12 - Orono Weekly Times Wednesday, August 9,2006 Qaiington Leading the Way ' Qjoucoid fÿfof Q-brteyfDavkÈOH Sojfoil Get a HOLE-IN-ONE Mayor's (qolf Classic 00 Y0U KN0W Y0UR C0DE? ^August 23, Bowmanville Golf & Country Club info@clarington.net COMING EVENTS PROVINCIAL-MUNICIPAL FISCAL IMBALANCE There is a great deal of press these days surrounding equalization payments payments and the federal-provincial fiscal fiscal imbalance. For those not familiar with the issue, what it boils down to for Ontario taxpayers is that we are footing the bill in Ontario for other Provinces to use funding from equalization enhancements to increase spending and make tax cuts to make them more competitive in attracting business. There is a spillover however onto what is referred to as the provincial-municipal fiscal imbalance. Significant social services services costs rest on the property tax base in Ontario (approximately (approximately $8 billion). In fact, social services account for 25% of the municipal property tax base in Ontario. In municipalities municipalities outside Ontario, such costs only account for 1.2% of municipal expenditures. Approximately $5 billion is returned to municipalities through provincial cost sharing agree- . ments, federal contributions and user charges. This results in a fiscal gap of $3 billion dollars. This number continues to grow annually as social services related costs increase. Ultimately, Ontario municipalities are unable to keep up to capital infrastructure needs because of the costs of social services programs paid for through property tax dollars. The Province has indicated that the fiscal gap between the Federal and Provincial governments must be solved before solving the Provincial and Municipal governments' fiscal gap. It appears that, as long as the Province of Ontario is funding equalization grants to other provinces, little improvement improvement can be made on the property tax front in any Municipality in Ontario. lUWiny rui wiuyivic jyu y crow ifjuvuoï visit wvrw.daiinaton.net/htdocs/careers.html Recreation Programs Supervisor (10-12 hrs/wk) Please quote File # 69-06 Deadline: Aug 21,5:00 PM Guitar Instructor Please quote File # 70-06 Deadline: Aug 21,5:00 PM Hip Hop Dance Instructor Please quote File #71-06 Deadline: Aug 21,5:00 PM Fall/Winter Recreation Programs Staff Please quote File # 72-06 Deadline: Aug 21,5:00 PM Skate Patrollers Please quote File # 73-06 Deadline: Aug 21,5:00 PM Plumbing and Mechanical Inspector Please quote File # 77-06 Deadline: Aug 25,5:00 PM To be considered all applications as must be submitted to the Human Resources Division of the Municipality of Clarington. Failure to do so may result in an application not being received in time for consideration. Fall program registration is just around the corner! Make sure you are prepared by calling ahead for your barcodes! barcodes! Registration begins Saturday, August 26,2006 at 12:01 am online at www.clarinatoneazvrea.ca and by touchtone phone at 905-623-EAZY (3299). In person registration begins at 8:30am on Saturday, August 26,2006 at the aquatics facilities (Clarington Fitness Centre & Courtice Community Complex). Call today for your family's barcodes: Clarington Fitness Centre 905-623-3392 - Courtice Community Complex 905-404-1525 South Courtice Arena 905-435-1061 Rickard Recreation Complex 905-623-5728 Community Services Department 905-623-3379 ext 272/404 CLARINGTON GARBAGE BAG TAGS . 1 "' ; ", ■ ■ ■ - " ' ■ i & Now Available f<* Sale at 7 Location» In Clarington ^ FOR USE ON ALL GARBAGE BAGS OVER THE WEEKLY BAG LIMIT OF 3 Municipal Administrative Centre 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville 905-623-3379 Hours: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Clarington Fitness Centre 49 Liberty Street North, Bowmanville 905-623-3392 Hours: 8:30 AM to. 8:30 PM Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex 2440 Highway 2, Bowmanville 905-623-5728 Hours: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM (Closed 12:00 -1:00 PM) Hampton Operation Centre 2320 Taunton Road, Hampton 905-263-2291 Hours: 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM ■ Courtice Community Complex 2950 Courtice Road North, Courtice 905-404-1525 Hours: 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM Courtice South Arena 1595 Prestonvale Road, Courtice 905-435-1061 Hours: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM (Closed 1:00-2:00 PM) Rona Hardware Newcastle (NEW) 15 King Avenue West, Newcastle 905-987-4560 Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 AM-8:00 PM, Sat 8:00 AM-6:00 PM, Sun 9:00 AM r 5:00 PM Cost: $1.50 per tag or $15.00 per sheet of 10 VICTORIAN TEAS ON THE VERANDAH JULY 5 - AUGUST 30 (every Wednesday afternoon) Bowmanville Museum I JULY 16 - AUGUST 13-THINGS UNSEEN - TODD TREMEER Visual Arts Centre of Clarington v ■ j AUGUST MIDNIGHT MADNESS A BUSKER FESTIVAL v ; I Friday, AUGUST 11, Rain or Shine - Downtown Bowmanville^g Buskers- jugglers, musicians & acrobats & demonstrations; live : ■ -• - - ■ - ,J -' 'ngiv: : ..... ",'ham* CORN FESTIVAL ! Ü Courtice Flea Market ' t 1 -' 1 ' DECORATION DAY LAKEV1EW CEMETERY IN NEWTONVILLE - . AUGUST 26,27 - Orono Fairgrounds - 1 '• 'V , I . • ' > . • • .' . '• . ] ORONO CROWN LANDS-ANNUAL CORN ROAST & BBQ Î ■ . • " ' . WOULDN'T IT BE GREAT TO BE A KID AGAIN? ! We ran make that hannen Bv volunteerind with Bid Brothers BiO ; We can make that happen. By volunteer;,* . f Sisters, you can once again experience the magical moments of Visit the Clarington Tourism Office today! ■ - v . You'll find great information on local destinations and beyondl. . ff \ Be sure to pick up your FREE copy of the 2006 Clarington Visitors Guide u./ .1 ' and sign up for our FREE Tourism Newsletter! ttiringipn : 4v. ;•*, 4 5;. * WWW.claringtOn.net 181 Liberty St.S„ Bowmanville 905-623-4356 2006 CONCERTSJN THE PARK, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, 7:00 PM, ROJARY PARK AUGUST 10- THE NATIONAL BAND OF THE NAVAL RESERVE Special invitation extended to all former former Navy/Merchant Navy personnel AUGUST 17 - NOTHING SERIOUS Celtic Music NEWCASTLE VILLAGE CONCERTS ORONO CONCERTS TUESDAY, 7:00 PM, NEWCASTLE WEDNESDAY, 7:00 PM IN THE PARKETTE AUGUST 15-JOHNNY BURKE Traditional Country Singer AUGUST 22 - OSHAWA HORSELESS CARRIAGEMEN Barbershop GAZEBO AT THE LIBRARY AUGUST 16-THE JAZZ CATS AUGUST 23 -THNEED www.clarington.net