CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 23 Feb 1894, p. 1

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ORAIM: TO FRAR GOD, 2TRL'77 j*TW AND MI.ARWN. -2. No. 19.. Libertyville, Lake County, Illiniài, Friday, February 23.1094. ee. tCounty.+ Independent, àbOnda indpe»ndont. Lak Zurich ndePefldont, rmerville à Wh.lng EdItions LIBUURTYVILLIE.ltLINOS. 0 Outer 09 IMk, CouPtijifor thetr Soyeral Sd!Ut..gtse *il <ho Oouflty ii.wq Ou*e thoi r unsth to mato e M" nd a m dmeonov papml. UMi lut-alielt4 trr«trmC xç«m tv ent îîîcs pet l ift foi a &0ieoite p5 e ige cd, fe r S il )"m t etil peritaue n da.t of tii.pertinhS; attittlsud &ti- IcUUoas eé leumomadtit an O. C. Menr rni C - pihfoe Pricer 1.50 e e ~jPowder A PUll liii 0FTARTARPTtDau. lorth Canal St., H. BRUBAKER. ,QTOGRAPHfE]R, See t. Woukean. %. ligo dii et w.ridse. ltibn almeured ta ovoryono 1BÂRITOW Manufnaîtrro MARBLE aDGRANITE MONUMENTS. C.ptr ork of Every Description. SUBSCRIPTION TEANSi -1 Oit'. ytar,<-ash in tiI vanwre .......... SIX mmibe, cash lia dvaàuce. . TbrtI 'Dt. ng., Casm laitum ..... 50 If0 jerifnoSt d ultltttin oth»i S8176 One, ic4r, If Dot Powtbtn 4isitth . .ou.5 Ail 3utlemensuttop00~ made aut ho rate of- r..00 per tYe~. COBINO EVENTS. Couaty Court Monday, Marühis, ~It Court, Monda y, Mareh 14. uIP cauceusea, fSatqrtdav XMeLlag Tuîesday, Aprii 3. I adof Supervisors Mbeeting. fTocada", plle 13itteb cool Electon, sautday, Th Sprlng Elections. It la thi o 1"'opié e e serionsly eoonidevisag *%om they vfrh to rep- resent tbom for the ensatng t-tas la the sevorai officers to b. filled titis spring. IThus far te general public have visicit are of far more importance < ,±lixalr '11-et tInfluence an& L<i'<lsciài reefaon ôOtir echool , road antd Bridge, tolvn and ûourtl taxes art oaci lîigiser tissu tise state tax. Our local home sait-is are of muieb more consequeuce tr i saîitgont pros- petits' or liard limes tItan iy aitil ail traitaient polities-We can putt otur finger on snd, Ili great meaisrure iii- finctiee ont Immediate sutrroutîdits. Towît meeting corne Tuesday, April 3, vîten a funil set of townsip offleers are to b.e eWod. Some mnay thitik titis semevitet eerly; but juet remem- ber that ont- nev Australtan ballot law reqairea titat nominations musat lie made at least ificeti ditys ili adymunce of the elec'tion, ao tiie' ittst date possible tat a catieua corild legaily b. iseld wonld b. on Mat-ch 20, but as thia cornes on Tuîesday anti il bas bh-eui tîite tise custom b. bold cutiues or Saturday, ilt bimore tisan i kely the committea witi select t3aturdla%, Mareis 17, louis'tisree weeks from to-morrowu as the date. The offices tot tefillled thIms sîrimg aretfi 4 C- -k iu1e -«f t'. tItikt-> '.Aar,--u M. li'aih. Aý-4-rlianiet Lee;' t olie-tor " W Liais C. Saut.eo. Cornutwsioîier ' RrU W. Burrertieat1 te'houi Tru.uet- Borer itendoee i're. Village itard it uls<.- o u-Clu.. Averit; Ettoîn (Sborne. 1 s mî>'- -,,.-t.~n W st-yeuM. H eati,'. lar- tof Wil liamnt try tuI' LAKE COUNTY FAIR. Edîitot Lake CcutlyINDEi'stii,.', 1 liit, a sofd tri u-ay ltiregard ut ti-e Lake ('Qruity Agriculnu-at Soviet>- 1 do îlot isisit to critisise its mattagemtett. tiý ,',Owitogila g-1 icoisidering thse mrd erse coniditionîs iltorad to encoutîte- I vas jfleased ho sec thie ppositioîi mît tîte atijuisl Meetinîg appo)sttiuuî creiates iutterest, nteats succe8â-I do entises the sluttted effort madie ly sentee lu tiduice tise peüple to belles-elthe tticietly madle uîotîey sslien iL dt<1tit sttthii will Show by theo Setcretti-s relit <t read aI lIte aimal nieeting. Secretary Statement An, t lu Tru-asur> lest report.Slt.. 71 Ili 1lK t'eivt'rta.,î't duo for ad- vet'rriing and pAdl n drring tIt-i 31.(e rotat am't pmcd ouit .. '.i....... . 4 Balance la Troasur> *t.4...... Leus Ltability arn't reoeled toi the uturity Stake race i itctual antlnt Treasury belong- - lt teeSocieity.... ............6i47 Thelitabiltty spoke of above t uoitey depo8ited vitis tîe society t horse menta b make a prt-se 1 rotted for in 1894. IL doeté nuL ng to tise <4cvliety and never wil. If a unev cancontrovert the above figur-e viii I tey kindly do sol I remain very t trtîy yours. BYraox COL ~ County Seat News. Lieutenant Maney,ot Fort Shet-id iast been Indicted by the yeder a i'rand Jury for tise mrder otCapitaln>7 [edburg. IL vill ho remembered titat is Shooting affir took place leut smmer. Tise.tise officors vereuaL iendly vitis each other. Maney vasr opular at thé Fort, vile Hedburg -as not. For some tîme' no steps 'ee taken In te maLter. ýFinallya Eedbnrg's vidow vent b. Washington 3mplained of tise lack of dciplno c i Fort Slieridanand asked for an ex- tnination. Tise oase vas heard, the l widence conctuded vitli Mrs. Bcd-ci nrg's testimony. Maney in nov out )o $10,000 bail anud w ili be tried for la nurder. gi Detectives bave dlsc'overed Lisat ;veral saloon keepers have been ~ îlling-ilejgaliy. The folloip itadO heelriag reeently and wen l as ios _Trisuen, Jr., .$(k Ktua The Lake-Ooullty 15 bound to keli up C-'ntracted fQr a Seri LARGEST AND BtST World's ýFc .**.Art Portfc Whicli will be sold to rea4irs0 whose Subsciiption i18 id 10 CIEN 0AE O16 P~fGE Deliveî ed 'at oui' ofiîee-No THE :FIRST NUMBER WIUl. «Su«IE~Y F0I AND sê-Etixw*iwQ mtÏ143aria4jyF Ilteirtia,l,-nt . la e ptlier heatas hunt al: (iPeu )ioui. drtok ut..hesris <t e)t-4,i NI) IS thet tin[mui<aîmnio. teAvQ1 Our Sut«arlttiotlt ahi A ('leati 'satinsidew;dks. *We ltal itl e sîrtug. O ur patients are tloiîag veil. Bustiniess j,4 îikiutg up,soeît. It tlut,, le~n 1<1I<oi rto wu, la tly- ice. Greorge' Quenitin wailI sîork i the Gîuarsmintn r y.ýtetl te 22udt i'tt. George lulssia andtsleaife have ( ng is t t try gt- L e t a v e h tu g _ _ _ _ _ pe-t tiout for 1« a hl Siilbacntbe frts Lhe titst tîultttvpalier. misa Afrnî-Fish6-.41 siïter u a mlutiile ttl a'w 'iho aie sotîr t'auitil omeiects? Ss'lect yourr esi Tîtere stas a littse i&y. Tthe Ciiuiuiiîgliai n<wed itîto r, otins osert Flattery kinri readtei mi > 5> il i striung, attar.lied to i t o il .,il,- stere. Aul ettertainintvas giseti at tle Hloney Lake scisissilasi lt Trslay. tii elabotate progt'ame ss'as retidietl. 41bert Briggs ltaviîîg bttgt otu' A. J. Leunard, at Roickefelleramli coaduiet a getlial store. 'i'i7e shl hlm suczess. Bot-n b. Johnîî l)ekaoî andtiwite,, I-eb. l3tht, 1894, a soit tiping tihe scmles aI 1,5 potutads motiser doing well atnd aiLla fait use oif kadidgit, fathier w ili ~sise.jack says onse More Ioi. deunocracy. Dewttt Cou)nptoil, Gjg Foix tI pstter, lias commitled ni4itntmoiî> sud his ftther-in-law 1ît-seitAd lui wiLS a houne and lot as a weddiiig gift.Weao-44 lariaDsit 7 etlad coWn.- ' FfRMONT, FxB g 2>84 iMr. Editot--l visis 1 0 oqýttadict tise story tolfi by Minnie Altenb.rt as being wtt-ne a si; ne yer m isu ed b . 1 can geL vitnesses b.prove as tb.lier eaatacter aud hehavior visite living wIth me. Site le# me Lhree imes tise lt-st ime s" Wvs gone one year aund t-see montisa; tise second ime aise rmalned away two vooks wisen site bOggd mto let ber corne back and nov as ailebas gene again vitis one [ohm Stro' .g, vis alsie eaId aise iked1 tn times btter titan me, I diaovu and forbid lier ever ontetingm 4~AueusýTW lits. E. Pot vistted tn Dunîdee1 ecently..8 lira, L. C. Price, oif Waucondat, was£ caht-rSunday. C. W. Gibier, ut Waucotîda, was il aller boreLise fitst of te week. George Fasse receis'et a carload oif mtb.rt isa eek visici lie wtlI risc inv 5ostructuu g a batrtl.1 Miss Millite 1iltiusoii spetît tue8 îtt part ofthLIe veek witii lter grandpareults ini Nandri.' Thaé Herbinsun fanury bave moved ýrom lent-y Mors's fat-m tiste une0 mned by lit-. E. Dean In Ivanitoo. MI« MAUde Thatcier vitibas, boon psndliîguoeotilpoWUb« ot uaitMm. L O *11 W la teber boue-l tiue evenli til Tic tt- lài tktili vit Walicolit; Thuomas.à In cariilg this plie Tlietem fui Stijl . of W. s A goodl andti utex( streti l a i~t- io sg *tM" its mlle %tit i th 01 i-i of tiltit itIs. %V le; la. Pi-of, Ku elait Salu- Ra-y Ki] lîlaikets lui lait SaLu-t The tae. and Zut-ici a orkineiti f l'ut Larni otf Mrs. L' Edito-Cc oui Lte atck ltienhoiila. b" at-ouiîd Arthuor thes bedide lias relu-ni coultitOt- 0f9 Riay Khzi tfî MeHenry îinforinlit-t of liter fats Let tiselm Xevepaper 'tIisave yo flvýcents 01 o! *Éitng a lie ente: EIvottisLe oieuded. Th parts vol ta by lD5fly wl Tite ladie gave a OnpPE Ft-idsy OvEs stead of oyat of te t-e! vere $24 an( bie useti fort Chut-ai. Surprise1 ltrtaerousto weeks, but i League eau sîîrung a sur ley last Satu, day. Pop cc scrved sud t by ail. She of tise design Momenit. lJ r la xrff or 1a r si, i t~ , je It 1 1 IndaîiûndentGASAE J.J.UVJTiteUUIm r , 4wis etSaîuruîiv eveting. 0 ïolne Of te yonfliz peo;îîe went to Môit %%ith the tirnes and lias Anioh ler v2:.. (<i, busIléà j 'ics o'f the . .lotîn1D. Jeffere i> goiîig tortit to le fat-mouos Pick upa çiuioad or cattie. othfs Tîee aypttrtual g gta ýin hcao Tit imli rart (if the, inter's w>rk eCàmiMIIî#ç lt ci îr atGrlos a.Coinl'iv . ivehoos le ekfli. Us ne o Miss Mii. lîe twood, if Lake Villa, bléttar.we Up et ) Iios.... Of lMr.'. E. B. C. F. Touait. of Ilaine8ville, lias8 Ot theQ INDEPENDENT mO. F.b. 24t1h. lie . comîng to il Advane for offly The ag ençi. mîrprfled Miesa s CI41 101ndtyevening anld 1 H0 0 K O M M, <f G ag es L ak ,Im - ,,1 bwUarge hit aeeksad TmtINIRUWJEW laraîdiYgrow. Coupons Required. ing i poopuàlriflà Ibis section oif tii, ~~ county, A Very emout<rgtng tact.A >FiDILIVRRY. FEU. 2àosm. Ps -ha.W an i(îcage ctmfiu FRIDAY THERRAI'TER. - t4 Vitng ber ai A.Fe l*dths or 3omyPw gilstswel3 resnt nd luIdia Bryant (if Ivaioe, were sud a W4 * fer bt lg pa.,sc.i ei*y IIea-SidIll 10gue sao<f Grai4YLake. friiids, lht shîiuem l cme ,lé Thiîîrsday eYelng. ~I 'te gg, eli lcîfî,:e lu, i Couîpited F.o C. Rugers is <siiiitig a very andi dutiù-l *oý XÈlit ý-1p1otieimeiscomletil ndslccewful terni (if mclool liere the faiumy am prepared"ta èow 11;1%e direct commtIivl(i- preselit wiîiter. intieh toth te sttislfao. ba#ptness. A ÙIU a4uts. til liriign~î, 1ae Zurich, ton oif the entire dittrlct. o1 bitewé.i buglu#*#0 la and lake'8 Corners. *Miss Liwretia îîowlett a îailyv wo of big bOlghborea.l~ J. K ii Thomasand Mita has for nmany vears restded witli the Ü" SJ olieSiEtlI (it %Vaikegan, are amsing Edward*s fsmrilv al Rolins, (lied Very Pqo*lmo 'tiat on t t, r ank Thiomas wlîo ila sdîipnil3 laifîdymrgaIqit. ti o t iýotm f«t l-a*si"<. t lis boule lit in advanced age. site was verv âveet Y*à lit-. EsmM1l lady ian sd match eloved l ythiose who eOilît e Oand bonee -oâ mi a ;ii<tler oft tiose deliglit_ knew lier.fltuiylpsetbi ie parties at the tesidetice James Guillide î%N114) lis lived for Iil t liî.son T,îesday evpinîîig. 80verij Yenrs On the W- W. Woad B R : rtnler Of guiest were Itresent place near Fort 1h11, wiIl remove te Mie ily i.fla t ô .eeleîittinte la teîorteiî. itie farmn t preset t acuiîied biwBli, re Luftum iinr Grav Lake,. Marci lot. Qld moprs ttsa>e WAUCONDA. Mr. Lofttua wiIi ocetipy Mrs. . L, r dui on ayoJr i tes»eat- t ~rît a s' eeu ii oI larvey's pttreand idts.fltarvey th* C i u -. % a . â e i 11 O r D a ily c o t t i- ' i n G r a y e L a k e . e 1 "1 « 4 C . 1 > od 1 te , < f C st *stkv.1i .bt is usotier maday. amiik is Ba iigs weîît livChas. halls lteam ai Itbeueumt ýsOrp««etr lsthe ri Iast Sattiî-day. afternOCin. MMARa. Hall s Miss e O 14k' . 1~-!tCAiiCd tilt ià tý laud strt. Jp19rGraysLa~, u' i* dahrstshicefl. tel~tèm i wti le g nluadig coul Tuesdaty. - ta upuisf% L ,îgbavh's store. vif wragg alîd 5wife were seeti Intdien wfre lsdly sc.ared. but tiahlut ?ECI4dtg>p reetâ e lasâsc. H aiffverv hitl, ather îî.îiiage att thse hi,o ut IBî.,eel v q»dsecured tie job <Ioue. Mit-s. G. W. Wttterea ig uar womd for H ie beLlitN>l W. B. Iligley bls ret'rileiî froin lis after ail absenétôt-% 1f,1 Nelbraska tripi lbriuîgtuîg ie stur- Tite Golden lires. am' . Cai. f(J Coli (rniers, îlrting stories abolit wil<i turkeys and fi for a usUk route lit îst cllu .i js. t,~il 'ajaekralîtits: howeverý.4as proflof lits statemepnts lie lîrouiglit hiome an loi- It la said that tOur teloje îippareuitl3-enjny.ed l is vacation said lion will b. Ield isere ki everi lo<lv is glati to see hini back. Siiîjy alternioon and evi onit *ani d W ill G I bert attliîdcii Two osf ont- leati iig o11ng l'le" lie v. Ilai ly iîreaciîed ti ira' imeet ing, nt liiîgiio<<, staîrteîi for Waiikegan asat Sattird'ay bouse Sutiday edvelitig,bie dii>. îiriiiig %%itti biand snîilîpa, a iefective %Vliy we observe thse CI [ii beil. %%on <<ii te jailr of tooth1, a huînd le of laiund is. oie lhorse bath1. il ti lise racei ltt thtetlike :id < a cutter. Tlîev bjd thir friends h il ad ncn .11<3. adieu, proilhiing hi returit Atal nearîv 'the b ien>iii coul *ploiîllie ti nect t~î itae.. A couple or Ijoirs later IWOtîe . E îuac.,w Eýp oji fie iet een Giliir ' disiierjstpl lokngrý0U1gm on sieigh ioada tG J. W. Hla n lrmtisit l r-per< il liasse atatenientb theisa'vI day evetîing. Besldes a 9 fron ths pace.thp ii4li*t k ow he aV aiv artipra god time ws eîîjoyed. ipliere an itaie Sert' called ti an Gages Corners. A Joseplilue Ladytýoa sda fa the E. F(lei ites, Mrq. Wite, w1lo lived'<Inear ,Long g iven li t te M. E. Chur .'sfat er E Fl tche . Lake dted receîîtly. T ire ilîternient eve nng, M arci 3, und ér 1 'oykeiîdall (if the L1eader is miis naiWaitkegan, FebiruarY 215.nins o e. .W.L lisi. lie ta sers'II aill i hsie waa clie of tie s'ery early settiera 'lhey co">lJ-jg$ly t-sel t. IL 1 ioipeil lie, li3 500h of uit, Cotîuty and coulri until thte lbutthose Kattelnîare Promis agaili. ~~talk entertainiiîgiy for iotursabotretifalgb rd. Gialia1oiî, o< ,as I)en atthe early days wîten tie country wasansd là cett eof Eddie Johnson soartlonig 1)ne %v'leceased wis tîearly 100 years Citas. IL. Lines dted at1 ed b ubis duties îîeîîîîîd theie f age and ililv esteemed b1'w every- Býarringitsu Feb. 18t, '94, al Goldinîg Bros.' store. onieIlier deatît was tînexPected. 43 yearsi, le vas ioved Tite family oui summoniug lier to kliew biml. lu fafnerai aberly made a tlyitig trip to breakfast fount lier dead iin ber bed. the Salem Evangelical ry hit Friday. lie welît to . Lampliere of the tîltiesa Tite musiciai convention and con- Bevs. Bâily and Ward, 01 er, E. Fletchier. cett erd botit succestîtlint every and lies. liny, of Chiait1 liarticti ar n. iil credit ta due thse Tise floral designs were [NDEIP]LDENT acued for yocir manager, S. M. Spafford for lits wolk. hInterment tootk place In ti . ad magazines for you Nutwithistaitdiutg tue disconrtigiliîg emetery, Feb. 'S- Du from fitteen to seventy weatlter, titere vas A fatr attendance )n eacli, beBides the trouble throughout. Tite îîroceeds covered WANT*. FORI 111, and danger of lbas. 17t thtie expenses whiclî amonnted Io some- 2 thîing over tliirty dollars. l'he cou- IU NTED TO TA ertalnment givei Ly te cett as very grat-ifyiîîg te onrt tisenté W -oolD nov hous .eaga at Lise M. E. chiurcis, who natnraiiy talle mucit pride ta ont- veli ocatitd in WAUkeffai1 %e ing W a quleWti- honte talent. Thse Choruases ere se- fan- For terme appli a$, ho lldre, rendered ilsir coututedl as btter rendered than' on ETofc and we beart- hemt praised thse former occasion, thse clouing ho vere pt-sent. antheom Jehovaht's Pt-aise vs. tte P>j SALE OR 'BU ls oif tise Baptifit Cisurcis triumph ut Lie evening, every singer a building. 3Ny Pruip pet a Svns&s al lintseetned te have eaught an inspiration 9elier. A pooil bu" nper '<Chen pillea d as tise last notes of the grand -aid pasite depot. Addtq 01 ters va L'Cien pie"vin- ~chorus died avaY, It aeemed tlîat thse Lîbertyvillo, Il. 'rshm e i ise rcardweke5 bard vork bati heen iustly id some nts , Thesîc ips l re arded. Espeotai mention ahould U FO RC 11 nd oin ce ts wh c b.lho m acle f solos by M esdam es A ml eFrO R R 81dott1 te benefttoutthe Baptist Battersisali aîtid Wisitmcsre, Miss e1 mieta Spafford'anîd Austin. A duet by ,tO etor eka 00 !, lia îte ar ge tiî g too P r-of. Spafford and M iss L elia W illia m. te ni , tc eaU n , t 0menttion,, the last few brouglit down the bouse, as dit!i a c a 89WarrnA. tise jades ufthtie Epworthî couple ut quarttes. A decided im- ________ mgit te Infectiont aud provement t as noticed li volcos vhicli irprlse on Miss Mary Base- bildeujuyed lattis eeks ot trtining . aMFI JWf ît-day, it b.iulg lier bitti- tinder flot. Spaffurd. The convention j hemrîl~~ç mrn candy and fruit were committee desire toeLlisnk Prof. S. M. L -P-Ill-o ; itub1 Stu&4 eti tb bdat' LAKE ZURICH. 1. , -- . 1 txxl. éi(i report b V«

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