6 - Orono, Weekly Times ..Wsdnesdpy,, December 20,.2fm Ttie Reel Thing Movie Reviews by Sharon McCartney I went to see Deck The say "yes", this is what Halls with my friend Grace-- Christmas is all about. I her son-in-law did the special strongly suggest you go to see effects lighting. It was filmed this traditional film then buy it during the summer in for your Christmas collection. Vancouver. I give this film 4 out of 5. The two houses featured in Also, I saw The Holiday, this film were built and with Cameron Diaz, Kate filmed, in a huge tent in a Winslet, Jude Law and Jack park. The one house, is com- Black. The film started out pletely covered with lights, intensely. I thought that Diaz which puts Christmas , was over-acting. But, as it Vacation to shame. It was went along, it became a won- really neat to watch the movie derful warn and fuzzy film, and get the inside story from Yes! Dare I say--a chick Grace. The film is about a flick!! The best I would say man'(Danny DeVito) who this year. Very touching and puts so many lights on his happy ever after... Just what house, he wants to be able to the season ordered. I give this see it from outer space, film 4 out of 5. Matthew Broderick is also in Now, because it is Christ-. relief. A fun Christmas movie - no-particular Order) vf'iCAmA to see. I give this'movie a 3 - wc/i' Carol (black and white out of 5 for " the background only), Home Alone, Holiday: info. Inn, The' Grinch, Die Hard, I also went to see The It's a Wonderful Life, Elf Nativity Story. Some Christ- Peanuts Christmas, Love mas films really make you Actually, and Family Stone. think of the season and this is I wish you all a wonderful, ■ one of them. It was a lovely healthy, happy Christmas, But little film with no famous please, if you party--don't actors, not promoted like The drink and drive. God Bless us Passion of the Christ. But it everyone, made me take a step back and By Ann Harley Newcastle, with a population population of fewer than 10,000, had five major fires in less than a Investigation into the appliance appliance with the manufacturer, CSAand.UCL. is ongoing. . % When an appliance causes a fire, it's often more the case : year. In two of the cases the that the appliance. is being buildings have been complete- misused, rather man a manu- ly tom down. Of those two; facturers flaw, in the appli- one has been rebuilt and one is ance, says Weir. That misuse still under investigation with causes fire. Weir gave an arson as the probable cause, example of a hard wired timer The first fire in this series was ra tcd for 500 watts. Wit \ in the vacant farm house on seven lights on this timer, at Hwy 2 just east of the 'Hole in 60 watts each there is no prob- the Wall'. While the cause of lem. with the 420 watts total, that fire was arson, no charges Weir explains. However have as yet been laid, accord- change two of those light ing to the Fire Department. x bulbs to 100 watts bulbs.and The third fire of the year, you suddenly have potential the real estate office downtown, downtown, is also still under investigation investigation but for a very different different reason. Often after the for a fire. Other examples of misuse are: changing older 15' amp fuses for 30 amps or a sump pump built to be used in local Fire Department. and an on-off situation running Fire Marshall's office : have constantly and therefore over- : . finished inyestigating a fire, ;,:heali.ng. : . . ; _ i|fɧ'ihsitrançC;>CQm^P^ge% r ; x ; ^ A-> ^ussdv involved; Before setÙitîg %é ? AF-stoyès--- i afê"-- - part iciilârlÿ ■•'Sad, ■ ; claim they will have their own Weir said, because many poor "look see" Clarington Fire pie do not .know - that .they Chief Gord Weir said in an 7 might not be insured. If the interview last week. This fire insurance company has not was caused by a fluke, accord- - been informed that there is a ing to Weir. It had been deter- wood stove in the home, then mined that an appliance was the whole house insurance the possible cause of the fire, policy may be null and void, but when the insurance inves- according to Weir. First time tigators came they realized home insurers are specifically that a fire in Port Hope had quizzed when applying for very similar patterns, home insurance about .the existence of wood stoves. But people who later decide to add a wood stoVe -and then renew their insurance, .may riot realize realize that not only do they need to let the insurance company know about the wood stove, they must also have a municipal municipal permit and do the installation installation to code. The Fire Department Department has booklets that provide all the necessary information. The new law requiring . smoke detectors on each floor of the home, will save lives, says Weir. Good maintenance, maintenance, and proper use of electrical tools, appliances will help save buildings from fire, Chief Weir says. This , includes dimmer switches, timers and controlled use of open flame candles and not overloading fuses or circuit breakers with too many Christmas' lights.. But, he .. added,., the most important -SpÉS^êin^^E|)(jMneigh- ■ Bonn Even fires:set by arson catï have less damage if an aware neighbour takes the time to contact the fire department or the police if something unusual is spotted. Though the number of house fires in Newcastle was unusually high this year, there was no human injury caused by the fires. MEL HARTWIG : EXCAVATING SAND & GRAVEL • §}- Many thanks and best wishes for a happy holiday season to all our customers. Mel, Kevin and Scott ou a safe and happy holiday Eleanor, Donna, and Gail season HAMILTONS INSURANCE 5334 Main St., Orono • 905983-5115 * A -Si