DURHAM REGION February 2003 1 ' a © g How to Use this Schedule... GARBAGE AND FOOD WASTE COLLECTION Your weekly garbage collection day may have changed. The map colour for your location shows your garbage day. There are no collections on Mondays. Garbage and Kitchen Food Waste will be collected weekly on your regular Waste Collection day. BLUE BOX RECYCLING COLLECTION Your recycling collection week may have changed. The map colour for your area shows the Blue Box week vellow or ycnow collection. for recyclables There are no collections on Mondays. Blue Box recyclables are collected once every two weeks on the same day as garbage and food waste. j 1 GRANBY March 2003 SUN MON 16 17 23 24 2 3 9 10 16 17 23/30 24/31 SAT Start your Food Waste Program when you receive your "Green Bin". Waste Information Guide and Collection Schedule. Green Bins will be delivered to your door during the next several weeks. For more information contact: Durham Region Works Department at (905) 579-5264 or 1-800-667-5671 Check our website: www.region.durham.on.ca