____ ____ ~ *U> t~a~UW4 jtýW, -tied _________________________ No gebool tI&M wse à118theO teacher Min.8uW s3 ii viit.wseutertatîuing a svere Caste of- *AUShê?S.~ .~bs*&7a a*u~u~OiS..~tonelititi. j ~~R iN TMtDi rdced the ttendatîC:tOur wi(Kî SSurg0o), aond wifgUfailOB b.adVOUSeSlb. pomà iule -- VimlObt vllM ml.dmioiy Miss Lee UuOflul sptdigle O*ince Over DrUg Store. wtbMM wbebad?.rttu.You wSflnae&loe vacation, aith it limr uletr tit To 4 P. ta. by it.-7ri"tlLSngrli oeiMuiEI*»D115. IOK E.E.Rev. Crafttaadluesftd a, juodaudi- ROCKE.FEI, aïf. ellce Sulidiy aftei-sioofl and eveltitîg. _____________________ Maîîy of Our people thave tilted 'ce Services agaiti îisxt Sabbath. G hartes GallowaylIonses. 'There îIesigig schll TwI- i'oel Du 0e lits viit. lweek. Tuei*ewticie abut tilY il- A. M. îas~1t L niut i tî îst mîîeeîïîîg. la t*8F. 2'.'à ert Telpttit va î uv LE bertfgril, U,io.. S ~ti.&4~~ji og Winter in ruîîîidly passilg awHY. trous tbis point tilis week. lits. lteiidicoveee. k.T-RAVIS. ' M.D. J E lolconti started Monit-l Mr;-Wiltîs is coîv ieâce kt. ~1ka ugol>visit Ibis Unîe ltMichilgant.. lilrtietVs 8foîkâ are lmpnl%'it. 1f~ d ~ érSo ftfCksM&fd lV' li C.ruter, Of Cliietgo, 1't5tkd Nezt 1ïediesdkty la St. %Vle tltits t, tte recum l ' ey fleas or irul if te week. dta7. eiçed by the lte oDr, Whe4er. we cojiier thatOlilver po~i1iait E iRîtitîîeril iiCtîa ** Kr2 e4 7o 1.P. 1- ght MalylaîdiesWho are usillg il. Fi-ida. ' ________________ à__ fait_______ Ge<. Iloolli ud Vle, V1 Trev.or, Tie Slnging Schtl a p i rtîviiug qtte week. Mr$. Cluas. meyer visited t Ri tver ne - iit"l Dr. Ewing ue purchased a flue Vîew Tuesday,-. new horse.. Tihis ielk prain la o eit vucciuated? If itot ZK U ' business. ,v O ïtu m.n-Il th m.Titde chbeîng of îM- ( arh s Some or the farmers are busy niar- iitri. Îýçf 6P- Turbdayevelilg Oflas %vek-wasketilig titeir Outdt. ________________________weii sittended. Ail report a verY._ ,, % .A W8 enjoyabte eveliitg. Witt Frinby,of Libertyvilie.utteiied AL PAtL~I~ Ttrne1wT- l-Oan elitertaihîiîîefltt aiicilir ud. ~'the Rockefelletr ttapel Thuraa)y éveil- Miu sMaria Beiitotu sîtei: ~ii ewdaYs _1@ wett #siit»p4 wth ritel.c*s Tocle iug Feb. là, fur te brasa baud. Witii il. Suitlî'kk toikks. aund Miit liade tlien). ilot. L. 1.Durci wli giVe a cornet Yp wabhIo a NliiceO, or lt S1:1t. asolo, Misa Siîerww.d, of Lake Villa, George $Susili tok iui Cliit*tgtt lVdî ..Mwsys C#b e ai uet 0 lit ,. Wittrentier vocal iand instruîmentai nesday anti Thuîîrmlay. igSU y muEuw ~ KO. iisic. A gootiorchetra wiit bu ini Asti Weduesdav, February 7, o ts kt attelid.ance. D)Ont fait to hear theethie negiiiig ui;f Lentt. icelebrited inegro comedial i i, lus Thparnofu çeti 11d I tfS TAUIAP4 AND MVKY B ERS comte sketch tlee "Conttv llotel. f iie patonss of Itur ete di fur Sale in Langstl'oth t wlil Ie aut etertatlimîetlit that yltti c tue ia ek R lives. AaoCciniajttd repay >ou for attendiig. For tiro- Mrs. George Ity, Idat Kîîtckiltîtl Extraew Hlley gramn eee amati bis. H. Allertit are ou thte ick lt. ~~iê ~ ~ A8 E, ~Mr. Goodwlitî spent Siîtd.î> vitlii t F. O M .IVANI4OE. fauliîy, viii»occupy lte tsihger litutt LIBETYVILLE, ILI4N2OIS. Ârtliînr Ritty tobok a trip iiiChiîcago Il. A. Smith atli C. ltdolpîitliait - irt ofthlie week. sactetitlaiin ut Zuricît 'Aediiesdiî ~~, ~~ ~ ~ Mrs. ~~~Brybnt iats ben visiitiiîg Mrs. Rtzîtalr rs.lijpl Kbker te iast week. lu i cg i llaota tîit AUCTIONEER, uHenry Vîîmtlew, lias so ftar reCOver- Iliht. SSflTV'VI.LE - - ILL. led front les recetit ilies as lu lie Beni Davis, whlal attenitdtg school 011 titii1.at Evaustoit; visittd aI t hioere b.d I xPereiîce lit Autloneet- Iite C. E. stieiety willi holdttiteif îtdy - Y are im1ttrOd10 rgilti' onlly buiess etameetiuig hue R .Gtitl in s~wuitiii *lemNtlt4taOf Ltte ntI tijotilf Frita> veîiîig.ldling lîi ace Itie M tIlt tli coin- ou aufisuveso Cia 55£ C l lorace Wells lm silit coîtijîtet to tîte gegteti v tit-F. __________________________________ ouse with rTeuruatiiiatndtii îable tb Our acit(ol a as clotaed te gi cater f~1,go about lis travets. part tif lat week ou îttg tu theiit uIims C on ti an Messrs. Jaulsa Davis aitti WVilliam of te teaclier. $kinîterfiliteuthlie ice itolime il ltte Skatinîg lias I aet tpilon iithte i ake Wright, Parkhurst & Co., citeese factory ast meek. titis %%hti .titi o accoilt t oil itticît LIBERTYVILLI. ,ILL. Issues Interest-Bearing Cer- tifloatesPayable on Demand . .1 U. Horeoe wRurs for N'aliutiaw, ivereilie vent l t Ont it 11actîttiitorthelite lities iiProf tend iscîtool dîîriîg te wiiter. saijtîttire vias tioii otiCi g siii itn district NO. 1, for a Short vacation il. 1tilittt alitit 1). ri-it iave ou accotait of sickîtesti (f muty of lte tbeeti 1 etcttliîtg tce foitlit Lî.ug pits. Grave Cr-eantet',. 1ev. Wtrîer, fioui Gracée4muugreg- StuetlîîvirAttes- Itiirods gaitkai cli itcii UChicago, occupielIteof tiis place (1011't seento l l nai pulpit here Itut Stîttuay niotitt aî .1 aarrovie tiis wluler: 't. sponlgesi TrailetArteice' L SBrushes, Paints', Perfurmery, Ois, ,5110T (JUNS Fancy Articles, Varnshes, INoratisynes.rirevir> mant and boy owum iiîsîetis' eiptioni5s ad 1rivateLBETVLE or wam it OwIk a RiLe. Ruating iw aylForinilas (Xrefuliv Compouideti. popuwa sud Oten a peceest>. We have ltez.-a IETVL fore deetded to add alliAs and a sitot Ounu10 our numermu Spremttim oqure-.W. y. rtnt to interest averybody and oerrW o w p s t e c lam in owrpubremui. eh. su in outho h I ricl e hR a tonht conthea. and aticleavOff«l aoie:.ar rangemen & w ith 1h.m MUl0.. hng %gents cd th matin ArumOCo.. "Jo ilenabis e »iWQ«Or VIbe9"t. tIARL REPEATINO RIFLE, mtgw ucoci. te~ m ratIevsan a prmijum et whowâ ai la.Tit ide Ubus mmi, *8. ~e~-ou otho revesuting rilla. ýIpuitlp wbhh 1>1arm top et tb.reslver s- tlrely Moud. the sempti aila boint aJoelo8 turouitmauopoulbg tu 1h. igit ha"d aid.e t- rectly octe b.loadlngr bow l itimssmtom of aide ejectlîlu tit.empti &beille are neyer throwu tlait, eface. noyer cru.m tliteotu.of alitor in~ auy other way lnterfer.1 ln kaking atm forte t aitot but are aliray. eJectod 10 thertght vent"* l taI l tedotng awray wfth thei Ouunite top anîd th. cloelitof titi $ide )by 1h. boit makes It impoueible fer any I. a00w. ralUlia s.v or dirt to gel tata a ction. "InCam, of a detectîr. catrtridgo glvlng ont »and tb. lieat. asofteu happene frotu r»- dJus or f rom poor métai, no powd.r wtti btowra mlt. heface or res, a. lte molid top ir a iiejemi Bro2I- Te Mdania lReplendtusRiflela nmode liaie- mi eWlbresa aii a taks of cartridage of temme ntark.d raltbre of thritrfe cao h. »d for It. Tht. 818Mt a i a t ithefollowlugs ezeair, land 6à e&UbWo ite Rim e .offèr neîluown lunttis dra"wlug tit.'stand.rl aise. wiith pistol grlp stock and lich hait octacon harrelwelgtit -.4 poutidi. ad holde là carlridgea Ne wHil give this Rifle FREE a ay one op.nàing us 40 new Pîaid-up yearly ul*criptton.s. ctir for 2iU ew paid-np îearty usîcriptions ettil$7.00 tu casht azded; or -a LIi *st thé* RItflo a oa uhacrIiS.for >&&.oo in cash, express charges 10 b. 1paid ,y %iti recelver. Iletail list pries of t9is Rifle SHOTGUNS. e1*f ~n lmported Double nàr.d un by a Cew. brated MakerŽ »RBE 8tai .tbýoeber. anl ON TI'!î POL.LowmNO 7ElqUL adv Ott 1 to bi l e eig tiitumnîtef the C. Miss "la Ïita nifi, vlo 'l 1siisa~ E. unet Wedîîeaday eveîîiîîg id devise îug ut .Rockefeller te lait lau prunis for tltising te 860. whlck tllMy moutlus, lsa umoig ns ugaiti. pledged tolthe citurlit for ibis year. quite a uumber from hua pltace lit- Mr. Hubbard lias rented John tetded the metiingot the Lake 0ou.îly liAllums' farus for the comlig year Agrieultural Board lit Libert> ville. Îùd wll take posmssai us soon us the lira. AndettIili andI danigliter, Mrs. W roade permit nsoving bis falnuly frous attg ilsdtltermidro Hlarvardi. Mr. Ilulibard s people are lte w,iîer with Itef ô»ugliter, Mrs. very ttigtîly ýesteesned hil IbIs Pac, Jno. Krucktuan. and iluJ wiil gladly Ywelcome theus back.A number o! aur yotug lîr i't. By speciat arrangement wth that tendedth te bail ut Waucoiida ùii Fi- habitsgrealest Amnericula 'uewspaper, w. Ar day evening. They report lte wbeWlî enabted to club the IDKpxNDENxT, ing bad and the leighing worse,bu C 9W'ad-habtsof horses have Daii> IntOr Oocen. bota 0» erar for WAD tati a good lime whîite tiiere. Wee"..... ............ ..200 &rom their teet b, Semi *ei ne ottioiyear Zfor308a t l.mond Lakee au oilt of te be8t ïtn discovered by Prof We can aiso Save yoti money on atty cow in the Wîrtd. She bail one tht . ., 4augh, V. S.. Pressdent otiter Puibication. Write a poift3a1 for tests 990, whle aI it e IWorld'a Fair Ve-titiafY COllege at La- termes. the. bopt one ouly t jted 700 sud a mgauae4*mangesch a loerr , FREMONT CENTER. i4ecord and been taken to ltie Fair. Mig suddenly, loss or flesh, Sn nyu tm aiela.I on one Une, balkIngy. Jolîn lIertelAfiled bis ics luotihe latsi r# ireasbtg'. There be u M ana etg the head and bad breath wek. sindilee both afteinoon and eveaii, bi eno traced 10 bad î5cth. N~ ice uter weather lte pat t oMmeing wbut l<t useti se b. Ut III 0'Young drivers have been week's. oVeye !OAtil? ifat, »Weiltl b.nume y, "poled before the direct 'omàtn t rhieitaiuîuga and puot JUanSd Lae (M is fet vlw4S eiscovered. Rough new bousm ttis prn. gtweei adt o le dI noers lacera t L C itta and i G. M . Tra it are mua -.. pouce ti11t'Vous- usy cuttlg wlow fence. That the Wbeonsin UC uirilW Irîblty; U"Vdf A. Ilehoe lias meted bis bouge to bas the Ufflulffld endruelit dnolars and Wfto B. Boyes for the omlng ye&r..- ofa&li, Il belng thé u»»t pop&W11s ç.proper masttcfl iesLx? ii . pnnid lmepêhuth'> ' #6 t i ng eu l lt U sies m lU in reeomai ~ca~IUCr*t5cf h.b4nout poison te w,;i îo <ub k.. andi Amhil, Dieth a"4I Moàl gfret. fistu1a.of thie o Superlor points. t. TheÏe causes should b. Mrs. G. Id. Tgawt bauO tg h le d W aîte Wisconsina CeaImaI1,u=b1 ired. Decayed teth should to Chicago by tbe Illuasa et ber, father. the netyrominent votSi luWb- t#racted, sharp corsetsand Arthur Bitta and -C- NI« y** W»6 ny ai'roadmoreb ad b.Ofth* W edq". sbould bc smoothed spent the tore partI o the 'w.ek linbam raLl. t, and elcgated molars and Ciliclgo. TImI lé dlnlng car se ev A~uU- -ors cut-ôtT. The conimon Goa. Betim b@tped bi brother ioiÏià,bLyany other liai, and that l - eSk ~ f, eforedeerned JoiCPb 9Hfi hlm k.homses w%.Liberty- repreositttves wi» tI ud flI- ths ilville lt OfL 5g ~ wfeat nded s1i ud. ormatloiti that my *des- this wol Ckeo.deelails. aâegard ane fl ated e fRitl<fNa Suu IWt. outes. Yolders Me e., sdys reWorth lbut Saturdiy. Uereeit udàeî auflor. i-3 11~~~o~e ~ ~ cominencet & ouIGen. Fut. Àrwn. MIw . is Pe O lVSer e Un . TitIs Double DariUed Oum ha sUte lin mpeuvensflk .Pfflbe .1.01bawMeii ueuhw- liw réboeuding ilos.unihard.ed mou- 081 futoheckeed plsel anti aom ldiuagem tsa fore-sud suà ubb«u bull. ttit »ier U bore. W. wtl glve tt"seligutGusaIrMr, ID » a" ene@anins e. Mi sew Pald.up yeuly ouslplima. or for 10 »sw pmid-usp y mbtnpiinusud 87.0 ta o0" adde&l- vWi MU mUiià$ te a mabmerber for sa&i $12M ID «Ph ist. eoureli Paoked hi 'aucu.. w u eld e. avrwahr-apoi. Tbb lea MM .ba»mla go Msubasoue.d ma 001) ADVIeE. Evely ptrhititizen esiud give hi, 1pernnat effort andI influence to Increase the circulationeofbis home paper which touches theo AmeTiCan PolicY Of Prolc- -lion. Ilta b is duty to aid in titis respect in eveiy way Possible. Aiter te home piper le laiton carç ot, why not sub- scribe fer lte AUZRICAN EcoitouInT, pubsl>ed by te American Protective TariE League? One of ils correspon- dente aays t <4 1o0irüe AterleSu can (01 Alontg Wthoilt Il...1Icondàtp r It &a md tt rnéigest poitiai e In itfs a chance not Offered very often, but 'TfIE iIODEL Holds it open to you for a short time du ing the continuance of its ' SEMI-ANNUAL sacýPfce-cI earipg al, MEN AND BOYS' CLOT bo FIURNISHING GOODS. Reliable Goods--Every Article of which we watranr--at from 30 50 per cent. less than actual value. Temperance Temple, Wakgn Hardware, Tini Hou» Furnushing Cood$, Roofing and Eavespoutilq co= znet H.B. KAGRx9 L-Lbert>yville, Mi. Tip apd Sheet 1 top Job Done with Neatness and Dispatch "PÂý COMILTE STOGK.7 Lime, Drain Tiue. Farm Wagons, But' Agricultural 1Implernents, Etc., We have a new Stock of the fapious Weber *Waol.0 -And the Bloointon-, HarberBros. Bugges* Oa~ Ond. Toh*pi. '"v- - - - ý m Pl' 1 Il ý S