CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 16 Mar 1894, p. 7

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lq w mi ;é tht as Teh. eautlfai t. Lue. 1 P T e esud floarer of &Il the yout et thezoc le the yung hlppopotarnt 48 It a" eon Its 50e, with oyes =ksd l tasquare heend of bter tilliodupward, t li ttle fat loi a~ teak out sîraiglit at rlght anges to il j dand its 10e.t turnA up 1ke lt deslok& hke a g gauoiec eu boa bbft. It ha@ a paie, letunIu epcdtomach, &rd the urne artiti Sueadorus the sles ofci tsfout.. %bu double chie, and ls e-es, lk. Uati.eeWf, are met on l0eesalo, am 9oegeatly as Il go. l tosleep u$Lh1 Utn, enormt us mile. It c -*t 5 i.- ~baquit. omail, and, to qut.e h Opienmo n aminent grazier, who w. lIoeklngt over with a profetsional eye ks ~ Iiloc kle 'grswlng it money.' '~4lame oonniotaurs ln hippopota ~. 1-~~rwho tblak Ih almoot toc b ie. -London Spectator. SGUIIA-PERCHA, bomboo, gonk, rat. téaaund thrie or four more üther like pme.are cf Malay origlo. '" KLife Tfro. Thatis a sîrong Statemnent, yet ex- *actly what Mfiss Gertrude Sickler, 1I suffered painful r strua- tions. [Doctors could only keep nme froni havmng fits each noonth by giving me morphine. This continucd titi! 1 was comp!etely prostrated. : "My father at las! got me a bol fLýyda E . Pînklian's 7-VgzaI C7oînPound, which at mm gave me refle. Ih did what the doc- 4 ln old net-cmed me. I ocrer have any ?NKsbe », and bave no dread of the rom». uMo&1oeeMy lite tau." ~WI~N LL ELSE FAILED SCore d to B.d for Weeks by Kldney and Liver Com plaint. 9 vetllie. l. Jue 5,lm& , rKimer & CO. fllughamrîî, N ý. Y. lir1 em]bcf or foity Ycsrl. I bad bho., sfllrtdfor oeariy tiir.cyruc, -ih kidury sud irer trou ble; Stitlime, cbe patirn am'y bmrk aie aimost Isiyond endurant-o3 bcd for aoka mit a lime. IbMd no ap- mt5uly ud Ivasalmete d sfr.I as Not abe to do a day's work. Itrted dlffrmui doctor, a-id the medicine tOc>'rcemmended for tht"e di,-eiaer, but al 1101mO&vaIL. hcluaa o ue thou ibo ariUe t ci Oap-zwat. l couemencd tak- - ~ ~ ~ 0 fItee Miy recomery dates f rom thei Ifdm..I MProî-ed front the begiuing1 w la nvfeciag vll and codesday s1 vS i oulSutg pala SX.N. Mraal] DVWS 0 doigteand Il O.00mae $JIu. & o.. tirhaitn N.y. AN PEDVENTS emki % u amhtt, Pauu 1m -c Lehgftl anaom e - nim 01NeURAoit&. Alin latrou une o ue. 0" ~ t m3oult &fier reedia tima&Il -e #AIIÇ. Cra m Mst la tbe vmtha* <ha hi oe.'s delà 1". Al- ras troi but igh lont bail fer. els [es i:; . t of gh 'U rb fremn the 1aeae pe - S QVg1 TO THE SENATE F&. 5Meamh1p Parle, be n g to, NANC COM ITTEt, lough the rudder of the Pa i Mau C brokea, she reaned under coulr -W*111 âuge" la theW-,». nose. d, bY lhe un of her lwin soe w 4W n-39&imumDqt et ne adl ie.,was 1urned about a&d retoued lopor . tm-min uy fOn m eut. aStich accdent3 Arerelatively rare, b1 - lntO Cmtm u Bgae.vr, leu r.when lhey Occur I Is iusually la roui au. Eiiid--uaî Toesa fer whsay. weatber, when fteertp gear le o - aneded. The chips arili twin ame. r.. 8ugar la lize havre ie effect a duplicat3 rudder, au The il-n taiffbill whch pmeàare thereby rend- red1 Ihat much ,afi Th-e HW-10Ofn tarf Mli, ;«lchPaeo1 Piaepi,1egr ouwai laid belOrO the full memberâbtp of omd' p -ed. 04 thO Sen&'O Commutte. on Finance In day air at 92 degraes ound trav4l 1 Thurrdây mornlag, inueta. aed 1, 142 foot per second, ora&bout d5rmils bu f.M upon whtch tle. Demoeratlc m-.rbour; In water,4,lbO #leetl erscctnl jor.îY Of that commtte. finaaly agreedn Iron, 17 5 0 fee' Percsecond; la c alter one motho conslderation. Theo 103 l f. 4rscndI . chief f f2er, )0 8,0l 0 '» et per oe. cho eatu*gsare lb. provisions la ie- hm. 190obeen proved Ibat the soie Io gard lu ugÎr"Iron ore, b.d, wool and a beli can bu hi a dl 45,M00 fel througl it manufactures, colin manufacture,, watec, and that arben the.«me tel eI isky and lobs3oo. The. sugar pro-.aras rung tna the oren air ît eould lx th VI-l'in làa as folloars: heard but 451,; feet. St. LoulisRe 18 Ail auart,.tank bottomstayrulimof cane- pu.)lIc. _________ l'If JU ce Ur e01l'oeijulm emladai. coetaea r uel& (.., umre 0g sud O«tu traffed mo- Eaoittear go la. .o sis01the bmpoiariâcote flot aboyea ÀhwUuted bonse ta tbes > practîi mmd" ut [t 08 degrees, @hal psy a dut>' 0f 1 par cent remaatladaysl ta »moeîhng 0f a rarity, bastaa ý jPurPoud. seud for every addicnai degro.. Individue auewthhedotalhi&7 W. 02tfaction of a detres 90 and fDot aboveme a. antdwtbtoIda114hea #J dm res.. ahoamiby tbe pOlariscopeS«4 met la clflnrle li a pursenago frequmuli $ hall Par .01 01 a Cent Par pound addi- met wib. Dlbelet tu be abllluîemik't, 44 liloal. aa tpm",vm0) &ail mot abovo 94 de- te Oure la outIY a mild torm ef mpnrouomm t ttOUml. foria erty add Iibnsi degr» or frac- aithenth la &moe am, repesle l Imitr ta a lion of as degre. ahotu by ihe Pclar:mcoPe ObtainMrelef tromsny diîferentu mon Ld test @hali Psy a dutY of .02 oi a cent par -Ied ahm-nt m.mte lustify &ihe doute. imoe. Spocn d aolîonai sud abovegIdildmtrou by ot ete O mBiters hamdemeumîrated fi SpolmrkýCope test ahail par' a-dut> of Ld co 13 p r pan i ;aI rola aese tm mu ugDot b o $ ver om e dy p epmis. eouxU pi Uu abo-. Mde rIa byihepolrlepotbai lier ud idLey trouble.,malarti ommimi&atg lié par a duty of 2 route par galon; moîsases a»d mromn sud ia rnrded selle, tes a;bove 56dedgreem shah pjy a maints la the curative lune onu as ishsut 1 s uyo lcnspe arisliou warrant le trial byasurne teubl.4 vti b' T-9 ai Iron. Cent. and Le*& cther et tOc steve alimente. mvem aOthon" lis prevtonseffrt@ eto ubtalru rmdiilaIl t> inc~niin~maagauercuahave boom lrultless. uted wahjmse. Iron oe Incudingmangafféros bméBitters hI neuquer temzee«O -but-ned py rites, la tled 40 cents e 0ton. (;oal la takea f rom lbth f rs;M To Cure a Bey. and Ma* " utl asoaI40 centsa To cure a-tty, tal ltheawhite of &a L_ tua. an on ai 15 cat.. le" ore-, erg con a saucer and rub 1-tc it a omil wîhich in the Wilson bill wa.15 per pich of Puwdered alum. Itlail b.- (ent, ad valorem, lead ore, andi leadi j com a curd. Put il betareen tro lino dro." are taled three-fourlhs Of a cent Piece03 of musle lamen and bind Il over per pounti, provided ihat mlver Ou I the eye befoce rotirlng for the night. andi al other ores tontalning lea<j-.hahllanthe morning the sty ahI bu fou. or pay aý duly of tbree-fourîhm o! a cent nouch butter. One more applcation e.pund 4_ ntii. bal containeti thute- ahilbu sufficient and no more §ties ahI laccorlng ta sample andi a..aay al, coule. thie port of eotry. 8100 Howar. l 10. i-iaw wool la lefi cn the f ree list ex- The re&4@evof tidb. tp nuli e bu m acllY as in the Wilson bill, lb promis- te issus that Uimee 1mI.mtc Cui ion t.. golr.tinfeutAugzîetîane bm lt manufa.-turas of wool tue vaiations as »Raf eCi wrOT, je thtbol sCivnth.r givon in trhe Wilsan bill arc stricken Dow knosn thUe madteai fzalsrnhlgCas.mnb out. and the schodule, Do. readl asfol- behmb 110111Jtttoftajl dia, requireoa b on. loirs: Islem uterually, eatng dirmeiy upon thi, blod il -f.1the oah mep tir of ubh*cret."d muomus surine« 0f the @gmytenthmby cou&. alpitcm. and muber ite anIm.. aIslthe deehylng lb.inoundation o et sdiesa..Mmd f..rn, f slubbing. vaste. rOý 'ngamls riungbiiduthe ibm Ua teth tby building nu UtO Consttuton and is.1atung nature lu dilgge b. st. beuc~ahodde, garumued. or woriL Th& prOprtetrsbave mc muni, la"lul carledi te. carboulri u olleor ther 1 lis eurmldvm toamrm that tbey uSer Ona Hundtud mase p.-oduct, any or shicb I.. coltpumed Dll Yeraujoetbatlutialla oOumar. @Md a ho7 or la part ut s Do; ohothh bal S. i -Itelmonîmae caie oc. sipaca, aud other 11ke &ai- Addzs-es F. J. (HENEY& CO.. Toedo, 0. ut ic .iaj bas bec,, improved or il-- àWSid bY Drugslst. Oie. a u e ba r ou d île o rig in a l c on d itio n .E T t ~ - ~ ~ . l o v. a-te b bYteor0f machiner7 or MEththe rAbeginning, lo t pluis. il, uf libor. or both. an&.riule~ the buidding mischief 'bufoce IL bas :.uî.i, "hall be aubjecî bs aduty of 1 pr ime ta riien to mattrity.-Shake. cruti l, ad valorcr, aon vooi or the Vo IIeare. eo- an t. bo e t r la the ooldred se roà il« suit'- A i" a omy ýMt* ibufroua àe sefla enrSsSk lma. -.b ami *Me maiIba hMbW- bu tomia d er fo e i. un 1 1 IN the t-tea*y alith Mococco Spair. naitisthat the RMY tribe3 muet go furiher Itcthe Intertor. 1DANIEL.TRACY shol ant i klleti bU, nid faîber ailli a rifle at Aken, W. He as ovetatken in the arootis. Ttvo STEAMBOATS were crauglintaa Mis ionî -i River ItegorgeaIet oui City, Iowa, anti aesit tathe bittom. F LEVATION of tiÀe Ilaandi tracke Ln Chic&"o alU beg n as seita as agree- ment wIth the ctty la reaehed. Ax lnceadiary made a fruileu eat. Lm - t to detroy the main buildtng of Lhs Not mal School at 1Genoseo, it. NEaO'rIATIOND are rendiug for Ibm omoval of tbe Loulsvillî, ?ew Ahbany id Ch Icago i. boum <o Lafayett 3, Ilad. TaIus fac Ia 1894 i live3 anti gbteen vmuselase= lait from he flshtug fleel of Gloucester, Mûs. -N OR£E BAR, tNew Brunswick, N. -,a 801d tb a museulm the gory [fecta of bis rnurdereda . Se ana chl& Ma.LI.t hma beeaftout 1 -)b3an »tr Io a l efmtato hpl by a malda Io in t" t, an, ell ef bore Oughu 10 tie an CectnIe Machine Jog the Mmenorj: vo frgt ton mach s - l e s t a t t Ile . Te k u c a a ba t s b o i t , t orget il; etthe wvr.g ime. tialucU ahoaid ha hike a flas. There are thousa item mlfforiaj intense,, Sith coruasit Lott beus reacwe.ethe cure. St Jaca oit liteaffecta ire meeîrliia. PREACIEO. are in reolity soîil ageni foc their cause. 1.410 BU!s. tOTATOKS PER ACIt. -Tbis astOnishtng yleld wai report( by Abr. Haha, of Wisconsin, but sa zer's potatoes alam gel thoraTi editOr cf lbe Rural New-Yorker i. PO:-tsa aYield of 736 bushels and 8 pounc per acre front One of Salzer*s eari potatoo. Aboie 1,410 bu-hels or frOm Saîzer'a new seedllng Hutndri t fold. His new early potato, Ig htnini Express, b&3 a record of el% bushel Per acre. He offer. P3taloes as9 loir a $2.50 a barrel, &Unithe best potat Planter In th.earorîti fo.- but s2, Ir Tau litb àcet TOI. ott a.rniimnd It se e tt he J ohnA. Sal e ce dC- Crosse, Whs., you wili ce e Ifrce is1marnmoth potata esta bogue am a packae Of >I-xteen-dai 5Get There, E ,5' 1d ih. C 04 t Calltbrna. shu1 u leeping car rate ou the Phii- t.-Rok .sad Tcures Excuretîns rrn Chicago ol»s osAugebe Or San Francisco 'Il the sveute route sud ogdeu Yoa cau go vith Philipa. Ibm boat cf aIl excuraioi inaia, .for ho bai mach part>'accou- Paulsd b>'a "Pel&ageut Who go« S'lie en- tire trip v.12paît-oua TiSs e arally couductel excursions louvm Chicago talcs a wok. Tauday snd Tburad&y. Wb bave aise s d&lIY teurtut car service, via Our souiberu rjute. throu-rh the beau- t'tai indiau TerrltOry aud Fort iWorth in Les Angelot and lian ranclactx1Ibm tour- t car rate via tble rouis. the mafia. Ap- y et Rock Nai dttcket Office. 104 Clark treetm John fObsmtlau, 0. P. L. CV_ IL. kP. Ry., bChtcg, Jeruaem Artlehokee 1i,103 nu. Fer A. Johne Welmm report.e1t usa YIbid of 1. 103 >tahmîs of urîtecbokea parpre. hMit'. post- àvby itme reatsifood to Lep linge abîhy sud fat lu ibm voridi W.bhave s 1)v hadred bushala for male Primsune- bu-ek, Si; Ou@ brU, 81566; tWO brio. Ilà l'et toa barrots par acrea can plaut TaetOmm eigouttiiIs out and eding remitanm vlith Ibm rdmr for tîchohes, va îlI gviva fr0,1 Orne plat ta ceh buehel, amIone quart I te acbbarrot rdsr. cf Glami White Dent Corn, grovlng er o0e font long I Bond 5 conta pOmlago mr eed estalogua, oOali.stoit ful uturm ireetioum 0f srtichokea. Oc JOBJa A. FAL"u«fatm(0. La i to-mse tiis it paye. fl ete -bd tliea ppa-pes. msclly ur c%8 lemblr p er oi om ala thla &Y gond biilema <tppcriuultesare subht Io yeut bliamîtion. or limtance, V . Jebligue A Ca. cor iehmousd. Va.. are eV, advetulne oUaiIag P.Ylaig poelipae 1parties ite mgage Irishlieum. devoting ci» yPart et lImairtlime sa Iheir bai- *Intaressa Itlusgîpsy you te Irrita 54Ibig»mneAaa s*JunCure '01411 17y"e- sa e Most violest att*ct,,. illtlea frait expectoration and lissuree 81à tO bo ciherime nnble 10 mieop ffl t a chais. as an migie tritallid -ire. l ens fer , Ire. trial pa.ckaqe to 'IL Fchf'mannm, Peul. Mina. but y-oui tuggt & ri. TACn lrMirpIsn eaite abiy opposed t. I IU I 1 ytetu. Highest of ail in Ieavening sfreng&b-I&W oI. 8. En.W of pt. ABbOTELVPUBRE Economy requires that in every receipt calling for bakîng powder the Royal shall be used. It will go further and make the food lighter, sweeter, of finer flavor, more digestible and ivholesome. A 8It0ry off' George Sând. A discussi'on rse on. day about tie ..a e t"'r Of a slniruharly vapld sud duil writer, Who hati, 1 knoa not hîow, gaineti t'e prlvl!egm of belng linr - duced to th. attentive audience gnth- erel together "autour de la table.» 'iere le no doubt " romarked Mme. Sand,« that ail of it ils mot goodti 1 the rame deR cre. but itcontaîins et leaut a description of Venice ahîcli pbeasea me grestly. »SOverl f us agreed ai h ber, albuit re acre under th. lm- p 'esion ht au bati already met wih "bisdescriptive plAce somleahere. "Fgad, 1 know where *muddeniy ex- 0lami ec erson, ani off Ih.eruchedti t Ith. bookshelve3 tb gel "La dernier. i Âldlni," ahece, aih a feeling of 1n- i dignation atthlb.paglait, W, feund 1 the very description. whieh hati been1 0 eIX ai Most Word for word.1 uWbt, istthts by me?" Mme. Sand repeted, aFtounded and starlet. -1 i hati no Idea of il. Afler aIl, it la ceally c not go lad. " t Neyer aa nv modesty more aineere than bors: no 'humnan bLing w a. enra lmu self-con cous.-Genury.t ti !I «Mders, W.y Connns ittelftuIhe well-lnformed, i tu do Pleasantly aad effectually wbai a aras iort.rly doue il, bbc crudest man- 0 fier sud diEagrteably as aml. To p oleens e b c Ysteni and treak up co ds, a bedaches ad fle ru ithut unIssa- Pl st alter effe cî, l' e e I u d-. ghtfui ai Il uid laxative rerneriy, SYrup of Fig. _1i. Ot Eurly all. à An emmnont medical author,.ty as- gorta îhot getting Up caî-Iy tends la ex- 1 hautl the phpsi a] powercanidîoshorbn N 15fe, ihile the so-calIed lnvigoraltng tarly boucs a' e a t t produce lassitude- tati lae positive y dangerous ta soxre constitutions. A SLIGHT (<ILD, If uegiected. ofîc t- st.L the lonqs. BROWSs lt50rCi't- J90Moags rOc nUenad lmnediate reief. bld cas t.boe. 'ce 25 cent&. IN Dutch GuisaaIhe women carry îpzn ibeir 1 ersons ail the family soav- nIrinthe shape of heavy bracelets, 00ltneeklaces sud cica croarna trlad s ser. of 84.25 boys the Famtly GriaI Mill;$2s 'otao planter; 8&50 a horse o. cali- veto-': 82 c corn obeller; $1 a poot-hole uger; S12.75a gr-mt. fanning mlin; 8&.75 aPIlanet Jr. drlIl: andi other bouls, bar- rDws, etc-, at lowe,t prices. f "0o U]t CetyuTii. ela nd Sed il Vi'th 5c Postage la the John A. Salzer Seei Co., La Cre e, Wts., You will re- I 'etve theirmammnoth soed catalogue 're. c_______ Parm Rentlers >tiY Recome i-armn Ifh'ey moe t4a Nebraska beore thm rice- et land clitmbs out 0f alîhI. Write to J. ýracs. 0 P. sd T. A.. Burliuton hioute. reaLha. Neh.. for free pamphlet h 'else i bcut oerytbtnir jeu nemdi o knoa. tRILOW'd CclrstTRioN CURE sa sotd ou a a%&t-as.It cures Iticlint Conuap- t0,_. la the be t cougb Cur. >25 cent's cent@ sud îlZt WB ca-tuot dodue it. but thmra mOOmI to an -&rom& of loie,, about avery yaurg , yi wbuf coaplixou bisbeeu beautlfled * en ..a sSulphur soat. Liver end Kidney trouble emuaed me lu @**or -SUl but deaiL 9104 wloa Is lvne. hmsnjy ni beef tes. Mdi ftom Q ibm imIfau t erm. 1 oOltueda MW am nuwablahe 4 nie"lsl wiul1îeabl aee- veri. 1 mwem iCel bfBaaa4m HOSE11IOLO T RE AS U RE. ttruvintg Populirit, 0f ibm Oiford Sevlug I" -' Slaehiuce. 9 There la uothiug [more trulY a houmebo;d ~, Ireslure &bs a good swinlmtaehina 1'u à . bu, mithoutit itu ube sltuUy deprlved of tbe Immense advaut-ugm or onmeoft thaIb_. greateau t0f ai]luventiom& A machise oune" .6.. boutbt a a Dpevîmîal tressera It de- h mn'dauo vaSas. occasions Do m«penseuor troubleand l.atvlaym rmady vlthout a Mo- meim mo11tice te reuder thbmsork nt the 1&b-"%o hOCmltwfa Isufo!d user.e encent sud expedtlous. pontsmachine, combine Ibm ailidea ai sggettom vich have VbIs beu 20c sbuadantly tntrodaced lu ibis 'e- siarkble meobsuiss. ' # machinmevheiobbiltta lib.ral com- -ft" bluill'on ail the bItI fmatares itrojuced lat. « rthe Oxford Improrr ev Luejg Machine. tnAu , bî lits rd Ilamufacturlug COus- btan>', Chic*g. description sud eut or e-à«e wbtch eau te seu lu ther idvmrtiatug col_- é.ý 1119a9o, Otta ppei. 1Th"y MaIote h mmd I lo- aria machlum iss h loek-aijîch mabnt- .M t e . r u a n i D 5 l l b t s d q u i e t . T h e s m a .mi - s hbttsbave Ibm Iolloving Impsortasut lest- aures:Che&Puma. <rangng lt-cm 810.0 uard); perfect, alutamu elf-&uutg a-- und gradusied tençion: are under c0ntroi u==" Or the OPertor. sud are alvasym"elîlV "Mb tu Ibair vorknn- Tbmy aa eîtiuealf- u.s55 throadimuail Points, Inludmg tm hai-tbut e1. The needie i.. amlf-amîtlng. and the ttftchumnta are quickly and mastly placcettsi. ud tastenmd. 'litemhutîle bas au easy aCItlstiug u-otion. caumtag h 10 ksep lis 6itasjt Proper vîme agusi Ib th ac,. Their Ox- b-àlà ord. Horneand (olumbia Ilachines, witb et dudma ttachuent,. %'ere svirded ibemomdal à-s~ ýremiau at thm World'd Colombien Ex po- UILou. Chicago. 1 bFu 'Colchester' 1Epas4g Md&4 iu "~ ,!îer columa. 5s FmTs.Atiritsaiupodf r» t.Kta. 1e Die i<O-t. er .it mft.atal..m Mi amimut s Ou@. tIl55Wi --- assa U.7 tî.1 s 4at.o .Z à-b k-.. t -.ut isea mis L, by tu. t er" 4-. z, .itt 1 îistt,5t*Str ti the «P- 01,b e. .met,5 .W ..tacE- *MW et . -W, a . d 6. trn W a.?.le Pl. Saligi 55. m.Lu . el1 .5ý.4-tt,1*1.9 -~e i c q 1, , i bur.'eb"f .a - ... eth ied i.. nliut,.istt. et as seS tAlé. t5,Bisi t,.. S Sot., tSasaeh ti auj ire ni.4S ptats - -- rtat,é.s .1 <t. tht, paris 55 55 llba.1.a,,. sud uletri.e..g.sj5 A. 0.. pan., 5eu. S... .s.d gels â,1r,5,. Tina aira.,,. a sot me, Lsd<, î udal tsrsa ru-A uS *. i. ap .. tAta1. .tAe 55. ,BLOOD BW 'iiODuým DI8,PIIPLE8, L*L CES or 8R peurmnjIImi.AfswuhaOMM"a Lo'vely Complexion. Pure, Soft, Whte 5kmn. ttier, Or îuy Othr utsueuaitaiam Du yo vauta quek.prmansmI "d ab. ete ylufsiIîbte @ mliid m» brmuea ch Museor drukItath erefty. if ao . end your 1,1Pmtoe dt t 04moSlu~t * ClU.. at Fm., l'ueunàagrt th. but dlllarme. h-rof the Cateci. oal aîpaca. or other hâte aimlua.. la the forte o01îri ut. roplog. or top2, 25 jar centute ad valoreme; On .oo en and worsted lira,. Sa par cenuma, ad valorera: on 'colon or wovstmd ciotji.. shawIs. kuit labries.manuufactuareOf 0erde-criptîoi made wboiy or laipart of Wo601. worsîed. the bals <ci the ramai. sont, aipaca, or Other animai$ audRamy ot the at-ove bawlux Jadia rabber un ,co. POnOut Mt*rlat. isot specla.iiy pr vided fur tu thlt .At 33 Parconm bd valoremu ineàad of 40. ai tu ihe Wilson bll On biauket,%, bats of wool. and flannela. 21 per conium ad 'slaoem. sud Ir valumd ut more than 34 cents >3r Pound 30 per ton uni md ratoremton oumus-»n'sd chil- d)reCs tire,%, good% ecusposj 7aolI7 or ln Part-f . wool. not spoclalr pr)rlded for :n tèi., a-t. Ki par ceturie ad valoremt. Insfead Of 4J1: On rlotblug. rcsdy-rnade. and arti- cle, (If searlng aPParel of 'ver.? de 'crI1 - t10" and Imitations of fur co»Loied Iholî or lu part of wortl. et,.. 40 per cent- îuni Nd] vai.remt. instcad 0f 45 Co webbing,. ,'pcendey.a.Lrace.. betius.bind- i b rali. et,.. l35 1er centuni ad vb e.. irste.d nt 40. Carjîeoi rerain unchangel. The re- [!uetionin 10the lutie for rma Illfacture3 Of noo1 lisail take effeet Dec. 2, '4 9>11Y and]nu th, Fre-,.Li..; A 't i-es itrienkon fi-Dm the fre h -t arc, t S folloo-s. "iPP!e. r-mu. ripe. and -ried, si.; sel. -ntion sud pork; bons "har; blinu- lusand]'hale. anj ceai &jackt orcut..; oke, cocoa liber. fluor mattug. uanctac- rured front .round tir spIiîstra. iuciudint hluee m ,alting: dates. cocoanute. liranli uts. create nota.; gRsbier; gtà. saioed; oira trips and tIpý.:trou ore: olive, v roc,, or prepared: orclildç. lily of the 'ai-.9 lev tiSau.. i mu. sud other plants. useda tor f,.rclnz under gias for cut dfonnera or ecri irePurpO9ues auare sUna; aut&?: P itLaied nr Patatei wlndow iais or painted ct r!RQ.: Ptlriln s'anad q*iluary.a Th ý alitioa toi th3 frse lis" are a3 10110-1 : VI Atc ..ItIe. ho Be... sheep or other do- lit test le u mi.. s iti have traved acroffl ho border t0 auy toreizn coutntry. or s bere 'ohb doniesîîc aniusal.t have been cr P ar L-c drirou acta.4 ,,bucboundary by nt he 0,0cr for paituraze purpose; dia- ui d., and other proct.,u.. lion s. rouZh or neul,. ludin,. usbcerl' diausondi: nid brOIu. uatsvoctciflly provided for lail.h t: slr-Aw. etce.. for bats; apermacetî. l,îu sud tther 1mb oila of Amertcan ilâh-bu'h les snd ail jLb sad Other prodîtetsoetIti, ch fIsheries. ho le, «Me, lm - 4, or a DilIeu or of1r booe orte bork ag tstain BOOTS ROYAL &&jUý4a poWEER CO., IC6 WALL ET., NEW YORK.

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