CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 16 Mar 1894, p. 11

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OF TH4EPRUrSS a&W« Natre oreU PmOW» l et o AIais e u u spiobta et Opie. se a brigbt girl otigis to rk o? bumor. -Loveil (og.- a dtgnified citizen to mml vent li apt to rabs, bia lflingi. [minai Shertiff eau manage on as Bom as ho goete taoe îe thinu.-Pcayuue6 :1 limat a veman Ji dighty ans Indicates list aho tg lnge. -Detrolt Tribune.i rld'ers can play a lUne ou but il nover makesuy>. tg d"nCe.-Ram'8 NOrM it-Deftne quarts. nu#i. S(wiîo ia rather abeeat.' P.nt and a bal?. -Tid-B;t., rhat la your fatimer going t) 'ben you gel marrt.dr Lii osent, 1 suppoSe."...'j 'SQU àLLBRO-.-q viii nover )man cleverertlia. mymel t.a 'lfar-'You'I bave greab :thng guihod. "-Vogue. times lthe Egyplians had leterY wimicb the>' consid- i. We suppase tho> called tycuumbs. -Rochester Dem- pbic uplifttng o? the @OUI une'. firat @have bn tihe od of one,& existence eau K, o? Leipele, saya: "Beer nu. wine lmpasilon%, vimis e«." e ie not the Bocit named after, evidently.- ho. or Who Io always feeling )f the People is not roui>' ln timoir beart-heat. Is lrcutation that ho là look- -Lt? e. -Tc--if timats 'À fluntiar don't the mon have gunsqe lc-"Perbaps the artiat usa naturat>'that they'v'e Jester. bis sister Etbel>--Cbolly i said b. vas comins round Ao you to-nlgmt. las b. Etbet-"Yesi, and beoaf n. "-Hallo. Vby don't YOD give young ie encouragement i? you Nell-01h, ho oitt ho s bis own suit; ho'. a tai- lelpmia Record. 4<0"' <criticislng minister) Mr. -1ardtelt isn't ver>' ho ut leMi doosn'tîslop )nd lIeacon-"N, he le ýbat."-Texaà biftings. '.è wiru.- 'Thm la>' tbaS Iruffon te Ma1ke, " Tn. sense: If you'd ever sotd and bougmt an>' drugae the differcecte. "-Harler ?.tAIDEN-Tht t@0 un- r. Weliatong, Liat-that Rive me lime. ElderI>' o. iss Robecca? Do >'ou Is an>' ho aPare?-Chicago [in' Inuomes ain't the o Lu maire thme country, L'ncle Sulas. 'Tbey'd expenditures. i'eople'd save more thon-Ilar- [ER4 HA'T-YeS, sir, I r *ook-keeper, but you APPlicant- Ma>' I ask Merchant-Yoti are Illiard-baîll sir. A man to wipe bis pen on wiU. rimole box ever>' vcek..- 7eekly. I waot a Stone for my ave exactl>' tîke the oth- the 1L»t. Agent--But fie siail for a man of l's Prominence?" Wbdow If Thomas Liought a ut was good enough fuir I gDe-s bt's piont>' good 'boma..--Life. v£sT-"l met ni>' otd Lakeside,, for the î an ugo, and 1 thougbî y ho acted When 1 menu- îat you and ho mut bave iance or other before vo Farwest-"No romane, e vere marrled for a 1ew LIîL "-Nove York Weokiy. -'Thme critics Bay' Ihat la Wrongeul Wife,' you do enlugb emo0ttOn when beaves )oui, nover to r.- ular Achres - Oh, 1 I? Weli, Plv. lad Ivus ands louve, nover ho re guesa 1 knov as muet, act under time etrcuni. Fbody. "-Puck. h. à gqémoS b au. W~8viIae f 6the11w .4iit' à. i à wtoe~-' io*~ OulogIr*ver Ulb ead vithé bank- dBW~L Wmuoi....iâdh ,* ~starter and thon lhroving hlm loito vmm%%*0-dd- a i 'ne - a"idte. leb"w the usaI yard la Dot preferable atter __________&________"__________ aIl. Soaje day Murdo wiii go up agait a superier swordsman and gret CUM ID the silent partner of the burt The Ch icago saloon it rune no fashionable dreFs. aker. such chances. As a wielder of thse bungstarter or the tee pick ho 19 TrIE fine art of tax dodging should secure againat any odds. bo allowed to lie ore one of the lot art&. JACOn HEcAWrN, or Warren, Imd., la a sensible man and a philosopher. WREN t&e devil tries ail other Being awaicened by burgiarà ln the echemes ln vain he calis man'ls atten- dead at and middle of the nlgbt tion to bis mothcr-in-law. Mr. Ileaston dGM not begin fIopplnq areund grubbinu for his revolver and Iv every bonub would kilIlits own yelling for the police. On the con- thrower, explosive acarehists would trary, ho reached under hl& pilow, become as rare as roast dodos. producod bis money-some 81,500- banded it to the houýebreakers, turn- TIIAT groîîrdhog was absolutely ed over ln bed and slept until morn- correct in the, Inferences ho drew iog. This le the exerciqe of conimon then hc saw hfi sbadow on a recent sense. If >1 r. Heaston had reslsted, occasion. If he b.d raised a hue and cry, ho would probably have lost fot only A MAINE lyceura 'wtt) debate the his money but bis life. As ILtla, ho question, "Re-s.dved, That man i9 sustaIned no injury, he b.d a gond more intelligent than woman." Look ntgbt's sleep, and there Is every rea- 'out for homirides ln that town. son to believe that professional cour- tesy will lead the thieves, wben they THir busbands of the New York discover the occupation of their vic- ladies who have to pay $6 for every tim, to return the rnoney. Mr. tathlng and clilpptng of a poo)dle wttl Heaston is a borse dealer. Cfnd the incore tax a sore burden. ___ IF the Chinamen of Chicago are Nvw Yiit W,'mï.rn: There i a i actually in earch of s5itng grace ,prevalent suspicion t)at the anarchist, they can get it lust as weil through wbù sent the hog-Latin manifesto the medium of elderly gentlemen t.. ('hatit.cey 1erew i. a native with bald beade and spectacles as Cihicugoan. througrh the ?",nhstratlons of gcod- looktng young women. The Anti- M LA Nj.'TiS <dead. French justice Chinese Fuodsy Schoot >:oeiety, whose gave htrm on two tn«ntha' reVrisýv- 't-kbie geek for a new trial, an~d the 'guillo>-i withouti brtnging thornin' contact tUne broke no roi)... and perpetrated with young women, Js a commendable rko harbaritie. organtzation. If its recommenda- tions are carried outI, hwill soon ho Tiirauthntirwitesse of n r ade apparent how many Clestials ri al , itc wtn1oses ho? Jo>'attend Sunday achool throu4h rolig- 'i nharacter farelh.ase ho n 1 ou& motives and how noany go t) wit bout any restraint or rute iof (on- ogle the good-looktng misies who have made the conversion of the ai- durt. 1lut such as he ioluintarii y Ire- odee etenafsnbofd orribes for huruself. in-ydbahnafslalea. _________________ The re.,ult may le discourag' ng to en- PIulcs.,eED'VITDthethu.;iastic workcrs hn th.* viwyard, EDW rD th but l it l!l he a good thin.g for the gei.titn a spý,ech be iore the (Ohio voung lady teachers. As for 1h' lnstlr.ute (, 'tulning Eogineers, stated '(honamen. thev c-o sotace themscPlve9 that w--r@î the demand for c»a wth .p»an fn-an 000,04>0 ton> a N . ar it would take wt o"adfnIo t coal fleld-------s14,00Tcsn tonsiinla t4ho under the ban o? e<'ua l 001. Tir«s Ioutpu10toand bn the Harvard authorities thîs year if 4P are coal mcIdili nthe State as yct not rsoetElt'rcmena-s prý,pe(-4 d.are adopted. l>r. Eliot declares that pr 5lct~ dthe risk-, (of the gaine are inordinate NF% YoLK ý fstretogrdin toa d excesive: that It blunts the NF., i .1kI..f.t rtrgrudîig o snsibilitics both o? the players and the level ofl'overty Fiat, Jackuis o? the habituai speetatorsý, and that (uich andi ther Wstern municipal- as pi yod turing thme ast rilve' ears it e andeitas ondot)Upthe a , ,the toa:t uteful o? the g-ores au luthateue tags ati olithejuua promotor o? open air pbhiail c- sengero ut the muzzlrîtf the revolver. cr ie lor grown men, for lise re-d'on We @aul horti>' boum of cattie- Ibat thia rougo and intense rame le hrandlag watchbs In Madison Square ') ut (I? the question fum the great ma- andt iaI IDr. Parkburstant EIIr;dge urity o? students. lle rocomomends T. Gerry bave takon to sbooting <ut I hat no football shal b played ustl the ltgbts bn the -tenderlih" resot. oite ru:es are su amentird as to diiluin- uh the n2uinbers andi violence of the THF. vote o? the Massachu-wtt', 'ollilîon. betweco the plaer', and ITo -' ;eneri<ourt' t'> ab,,iish F- ast duc irovide for tiie enforueunent or the 14 aaî of pri gre£ïs: bu' iT ma - vriles. If is suggestion s Ud(iiît cd ha dangerotus precedeuît. Fast day tiiere viil h o nufuti a;l ,i a]iun ha. been "[)ulayed out" for man>' yoar, Harvardl. 'I'î,gaie bas duv cîrt' even ho i hoe nId liay>tate, where It j,_,, a cntest o? brute strengtiu, and Ioi was vont chiefly t) flourish: but it rob, it o? tho slt'gung featuîo-, <mud belongs to. preci-,cly the same clasof if to renuier il said nt1u Uintv'uc4 holmdayé a, 'fhank-givinLg, and its up ts)its uevotees. abolition lia>' ondanger the laitter. lI II tat ';îsc t vîîuld ho ai*.nuT . Lu> su. sentimentalist., ail]oor hle k'ated cvil. Tric average Nov-En- country have been tbankîîîg iheit glander at borneo or ahroad wnuld nut k inuly god, thlut vhen trii, grand i ii know what to dIo vithut Th,înk- K.'arsarge %uillT o the bottouui wîblu gii ing di. her oest hîîll turil to splInt(ers bI) the' cruel roi-k-s oflkoncLod r ref the> IV& have ulready earned fr mu 'Mr. fan>ouîs uni vith whlcb she -lene, i Buili's fre'îuent re[sai!ki siflue Alil- andl sunk the pirate Alabama wu're mii î Lientiaiin i rcu tulse iCw ssOLSîot abo.srd ber. -This fueltIvas devel- ai tRio that i ur morbh< uou-bn feels I <potinb the repi>' of a ni-ml or (o? the mauch upsetî le l arald that our ,,aval comuinutec to an enThtisiastic Interference t,, prot-'ct our owO (coin- Cun.ressman's proposition lu appris nierco unay cause hum ua certain lois priate a large sun> ornoney lu raisE o? prestigeoin South Amerbea: andt and save the "historie guns o? the so lie bas orderoti a large lieed arounti Kearsarge." But, alus! even sucb te, Brazillan waters, andi bas inujulgot ierîlancholy consolation as was c'on- liertain îlark hints atout the pos-, tained Iin thc assurance that the sitilit>' ofSis supporling a ruonarchy iKearsarge carrled a complete batter>' laItBrazil. On refiecîbon. Of course, or n-cw, modern guns to lime bottom imo wll decide n01 10 comif hlti col- anti not the beavy motal vhiclh set- lision wltb the -"Monroe D)octrin,,. - lied Semmes le nov tom mrudeiy te _____shreds ho the caim announeement îT Is higb lime that thc collogos Ibat "an omhehal statement prepared dof Ibis couîntry cuit a hiait on the b>' lie ordnance bureau for limeIn- brutal Iracticcs io? some o? thîir formation o? the Secretar>' shows the studenlA, andt tat the ci-il authori- following dispositbon oflime bitter>' %~tics visit svit punisimment upon ahoturd lime Keirsurge ah the lime ut those sbio <lute the lavi ' be the Alabama engagement: The Ive crime o? vanton murder bas been i 1-incb guos are nov il Mure Islandi u'ouunitted byb> tazrs aI Corocli, aod (C1lfornla) navy yard. The four :12- those responsIble for il shoubul bue pounders store sobdti thlie Boston brougit to justice wthout dobu>' and navy yard in Februar>', 1888, Wo M. wiithoul any regard Wo the bnfluences Lisherger, o? Nov York; the 30- ,)f vealti or social standingtha pounti Dahîgren rifle vus sobd iL the, uta>' obtrude thernseives loto the 1 sarne yard In 1875 to lime Boston Ma- case. Thesé thbogs cannot hc per-I chine Conmpany, andtihti 12-pounti mttod UW disgrace our b h gimein - ighî bovltzer vas melted up in Oc- stituttons. The sonner the oIt- lober, i8. Oh! vhat a fate iii famionet idea liaI Young aMen90go hIis: Four oflime historie guns sobti -college To aquire etucation hs resivet, for olti junk, one probabi>' vorked the btoer it viii bc for the countr>' ovcr loto a modern hreech-loader andi and Ils goot namne. resold, sans former shape, sans peti- cre, sans evcrythhng tentlng t.o caon- Ax Orange, N. J., salobo.-keeper, nct iLt vithits honorable pa-.î, te Murdo by naine, bas Introdueed a nobody>'knoovi uon>, and the Iast ig- nov systein o? puni>hing ruitomori nomiousi>' mlteti up mU> proleta- vho failto10puy for Iboir drinks. He rian plig-metal! Btter far bad Lie procipres swords and Invte lime telin- guns of lime Kearsargo gono tovo queute to a duel. Asn ho la un expert with lime Keursurge andt ound bonor- -s c4ho usumU>' aueceçds iii able hurbli'neatmhie seau the>' once 0t'I rmaomae proudicu onsnuadod, or botter "II A tallor jacket iported fromLondon is a noveltr whicii can ho worn in many w y-~e,,=siatg anat> w tcoat, the long revers 1Seing kept in plie. 0y7 bYT uýton ah th., vaut on etiier aide; c!oged to the wai st, or part >' CAPES ANI CLOAKS. NEXT SEASON WILL BRING MANY NEW STYLES. lu iiUying No,.- Fuý Ca" r Cio.kTherps 81sk. Fit **"g Dtor .1at...........- ler-With Cioih W.'ap. lu vîmu Be Duff.r- eu. Gothain Fehi.. Go.sp., New. YorkCOrePOndeBtý EI'ORE there w iii again b. need of verv beavy ous&ide garmenha, there will ho leut>' of tine, forpstyle.s to change. Yet, if a good chance corne To bu>' fui-s for next soason. It siouid he taken advan- tage of,(n'y don*t i get a cloak nor a cape. Gel a but- toned Eton. Lot it fit vithoul orna- menlation o? auy kin-1, bulhoning *\ fi-on> tiioaItet vaust, vitha, orj- j ~ 4 bgbcoller to, umn abouttthe oars, and ihsie.ves vert -large at lbe shoul- der and tapering tb the vnist, viere a big ouf ltui-na videt>' back. This sort o? thing wili b. m-<diii for many' sou- Bons to corne. eitaer in seal. safile or ermine. In buying nov a fur cape or clomis Ihere would ho ton rnucii nsk o? ils grqthiO out o? style before nazi whnter.Wlîbgunmnwrapo Rt la differ- ont: lndeed, lthe spring styles for copiat invite purcha-iogZ for use at once. their novelty of design and adaptabi - ity ho immediat. needi. The. initial pielure portras-s a coat o? odd cut, madie from m3-rt'e green cloth and trirometi with Persian ian>h and fine black siik cord. It bas a soparato draped pelerine, forrning points ho front. whicbh i-cular and sewet o a round yoke. This yoke ii oroamente with paralel rowa o? black hiad d finisioti with a band o? fur wbich also WITii EPAV1.ETTES 555V. toi-dors the cape. Tie rigit side li fastenedte 10the loft shoulder andi slight>' lifteti. Thee'-atitself iu fluted and fi-rs buttons infi-ont andti ten the rigbt Éside laps over, wiSu lie boltosa sligit>' blased. Thi hmcoul is of'ci-v iight-ei gist clotb, andi viilot prove mucm o? a tiefense igairst l'eal>' colti veatmor. but, iight as it is. il is muci more o? a pi-otection than lime jaunty bittle cape o? the next illustratiun. -This is o? e ju.iIy tiiin cioth. andi is maie uf gray, cloti vuui a square yoke anti standing c 'lai- o? t'rown velvet. Itlbeis sorter un hack limai in front, andtish lineti with ile sieulienu e and hordereti with feather gabloon. 'The epauleltos ai-e faced vili browvlvet andi oxtent acroîssthe hack, iorming a if niýh ion i h yoke. Their endis ai-e o? Mdivy un- equal lengti n front ho givo thé ap- peai-anco o? a ourelesu drapai-y belt in ~,aeby aro sette on tihe left uioudu-. heetiges oferaiello anti yoke are bordoeed wiîi silser passementerie. The wemsn vimoselilgit pur.e àharp ens ,hpr bookoul for- hiingu wich, thon ghfasi icabi., are nutltasting. vOl nounce upon Ibis cape. For, evon if epauletles o? diffrent ienttbu au-e g oinIz te bave a "run"--vbieh lu <or>' doubîfut-the devio. v!Él look vuil oni>' s long as tie gai-meat la aggi'es- Bis-el>' aev. Wili a tlt ci erumnple, saun or f-a>', lhe beaul> of lthe v oie viii vantiS. Harem lfM a chance for M4q moofuterswvo are vent te deor> 3~!4thqoomsie, O tie sri thle But let such a critc crons dor for a mo- ment the. vait variet>' ut cape shapea whicii prevaiieà iasiu wint -r, and bear in mind that new oneq ver,>1 ositivel>' dernanded for tbis sorlng, ani excuse will appear for sucb cre Ltions sas that ,'ust describiýd. Afterail,women neednt hu>' sufh thhrgîiIf thev dont vant 1 hem, and if the>' don t pureiiase, the designers yl er>' soco cjarl, he oh- Tiiero may ho still greaber- risk of offending those wbo persibt-ntly ad- vi-e - for thers- the strictly sensible in ciothing b>' proentinir the theshor collai-oIt - o? the third pictuire. Tiiougb more an aecessory than a gai-meut, Ils (Ont 18 greater than eituer the, coat ow cape doucribed. But belthie slorm o? di.approvui bowl âmd rage as 1h t thme posussor of sucb a collai-etle cari reàsonably ho as caini as tie reflected fice aprears in tii picture, for sie wiul know liaI mie has a nov and band- soins addition ho her 'toilet and one wbicb vili ho muci admired. This One h counpoëed o? heliotrope velvet and consista o? a yoke richl>' em- broidered with silver and a double vei- vol ruffle which la laid in pleats on t.he ALY40R À A P& shoulders andi reaches to lhe wahst front. In the hock time ruffle la a rauget inl revers and aiso reaches tb waust, witb a Plain velvel pioce in hij center Ihat is ses edti o the yoke aol fastened to tiie revers withi nvisible stitcblng. Thme high Stuart collai- le aiso eua roidored wilh silver on the utiide anti faced witi siaded whmite, p' nk and beilotrope featiers on ttie in- sidàe. The featberi continue dowa either bide o? the fronts, wiicb close witb large books andi eyos. ', ii oser>'pr-omise of lbe dalint- le-%t govos ln the vurid the oomiug seasons. While tiere viii ho a ton- deno>' toward seveîil>'y on the street, dresses for otber occa.sons yl hoe as sweeti>' frivolous and fiuffy as any one could viii. Soft dguued silks wiii h Comhinod witii lace andti nihon,' kirbe wiii ho pretthl>'fiaring andi there viii ho juil the right baiuncirîg fuilnes about the shouiders tg make thie whoie gracerul. As for organdi>5, dimities. lawns andi mualins. you may bave all the f rilis, puifs andi details you want, as the on!>' cule scei to holimaI you inuuist look as fresh as a bunci o? poules juat out oflthe gardon. Bertha elTects wiii b.crnucb made use of, yokes wiii ho eut round about lime timnoat, anti white pointed vots lot in and outllned witb cascades of daint>' lace wvii! te charme. teistlc of min>' o? the> pettiosh govos. Tut prettiest fashion o? guimpes la To bo u'vived, tho guimpe amouîntlng To a sort o? underwaisi, ovor whihithe badico ceem ornbhohodrapethlie guimpe sbowing f rom a point at the watst tgs over the round o? thme sioultier. For ..ienfler figures exqulsite little bodices are designeti bn muslin. tbat arc drawn in To fit the figure hy i-uv after row o? ihbon, inserleti unf.i- lace and drawn tigbtt o tic in a bories ut preti>' boy,- Timmo v Ira oumnANDO.or aisue vuOvusaÉ !ervousnessi acoditi.on 0neas to deline; but thme common use of th. term lu everY-daY speech Indicates the commonness of thme tb!ng itsi. There are few porions, tndeed, who have not at some ime suffered froin trrhtabiutty of the norves and its ac- companying depression. IL is behoremembered thut this state always IndIcates a falltng away fronithe normal standard of health. It should bo taken as a danger signal, a notice froni the nerves that some- thing le vrong. The. cause of the trouble là sometimeà easiiy found, as, for example, temporary or habituai loiseo? sleep; or th. dltcuity ina>'b. more deepl>' soated and more serious. Whatever bts cause, nervoussesa in- dicates a lack of norvous force, a lowerIng of vital energy. liomeuhero a Lap te lons, snd vaste la proceed- Ing more rapitti in, repair. In such a stat. Of thinguthe performance of OvétYyvoluntaly acton and of ever>' u"consclons orgagsic function te af- fectod unfavorubly. Women outrer f rom nervouanees more comaionly Iban men. Itlbuaa nîtale, howevor, to think that there le an>' material difference bwe- tween the nerve mtructure of the tvo sexes. Unfavorabie surroundinqs and Occupations account for the greater frequon y of nervous diseases among wornen. Farinera are iarely affeched with nervousnesa Farmers vwives are almoat. proverbiaily so aifected. Loss of sloop, Indigestion, grief or worry, and min>' other functionat causes maY Produce ipervousnes. Doubtiesa lthe most frequent cause i9 lack o? sufficient out,-of-door air and o? moderato exorcise It ls toc, commun for nervous peo- pie to thtnk theV r oplaInt too triv- il for a physicianýs notice. Strict Inquir>' ai to the mannor of life often reveals errors tihe correction of wbich relieves the conditions and averta serious disease. "Overwork doms Dot kilt, but Over- worry doos," some one bas sald, witb a measure of exaggeration. Excess- Ive vork ina> no doubt shorten lifo, but constant worty over every-dny cares lesure tu do su. Ceaseless cares exhaust the ners-ous energy. Chanffe o? occupation and of scenp, ailows the nervous forces_ the celebrai gr,.y matter-to becomo restocked. Nervous malter le uctu- ait>' consumed In performlng the de- tailseo? every-day existence, just as muscular tissue he expended ln exor- cise. A sPrlng kept at a constant tension surely loses Its elasticit>', vbile one whicb ie frequentiy unbent dues not Trbe figure la a gooci one ho app>' to mental and nervous experience.- Youtb's ( ompanion. Almont Dr&gg.d Under. The author of "Eskimo LIfe" de- scrib.d a dalle bunt. wvhen thme mon of the village put o il tu ses, each in. his crablly UM44. talait, mIte semis- dits, fiais, or ,*Nltevsr oliser gaine ruay present Iteoif. Tobias beau hl ehasbng a seul vhich dived and did noL corne up again within aght, but lime man la one o? the boit huntersi of the village, as the reader May> judge bY wh.îi follovi. He b.d slgbted ýînother seat, and was sklmming ovor the sea toward il, when the huge hiead of a hooded seal popped up rlght in front of the kaiak, and was bar- pooned in an Instant It maires a frightful wallowing and dtives the hurpoon lino whirls out, but suddenly gets fouied under the tbrowhng-stick o? the btrcb-dart. The how of the kaiak le drawn undor1 iwith an Irresigtible rush, and before Toblas knows uhere ho is, the vater le up to bis armptts, and nothing eau ho sec of him but bis beau and ilhouliders and the stem o? the kaiîk, whicb sticks right up toto the air. IL looks as Ifil were ait over vth liiii. Those whu were neareat pud- Ùle with ail thâir maigbt to bis as- sistanco, but with scant hope bow- ever to Save bu. Tobias, bowever, ls a first,.rate kaiak muan. In spibe o? bis dillicult osition, ho upon even keel ishile ho is dragged tbrmugb the wator by the seat, whicb doos ail ho can To get hlm ontlreiy under. At aest it coûmes up again, and In a moment he has seized hl& lanco, and with deadly alm, had pierced the seal tbroîîgb the bead. A fecble movement, and itle dead. Tfhe o! ber men coma up in time to fInd Tobias bus>' making bis boot>' fast, and to geL the piece o? blubber ho whicb each lsentitled. Tbey eau- flot reitrain their admiration for bis coolness andi ikîli, -and speak o? il ong afterward. Where They Coutd Not Mit It. Marihal lilucher, Lime famous Prus- <ian Ceneral, was alvays foromost In fight. Ilis zou l i attack vas such. ndeed, that the Russians icknamed himu "Marsmal Forwards." A fter the batlle o? Waterloo, Louis 1-X1-I.. ranedore ibon o It mm, acrosa "Noe tremit>' of, putling la 5050 vimeela, to ho Ovtu oho ie Iris Sos.and aiforded verni m the. tide coines, 1111anle b>' there on Ums laie. Norm ration the porthm f reol>' tisa ibon thereef the Seoust*y octnluoihi dovi tise groat demi ,et" 3md the , ml- la Dot a ne aider tise Niagara bs ahininet * t anila a sleeping 00 1863 ho tari Lh. ktind vt verj rici 54 AUTOMAI There itq ents Whbo isb lior d machine lu oi bonv the xsl atokas bandd, uad te lvitia.ý 1

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