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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Nov 2006, p. 16

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16 - Orono Weekly Times Wednesday, November 29, 2006 I il Clmiugtm Leading the Way m TOTAL HOCKEY 905-623-3379- ^^is^s&ssvsnBfsn Essi g^ptiMinbbcniRwd KweSaWlP lore* 906-623-6728 for detail I |R 1 ■" j vH- S® ' §&@E \ TOTAL / H EXPERIENCE CANADA'S GAME u* fèSyïflKStfyK ■ «1 "TTvî | i.v?,'>--i «Ï SATURDAY DECEMBER 2 : ' ' . • '■ - : : ■ , - . -,f . ; TOTAL HOCKEY DAY IN OSHAWA < ; mm SATURDAY DECEMBER 9 ®j TOTAL HOCKEY BONUS DAY IB • . | , V • ' • ", '.'V -V ! i With each admission on Saturday during facility hours!fig ; ' (10AM-6PM), guests receive a coupon which can be -0M redeemed outside for a FREE hotdog! ' ,v;? Visit TOTAL HOCKEY and start practicing! You could win great prizes and be named Total f si Hockey's First TOTAL SKILLS CHAMPION at the ■ TOTAL HOCKEY % W&m. mm ib i--■--- I ^ I A r, This holiday season have your Pet's Picture taken with Santa Clarington Animal Shelter 33 Lake Road, Bowmanville 905-623-7651 ||| SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2ND,/ 10 AM -2 PM Cost: $8.50 for one picture êÆ$t wsmsmm, $10.00 for two, $11.50 for three jÊà \ Create a unique memoryM. / JillS •„Wi. v ii V 1 FOR COMPLETE DETAILS, VISIT TOTAL HOCKEY " at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex 905-623-5728 TOTAL-HOCKEY.CA PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE BURKETON INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS Old Scugog Road -100 m South of Boundary Road to 100 m North of Boundary Road The Municipality of Clarington in cooperation with the Township of Scugog is reviewing potential improvements to thé intersection of Old Scugog Road and Boundary Road to address concerns over vehicle speeds raised by area residents. A Public Information Centre will be held to discuss potential alternatives. Possible solutions include, but are not limited to the construction of a gateway feature, a roundabout, the use of rumble strips, line painting, signage, or a combination of these alternatives. Tuesday, December 5,2006,6:00 to 8:00 PM Enniskillen Public School Library, 8145 Old Scugog Rd You are cordially invited to attend the Information Centre. Preliminary design concepts and the recommended preferred alternative will be available for your review and staff will be on hand to answer questions. Your knowledge of the area and input can provide valuable information for finalizing the design plans. Implementation of the preferred alternative will be subject to the approval of both municipal Councils. If you are unable to attend and require further information you may contact the consultant for the project with any input, questions' or concerns as follows: Ron Albright, P.Eng.Project Engineer, Associate Totten Sims Hubicki Associates (1997) limited Phone: 1-800-463-8046 ext. 233 Fax: 1-905-372-3621 Email: Respectfully submitted by: Leslie Benson, P.Eng.Manager, Transportation and Design Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street, BOWMANVILLE, Ontario. L1C 3A6 Phone: 905-623-3379 Gene Chartier, P.Eng. Commissioner of Infrastructure and Development The Corporation of the Township of Scugog 181 Perry St. Box 780, PORT PERRY, Ontario. L9L1A7 Phone: 905-985-7346 To ensure the safety el alt our pets, please have your cal in a carrier or dog on Remember the law requires that pH butts must be muzzled and leashed!!! CAREERS va leash. V l Hit The Municipality of Clarington is currently hiring for the : following position(s). For complete job descriptions, please visit Recreation Services Manager Please quote File #95-06 Junior Planner (Union Position) Please quote File #76-06 C To be considered all applications as must be submitted to the Human Resources Division of the Municipality of Clarington. Failure to do so may result in an application not being received in time for consideration., For Teens grade 5 - 8 $9/person Friday, December 15 7:00-9:00 PM Courtice Community Complex none l pm*Teai inoeo oanca THE HOTTEST DANCE PARTY IN TOWN! Dance the night away with all your friends to the newest music. ,You won't want to miss the Clarington Pre-Teen Dances! FRIDAY, JANUARY 26.2007 and FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 23.2007 KMÜW: ATV ^INFORMATION PACKAGE Ocfiuct thftm H**Wt OcnweNcn Uw eowmatit* wow4W7aB «utf. arhm fÿgon tmtf QmMdm >n B# s LJ MO Baa DROP-IN SOCCER at Bowmanville Indoor Soccer and Lacrosse Bowl Drop-In Soccer 16 yn & over ■ $5 / player Soccer 55 $3.50 / player Monday • Friday 12:00-1:30 PM PLUS additional time on Wednesdaya 3:00-4:30 PM Thursday 2:00 • 3:30 PM Players please NOTE: Exact change needed for drop-off box UPCOMING EVENTS Email your event Information* to info@clarinaton.not Post your own events on-line to the Upcoming Events Calendar at 'Event listings are subject to space availability and may be edited tor content. The Municipality is not responsible for any errors or omissions. 100 SMALL PAINTINGS SHOW AND SALE at Clarington Visual Arts Centre. This exhibition consists of work from over 50 member artists. It is an ideal chance to meet and talk with the participating artists as well as doing some early Christmas shopping. The works are small, both is size and price (all under $200) and make excellent holiday gifts. Admission is free. For more information visit www.vac.caor call 905-623-5831. TELLING OUR STORIES CONTEST - Everybody has a story! The Federation of Ontario Public Library (FOPL), TVO and TFO want to hear yours. "Telling Our Stories - the magic of Public Libraries" is a personal story-writing contest that celebrates the impact of Ontario public libraries on its citizens and their communities. How has the public library made a difference to you or your family? Write it down and you could win cash prizes! The contest ends NOVEMBER 30TH. For complete details visit the Clarington Public Library website at , V " • 1: ."if; .'-./'V: S'..' : '--/v "Z;':. Take a self guided tour of CHRISTMAS IN CLARINGTON COUNTRY and find the perfect Christmas gifts for the people .on your list. DECEMBER 1, 2 & 3. Call 905-263-2396 for more information or pick up a brochure at any participating establishments - Model AAcres B&B, Timeless Essentials, Spinning Wheel Alpacas, Willow Pond Country B&B, Country Market Garden Centre, The Spruce Tree, Tyrone Mills Ltd., Archibald Estate Winery and Wrapsody, Gift Baskets & Beyond. \ . •• ,• T.H.E.E. 8th Annual FARMERS CHRISTMAS PARADE PROCESSION OF LIGHTS on Wednesday, DECEMBER 6 starting north of Enniskillen. Estimated time of arrival-Enniskillen 6:00 PM; Tyrone 7:30 PM. Parking only on north and west side of road. See map below for route. , v ■ .OldStates**•'. . ' . Rcg.Rd.57 MlddlcKd. > T Sun '^Ccflcesikm Concession V " . ' | EfmiAiflcn Hüjduü m- Pptlcrahnc - ; Î^Conccsîioo *7 : .• V 1 ' ■ •; V v. Tyjnnc • .*■ STAY on me TRAILS! "heoty tni ^emlnCuham ffegan dedgnoted (br spr uw Ib h Uw tiena' CVrfngta tou are nd,*wd to rtde A" ré on cade or road -aimai roe h DatwmRagan acme T omehfc} ûfBm*. made Wwan D«, 1* aid Math 31* dw rtordiÿ re» 1 , eii$eti,ta a tMrtwrci releei. KIDSAFE CANADA BABYSITTERS COURSE IN BOWMANVILLE / DECEMBER 1 (pd day for both school boards), 1:00-3:00 PM Email babysilters@rogerscom to register or call 1 -705-792-5720 . CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING CEREMONY Saturday DECEMBER 2 at 6:00 PM, Kendal Community Centre Entertainment - Hayride, Visit with Santa, Chili, Hot Dogs, Hot : Chocolate and more. Come out and celebrate with your neighbours , and light the tree in Kendal! KENDAL ORANGE LODGE ANNUAL CHARITY TURKEY DINNER DECEMBER S, 5:00- 7:00 PM, Kendal United Church $15 per person, children under 12 - $7.50. $2 from every ticket is ; going to a needy family in the area. Non-perishable food items are, also being collected for the Food Bank. Tickets available at the door. The Lions Club of Courtice is organizing a CRAFT & BAKE SALE on Sunday, DECEMBER 3 from 4:30 - 5:30 PM. Also a FRÈE SKATE WITH SANTA (open to the public) from 2:30- 4:15 PM. at , the South Courtice Arena. CLARINGTON FLU CLINICS Garnet B. Rickard Complex, 2440 King Street West, Bowmanville SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2,10:00 AM-4:00 PM Rebekah Hall, 124 Church Street,.Orono MONDAY, DECEMBER 4,2:00 - 8:00 PM Garnet B. Rickard Complex, 2440 King Street West, Bowmanville WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6,2:00 - 8:00 PM St.Francis of Assissi Elementary, 1774 Rudell Road, Newcastle MONDAY, DECEMBER 11,4:00 - 8:00 PM Garnet B. Rickard Complex, 2440 King Street West, Bowmanville TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12,2:00 - 8:00 PM MTV It's a fact that many fire deaths are caused by people attempting to cook or smoke while under thé influencé of alcohol. There's more to responsible drinking H -a . than taking a cab, Don't put yourself- $ or your family-at risk to fira

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