^ Qrono Weekly Times, Wednesday, August 27,2003 - 6 / Sierra Club of Canada - The Conservation Imperative: A few things you can do The Ontario Government needs to drop its cap on electricity electricity prices, and allow prices to reflect the real cost of production. production. Even if electricity rates go up, overall bills can be kept low by conserving on electricity use. We need large-scale com servation programs from Ontario Power Generation, but there are many actions that can be taken by individual consumers. Here are a few. 1. Replace your normal incandescent light bulbs. Buy compact fluorescent bulbs which use only about a third of the electricity. The cost of these bulbs has come down dramatically. Although the . purchase cost is higher, you save money in the long run because they use less electric ity and last 5 -10 years on average. 2. If you do use incandescent incandescent or halogen bulbs, install a light dimmer. Dimming lights reduces electricity electricity use and will also save money by extending the life of your bulbs. 3. Once you have upgraded your inside lighting, install a motion-detector on your outside outside lights. This will solve the problem of leaving lights on all night long for no good reason. reason. 4. If you have plug-in 'garden 'garden lights', replace them with solar lights. These have become affordable, and solve the 'buried wires' problem. 5. Replace your old appliances appliances with more efficient CONSERVE continued page 10 >« i Come and Meet qvXVWAM REG/ 0yV food /»0 Bà ^ . a* -1 at the Sept- * ' . Orono rai" Celebrate the official launch of this great program on Saturday, September 6th at 12:00 pm (right after the parade!) Visit our display for FREE * healthy and tasty food samples B information on healthy eating B handouts, recipes, and more CFA;; will lx* present during flic following limo; Thurr.riuij, Sopl. 4th - 5:00-9:00 pm Fridutj, Sept. 5th - 5:00-9:00 pm Suturdaij, Sept. 6th - 10:00 urn - 7:00 pm Suridup, Sep* 7th 10:00 urn - 4:00 pm r /> n a m/N )' ir ^ ^ ^ • Dave Taylor won 'reserve best female' with his Jack Russell Terrier - Heidi, at a recent United Kennel Club event in Michigan. Taylor and Heidi are pictured above with the dog's handler Kathy McIntosh. Heidi also won "United Agility' title at the same event. Viewpoint Continued from page 2 years after a little dictator foisted it upon us, I still have to translate and my children understand very little of my language, a language that has been used by their ancestors for hundreds if not thousands of years! When I tell them to put on a jacket, it's only 50 degrees out, they reply, "What is it in Celsius, so we can understand." In this day and age when we are so cognizant of ensuring ensuring native languages and their rights aren't lost and trampled upon, what about out imperial system? I fear I won't have to worry about giving any grandchildren grandchildren we might have, an inch, and them taking a mile, as they won't know one from the other! Suddenly, 1 see a small light coming on in Garrett's eyes when he tells me that he thinks of himself in Imperial - "I'm 5'-10' and 175 pounds." At this point I wonder just how wide a 175 mm tire is on a 14" rim? Isn't it amazing that if I were to say that my car got 5.7 liters per 100 km most Canadians, even the younger "unilingual" ones, would stare at me, jaw agape, yet the same Canadian would know that 50 miles per gallon is very good, and it's the SAME mileage, only in a different different language. Yet the very same petroleum industry and Mr. Trudeau embraced metri- fication. It was 1979, and Joe Clark had proposed an 18 cents/gallon gas tax. This led to the defeat of his minority government. Trudeau came back into power and promptly introduced a 5 cents/liter tax (which in fact equals 22.5 cents/gallon - clearly higher than Joe Who's proposal). Due to unfamiliarity with the "language" of metrification, Trudeau's numbers appeared to be the better deal. Trudeau must have said, "Doesn't the Emperor look fetching in his new clothes?" And the masses nodded in agreement. It was fortunate for the Emperor that it was 72 degrees Fahrenheit outside; otherwise he might have caught a cold! Fred DeVries proprietor • FREE ESTIMATES • COMPETITIVE RATES • • INSURANCE CLAIMS • FRED'S AUTOBODY (90S) 623-6353 163 Baseline Road, Unit 1, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3L4 Complete Collision Repair, Restoration and Refinishing