CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 16 Feb 1894, p. 5

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~vJ.~preq t~ he 85<: dOae?& thé111 14 dbloev' 41. r ~ îuavV~ey.xgftw _tîycolt snd th. river rom Msumbeybonsad th go .dultIn, uail 0places four ftet docks sudWater treot aie inumUbWI Traes zla g h, blideio sidevaika. Busineass aata standf4ilt A blln4lg WwwItta-Nsn7 ' rsos UiOft--ichigan u alor-ni tivp. eniDviorm Ouled lb. itreete with tIr1t NMl ine. AprIl, 1815, lbasse imuch andiail trains are bobind lime. enow talion uer ba% the viné howietibal ti tiu frae a asyPeint&. vlih sucb unrelentlng vigor. Betore GUTfRmI, 0k-lt ba@ beeou foii adntthe. blated cae!cf n uatrat&Mn n9anY 01 theo treets luncliidurtng tae etorni, and stocrlosi ~1y uonlg.Hott a OfDetroit s rabcticWliy îlt)PPtd. avEnt uuflring are comlng la Iror mornin. Ha gt a iovs drav byftour teil wnt uver varfins pointe. Twenty o rsons ha' It. Andothe hump? Ilt te routos, but by the tireoneulend cft! beu t:.und fr<,zen to dealli. A repor gd fr ny a year. The thb. 'lin u vasebd the drifttalied cornes f rom the northeiu. Fart Of tl h.been e.wept by a Piloti upc. bO other. '1he 0'1Y vaY Torriîlory that tix FTo.uons oef sinit, Aces h oti econtinent Ithe ele ui io or eîeig wM ero murdered Uy the tatber te p ,hovilg monter m tie t endt Io mot r caré atong togethor. veut Iheli suoring whie tilg vitl Businessin the city bautitan stag1- co.d. 1ýhe seoeu bodies vere foun il antildisrimnate tour, note& ReBporte trouz ail over Iho cne bouse wlth their throats eutl. va. mest severe afleie Ba8sshiowvthosierra te bave boen un- theo h. use aas 'oued a' note sIgneti i eL cotuin va. re-entorceti usly evere, -althougli the dihmego 1Ilie ailier. who teit word thal bha;h gotuonu lu Illinois. Starting lu stiglit. i killed lits w.e andd blîdren te mif boyonti the Missouri River l V oe n u" eyin Wio-.-min. ,tbem trou, fraezlng. At Roi PRx con thé railway travetlu BELIT.-A fearful blizzard lias p. o- i.' ais ieuntand tairîiîy. ccuatuing0 viova, Nebraska. Minnesota valisé &Uldey.j a %vite andtw-tv clldron, ageti1 X lrotgeuersly It sent Gitz>< BAy.-.-The noverzIi siazes ancd 12 lât-ars. ware aimoýt frozenM eute lgBl p-ig h-runnlug int tho City âare deiaved undi deuth. Mo. l'anie Srcurer, hoe ng bot Heot Zani ih- the prospecte are lhey villii ne Uc a!. :ea or, tweive milesfrom ,Cro4s, Wi litho teth au e ellho'ththad us utit to-mu-r- foui troyen stiTf. Mviy people aig balîer.helisetcorteu xe v r -c. tt t living in tenue, sud as fueli ter.Ita onneeastard MIWAIJX M-I vas the mutdiua a ý e-S 1he vunditi< n lu avfuL .liuî by suoved-up trains grcbsdy th itrat cvMiilgan, living four- miles sutuh i ugJidtolegrapli vires taer 1.W ppe vnturedti u..Every .iOw Perry, wafo nd trozeu le death. asd Mtitit Staies. Its c3nter porapler aidi avaitîble man wad I is purtuer, Ha %cy Newcomh, di. àlsg tho Ohio VaVey, anti lu put te ou-k. Along tihe lakc 'r nt h' r imn exposu.e andi çoi fiieeun mnute v as toit lu ail the ai-casst.or'rn ragoti furIý usly, throwing the atter lwinq to-ui. At Boucs, Mm M3 eibnicdmls ttat11e sud spray aàm-d or more inlunti. JeLnni Cramne andi two chfidtren, Ltz lew unded ilesof hatTho stnim caugtht noue of the utèrrr zio &end Sial ile. vere discovereti f-ozet Thé earliegl reporte came f-cm doing business ou the laide euts jt. stiff in a coyote s buu-row, ton yar.! Oculies. These mtore s.rug- P-ÂcnwE-The met seseroi storm ftrum theur ataxe. Col. Hounry Mettoî, la âaguti-tis, vhile the unialier knova le tht. victnty for fitteen 3earoas cowboy, vas diseovereti by a parhy c '~e.almeet counpleuely lnov- The. viné ror the. nortteast reaoboti huners deettine!r hi.. home. bfis a vetocity of ixty-flv. miles an hou - jcnnie johns'on, a young Indias elaie for thoeviahe1u antiwuvaacompaule 4 by a set aud toucheor, w ho %ent '.o Alva recefitly $ooepullanélser- blfdin suowterm. Street car tramile trorn* Serant ii. Ps.. e.t hon saleno jete uble nd beuffr-ocuipâtly puatyzoti. John J-hin atu: dav for lher board ing-house. 8he - êvry-aloi-n entais upon scbauck feU ah the , treet crner, aMti las net 'b 'on seen Fice. 11 ticos nt seem that any viion otunti -ý.ascoveret i vth anw 2Xehr4wheSnoe.d tradar. ham rn beau entficteti. anti i=tilu n =heur. .OMAHA.-Aï a -o-nlt the blizzard thle Onty mischiet. Botb Rae i.. Mile 5ev tIn lans. Imo-t ti ans have botn n bandonet i Ala themarhmer»b. f VAIt'&imO--The ih i intidrift 1the imtorior, and thoee lunnlng have _01111thteraiutaltîrther kouth *Otheimcvwbadly. Travelinu suspend-I bs. ut'Iy tvo andi three enai - - Žïu+ý-injerieris, , , 4. - ___I'_Stock in Ne buskn4ereally lu doiE15 ~i.folloving ci vnt tà LA Fors.-More tItan eight fooet fand îtockiuen .p-e apprehenalve of ds-tk tlroy e v bwâoreorteti lu lhe cuts bsetve gîca"t . Dr-ifts in soNne places ar tObru, section. It viil e. bore anti Micigan City. gied tee te tweimty teet high, ant in before the f ull ory of de- COLtuSIEIACr -No such èîtor was vth e yos catle are îerishtug for anoveti-in villages sud ever vitilesseti nI;N rtlern lIndana. vaut of waîei- art ooti. Lossile lii ,disSmtttire lu kuovu, but the Many farinra are onsyounti. dit ection wili b, - ermous, itlalu ter. VProu dipatches tel 1 ercugli RiCImi.-Travel vas ietee,<ered Nu o Jof Itle i6. repomted, but in tho roters imagination te viii anti conitirabie danaze vsa the isolatot! ati Icts the blizzard may roëtdoue to teleplione wirei, th eeà and the liave pr drîcoi fatal resuits, ns the ld D., a uliniel. 1ke..snow was troqucuîiy no lhick that oh- :Çk1AGOSnc~vhrie tbeug MtNCl-4 bllnding inowztormnpre. ject-i ten etdttant vere obseureti U*-ir yag ae t wud hih bevvallei bore for moe thon Iventy hou rs. nýto-k shipmeuts Je Nebraska suM oW'ï,b a Ce ~m of ndr-buic etiCliMore than fifteen teehes et snow hai South DaLota ase net oniy suspeudeti tibt4o m îahor be tialion, but when t jey cen hoeresumeti la net eqW*i umried 1h so eeply ta usiness POWrLAI$.-A terrible b'izzai-t limskuevu. Even if the stre t cere at the et ar*rÏ a uipaa]ied. The been ragtug bere, th. e rul for yeurs. depots et the riliruats il coutd net lbc siem hi-o. upoum tie city izfore 4fy- Fcurteon imchiesu ov bha f alion anti transp 'rtet and .'atotrains are aban- - %, uelli the cominse of niget *Il outticor work le atoppeid. deneti in ovei-y direction. But the famviha fu7 nt eqmaled ince lO CitOWN POINT.-Countr-y raids are stixlk cannot Lie brought troie the ts-m. ibé MU»BUOr ..b.,tihicli tiept bleekadetluest! directious. sud it will fer the bnnw is tee deep. The heigli' 11êq10ft Cicago jut aille years doubtlo.,. be Ivo or threo days botore cf the difts eut i el Nebraskas prairies =~s car transit turing the tariner-a eau fludt Ieir vay luil tovuiw. t incnedibie. lu imanv caser ant early part eft he atter- ELwooD).-TIIe vorât blizzard kuevu c hero an eb>tructien et the afight* ba ijnost a malter et luck, anti lu ibis coutry since 1l-liýl. A' drop et kinti offoreti the epportuoity the uuov s ati as -lb. trewun 2. egr- Inlutemperature causet mucclila pileti bigher 1Jin lbheti-m-lios- rains vhlch ufote bave sufferlug aong the stock. The eaci anti is pro sed tiowun liard as lce. Toraitn nwc rsoulmobaei nd btw shurricane anti tha air %tas Caîîl La s Srnaeio ln Ketuekry. theattemid night oTIe ttnois aperfect mass cf fiyiug snev. DAN-ILLLThe teruado de;troye FORT-rWA YNn.-'l he veather lias net 5 ooovrtU et property amode a brave figlit to keep lis boon oté. Feai-tetOf Iedt otasPOIVL.-Ahgi itsoi bo2rte t efon anti uevers andi big tiamages resultiug repc.rLod te baie passedt hrough Ce, vuater ant i tee aepi inlandti Ibretroin, arrangementsé have been liai anti Southvetorn Kentucky. . ie ant inight il aiouiy madie te put sevoral hundrnadia:ren a -i HARRoDeaBLR.--A storm et un4u' o! ail totant thy vr.teama te vonk anti remove the bu, ueveri t avpieor the western, whIStmnowlait usndtey wedrits. The average tait of suevisesîf lion et Mi-car Ccunty, doîng c.nsîgý *M n thens.d usn to aI tventy luches. fM'P illti &ered he ay long. lie INDIAiIAPOLI& -The heaieit tom, able deiage. a evu tores sending-t~heir cf sieet anti mev vhicb bas vîsiteti SUf -ntny la the. Seuthwest. ,..long boforo tihe usualIntdiana lu a numbor cf yeai-s balzan SAN ANT-oNo, Texs.-The cou Tii ueu et Sry5(.000 Lf early ile amern nticninmda ties west et hem-e report Ilial caille L pl.c< ai Ltwithoutl ntermhlsin durîng the day. eeinvri nihnrd tIi ursjifleti on tant anti vater. OutoideofetIhe inconvenience vbicýlu ~a woak condition titeti f extren.: iss~u tis Ontccurreti te pedelrians resuiteti troniimpedoti traile on Il'e Lcaiti. 'Mt ale te contenti againsi railroati Unos andtheb difficuities under D.ALLAis, Texa.-The earth h. triz. mouncertatu footing cauuod vhicli business vas tuansct A inl thiâ as bard, asua fi-tk.Il raineti. steetet bym mlvant i ce-coiereti watks. clt he Ilie mage oethIe storua vas fot anti eowet, and a nother biev at IL - t11L 8h b ahi-ot crib the lies of materili. In many sections the ènev rate 0ifoty miles au heur. Dispatche eteul imwere hanging in the hal-, driftt oti&e8 te uake the rondis impas- i-que the Intima Territory sud frontaa l>#e h empeet va, nowliig. sable, anti thuoughouî the uortbei-n pints fle the Panhantile anti West.î i t.WAUKDGtii-For, oece Forons utcd. part et tb. 8151. the drifla intortereti Texa.. report thie veather as terribit Nie toiisI't.wiîb travel. Southi anti soutbeast the &at! viii sufer gmeatty. CAItTY.s.-Ran s nd zet cet tel! sterm censibted im tin until eariy nexi IKan*§ tinarr aiWhite mantue. noi i ti-ie 1 morniug', wvli t bogan te unew, but ATn-mSO.N-Ait trains are lied up. Wjjta plae -nwi si e e the tai! Is net large. Et. DoRADÇ-ýRsi, aile are ait iock- la placbutmCo-edsbs. i s<uhem lova Frein l the Oi eý kmem lataD-Tsi t- e d bknown 'BRiGTN-S1now hai talion telte E. k'oRIA.-Wagen rostis au-e impa.-s- L rnetii. aabl et t bu tiu4 a rttt U, anti trains bave boon abandoueti. t;j , egci fu yers.badiy. Railway li-ale . la much lun- IFwrT SeoTT-The heaviest unev in vint!basbuow over peded. Southest Kansas for many yosi-u lies tciraihal buldigs.srb~s eDLBuQuE.-ThO storm st and north- upen the groîti. Trains are lnte anti teever'I-tmll ulic vb est etDubuque vue cemparatîvoiy laid eut. c-ed uiacoaIe l.ue-s.- light, anti trains freiniChicago anti St. Lb,-,vu.o=nîRy.-The snar.cix ~ciOVR-'Felgt tain ~ Louis oniy wve. teiayed. teen iluches deep ou lb. tevet ant inl udnt nlPreWbght tainti Toet:' WASHINTO-.-A* feartul bllzzamd many plaLces bas driflit te a tieptli et a-Ïndloram ant etern. nd ' ber, as houa ragrng hem-o for tveety heurs. f rom ütri o tetn foot. !i-i= .1l--Net ie tee yea: s hua Aittrains ou the Rock Islandi have ToPE.KA-Reports troue al parts et leaton ethle cutyexpenieucedi been abandoneti- anti general business Kausas arei1hal it vasithe boas test ni~~~~ alerilebizert a 1a andstlll. anevutonni on record, sud vas euJp,. - i a tr-T&ioi -ugribtUbizzrd GRINNELL-A blizzar-dibas licou' cially inover. lu the western part et the cfa ty'are lotekadet! b>'tUe ver, ragzing bei- o fr twenty-tu eusSanIe. A strceg norîl i vnt cai-rieti s eum eer eenlerebous. illi the unov driftiug bettyv. Trains the suew lue dÈ-Iftta The thermome- CARTÀG-A Wabash nassenger on tenriat olirai ie ter1er iouiot t deres -rntiou Csyontehe'kk asheurt bohtudti me. Bitrute umhes the. Maut ntcklufie Cao utte E eint. ,was BL'itLNGN.-SuowtirIfts arep lied LOG BmtAN'C, N. J.-A se vor. tormi AUcRoià.-Busasam lias licou prac- bigli everywhei-e. Street crtacisrensi aogl.Jesycat /tieaity osrpoedthIle streot cars a1 a staudetill anti ne effort wiiiho NW AER bn.Th out 1îop~s, rais lie ani t [)calsmadie te lear 1h. trucks untili the tast eEnvouu.-e tSudh lioed >train atad h sh stormilaover. Al trains are late. hiror s:elter$1 a big flet fvostels. D~cTiy.-To eu-t bizardkeo 1'CEDAR RAPIDS.-Suow lie, nl.'t hoers lae ar The uer e ii-t' oin otho depili of six or 5evcn lt FFALO.-Ad vices tromnother noar- do~ ~ ~~ "6l tnhceoulo ietnitthpinrches, anti as a biglivinti prevailed hy loves indtie t hat lUis oni et the t ag u lme a loe iUPt hoeraitroati s ebadiy blockatiedi, es State le 1helng blaniceted i vth ennw anti IA A1N-This section et centrail ellyIis ru b etr uie that the ares et sovere colit is exten- qi»ieoisbuasbeen lu the toilaetfa blii- the State. ie mard. thêeuat of uhielihua netbeen DsM m-h tr btd NEw YoRK.- The blizzard ucheduleti 0Sf e leueti or atiecde. uring the day anti vas practicaitk' over b ~weatlier prophete ari-iveotlime. CrE'ru-Salbuildings more lu 1h. evenieg. Theumini uWper- Vo e ieu are covet-edti hlia mautie L' .imgtIIbrpluoetreiat ature reporteil vas zero aI Ottuiniva, et suev boverat Inceea deep. Ail trallic d&a e e tii-taonls eotsndIbisant i t othor î olutu tbe thermometer is8 i en.The raitroati trains are barl, i resla a piecaurous condition. sot ut ile.Te4rin vai'behind tim nd uémails fi-cm, l parts I3ONXCIO.Th iaiva lo-meut sever. n hi southe ipar'toftoftho ceuntry' are deis eti. os qreo Bn auOil a lcx-oh sudlie cova ithe State, viore a foot oet sueur *fO. raiivays are Operai v t h tifficulty' aer toi- x ortrybing doivw1n tia od, ffcon the river bus been greùý- I e-.6ejo ta ulie everywlierc. ichou anti ai Fonda, ln lime roth et pEoiui;-Tbe torm vas eoeeofth I e lie511e, ee inch. flpoet._______ -elsi ilà the, ltory ofthkt- Te KEiurK.-RaJIrepd traffic le sertons- Notas ef Carrent Eventi. if Il' lil ilws cil>.Th ly interi-uptoti anti businesle the cdlv AiTERa six menthe' iti!ene's the .sno 'va 11Z ang-~t. oa Iatandtiaili. . On severai lines 11 limingham, Aie., rotiing miii viii ne- i, - . V i-a irontatt tei ~bare. tilcentitued u-ne, eniptoyingautjo 1mou. op *mffm» us" Waç.s. '- 'A*Sàd t, Dai a1,0t et Tbom-lNusy te Gevua fer the . Ho.. Ne o i So oua.oe: 0 MANY av manl a new house gown seemus an ex- travagance. She ne alzes lbe ne- 0.507 0of havinir a "bit gowu," andi t h i nka thatl it * , ughotetbe new at 0 lenst once ln Ivo ~e ae ih. la wt! to ýume ltfor second bout vhen ~s '~ a newo on. mes,i sudanI £11ler she /1 ili "voar It arounti the bouse. "' B er entire yard- robe Ibus conuluits cf bout govus lu varions stage i cf decrpfîde.Wild extravagance per- party dress which lu re- »evetinany Uies, andi when ils une- fuume for sucli ooa,tons is over, it uzeetao me fate as the bout tiieue. For eqpeial bouse wear she xnay have a wrPe anti as. be sh e ever so saving, thero l a time wheu a wrapper ho- comme old, Bhe lus thus supplied With )juil an otd vrapper to vear arounti ea house." This is ail wrong. Pia-se tle eoonomy in the street cr boitdtresai; iyejn are inconepicuousud faultleusly tdyron th.etiti eet. that suitices, but in dth bhe you muaâthuspbet aspas- sIÏl, &adnent oniy neat but -daintttly f reh. This necestates bouse gowns. andtiifot cne, but rnauy. The ct-d boit gotrn ay be Madie over for street use, ,endtix ne novbot' dresmay ho vorn at ajeither shoulti ho nuoi u brnedrs~ t.This rule wiii save hoth these gown. most trying wear -and they viii tast that rnuch Teeare seî-erai sorts cf pretty bouse dresses, which are se inexpert- usve that Mout vomen can a&nord tu have a lot of them. and, vbile very neat.and pretty, are tbe easioet things lu the wovtti te make. First corne, t e vrauper. vhtch Must neyer ho the Mother Elubbsrd, uer cf dark print or yool. nircil u anything that wIll net wa. A pretty kinti andi one that any one eau make is madie tull ricbt f romn the collai, and is fitted in under the arma alUtile anti over the hipe. A sur-, o kechif f ront l big amuie. ie iy ascf-lle tnie 0e0eti aougtheamo anda ittl Ie aP" u t h...dl tir seam, .d then s I hi-atbelng per= i*bW la vote e0-,tr au-,unLegoa «i&,:t Iraluoti antieolt lti, ahti say bho Mourmtlrigeoior auti-malerlal fi-oaathe undergove. Whoui put on ear lime underg.ývn sud faotene tett .aIlm breait lUne, lthfo t leude'rgouzu tsi! graeetuiiy froni cder IL. 0» eket or botilce of Ibis kInti uasy ho v -ru %ittbman y skri-ts. 1 le its vii hlp ycu lova-e pr,' vidlng noat anti prtiesi bomne dresses, andtihUe actoupsnylng 111mw- ttIOus villi. thoir éoeelptlous vii serve an equali>' gouti guidies for ltae construction ot more éreu.y home eas- toew eofthem for vw vWhonuai housewrk lepouh slde. lInb.theali& picture aI lbtheamet the coin= utiare aPpears.a dresa of olive-greeu cth vith Recaier taleoes sne citar a funll front et green anti black hi-coude The hi-astibond et fui- aI lhe surI' hem la by no moes a necessarv le&., lur-e aud It eau ho omîtteti vithi lhif, auj tous. .The, nel oxelamplo tu au6le- gant one, vai-ket eut, tu vvetld gise siik,"anthelb.materWais sed %mai b than combinations of ruby rodat M ýjgeuýrc ar ieviis-v aurons AND Afsut iz-KABz. tuilues la gathered inenaIthi. valut ng beiti hj' a buckie. Theo skirt lu or vide aund ftaring nid tbhetag es etthe fronts are borderont vtih gld galoon, iel is luase uteti for 1h.ebCit. Nesl come s pair dresseti mclemb oxponslvely. The cliambor robe aI the left hanti na>' ho matie of!hie silik or woolen utuifs, and 1h le trimmodti Il rîibbon of the saune or of conhraaicg shado, vhlch, commences saIthe siont. dors in beck, crosss«lintfront anti lu timen caried' haok again te the atarI- ine polet, I-cm vicb 1ht fattu éovn to .he botte n nlong lops an&ds. aA full fr11! cf gootia cornes'ai-oud il.. reck sud Ilie buggy aavqs hmv -l bon culfs. 0f course, sncb a goan lu net te b o enuouloisîte oc=a a. A [.rohly tires., wvie la te replwiesi wlidn appering lu the Uying rom a ftenbeeM ILWhite cailanierau-I ai-né vith embrslideied rasseuds inla k tualrlal, M.W Itilla garniatiotivill cliepoeochinie figurdi-.ti1keàuuu»ir. Tie boit ski-It.laga-niben th ti our bIs cashmere toits amei&a ari-cu mnite p'eatlng ai-ued lbe bottem. The. botiica cimes oven fie akift anti hai a plastron ln front, viclct.a swod te mue aide anti houksat h e other. The bretelles are mante ot crepe te chine naid ever rceo-pluk faille, sud are open al the sheuider. At tie lofttide thoera is n cu'epe do chine saîli taced. vhth pink faille. TUetnurtb ilnshx ation shows a Cou- uinblue and gi-con, lhe young girl*@ iesbeiug a tiark aiséte cf green teltb anti the others a tiaik-blue wo-ol-, en bongaiue, strlîieticn:,ssvIse anti rather fainît>' vill yeiiov sllk. The frmer- lutrimmedti ti as f014 of tale-gi en ou iolianti tark-greea passe- menter-ie buttons. Ite 'skirt lu lîneti 'ith bonvs>'slk ant isleanlitho feulloser the hipu. anti the blouse bodice buttons uvisilb bhieti oser s fitteti hiniug. todice andti kir-t are joineti by a soani hitden by a vide beit oi-uamented viti a faecy buekle. The crosevise srips A ci o Pl ra ss0xOXE ELSX vsuASBStRE mmuISza the tve scai-fs are lied tegetimer oe'r lhe buet, or crossent ovor il. oarried untier the arma snt tiet inl the izack. The vu-eppernia>' hoet &an>'itgbt prnu or ssasb goots, andthte kerchiet front, of uuffleci vhite mustin. Tht. makes a1 tiaint>' breakfast vrajpper or roc'r robe. Praetica! anti workîng bouse drosses mustilnvariab!y ho short anti et the man% cheap pinlus, chalties or muulins, or tUoeiotty sofi fianneiettes nia>'lho ued. Those vah, are lnexpongis'c aud da net neet ularchteir. Alwa 's choose light ant delicate ce ors8. A g<îvn that goos on as eail>' ns a it"')pe r . oee that lu actuaiiy made one a.brboitol, vhicli fautons lu front anti is vide esugli t rehr cw eil above the vaittUtno. Tols loir-ur etigea plain fuit siri luei-un, vill a hem turnet! up at Ithe bottoun. 'lhe bodice i. sevedt te .uppor etige anti uns>' h matie wilbeut tart-3 or flîtiegs, ut fuît on the collai- antiduavu tiovneclosoiy mitU e boit. TUe seeveu liave big dirreeing tope anti a deeop tigbt cul! te the etbow. whlchlelutUa essiesi leove ln the îvnmld te mako. 11 posAble, make i c-ut of wiîte or telicatel>' bî-ipoti vnsh silk, or bluck wai-b sllk wilt do, vltb scai-t t aul silk boit, collai- anti cugs. 111 e saoi te have a foitiet or s55tbebot, ty.:ng villhn rti> boy lu fi-oui, te pi-ctect the p]ack.ul bote. This one design eau ho satel>' duplicatetii n uy uatoriats. iLtI-.i quîek te getfinte, luenvas ant icloks pi-otty andtim-u. Lest bhmt e as:, yen nooti nover von-y about lUe skIrt'4 slip ig In hh back,*Ibat common fauli of t oI thng, were about the bouse. An evee moe.simple bouFe--geve le matie al le cene aud quite plafin fi-cm collai- te hem, back anti front. Il -fast- onu dowu thie front le about tie vattit, anti bas altacm o th ie Mîidletfthe back a vide tifted e4 ot. That leal there leulit. 't neds carefut "bang- ing," Ibat lit ma je 05eafilarounti1 wben lie boit lifs teeed. TUe coltai- can hte lhber a bîgli or 'a lur-Ô-oerf eue. The stooses ina>' ho 1kethe clU- ou- design, or stalsglil ues -gathor.ti lu1 at tUe ai-nbote aud ai theWrnist. Couit anythiug ho more simple?' yoe e,,il i le ne malter bow simpe, the littie gowu lu, if i honl>' Ïati lglt. t Wbsen yen are veti supplient vith tee'bits et govue for "'vorking f -oupti, lui-n your thbuglits let te1 proîl>' Aternon agowua anti the ltile y dinnor anid ia drsses, in vhlcb yotr ia>' prluk np a, bit vhen John contes'o: homoe r euon ou bave cmzuay. Yeu nMa>' telov tie motiol of the g wuvnhat fI VUs ilMate on a boit, add4ag a Ute Pollhe tyoe te i vlg i detthWIXu y*et. Patt, a ti uf larua t o rî suS -E i1M, - A TE'] YABS A AT. of the otilor di eu maire it particularl suitable, for taitsteder figu. Iii quite stmply made and bas a squbre yoke, of yetlow bengalins covered wilb back gipure lace. Thestleeves, have a largze puiff ovored with lace, ant th plin1l epaulettes are tacked atI the lev only'at the top and are unline&i Copyright l. 4 Soen la the. hhoMu Square-eut jacket'Buit& for umali Cashmere wrapFers havig suai f ronts. Fancy moire effects in the new nu. bone.' Jabots of point d'esprit lace aud. CrMoire effecta or suggestioas uin nev'i taffcta& .1. Pin - dotted changablu stiflfor fancy valut. Greel and navy shades ln mens ora- vats cf ail gr4des. ~ 13lack equestinisutights madie lathe Luw-nkedivisaibhod uwulrveo Dreate uAqteuO!ffrencb twW i ere~e o ecouffl o ue. op i pork ha' ibis vu>'.Thera farts, Il la rue, wbicbfuf messliat ame iffliI t but thé pries hargo4taaimO*î vbat lte asosag awoout dO made aet.iboné. Ilma* aWq if tJi.. la a gooti the bouse, teO ae e lin i t.temake *otU bu. Tie meM.cbPlçt, usv la a vary usef u l aifor ou for éladeanmd atbe« st-d moulaformsopo. Thff qoi chopeot la order te, extuiat value of lbe $uieoa. Saal chqPper for famfly né. Win ou 82-50. A eek'm auppy .o%? Rft. eau be epuly fmade « 'Whee propery tai-.d An -x aouthed Jar, il a tlaer of to, I il l keep po-fcl Io P lan ; but. It shou tt e i dho i e as oncesa vcek ho bhotu îpatT A inpe rut. for 5*tuso catis foriseyen anti a hatf pu ]ean pork, (or ouselni- - cise e, hall leau Vaai); t» hail PMoriso!fat pork, Ueto -of sait, hait sp euDOWe,4 favory, lhrea. m~zea s an s uit aounce o! chop the meâtt 0 Y.ug1~ "Seaoulu, voixIn W'ith -anti chop agate, ~uaa, Pèulket i tle 11cases, as lx as Ithe lbbutchejia' sope. Tice rdiuau-y vayo f f-lngçg tg 0 t the beot way cf ooôklod lb. oen ou au ordlaary bd11 tuning hom frons oca s&W oter untfl le>' are br«m 01 aides. In a bol veq 1h07.*11 ln tis v a e heuor It1eu la If ley si-ela ouas Uel WX prcked horou#Uy o- g . frontbursîtnd uete b b , sausage meat la ifed out qîarea or tr loit lolto. rO(a abouti brequwtorot"~1o anti lot It eool la lithauam q Frencahne th .rIObet%ý p Xadeira saces itli 111110 cbopped o na" Itla *4 t4ce of a tabmtzoaaI sînkleti oser he saspms fea e y h reSt put ta l eo as bsova sauce antid a * matacotiparley tes a p IMMhoai-y dlor le t»4»Y'T mant, auls fa fBmte s.lim~09m lai ver. onasa cb w - but nonae lith ai-cIl,- 1p. nantt>, tudie. fwsahdte. «Item Istapri*ahl>ono ladiesveeiosSvl hg ldcame to tlbutfauld% fscp surrent evard e- vli mel>' tbey er. i alrE "Wbaî tf o thtmusati "SrO Pim .ounmaasaat xi bite Thyseatoublaesuati u# "7' s o-r-y, bfut jeuse-as U "But iea>'wi ed ratier sac tilen an>ltlie, tbers-ouidnléa Tma ir il mti btevtlti.- e anos jomsd- almir! -oxhbl Tic youadie adies ojute? ti kion tis et ae ahlui it as as- oesti U îi xetac.u Listtl.erlos o ut c rae.t "IL tethacingi,'Curous newo home1 saig prl& .lý1 0Wfcourediaid bilcrs.dI antiw d idcboule da mu-o-! yumaeldies tiuspplne Po,"tsrftty Smle..Ax Rcalj rigna doa-plo kee tori c mon ot ugsar mot lvajl beat nd - p#btn sele. wAifrea ou I-eint 15 tie Unilheéancig00cho, iAý1r "wetb, tfrstedîl it bis. haoditasu iaedancIng. tOuh, ed " ana ltteeiCo4lg forptngriel." fo Gci-rmea o!aea Wou' lacIs b>' bc*eahngtiet i 0ies, sud ton pitk-g1 a '1401i. ,-wacututg thon ei lablicl,

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