CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 16 Mar 1894, p. 12

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rBtbt IlBIIbT!ET uaIlngbed KatIe lrOWE a.ig ook, N. Y., oweil bY e-VIes ' _afl 1 a ites vas dSi TO "l tIvsu h, A M wh ofur brlotbeI!8. -T $wouildul'i pruidiesatI Mrtioa "as destroyod by Ze hodied remOatly Ws ho U T HMI ea present at ail; brothers Juil gré, Work vaai 00t 0 1ee ffn 0, aYork. Re o vU ý 5" vscat" tZAMu priOn otbW boWt aOt hJane her.' n."issti building tb take lis Place and the in ie a ,1838 =l i i V O ~ , i u Mn U tO d O t 01 I V Ooat I û i y v o ne " I s st D r - n ev stru c tu re ba s r ce n t y b e en co m , a d b is O nrt , w O rk bit MW lite Is mo&tip or ta n s Ial àI . of vo"O" ,tby,. «Oae vould't botber, 'cause pled.The new building, according as la bis ttbsr' Ooîf lelé md weafordaà newial aho t80 n tt st ~ ~NU-7 Out*we'd play togethel'." W the New York Horald, le 300 ftst contectionory 8misopI *» deniedDosudywéaueetynlght howt-Pire ordnîcLHeloe ab long, sixty-five toest vide, and, wbere la 1848 bis fathor, ")Ebiriul l w bhid hepeltttar bm al M cner burew ouirobbathought ho a istor eb.silos are located, elgbtynlne fet.wbo vas a refugee uobelà«Ila are iforu 1la bas given ut a n euSiip1O of A Baby MdO anSol ct bt i a sistrL vr ide. The latest improveinents have as a revoiutioaist the ceaner 19 vlilch Socety ougbt Omo.. ommy and B.... cla.mber op on my bis amnia, ton. bal ouly onecbiid beauintroduced la the building and came tu tht. COUD- Obaha o~%¶ni'i ~ ~ r ~ ~~ ~ -P1 r, vitb bill cuaniag Frenno xpese bbel oen spared to maire ~ try and soon afler- Cbok te ae nif pwe.Th Yug ,1 tl ?u. tory ut. yue seea ie; als. lsa week Pierre tbougbt of it a model barnanmd oae of the imUs% wPLE ard lthe Son bo- iii et a muid- civilisation rebukua the nid, Suanad ~arling he baby ver Soya ia veUitloaytIru1Nu el l'oiChristmias, as lhe eselied the SPICOS ia Ibis country. Rlailroadtrucks for came au acter. Thon he etudled art proves lia Itlel, if fot thme boîter, let .I. a 1a etmiar uro~ îrrd loto fruit cake and rich plumn car to carry feed rua around the Ia- and in 1869 joined bis father Ina.1-t. isasI the more desirabie. ber -' pudding for bie fathor's customers.tUrior of the baru; thero are biind JoM TeyngrKpertn 11,00,23, ChUd RatolS hl* travelsbogan n the yard;- One day hie laid bis curly blacik bead on, every window, se arranged as t0 attoxupted medicine, but hoe snon ie Sa0hed New - traitiO dWf throuagh the orchard and on against bis fatier's white aprea. aet as awaings te keop the iturued b tme stage aad adi lea!t.. à will Sud bis CMCÂoo HIVEÂLD: F rom Kansas ta the wood "aa"leakd my1gv cornes a new nou-jointist The EHilituem tscaispored u f M 1a 7 ap,"h o se, myI ieabeat ont la nummer. Tbe area vails Ho feunded Ivo iiiustated papors la -- ono l vichith uedindcaes coniti. Chiristmas present?" outaide efthlie building have a sii- St Loulsnelther of whieh wus mueh Il 31B18 ar 1lu that Ilmas n i 19 sedllaladicat- ae»etymcs ah«.ron n How mucb villil, cit me?" said Inchb bie stone copiug, vith an Jrou of a success, and In 1iS2 ho removed bis015 iscupln lqurs aiar t la, reum Wee pii a S'oPapa Rosny, smiin. raîing ilve teethimgb. The basemeat te !ew York, There after a time, up nS hon "Ntimngpaa, f Ima gîe jilla ef cancretse ght Il o hestick, iIith ho. la conjuaclion witm A. chwartz- abl terelaais aver, e jin, alion ablepI viat I please." a cross brick watt vltm chetaut mann, founded a German i>uck,vhicm abl ter lasin vet4toJoitIoquiI I layibal tbebirds came ta "Wbat, flot evena apIenay?- askedslesper, le reat upon, andi drainage after 203 nuMtpr@fl ouad UacOmPaUioul vitI active and passive voices. Thus, 5ria kiguusell18 lai- la Rangs lte eipr&sioa, He bas a ARdSth*.*Ou PlayeS bo- Iel vith Ihe forumpapa. under the Whoe. Thme baiement lanlime Eaglis edition whic buba *,vu ber yod- jag, veuld o pt More eupbemlsîic- 'round the brink. "No," said Pierre; "«It le not te boy under the L, whicb la 40x5O feet ln proved a remarkabie success. ail s He joitopeealH i bSbadtooa tn l-creatures lia 1 yli4.» M"l i^HeyaltbernthSel 'eayreituertle *ndo s ze, lafilttod tmp as a Irot ceilar. 'Ille _________ mi e r peeal, e"eywll yltlemn oa silos are tbree la nunmer and boid Fermer@' "Dont.* liunet.Stee. the condition ef In tbe cloar. giaary depths of a iiood-en- you likeII and Pierre vas sent awaY 1,500 tons. The @talleIn tahie barn -arcasm ts an effective weapoul. andi 007aythinga im Knsh.ilta(enerai voWhio d eil vth hbischubby face shîni n.aepoa'dwt ieoe arsunon-bree p areievaILeaeaor e baS looked for anlong as a hail of a,arepW'.e vPblie e apefsten- vitb III npaper pablisbeti for famerik, ýW»:mn-broe upa rvie et eavnwotr Wbat do you say, mamma," ho ers, se that anî oae et theni can boe, litockman, sceki ta combat the rails, lat laI would ho doscribed as "the For eat home of the tairimi and. loi II asked next day, «wvkon you give .a opened at wiii. Tiree buadredtlier. tendency of aomc farmers-lOL Ius iet jointetineis of Brigadier Geaeral vas bore, present?" ________________ a ornailtminorty or theru- to neght- nI teacimr, Smiti,n andi upon bis retura tu sobri- aHurrahi there la ouet and a baby. lîko "II write on a card e," salit Mri..ad11tetter i.TeSok oraety ho would ieh saidto loedluJintd me-" Rosny, -Wth' y love,' aud pin l man publilaes Ibis lisI of «Doute g iog u. Thme nov vord l.a avaluabie andi la- ait githeferoime frmer terentlng addItion te, coatomporarY "le la true-l la true!. and ho file$ bornel Christmuas mernlglm elrn Don't try te please your vrite. Io tell at Dortby's bouse, aud tiere stood Dntapeit n hu h ~Rfr* -wî _______________ 09 the reai baby-t'y liing. 5oya lath1 a pretly boy with a piak aecktie, ~Datapeit n ba b phil'ogy voî. vio sali te the maid: Bbv AS14 Or LUYI . MOUTON. Don't lever plan your work se 5AgVW bt armas?" AxoTEBEmavime vas locked ui 'ibero are mystical sbit alilroundni r'pressaI for Dorotmy. Oaa iste ber?"des .*# 4 to hleg ,diC Msdrlkm sure;___________________________rn u ho able tn take ber tu any entertair.- fontnd deati lu i s cdroukarde hey Ibthef, olian, meytorbi a IB* 4ust then Dorothy berse& ran In, msamornpat.late J'iat bas osalure I itm ber yellew iaîr ftyiug eut Wo-give analnla a incase et rr;'They '~ poa.mrtm dsevo! leig m4 e 9ue 111oand *aime qenij)ty- rgo-', a"d Lýis,tl e e eif anytbing hati cems telviat part et the building Il ithait melp atarug0 e r lm hlde S Ch5m18OP ~ <1~~kant * -,oe'Sata Cia.. Ère andi are connecteti witb lthe fan ba a bt otgthe 'Or D that he ws. notdr ,but sufférIng Soma vateb ne by .Oght.@Omoneare withn Ir l on enliiuit sntioc Tebrai lgt int faiiit Invite Companfy Ida more rapidly trüm a fracture olime ikuil. atl t pay. pre ea Young gelim e manid. eta bouse and icen Tihs.b ialgt efî on unday itîout letting ber luisyoa 011leoucimte lpeo Ibt0poiceen a uhOn 1atnes arSbt oe ho and "Oh!» crieti Dorolimy, 'you icar improved macblaery la previdod for kao, ao aietaen bavet ofdatefo v should diagacse every case brougit 0 im.pî aD ht merroa Pierre; viale15 l?"grladiag teeti, etc., including a pov- teD.%n'î gen meluket 0fvI, tcro et on a nov h ie station vlth llte aklI et Seme ont*',I1I veon. m-v bat no barra be- "Me," said Pierre, vimo iad giot alerful engîne. Thme maay aewv î'en- tim huittrtien s.e:tt. tcr rea îong lm . e aeip y iinbu lh n tu . B th bb-ace bobotelltrI the f his ceat anti muilier. On bis lions Inîroduced ina lie construtiion punP viafait trIs.Y u if fal çr on i ea oale p aysiciensabt ltla dotun.îfuthielOu yfceloe p rmtebreast vas pinned a card vbicm rcad, of lime bara are belag CIOely obierei lrntth l cdyu re fm compamiies la l o ktatI outu vl inta :,'eu l do ail thre hou.sow09y canes they sioulti senti for a doctor. -Florence Kendrick Cooper. l -Ine. l My ai "by expert&s.nel ssyo optým e Vohnparkdenimt.atesivitlumai ," sai Dorothy3, 'wimOre la Joh blrke, te lten vititt o A OASINGTRAEOY th prsen?"QUEER NESTS FOR DUCKS. lanLthe sto"e. p c, a t Iene&mcer wb&truck b a c 0 m he ed AeSpnot labe-il ," cied Pierre, a 11111e dis- Dent regleel aklfg wval he bua et r i s c a r , a d tev e e h o k h m t o l h e o d A e S p r u ua p p o in te ti. " Y o u v a n te ti a 11111e ma e o f Itu nh es a n d lio n ; on P o ie , i. t h e d o n s w lth a il lim e e g g a d b ul t er lb . c pe th s a iomigim i et h o w a a -brother, ad papa s id mt i m gimt uve M ah ,. m aaey fo , it w ill uror ,- titan stipply ste"ib uniedt 1bch drunk andi put loto a - anything 1 îî.edti t you, se 1 give Thme vater-fringeti villiige 0f(Gnauw, une table, ielp paY vteheir;ed man, oeltosteep iteif. Tial ime usuai myseit uneIlle your l1111e brother." la Friesiand, North Illland. Is ne- gelte timildren's bo)k' and clothrca wakunîî nproceediug, anti It la a very stupitid Çj Tihe maid imugimet, but Donothy markabie for twothings-chceees and ec. biflksgoaut su e see s pronn . 'P e p lie just put leh an n i t a Pirrels andi du ka. The lakes whicb tige thre D l>a tw ander 'bat l 17 o, d ha . a 'blgati nteIboylmIeer esnJ sald, "Bloy fics," and tbey ivent tu village o0 ze idsae hc sa pclarhynfrItn" mule, oplthe gthgery er.-LeveryMcaeantibuirusimes anti waten grass, anti allort i vth blastel lope'i. ]iIlSof.(Ial- a*v. unablo le takre cane oet -el Women. excellent caver for wilti docks anu pointmernt, cIe. t edt h timuak. Thal la vby se many men, & .lter aquatcfowi. 'ra pramale the l>Iontlti urprised redhtth depatetihkeMrkel. du la olic staions* UH.- Janie stted IL Jnî.comfort0frlte farmner anti aulime fajordly Of lnsann value 1 are frn- d v en- ir Mre imeexrI poeicurtlayionse if I corncs amaima," ad ate aime lime facilitaIs lime collection ot rs, vives. *aub Ken- em ant e umanity v oi alir lîes. "h, n1ma, fmust 1 save anme of timeir eggs lime villagens toast; uet aiy cindy forhman Grace?"avet assises.IIet m orai aboya in lime ac- Arrial Trolley Rallr,,nd i.lhene. n omii ClrJsIEJUEe naJ~'th ink a gondi 11111e sislen voulti." cempanying iiluistmtnml. 'rie nesta An electnie aorlal railriod. t4) carry vaitpiato basrutlaIa mnistr t le go.-n_ "But Graco tidn't give me any et are matie ut plaiteti rushes anti are miii and perilsable treiinlau tire distonl br etriv"ba nplstnvalI ies rtaete f over 250tiles an bour, '0 pet bas ne vîgit ta pleati as a privi- IL «Din't eie? Hav titi jeu like percheti betyea lime fonka of trees. projectedt l ie coatrul.ii lietween leged commiunicioIe n cort lthe îimrt?" Abefeacim lotris lime awner oethlie Detroit and Ceveland. a distance of ~ ho vs- ubstance t atOliliI lii oeIB4hhi- ~"I didn't lîke I aI ail. Anti 1 vat nsl1Ixs ces of colaeictb IT ms.AletLWdurl ie cnsa ation madt 0hlun. lua -Minlalor ta leake ber net lige i, 1bon, because vbicb enable Ihlm to reatiuy iytinl- latealor of lime scieme ",n thme road. Mi ooa o t bs panisitmers. The cour ~-I tbnk aime vas reai Moan." gulsb bis ce-la tram Ibesoet bfi& anti be belleves he lias mrirly dem- «<douod.vduaLImue "Dear, deanl And la mamma t0 usigimbons These bits et bunting *wînatoed ils practlctbliltY An ex- y e- besaa,net tie iav1 uimaI bave Ive mean 11111e girls, thon?" are useful aise w lime birtia. vmo la- perimentll lio as , intaoperation aua ssiddo jutige vbea lim ensofejustice re- , oalelol D e ohr nivnabyke a bî v esa. lime Chicagfo Fair andi made sarprising 4g,.,'St qin scimseres t h mtiepuli, as quiet a. minute Thon elle rn aTime owner Igues eacb nrornirtg In bis fapeeti. ca ufieta fel lvongar ,ýxeioilaan The position la emnently souati. andt îrew hon arma arounti ber Deck boat tu lime aesling groti, Ibrusts four foot square la -upnit yfor ns-Conditions bave cbanged glace lime anti said: "No. no, mamma dean;whesoan1vtdrilatiIer limes viemen aia bathelimengit etof you shall nit bave any mean 11h10 ' ateti by mnolors doriving puwer fruru saactuary In lime temples, anti vimoligirls aI ail. 1 guess Grace forgot, a trolley vire.'im asflie n limelin etlim laerpsilili t lme nieI alenanti l'Il go anti give ber sarne an my are cine-sbapeti t,, reduce the aI- lnofteitroiinoth retftncindy nov, soseie onlt lever forget mospimeit resislanCe. ~l.Wdi il ho lime wvai limbaIshieldeti an unfortunate .agaîn." ieintpooet ar asgr onc e-ca r- clvt ie' cmmnlt im la v o limeil Ber m timor saiuleti. "I think that on bis rSiir(uld, but says tt i wtb nt ail o ce> u vlnizla nov , tes teslo f thie limte wily tu itikkO ber remomnhr," jpeishable freiht. mais. and suclr lnlenwsupremerandt ""e"'h" *.. sie salit. -And 1 amn seglati1Iamaito malter cault Illo cannieti acro lime lA meicau tu admiaisten IIIare ceasîlluledth ie have tIa îni ttle girls." 1I10 continent Ila a <ay. The 1Iran ses u1mlt fres solo jutiges of viat salbri houseti s. a ioffcasîble vimen rime 1rnigiiuu" speei faÏvor, ovidence. To allo a minister oftlie \_ i1- s aae bY dyako 1 coiderd -b -Dl you anti yonr leacimen get aogNeYokur lhorougm gospel te jutigo for himtelf la sue wiÇK.vol togelimer. WaliIe?" _ tas. altralale ckcrictgelimt y t ~" - Spionilt." saiti Wallle. "Site lkeà 0- "~ n(ptumist. bâtir. mamatie e uite anzimpeea-thfi by n Mn. vinlue et bis clice ho bas co-ortilnl '- csmachsie ot ota e t " ae( aImrsio n'%r -~ "~ ana 111me su lnh leglll,"letsaldi ulme rrarw lai soires ai- :lorlly and power wit tlie ceuntis i- ydeskbut 'iii lme sie r oani oatt tmei cntatefn ime "i t,sid theI wmat lIre ta nsai Timbul- as by lav establBimOJ, concedlng te - stool besîde bermai limhe lime." rCE NESTR IN DOr.LANIX vays limpecîtariora fle t i rvlee hc r ot recel!- jimn,. CAmbition, bis arni intelime boîlle-aitapeti fests, "Intodeim utwhtte"aýéo 'e eofnzdby Vie'&W. and mi>'proveo "Weil, Jlime, srecent dttr t, ad colece nelvene antio th C o.ftalIo le isdue administration. <thlie amali son ofthlie entemologlet, iMarket. _____t___ he ee tiai im on weîh andau 1uic o e- are yomm gelag tu ho a lawyen vimen Art or Perpiratiort. tanti dollars couti l ake ailvanlage of meAe Tan dovafali efXt isun Wimaua yora grov rap, or u'bat?» The healtcade otflte avrage lime limos se as to pet rrch Inside or o' f whicb ou an oxparte slatement sesis,"l'a goiag te ho a iugwump lîke Italan aiay ho summeti up lIva oirte jeans. ImDtsrrelytooer" t o eretdpapa," aaii Jimmie. maxima: "Seok perspiration viton "Boy veultiyotdo rl-? whimen t soreij tram vialever stantipoînt . 1liaS Tested Thon,.Ill," anti "Avolipersplira1lttitnwea "Juat by vatcblag the corrirs ancl vieveti. Tfisbil4lifant Canadian u. "We gaI harjytroi taîre la ou volt." No malter vimetimer lime ail- attentiiag 10 bualne-s, neeit soonieti but a fowinionthsago le bave bonn ieue," bragged Jimmatî. Mont ho gra,ýe an sight, prompt gire lm ai> note for a tiousanti, jmt oniy," realîzodtei deal &morîc.a career 1 «'I Se're vo," nelonteti Mollie. "1measunea are laken te laduce profuse lentiemonstratt tliaI il coulti ho - . ou ovu'cm aslTuedayan hoyperspration, lime uauai necerarse beiag done." ~omiil- e~h~an iteaI lme iniaen' Ca . as avfuraibart." le o loies matie froat varieras bora- Antivoraltiho indor-'e jour note?" to fnn- anabiaeliimiof by abeer meil oflghebsasKt Filt's Wasm- "No, but ho didtheadI tbest re oue'as ii.owa brilîancy anti atitiesa un- I-ll icgh chair PhilssoPhliîtca- . nIt nlayImtiliman Itallan ltiag." liI? lstsrin< tl iho vas oneofethlie Most atractire, pT tzI- llalm areevery precaltlonagalfat gsttlllh "WbmI 0 Il ift I ommandiîig, figures on the i-. andatent? Tommy-Retemberi loto a perspiration. "Ho Indonseti my opinion. " iii hbis continent, Ho vas untlllattai>' se-- k. ep huly lime abbalb day. "Tbat'a Perbape Ibis feeling, more titan tleimelglon Star. bul ounetiais on etlim veiliies ~i ' igiml. Whene abouti vsgo on Sufr letbangy reantinro ta aaru clil- butwute senon o bll walhlstday?" "To Ooney lsland."-Texaa mate, mi>' ho belti responsihîslimte Turned the Tide. lpios Men ant islmhaut-vas etI unsonme a he.11gle. ta at. Sittigs. lack et active ouldeer sports Ia Italy. A ma laEnglanti vas once soi p.ov-eo 0f orgelt entcf bsess, ho k Litte Dortmy o SolervllO, XII&., LITrrLa NELLIX cilubeti lato Uncle Bolier ekatincan i bcyclig are go- upon by an Inturlaleti nablle,ad rom bMostiUofOr men ofprsess , urer lasix yeans olti anti,like ail Otbe'rNeti'.atp, anti begali <ta earcb bis tng lu tavon, simotig gallerles antivas soon danger otfiris lite. His y i on m o ntrrsso agrciiltren, i a bora egotist, Sime vent peckela for a penny. ïlntiug a silven quiet boaling have alvays been pepu- ready vit servei lml a Ile ttra. luosimport.lIis va>'ihoWva,4lime Most ouitfon a imrsecar ride vilh ber munt quarter,.mime calieti eut, *Oh, hlamIllBjan, brat cricket, base-ball, tennis, anti Hs cnietouI whie lime>vers tirau- hog'conspicuous advecate of coammercial 5h. bail ber ovu purses vlt ber anti Uncie Net bas get a penny vlth a similan games ane bardly knoov even ging bin aluoag: "A gIne for theo ru nesd UnieS boeelie heUnitd States and vas ver>' tenirons te psy bon eva fane, heu on l!" In thoîr mildest forai. man vime vii laie ma ide."IIIA tel- Oauada, ùtlvbueer may ho tbougit but ber aunalsai ne LierLu DjT-Where jon been? Aithougm reasing tioî long, hot loy near aIhattt bandi imosabee of bis ve" on limai subject lie1. "Yoii4IOpjip i"b ePl*lIle4 'Lttis Dick-1 ventdeishi leva vlb summerb . vthoulti elimeinIte c uralng biai, reipoiideti viit. HenO W. cs' odobl4q~ vgmoiniisti.eest r os "Z sad t ua sy jurpapa tecaIl Don theo rtreel (leanlng*ieath, Itaitana PeiO tre>viayoaemn"11 hixy.qac- ig e e ~w iihi unertadln e afails;.butîou malv ta'<o lthe 10 cent. Doepanlment. Littlo Lot - Wbats t"king Most ModeratOo «ercîso la ]y simutedth ie bribern "bit h!n, boys. Ah o biaoaleprims goDoroby bit lme dme, nti loanci. hrouh lt oy i . oerun a l@a ina ime o tItimerraph' sner

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