improvements 905-987-3174 Cell: 905-213-3287 WANTED SCRAP CARS, OLD CARS AND TRUCKS (running or not) FREE PICK-UP Call Bob any time 905-431-0407. Travel & Tours Pro Painting WHY WAIT... paint that kitchen, bath or bedroom now! ROOK TODAY!!! "Get it done before Winter" Excellent Rates 905-983-5761 Clifford Francis Goliger's Trâvël/Plus LONG STAY I Oct 2 - 5 - Magog Oct 14 - 23 - Myrtle Beach (guaranteed dèparture) DAY TOURS Sept 24 - Bill Gaither & Friends (2nd bus added) | Sept 27 - Victoria Inn & Rice : Lake Cruise I Sept 28 - Mysteriously Yours at the Old Mill • Bancroft Colour Tour ■ Klineburg - Group of Seven Exhibition - Muskoka Cruise & Cranberries Oct 12 - Les Misérables I Oct 12 - Big Chute Colour Cruise | Oct 15- Bala Cranberry Festival j Oct 18 - Gypsy at Shaw Fest. ) - Stratford "Hello Dolly' Oct 21 - Tim Conway & Harvey Korman Oct 22 -Picton Wine & Cheese Tour | Oct 25 - A Day in the Country Tour | Nov 3 - Stratford "Hello Dolly" Nov 5 - Royal Winter Fair Horse Show Nov 6- Memories of the CBC Jubilee | Nov 10 - Shaw Festival "Bus Stop" j Nov 12 - Royal Winter Fair Nov 14 - City Lines Marilyn Dennis I Nov 23 - Shear Madness at Stage West | Nov 26 - One of a Kind Craft Show OVERNIGHT | Oct 4 -5 Stratford 8 St. Ja- cob's Theatre Tour | Oct 30 - Nov 2 - Soaring Eagle Casino & Resort | Nov 20-21 - Festival of Lights Niagara Falls | Nov 20 - 23 - Atlantic City Get-away | Dec 2,3,4- Erie & Buffalo Shopping | Dec 6-8 - Niagara Falls X-mas Light Tours | CASINO RAMA - $3 905-623-1511 Donations always appreciated at Ens<t F<o©4 ink 9SMUM® Nem Apples fe Season A Cembsp • McIntosh Apples • Bartlett & Flemish- Beauty Pears • Paula Red Apples • Melba (best apple sauce) AT a Ontario Fetches ^ A Plums Y w 'FRUIT Sweet Corn ' MARKET ATneetoes ▲L--aMLI Hwy 115 South of Orono plentiful 905-963-5628