CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 9 Mar 1894, p. 4

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<o iteet ta i& 14 ne k ol.deià eV nbe iten Ilfe4 ne1 Ibe 1116 ~*$te fa~aate5ta W~~l~Wt Iog. b ni* saub4moi Aulà ii sflre % 1*5 1&f WEkvemoi6 eolla pep ie m.Il mal bi. St lte bubamit lis ltai teutbdb lt# V«l aven Suan' en Iudgmeul bWs C ase tas boom so oan~lIyInIS Ibl itlelabarcly lIt. Uit a aIn irioki ly. Mciii>. tero sai a bWifgt man thave blanseif lte titan Jio, os Tweed, '11noliy adeit ln a peaiteaitlary., loodierecanmot flot comfort au 1b>0 MoKas.verdict. ý yqIt yourIlie : goo$ -words aot IT htsboesa elaisedt iat matemt -, -Mn. Chuta ris-army rifles, visoi t ?o0f mmmlicatiber _______ but Vital buliets have grest pomse- 10 try te keep track trtlIve power, w111 cause fewérteaths bmIinu wîî ~:-thaïst.empoats ln u si e tw mers * itamno syluor 0 o. Thes NeV York 1 ' 1"61 boy- Md rtianac, tme ever, colis attention to fcts whtith - show taittis dlaim la eaitrely un- foudet: Recent oxperimants lu En- tiS 0fa rIet l ~ rope proveo tait modem army rifles luth more roopbut ofdo terrible exeoullon, 'kilimg vi ere Je oliver, silence la the oldefaahloued wempoms would- k laa b-meallo smply Vouait. At. shori ranges iltae 1 ro yens elthor ilver round t ba t le lke-toel envelopes Il sauesas en ir. et the :ullets uset lu lie KnmgJorg- hi aitte armory eparate trom lihe boity UtaUlI 11%te Mar- ef*thle proj«ean md, accoidillg t10 ln New the>g 1>0UmIteit Service, lthe envelopos y mu havehueq. lInouti-sud tear ltoir w 0 Uouteau~ ~. ~PoIa<tub siaudlbone Viitt .appall.- aheil >7 b. so. tg rsi ts,." The, propetorfVeutA iloed I r-liY àî %y, becoaaes more smd more terrible as ke.WhI îhy're tteMavenlýile geuuof Maun Amenss. s iv o-epe bmae tbp effotivenes. 0f modern veapona. Baav blcitamegreat mmdfan. îSaîtýcn aVÊW ôften butl about ln 7datI viii l tete a ui.Sometingof Ibis i m* tlte demonmrallon ot an anti. or~~~ ~~ rp es117 s ontmo long ago by Dr. WiII- ~mr, os vii ~~IawMoor, of New York, luate pres- Mt ~et m»ornose phystclans. Dr. Moor su t sussprsudttve 10 lte offet 0f ý lois. b agaînat lb.remonstrance ln te ofbisbrother pitcanu he 100k ru> 4o0111 îd Isjsi.t- ire, grans ef morpinte. Ho then foot a ifose of permanganate of 90- lassium, proving lu hls own person liai tbe Cultjrstjou ltaIlite latter was s perfect antidote laed Statoisoriinat. 10 lb. Poison. He aya l ilaequally g te a ship comlog efficaciona lu mlliforma of opim polse n lte tsamd of Mat- onimg. Titis la à very valumble dis- l b. "kd sbevessel cuvery. Dr. Bloyer, wbo hait atreÜsu- oup on lte Carolima ouely opposeithle takimg oettthe mor- »riatjg, tter repairs phine on lb. groumal .ýýlit -wvu oà,ol lte Goeanor equivaleut. la suicide, « . d a SThtis wu s wnvote of lianksts 1 D. V itilà BSabout lie Gover- bis ntSgattcoitt d4col'e*l~mmd for iui resultedIthe t.hfe courage whtch oumbletIsa 10 M pla slpecrop bIn take bis lite upon lb.e correctuso-of hle coutlnsions Dr. Mobos 4.scov- _______ery le Ihal lite permanganate *111 se- î msesusry toenoyled a soluble mlt 0f oipintm rom. a ianscaepe; orlsts. arong lb. albu>men portion ant .6 procure plommres otitor contentae ttheb.seomacb it ti ks. ,a mmllgarden, astomisitinifrspidiy aitacidlt.y. oit igant tia lb. vIn-Dqo ée of pleasure; ant, A Pa'rruvu lover bua uaithle 1411 ,a valilu to be Adama Exress Comanay for $%~000 "0*%& or0flite, rualdamages for theIbnRusoebis aveeto d* Musical wltb loy. hoarut.It. laeotlte actusibodilir se bier slorehonse foer lois of lie tear creature, as titougit vblng. vhoe# plety she bat huiom ahippeit as express lb wth divine g'jod. frigit. mot mislimî by a careioss a Visa t ron8g it& smessnger:ltat voulit be tearable te fiat vomit isiere la lite uubappy lover, for he cculi b u vld it teF roliton chutait a hope cf tmernoday Omit- log ber in lte motley piles of 'un- clalmot qxpre.s packages nnumlly bt>ery ot a Southomm offoeotfor sale 10 bî1giemlbiditors mu* UnsAngeles. pro. liib lA s Mor ro ins lois, ven lb. * Zymne' gzangtas& re lois et lben beari affechion, vhich of gooi m r e i.course emmrtos vilhItiLtle grssor lona nia For iwo lemomr f b.r bhumseai. Amiltl bs Vse gendeMrei elm onmd IL lli ai the expesé company ay sre. e, by lteso bandit& ipomible: On Chitamas day lie so eplureitandl te. Plllahurglover mot la bis airet tuli iev"ed t 1se.s-ofames, living 1in1New York, a more qt -or rup ogem .or leus. golden vaîci and ehatno f Lhe 1Ute baud bas boom retail value of $45. Tb. preclous szn onkencore bt Ieir package wu sunlided, tL> the cmro f wu btffliî tu bal. bie Adarua Comjany, but il didmt sympalsyWUsonce reacit te expecant id en and vite 'ul alogW'Îoo bm bsmt reacbed hem yet Bbc bal 1 ise ratirosl pople. boom givon ooemn promie a t hte ngsem u am nod for lover wold visi ber witbla Use ps- imma laa more lcot- rio he t olidays, o, faling of rÉalube Iflsfor t liti, woe nld ntber a bmndsome and nie sud,%,&liwrvlà,yu&be provient. Naturâlly aseopro.- atit lowu and sbot terrl lte prssent; atd hen Il faled, / 1 ouése .grev moxious, thon -sus- plcious., thon rosemîful, lienu lova>.. goo veli emougis for rIgiti4ur". Thon ste summmrlly. ar t 1 luy déoa>b. saitlrrevesbîy Brod lte lover. Tise or - » letrssely, and 1Pttîborg yoUng mm idt m t ep lita Ptacsi Colonmm bas bonneês oiImmd pbllosobtcl- ÎlsIf abiedoma !y. as M1>êleo'ardant. pbllaBlgi>ta wtp lierchild«tojyousg MO.,for g~pel oalhv l.--.lsartIbrdom.;tîr lise cwul*re. k thoi~pOhtgribi vres bot trylog 10' tit* 10l ieIrlda -té' 0l 'twed ' bbi m a Unlual tros" e~u1a. Fer *~Iébat boom aa, be lis. lé&hWe Àhl",- vas * m»,.un orolI eMdélfeb«t-.e't.teioi 'I r ilt - ombe,156 Re vlthdrew tram tbora akihe begî n- ning of te van and entered the Con- adoraIs army. Tiosigi a mâ-e boy, la@ promoton wumspiadî, aot ha-. 5000 ccupied a posItou on the ot~ f Nemeral Beal. Se vas captu lby leemratliants mOld r of For Hudson. Afteo the war be ho- gau lb. stdy ef law la lte offceofu klwarit Horsies, aftervarits Chio nuaie etLoilmnm, dwaa admit- odto thebar la18& Justice white vas elecLsà -t*ate, Senator for foui yemirs lu 1874, anmot ý, , o 1 ý I bamglYaout . Me bo 1 OFlta amy me fora zb obber"ulî iqQftréd lte di- teetivo. The Parking Jonction aforokeopor, whose place of biinen adbees brnkea loto and robl>od o a"1ad- elablo quantlLy or plut tobsmi] cannod tonistoesos usd dried poéteo. tosother with the tmalre çontects of lte eushdrawer, iWnuttag tii81.56. refletted a moIsOnt, and thon auked: "Do Yeu kuow Bill Quinn?" «I don't thlùk I du ».' ILives down lu the W1luick nelgit. borhood. » «I dont. know hitm.w Tbe merchant shlfted hi@ quld to the oter.cbeek, chewed t.houghtfuily awilie, and sald: «Know Si Robert,?» «"Âuctionter. Hangs 'round Thornp- son,@ a good dea. » "Never sawmyr. But aM to Ibis mani you sam loailog about bore ho- fore the robbery took place-I would like to bave 7011 describe hlm as weii as you can. Again the storokeeper rellecd. "Weil,* ho raid at laot4,"he lookas sorne litre Bil QuIonn d sorne 11ki si itobert.. -Chicago Tribune.. An u morted PYom. «I once sam," mid Bertram Reyn- olds, or Bouton, 'an ImPortol tarS. the soi1 aw weil as. the pradueta belon aboolftely forlgo u te surroond- log& ThtVis u lu0eueof lteé coidoc parts of Nanit»oaWbers1Ivuses- sertained by a tarnllywhich bail te. tained ias love for militer rogions Mmd ~W,'ýT f1'ES ME M\D ? Ii.i..OPE Mvy JAWS AN[) TfLt. MY 1T<oLJI3LE ~~ ~fOlý1 JjPAUSE:' (I~OETHE WAýý COM: fRjOpmj voRrÇ 'rJ ri4Eý, L II(C-tllI Uoet h(bbeCort o- ZIxIl an.TtspuâMon ho helduglht the Bda4fihoutsmevcoenstttit een- t 4wýC weau bar. in 1891 ha wuei te11 thel. Unitted States SOUR ~ to ' ceM dJames 4 ilusls fortme 4-oe ir prlng lu 00 E*~OquinLals, 5 04.000 p, ,e,» trpt4loa.or IEV corda ef ptts' ouantplloot, aineatly .~lO. - Jieue buliiandlutyoas Wg~*~fO.on thlit la stock iout Octobor Tier e l' of » tffltous et spectaiî'y 'b er.iebis tel- IoêeulsIner sud Obèil sesto t tsd E' bes croI& The billofftare vas neSj 4viilyruger, but ore of te v etmbles -er.ame brlgit anit gmtoo b I coult pot b.lp amkng boy the veto prosoved 8-0 VtII To Mr sM prise I ieartedtblai liey voeeoM tivatel la a garden palet or ammIntI ture taas, lb.oil ef vblch hait hoe brougil fronqtMllder reglons easl tmur a fort4lly mol tonnd lu lhir pieu et Ice. The vegotabios liei bolvea bat boom grava trmImpor sudi, sud owlng tothé care mtdpi teellon len bait batltoey were g«aluzury. The exbouasocf c Xm lite moUlal barreîs suds a loi distance voulal preveol auy but cor bolrsll viVaithy people ftram Il 'thlie expartineul, but my fmieu bttmat la hobby. Tbeonlyeti caeet erwimportifa t 1 Ibal metwl5 h-a& mdo» by Me . bat »ssia 1m t4o»tiof bts euM le u lmlpa r %redntiiMIj ; PeWàIas«OU, »of ovuh lajsM40. itta ieabois, a ptmet la i 1 ls l. raile vemieulle wakl a lvays appoars b a0#ie abroad.*-St. Lei 1 isIitlUg u*àatrsia oconsters I u b"boomormae' htrouit qneo~a tie Ifi0et unrantsl t'Io mbo" o! ÎC&Mt,-h Ir atWO t the ii 44M 1w,* o awba r ole mt . , .w tooka pas md ,ebo tiseriver congrmtlaedsiPO ,t'o* a M ad IeVea IwZ une., field 01 womwe o'U emoott4 I toit I could, veim r wth lnuemty, asnI1Vwu familiar vt th. obuceous river. Rsvtmg broled vItbout reoul, 1 tGwed loward au oyot, intending uierely lu qulddIe. wheu 1 suddeniy saw a hactro.WlAbtag se, capturel hlm, I decldod to clreumnavigmte snd tako hlm unavare. Landini, I1 derned niyself wbero I eouid meolte bmckeo derailunamg grass.He di- covered me and skugged behinit a Z true, occaionaity protrudimi bis Dot. Seizing a stick 1I aateit the câput. Wbec th. neg- appeareitI temgued ~~ hlm. The hackee, Vhicb sla dim- ~ mnun, irlidto c ltmb lte bole. Ho semenet seeplih, and 1I.uspecteed him Jt nmrn intohery, espeelaliy as hie cheeks seomeit arpullamous. 1~ 1caught hlm by the laff and ho sklrled. Though ho wu8 @préc, beld on Vith t rddoiil, and Irleit 1Il- )y to aowyl#him. The backeo looked oyod and tredtosacyle. 1belaboredd him, and ho lepot, rnaking vigeau opbugnation and evigently îooging TUOIU ELU jfor divagation. tIbSt« likely they VOUId goon Thson a pir gue approiched »« an their neterai ozcupatiols V agricilor imded. This distracled paylug amy more attention 10 tête the backeo, and 1 .oVled hlm,4 but mark than proverbial Fren&i droppeit hlm because b. acratchoit me. mess Vould demand front Uil 1 vowed to ezunguimior hlm Vhem represeritatives of the «POUOWh i mugitt..ton .,RorreVîng a fmzrolot., I trled to But the. act tbas b yend iL oerltbMokeo's itd, as a klm4a of u'erk romains, * mens 0f oeceatim. The agrîcultor figures thoy are, 10. V * si"oit. e VIs mot mttraetim vo m-oenitar neatne m eaVb tll v b la 1 log crépitons and 001 unlike a pica. J oothes the wornen et Parla. - roue. He batsa stpbumoulated din l nflt>put nwb ý ner>pail, Vhichtlookeit as If ho bmdljpreme. tieasti kdOV bov boom bat.terng I i hte pml*img. BUt which sets their ingers lteblmg ltt»e wIit a stickand momnestring h.oanode 1pencili oan secdtitpd mtaei a ga. sud Iried te amakr e be ..2ee 'Ue.elers iulditbe u??y' tnu~ blason. Ti asi quinehlmg hi, miss thern froiD the bouevr4iJl the hamkee, who setzed to coadju- market4 tore bailux. Thus"xasperated, thei Not ouly in these twn kmnde of Wf agricuitor captured the. hackee with- bor, but IL the fruit and flower talîs, out n mlgniardime; but ho glouted wVlL he iclk carta, and Ina scoq Ot over the bite, and bit rage vas notI otber capacîties, one sees thons quated until tho hackee wu a ilch. Carrying t. 10 the punt, 1 sDit 1010 a quoachy spot., uicit deiayed me un- tii the gale oboubfiabed the sky. Whie rernoviog the peliye, i found tbe lici soniewitat olid, bocause the swiokor bad feagued thle hmckoe, and su 1 yended the lich a1U7, Vont. 10 market,. mnd suppedl upon a spltcb- cock and a hot bisk.-SL. Nîcholas. A story which shows of how mucli use gueio-work may be to a doeaier lu the supergatural lit rlated by a hie- 'ls borlan of the relgn of the Frenchs King Louis XL An astrologer had galurd considerabie eelebrity. par-, ticularly et the King'& court. Atter~ the manne? ot atrolugers of alt imes, ho hait doue a Crus tdomiof "' , ciever guesslng. and, thanks 10 t.hlm: and tu smre iucky colucidences, va- rions 0f hlm prodîcetionl a h bho n l- elled. It, happened sitsLho predîct- ed the destit of a lady of lte court Uswrs wlt.hin elght dma sud on theo elghth So;metmes oune catces a glimpse of day mie dted.a rtyyuggr h oIsul This creaLed s sensation, andthLe &ho prey yng agirltotuka I King vws superstllbous enougi t 1 be- sieperals fre lng a rlar, a t, haeve thésthLe charlatan Vasaan5- opeatsod0 elywrigb teret he lak: rt.Hesent fo tenemt wrinkled oit peasants, a"l bm rvindy 'avngordere o<imrne hardy by 3'eari of outdoor labos, atbi h ie tenants 10 throw the a atty one'm senne of itueus. trologer out ofthe itevldoV. HSECP A ARW 'YOn Vho proit o *0 . o kitîful, 48EC EW8NARW and to foreleli 1the fate of every one, A Yrmer 5tmos uob a FsBotvmT tell me the date of 3 bur ou death,» BuholaoNt. ajreatrbe x alt Louis, blandly. 1Onse of h motrakblex Luckily for hIirssifth 1e «magiciens"1 perlencea ln the way or narrow e> guegset théslte King a batmre dire- icape§ on record fell te the lot et' fui plan, and blm readînes% as playîog Frank Arnoldt, a tarm hand employai upon superstition and credulity tood near North N. Y., re- bim lau god tada. cently. One eyening ho was drivuig He anavoedo promnptly, 'Tbree days &long lte road mear te North Bridge. before your MmJesLy." Vater station. JuâL before ho it. la pleasant 10 knov titat te reachedthLb.Delaware, LackawamUa F'rench King dld mot Rive te signal and Western Railroadtrck, the pas-- for te resder of horoscopes 10 ho seoger train whlch leaves Lirown out uft he Vlndow, mnd It about 5 o'ciock approached te s- -may ho hoped thést ta*.vrsM»age lion. The engIicOl saw Arnod. sp- a- as so badly scae t tae adoPted proachiog the crossing. a"t --iga g- a les- perilionsant more respectable warniog signals ln Lime for bisé te ut occupation, have beodedt themn but for smre rm-, eefues» on ho kept. on. The horée suceedýWt 1'Tiere là no prfurne more generail-ID getttiug acrema, but. Lie Wagon VU0 ly agreeabie than the cleo, swoet @truck by lie locomotive mod demolè. s-odor of orna root.. Violet. saches labed. The t.rain wvasrnungai tbel Spowdis', If of a very fine qnaiity, and t,'ft wenty Mile& an heur, al1 tumo falot as to be the more auggeâLion was teared that Arnoldt Vas t» 0f Ir aperfurne, ia generaly plemsnt. Whcn the train as tOppet i te cre M' Rose, musk and othersîronger seents " miUve rmny an umplesant sensation fi 0 fftalntnoms or even nnés asd are Saiways open 10 Lhe disgasble sus- '-picion of betnag nsed for couateract.. m~g pptomes.Aftr mit s Henry Wart Beecher sald; 'There la ne ry. smeii so unlvermally Dloaslng 49 no stamli," mot abs;otute daintinesa ut er persons attract far more tihan any iveO efmr cao do. -St. Louis Pust. an- iptb gir made Hm*Sck. '1m Colonel Dodge là ia récnt book tolla 7~ # &story about a VelI;bNed Emgliah- aw.SNLmscWor ch man, a vîsîtor l t tiis c mm ftty, vite founol im irmly wetged le be wasted bt bis Aumo*em cousine Ivo Iran braes on te pilet O - c o u s l m m l l y u n L ia tc o f si o nu y c l p t r e l e a " I v i l t d l ç u i t y au d , I 10 Wasitgon pie."0 One da$, *fier ho thse station nt1rIgvao. ýu bal boom feo _0minci tb ie cou- recoved t otttpl.lly, andl fec -_ o1 oi- uaco.-.£ ..Jo hme-tlie-o-e"àion. q 'i d i j! ý «r E pýý

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