.rA~.mrJrn~ Complex Mystery of Vigo Square, Written for This Paper by James Payn. radi enumi luii U~ Lis ë >ier. boa. se Delatha --l Nor-*D~ea. ethe %bUt- lionadmy d llisa kmf-ot âis 'r Iatormatift 111 hlm for locaï ~ vent imaté île and T-e- i sandry' civil dl btfrla ud. k et the asS - abroe, W»su V the iMmouel odrick ofet-sO à sud improve, a and Leaven- subtitut* fer Saide $150.0» e lthe Mimmeaurt itd le cs fer' and mais- oux Cdm7. ne ton should ho ore W&W "e. mits e saeb as led atlentile. ansd Ceaail Sen ale amasué- te Chai-tert-hie a htgh Wagon 1 thon ment k, and the cou- l[vmm apprie'tll- Ur. Baver. aspproprîiation iI In aid dis- Je. thatlSe of împloysmet or et the South- t aside Uitedt ttlmu Aseelea lent out os the .lng lava. The raoiutieax au- t the army saud blic occsin. te. won agree ho da7 Wme i lite sud char- nuatîve W. E. ted the satire kt lthe suadry ipuftmaa béat- Rte. the euti-e coomdratiom Mont et thn - mportance. et Immediate 1 ho Districto 88 of propertyt rtanan sd Por-l to bridge tael ID ihe Stateg ho Fouit. t-o- mm$&". lnt re0 leoelis. Njca-ý go relative te istiflu bill ls &y without di- thfie àprneul-ý acl of 1@01., uro aud pia- dopted la time oppeaed by the 'etaei ln thbe souxht tarte. ho itbu.h te th. Teea», lu est repouts flecrterjr et Iisck's paot masa estrlea red faous niations Tm. compared .itli kt dueal rgi rtord, Corak, i attention 10 1, vIe died ia i, aidaI mOrseà le telegraph. <t-est vork, uelvel ro- hoe eni-. -Ltved. s; la thle Itigh. temakers the Dr of "Saite la, s boan bfim oid. She le;. h« 5- CHAI'TiR 1. KY Ovit MYSTIFICATIONS Pulten vas a m-el man.« Hu lad L is meuey in Caitonnia mines UN .acorne lu London loa .ed il. výot-ked tlb pick vith M ,ovn a circumatance vhlcI lad hlm tle leoxetuded ftram tle e "amecety" of hlm country. But cst-o nothing for the"e mat,- Zlteks. people, bell iu a good anill sens., tfo- vIal they are t-ir relatives or Iheir antece- Il v 'oomed Mr. Pullen le- ho vas a esptabie tetlow snd -PUIIn bocause @lie was guoà na- M4rdMdl 10k o kindly tote Ifrus. tha r. Pu len aiben a practi- àki miner lb vonlprobably have ahd i$alil vas su argument lu favor et ~11l mat-t-tges, and if Il bal kuewn -beiter vould not lave cared. Wael, thongl Iheir old nigîbora Mial have "fought Phy" ufthIis excet- tfal couple, vu sckn'uwtedged t11cm mnte, aud lad no objection, so long Mt vas at home, te) cultlvste, or etaih - veuft4 make use ut their auquantsnee. Umm asil hapnened ihal vben 1 gel my 1Lat mb oerkahip et Messrs. Butien & In- gai'. I gui an introduction trammn'v keletle ePullens la 1London. W. ,>1ved -anud lbuy et-un behieved r. Itbmn.evo-that tluy vure In LowfI'n. bU th Ie tat ras that îbeuîgh ibeir resi- ,-dame. cold hardty bc callud suburban, w'~e oe Dot qutte In ýh%4 aI shufrt- eormed "he village.» They venu -a etd ay off fr,,m my todginZ lu lareet. St. Jarnea, auol 1did ot ofet take adynage ofthIeir boupital- il , thon h il vas genurnuslt .-dereti. !=9 = peupe eet aiIbir dinuer ta- bevre 11ke tbemaulvea, middle- gcd, Mdi mt much la Myy3ouihflfn .i ick bhey ver. thanclal peoptee yul vwhoai Mr. Pulen blad commercial re-ha- tice,, and tbey talked ot mattera I di uol understiaud. If thure lai been d1augblers lintfmlly it woutddobl- las have been different, sud 1 sbould bave = he Ialawu t-elrtiiem 1 cftea n wpa Ing lu the pu lic gar- dons atthîe aU t fVigo Square, but there vore nD o uuug people te attract Moreovor, 1 huueâily mud ibal there vasanobbor roson whieh dLlnclred v» t0 mach intimarnst.y ythîe Pollens, or ratIer anoibor cause, for il ((unId hardly b. called a reasoul il vas Bl drny, Ibeir butter. Te those irbe bave - no ramI "David Coipenied," it may seema nr)dibe that any y-oung g -ntle- man should b3 made uneofrntntlet by amebody eoei huiler. But then 1 . va vory yonng. and lelamy made me knov IL. Ho vas sotemu, sadate, sud inloasety respectable. One las board of boera vho ltnk like blbpsbut t o looked ike su a-ehbizhup. Be bad been -cetnmmeuded ta îLe Pu- Mmasoni blair arr-iai lu tavu and been yul btleui eenmInce. Mm .Pulteu once descrlbed hlm to e cai s per- fottrsute, but I thlnk ahe vaëS e- c et att-aid ut hlm. sud I arn quite surelbet- buaband vas, tbeugh bc trie.] to perstuade himacîfthslaiebu as achu- ated by love aud flot test-. On eurt irst acqainanc I hougbt lIai nhap3 tBei.Imunhad tuund oui that i.s m2a- ter ladl been a miner wid thereby Çut the upput- Iand ut hlm. Ilis ormer places laed bon <et- bo said lt y had boni) In greslcestablishmentsx yul Ipermons oft tle, aud I lulioeeh v as lIat abFrtt- icumstauce wbh lrn ai nl1y ve oed vilI ltme simffie ceuple, sud eatlshed the mans authenity iu the househetd. He rulud il, ntci id'od with s rod out mon, but as h vweeu il a 1a-3toral staff. There iras au unctiiius dlgniti about hlm which woul bwhae adorned the ;eîy highest eecleslastiu.il pos ition But vhat I ub'ecte(lt-)te as what lu thesu salad drs I catlued hil- Infernal patroinage. lie maaoe nie teed Fsu rv. rmy ;oung. sud iren 1 ne- scuteli i, maier e el «veunger. 1 have kuevu hlm at a dl-mer tai t 'v give Mue a wnogtitss lesa than other leoffie. ltmray have luensai sec dent, lut 1 fimmlv lutheved it ta lte a hItt not t) mnix my iquons: sud ofcwhcu 1Iiooked lu et tunche-on urne lie uiitted to g,'Aî mue a napk.n, as though I vol-e nul an adult. 1 arn asharned iti say thai IBel- lamy vas cu-taiuty "a cause,' as oid Burtan c),118 il, why My visîts te'îbhi Pollens venu su few and tar lutîreen. lb vas vitl sume feling ut î cuiteuce and remuree lndeed ihat ftier s vry long Inerrat IImInited onu Suptemluî atternoon lu cati hu Vigo square. I knew 1 ougl lu have doue a) auy time within thleist tire muntha, and atut t151 1 vas dbing 1h tIen leause atm3st and 1 cold n I affurd te ba se panticum hJi.t as at oller limes in miy choice et llpia'liesi. A go diàner nth eh Pailen's, aveu 1100gb Belamy migh' reprauhme frîom îthe aldebeard uit my youtb aud luexpoence, iras batter -Ihan dinlng atone ta s e taurant, fui 'chul I lad noue. Imagine, then. boy my conscience suiot me vhen I drew nîgh that bus- piable door to f1mb s Learn.su sud i conu le of mcum-ulug canriages before l!it'ltlier vaut- Pulhi n or lis vite (tor, us i have aid, thuy lad nu famlly) -wre evldentty about t,,)ba takon t' blaIr long homne. Iudeed uven wmli I tuokel bhc coffin vas 'brught oui, 4%ud atter t l as borne away I saw vBelt îsmy le île port-eo dueply but respect ally affeceldand waviug a fsrewell blessing t10 lte tamunted remains.I dras uet more nncharitabu Ibsu muat Meof emy age (vtl whom cyniclaîn is only Popuiar loi-anme lhey thb lk ih ien 7mitut-ity), but the refletiot -.di rrike me Ihat I blad neyer suen a mure hypoctiticaa-looking acoundrul in my tf; As 10 akiî hîm any qucu- lion iý cneton vth the mouruful unexpectea mauner in a ferînîgzhi atterward lv my meeting Pulen nm self lu the city. 'h musti bavees bis pour vile, then," vas my llrsi thought. sud yul, though le tooked le-a@ beamlag than usual, he vamsacan-ce- iy couceat dovu as e dcveted hasgbaud vbu lad se receutly becorne a w*doer oughl lu lave becu, sud me)reeter ho vas nul lu menurnlng. On catching sigîl uf me m miied raiher teeby ion. as I thougît, coldy. sas vetle omtht, conmderlng my lon g neglect If hlm', aud exclaimeuin *Why, you are quite a tranger. How long i t incu you venu ai Vigo square?" li vas reaily more titan tht-ce menths ince I bldcnossed lis ihneshold, but I lad been ta tle square, as I bave said, and 1 thougît IL lest Vo net my excuses ai once upon a ouid baiis. 'The tact la, my dear Mn. Putîcu, 1 bld gui ast mentI se fatr as veur hanse, but unIon the circumotances-it vas 'un île 18h» (ha wouib ure!y rumember the date I thouzht te myseit-l bil nul, et course-, go in." "'Anb wby should you net lave <oinu lu?" le inqulreb airîly. "Gtad ta suie you. I1arn ure, st a un. "But ou se meneiacoiy an occasion- a deîneshtic calamhty, rny dear i." *What in the douce do yoîî me-su? 1 lav-e blsd nu borne-liccalarnlty. * I theugîl ib" very cruel, aud, ln- deed. brutal cf old Pulten, for bias ite had b a s r i-y copeimon, ami le had always meerned to le very tond eh lier. 1I don't kiow wbat yen ei I IL but 1 saw tle less tanding at, our doer snd thec b dy braugît oui an put into il -» -Yeu did, did yen?" le aI, lookiug vury grave asud-carne-il. "Youeaw that ai, nav bou-ý,. dd ouý" "Most cotainly 1 dià.i îundued:" He I aked vry thougît fui aud depîested. like une who bas nu- ceived verse neya than bu la prepared for. - Wett.my younnzfiend, lbu mc good as nulte . ay auvthiug about IL LUI y3ou lest- trorn me. LBe shook my baud witl nerrous uuergy snd Iurried I hnd wrn ugd the nId t'-low. Il vas erideni that sa fan tnem blug un- moyed ly tIle caiamht'- ilai had bfal- Ion hlm ilblai unbinized lia mid. Olluns lahc ulud noter bave doubi- ed vhai 1I bld hlm oet hIe Pth ofuSe- tembur anul begged me, ahuost lu the smre breath, tu keep île m.hiur a secret. CHAPTSR IL My FalEIl SAJXrztIe FritPMzL Amon gthc uqaintauoea vitich1 ladl made iluL'nduu vas that ut Frank Baxter. He lacked unty tle ttant t< become a notable- acto. TIc duficlene' vas fatal, ut course; sud I sue-rn'd t puy. becatuae v as ambiions and laulsome. Thome qualificationsa ye tlree-founbla enoligb, ve yl sbay, t( comnmand success ou the stage, but, &lm' i e misshng quarte-r cinsited oi mtmutic ebllirv, sud ut that le lad nei a artictu. Ife îoorncd nx e sud i eeuarne omewhat ltimate le tld me ot bis ardue--, praitie t an amateur acter sud ho1e l nîdi clous applause 0e1 lis ftnublad lu t.uled fim ilunte ebetiel that t greai protessionat ciroecn vas pessibli ta hlm. H l td me. aise. et his tail tieun uder tIl test conditions oi -a relulu i a regular draina beo( a negnîar audience. Heusai that il' manager had eugagud him k' enset* net very imprtant 1ot nit'icnati( yotiniz lever. and, teokiug aI h;3 lIn, C personal appeaance sud bearing,1 could ncsdity undenstinti wly lis sç plctilon fer thoe emplov ment nastiboer successf oh. lu spite ut île fautthlaI h4 wîs s n )ice. But Ils suitale uspe.(cl lad net aval'el 1hlm mith, lu the ali on,1Ce ut ait tacilitY in aetiig, sud hi h ad dropI b, atte n cue -k ot frUit esu enîleavor to impruvo bis tierfer sei-e, eownîî ttuassignmeiits te *-util i13' parts. For ibis uoîtaratively ig- nobltue sert ice he rou(-ived enly £31 week. le ia lit lng snugely, net t ,ay meu.ly. i n that scaut in.-om ' whei ho sud t1tolin w illi ach ther. Hi euard man gare ne sigu ut inirar trouble, loeve-r, for lis. wardroi iras stiltl excellent, sud his aittcruti air vas unimpslred "ît vas while lu a staVe of de.ectioî old bo," iad Frank lu) me one da> .'that ImdnpMy mind t ) liecome 1 wat-aafortune hunier- s uhai y- catI lu America 'confidence man.' IOh 1 did. indeed! Of course I can ui g lIati htram a udden sud lueir xi temftalion thal 1 yiutded tu,l'il th tait ilat 1 did yîetd stands ugainul ME Tbis is the vay it bappened: Bein lard up awhle ugo, 1 was g lad une da lu Izt acseee tasing sud neci te ai private bouse. il vas ne gruat affaii etse My amal talent vouldu i bs-m teen sn4lstactany. The yeung lad who plsye-d s piano sceumpanimunt t my seongti vas a Misa Pull en-a NIk . ty Pullcu. Do you kaow ber?ý" An exclamation ut surprise ai nun P,14 lad cassed Frank teanak tle quei lic.lTe uaSaitof Puilen ladoesugli ai y est n acunni cf rMy squainlane hl~io flallof et )square; bui aLi TALMAGE'S SERMON. arae O -aM $he gTOtSt, sweetest1 lvelies1_______ aaoed under observation" These <ien over te creature you can imagine. I tri t mon warrlng with eaen olher-Darwlu lhern over 1taiscthe ,. think lt Waal partly love at tiet . ghti A CHARACTERISTIC AND ELO- warring againBt Lamarche, Waliace onc-and vfthin ouir and not aitogother dia-Dolical seoundrel-arn gls ae vnHrshlcide ibe eeM tai tatmwo aedeciv ler Ysl' UET ISOUSEdenounicing Ferirunon. story in the Bible, now the ae> did decelvo ber. This 6~ the way it The v do not agree &bout anything. tbrougb train GenestetoRo cmtepdstShe overheard sone- Te ontareo mrooy d n esalhv 0 0 b111y ut1er the narre cof Count D'Arcy. lDe Takes for Dis Bubjeet rum conquent Te Ofo gc nenruoy oadw hhhv 00OO Yojvghea icfbir? he reoh ta C<oqu.ât-laVrrtaaty ktetrograd- nut agree un the graduation of the toresialled for Christianhty. ày Yoburn a wo ou hbi wuaThyFenh ýIIpu helbeLaug~ OSA ecies. NWbai do they agree on? la fuit of exultation. I fbel Herschelwrites a whoie chapt.er on couid shout-I wili about," could uwalh up hs ancoitral richness of Eiýcour«ag n ou the errors ot astronorny. Lal5ace de- the Lord Cod omnipotent reignelb linuage, perhaps, who ls pour ut pocket claes that the muon was not put in tbe WItr.e scce a ue laaib because no such financl operation le At the Tabernacle. rigtit place. He says that if il had 'hen yon notice a more mLigu pi.ýeibe. Ilowever, hie has relatives In tbe Brooklyn Tabernacle Sunday heen put four lmes frier fr<,m the tcI o aetle i wlth fortunem, and 1 believe thcy make Rev. Dr. Taimage preachued a triot earth than it is nuw therthe id jct, ye a tyae taiedwlhpepb a sufficlent al'owance te hlm tu enable e un ndcaatrisial igo-mo* amnyi he nvrsb theujeta te r engdh'.- hlm te ive linli1eness. New, bsome ~e , hrceitctvvu-mr zo~i euîesbtsatitied with phiiosophy aane. nare ~s ~ o b;h cmu sermon in refutati:n of th- ft ru- Lionville cornes up just in trne tea a mattel, of comtfort. Tbey .yI accident, Ni8Ple thonght th ewed assertion of the eneniees ut re- provo that the moon was put in the das nmearoutttaa strarge sequence te thai oaccident elle lng and tbe Bible losing ite bolupon e0W many culera woven into the _aeada bidI ne was led te beliee that I w8u& Coupethe lb arts and consciences uf men. light' Seven, says Isaac Newton-. tefltheu u turhe ere aiok ataly ~t 1) Arcy. Now, my dear boy, I DJk 3'OU The ubect ut the dtscourse waa. Three, says Da,%Id IrowAer. Huw doruihftreemeopng*7 t beilieve that I liait at the time no de- "rmUnuatunus, u ethg atearn oeliTon only comnfort they coutid fini wa.I* libenate intention te profit by the mis-"brnt knfum ÂtmCnqest,, Be- a t hitles sroaa eLis One h ndedthe gospel. Peoplearehaving ai.- take futher than te bssk te t p)rarl -y hold, the days corne, saithi the Lord, and âixty -etglft miles, aya Twinlng. mand it sov h e land Iha01&«eat",> in the stinahine ut that dear girl'.bhat'îhe lowman shall overt.àke the How tar i.the suni !rom the earth? troubl a oy n o temolc ouile. I only kuew Mberrt topial.îm àth Sevecty-six million miles, aya Lacalie.adW6 f1.wrd ihat occasion as Misa Matin Pictureof rpclciewt Eighty-two million miles, aya Hum- they want moule other religion, M an Arerican, aud I ammeti oasson 00 prosperona ihat the barves od. Ninety million miles, aya Hen- thypahe tinaelgithtat , ho o that ahe was a guest. But betore the reaches clear over te the plantlng derson. One hundned and four million sympthell rligo ia ve a evening was over able told me that site rne, and the swarthy huabadman miles, maye Mayer. Ont" a little dtint- h wrd was a jaid entertainer. I ahouldnb wngn heaekYeutetic ranfrec 0 jXu0Omie! I pî ~taire yoixrscientifioeconsola - have known it, for bier piano playiiig alosot teelài the breath ot the horse. on up among themacives, nut ageeing nhm Ictharoom we re an th" het and lber slnglng, aibhough prebty goo, his ahoulders, the horse« hltched 1>ayhnr he ontne ~ hu ethrcid.TyI hlcs wer-e tne botter than une cornes acOosa the plow preparing 1F Ob new crop. churchea of Jesua Christ are dlvided yu pedddcrn fte'uvv~. in drawing rooms uftotn. W hy, oh, "Behuld, the days corne, sath the on! e otrns A nie t te Iitom." Tell ber thal chlà why wa Inulcai epodlnl~ f~k.Lor, hatth plwmn aal onvr- the ae reat dcrn&Ai tddied becaume it waa net worth as muais why dsIdnt 01 r i Wnnly Frank bake ibe ntepn."wmahall that? uthe r in Jeaus Christ, in the divinity as the other children. That le your Whydid*t tel br 1wm ntyFrak tirethereaer.1 Wen â tatof heScri uirus. White they comeIsria fteftet' ot h Biaxter, a nc-accouni actor, esrnin~ htI now. Tbai la thia day wben up and prooe tu render thejr verdict "imanduttelfl it." Go 0tha tee ut £3. l3ccause I was lloewh btil hav you doune reaping une bar- nu two of thern agree un that verdict'. yn a n ethm1 pnkU jetef.reteplma 5gtig Getee ttejrhvvo courage for the future. Lie your fost re hean w erur. gr"enedmn oedct"b thejrhav oi transcenduntai pbraseotogy u n i. ready franter zeeurt erit" biste Tell im hle ougbtte1lbe condent in X1knowv that mnydeclane tator the ut ofthe jryas they cneb mayta ir uycrethe" 'at te b," and the "leverlasi- Cbrimtianitv bas collapeed; that the inualtier having speut the whoie îgnonndte"eenahht ah Bil aan .obsoletu book; that the iIn detibcratiug. Itho jury say, 'Xe4. u ng ou ndtrahe enenallsm, anit Christian churcli is on the retruai. Iwehveared" huvrdc uosopîxy, and your science ot will lucre and nuw show ihat the oppo- corded. But suppose une ot the jury:- site of that is truc. men says. 'II think the man was guiltmiyatia An Ai-ab guide .as leadiug a French ut mander, " and another aya, 'Ithink 'ralkabout heat cinces hl- infidel acrose. a desert, and levur and be was gulIty ut an81,uglter in the is only une exact science. It ia annthe Ar-jb guide would gui down second degrue,"1 and anoiherman maye. orihntc. lMesand and î'ray te the Lord. Il III think lie was gnllty ot assauli andTalr,1g. f ~~~~~~~~~~dtisted the Eî'euch infidet, and atter bsttery with intent 10 kilt,"l the Ju4gu ihshv ayipretos h & White as the Arab got up front OnU o oi ay~obc V orom n uly exact science la Christianlt tbhe r bils prayers the infidel said, IlHow do bnring ln a verdict. AiTree un sme- only tim under whlch youi tyoti know there is anN- God?" and the thlng. That isne verdi--t." propriae' write, "Qiiod erat'Iw Arab guide said: "lfow (le 1 know that No tire.th of infldelty. atri.ndum. Yen telt me tbat two and aman an.1 a carnet îpassed atong our fHero tbese infidet scientists have îrn- it ilmake t or.aithonuldlaw lent litnight? know it by thufoot- paneted tbernslves'as a ýury to decidu e t aul aso plaintht tod Go italin the saud. A nd you want to this trial btween infidelity, the plain-Arnbtmae biwrladf- owowi bow httier there la auy tiff, sud Cbristiauily, the detendant, manthe sinner, bue sent his Onty b.- God. Look nt that sunse t. la thai the and after boing oui for centuries t bey gotten son u tile. 1 P0UND ClUIx 1TaRUCTTesUELIEs. foottp utafm. "And by the ane corne in te rendier their verdict. G Ipto tewies tn 0 etf ______________p-oce. > OU sud I bave coru lu under- itepouetothetury, bve vou setandt the cureb o tlemn o th juy, hve ou «redonIn behaif f Christlanity tecuc n J ber, and 1 teared t'îat tu tell ber tbe stand tbat Ibis book is the tuotst.up of a verdict? No, no. Theniro ck ton eanlhead ail the cburcb ln Heaveu. tnuth wouud dlenchant lber, Su 1iltt od anoiher 7.00years and dec rate and Nultt tyI not ,000, net 1,0(X0,000 but yber go en limier the appruhlensiun Growth of(hrhtLaity. agrüe un sometbing. Theru la fot a ail the chnrch on earth and ailthe 1 tat I wa., Ceunt D'Arcy. Wbun But nouw let us sec wbethur the pour miserabie wrotch in the Tornbs nudeerned In Heavun. ws b-l.e each ther good night i$lbls la laqs yearsalmanac. Let ourtto-mrrowthai cound lie co- Yoo tell me James A. GarfieldW& 1 andacioumly beggud the priv-lie gu sewhether the churcli et God la d udb jr htdd oare~ inauguraieà President outheb.Unied ofe futher acqusintanee. What was Bull RuAir reIne-at, muukots.cutes the verdict, aud yul yen expect us t S tateà un the 4th ut March, 1881. HQW thie use et beiug a Conrt DArcey if I and baversacki strewiug ail th s.~re up our glunluns Chistianity tu do I know il? You tell me theto Were *wain t te ebtrudu mvseîî on a pretty The giest English lîltorian, Sharon please these mon Who cannot agre0on 20,00.) persona who dtd sec and hear -ofessional vocalisi wwlin I chose lo? u rti~r, a mari ot rasi learning au etfaYîIlîin-ý1.hlm.1 say I cannut taire il anyhow; 1 but fiererseodntkdt gresta cniracy, net a clerzyman, but nAh. my fienda, the chunch ut Jeans did neot se and hear Jilin. Wh000 lt- * ddbut i'nd.she berd a atorniey as wull as a historiangires Christ, iustoad etf fiiini, back. la on adeiadacduirorcatoid any infor- tt vewemin ' tatistiC lu regard the sdvanec. t amn cern iut is on the tlmn itye ae ou wiiutaeyesrny.Yumy e rnaity or precipitancv of acquaiuîance. te Chri6tianiîv an. n ead 0th dance. 0> Lord God. take thv swurd know nothinr about IL. You were nm* At eýnth bengperietnty peâednumerof hr lunsinbe differe 1fonty tbîgb n ride forth tu the there. Let ni have the te.t.rnoo eat inith, etug pabc ighenly p esscnuries:tlu the 11-st century, 500,000victery. out he 20,0(X) persons who stood betore arsderny piLbure show on a (ertain at- Ch$,stians: i th second eenturyý, I1 am mizhîty encouraged bceause I the capital and beard ibat magn51" teno awe tlr"2,000,000 Christians: in the third cen- find amonz other thinirs that whbitei&gr., ' Did yen muet ber thene?" I asked ut tut-y, 5(),tîChnistians; lu tihe fourth tbis C'hriatlanity bas beon bornbardediauri" Whtcorîh ln Frank. oentur3r, l,0,00<> Chistians lun the for centuries iî,idelity hba ot <ne- ow bomrunareone mun who s y - Do Iwo and two make tour? ho ru- fifth Century, 15,000,»X) Chnisiaiss lu streled une chut-ch, or crippied one thev have neyer aeen Cbrisb crowned a vonded. thu Mixlii eutuiry,20,OOd,000 Chritilans; ministet, or uprooted une verne ut on. lu the heurt, and they do Dol belle,. d thu Ibiscse," rsal1.I.p..obabiy «e lithi l. sevolbIh century, 824,00o,(0 chapter of &It the Bible. The church ft is verdon.Thora ina agroup ci " ani une wtt! make 0heý »Christians: lu tne eighthcentury, 30,- 'ail the til.'-gtbiag he ib. ' y- Md UlmuWho gay they bave neVer heeê - bulu iOuid u ldi. ad003.4NXI Christians:iu thu-ninth century; the shut ad shui ot itsenemles nearly thuvoie fCrs. hubaea n )f Frank rnefutly, 'but 1 weui t.) the plot- 41>0,0iff Christians: iir the tenth cen. exhas.sed. beard the voice ot God. rhey do ca unre show and soun came across Miss tllry, i)0,4)LK),00) Chistians; in the 1 have been examiningr thuir ammu- betieve itlaever tranmplred or wus ove. )tPollen. She was accompaniud by ber let eulh century, 70,0U,iKJ0 Chnis- nition ist.eiy. 1 have tookud ailthirough heard-that anything lîke It $ver ce- mther,who nelher frowned nr Mldtilis; in the tweitth cnuy 0,WI )their oarri dge bxes. Theyve nee nu rd on etet,] Wo onounr renewsi of "acuintancewhich Christians: in the thirtecnth century. lu the tasi twenty years advanced une ,O,(M ople Whisay: l"Christ wm - ipened nspidly, 1 assure bou.' Whv, »>*îý).00 Chnistians: lu the fouteentb new idea. They have uîîenîy ex- crowned lr ont-heuarts' affections. Wé, Poiiy and I we.-e lovers at' once. We ceutuni, '0,(00,000 Chistiaus; lu tho hausteil their ammunitien lu the bat- have seen Hlm audreoi Hlm La owit tooked at the picoures two or ihr,'e fiteenîli century. ,00,l0 Chnis- île agaiusl the chnrch and against the out, snd we have huard Hlm voieoe. heurs wllbout realiy seoing thern, aud tiatu l i the slxtoulh century, 125,- Scriptures, white the sword et the XVe have huard il lu storm and dat-r- at partiug shu ad-.hl vet ailur- i~<.s'Cnsi nluthu sceuineeuth Lord Almighty is as kuen as It eer penso. \Ye have huard il again Ma& ' Siin> v thai I right cati o e IhrOnuu 75OStJt nsiu uws V ugtigourtru l aain." Whese testimony will y),M. hoeiuVfesua-t he eighîiteentlî century. <5,-iîtolnc. They are cominir upincom- take? Thonsumon who say lhey hare F-rank laxter," 1iterruiptd,,hsbt uisîir istians-a decadence, as you panios, and lu rogziments. sund iu brig- net huard the volcu oftChist, have uat anare yon sayiug? 1 kuow the Pollens et observe,- inuoiy eue century, and mure ades. sud yen wlll heur a about atter acon the curnation, or will you tak £ Vig qu ltie. thai made up lu the foHi geu- hile that willlmako the earth quake te osn8admiltions of Chi- ae,% ieI oteutl tý n i evn igwt Atliý in h etf fwa ihuy may vita 'Amillioualre faniivirom Ameica." thuit there wiltI to, wheu the record ut It will bu this, "Forward, the wholu their own eyus ud huard .wlth their S'Isoonulea1 o. Iwasa.eulhil 1h'- ninteontb century ib.ruade up, utt ile' own cara? wh,,u I paidemy fi-t visit t) find i;. lu i-t .t3I,Y',t O0)(htistians. 1 Antd then 1 finid uother niost en- Yne suao hita fo esetf in a luxurion., resdeuce. Tii, în liirC> . nut-\'atspiyI ciauuthought in the tact that the jone a aniae C hitit n power le 'îîicurlî,,,iiv depivtedlu nînivface, tno. rî-fiends: Ilow lun.nume il uîist seular pnintinzx'press sud pîîlîpt Socn5)o noeimi sn.Akthstat -l'oi expiainelI that sbe nasit a pro- liWho wil take ilt ot lie J!001- uarne-sel in the saunelesloafor thego mtess hlu i mui Akis aah te-uit-nul singer, as -lie lad it lii-t'îe oor ( hnistiuîîitx '11imer proclaatuion ut thie gospel. Evry eliionfher, wh Chbuibtled hldeadcou. oui h led me te bellot e, but anl oz) Iy ihui ied millions iluoeecentur. luIna Walt Street balîker tu-îuuorrow il] Ne , religion et Jsus C ihrt v the not ng01 daiiglte fthîe I'îltens. lu short, she ' w, ieks ot the year 15il «-"54 0), (Wi iYork, eveny StatucStreet iankerNt- s ofton s ic lrm ifthnth h odevlon wa, a iruai Anieriesu hciress. If vte i e s et the Ni Testament dl,,tnih- merrow in lBoston, etery Third street forsook him. Ask hlm when ho look* -knuîw thýe i'nleus >rou must kno)w iber.':11 .Wlr. the orth b. tîkean old bunker to-meot--o l hilllo1hia, toî-ward te the future if He bas Dot a- -l never heard uta daughtor." 1 u alewt wut ae xdaplk e erry 1 anker lu the liiite t Statos Aud o- slsîud tiitn-acidescnbedwîe boue n rready t,, ybaid,. a t wn rîr veyijofcat llliipoubinckt ce, sud a jor and a consolation the istdbut Fane dscried th hon: read tu humde dýlw ever evey inechanwwrld a\caunete tarlecaana t.e l'ut l hu hie esti On linnlstakablv. Hoesi that NIr. Put- gat- Lay aside ail Chiinitendom sud u treatise on Chrîstianity, a cuti te ne- mo f whîat bu bas suon sud wht lé, nn inhtgoeua trip tuthe conent e1W beathendonxi i-tbeini- sur- pnac-etetotit as iesnc on e-rtv n hni i~ lei opposite the teslimeuy of a -l eaviug hb. sitie suddauigtî,r l i) !j r,iled and houncycoîni,l an 1 attaoked agos of Scrituî in lhe wreports oi*sur- mn w ho savs ho bas notse0n anvthtn - charge e sof st hilr.I xlaimed, le ýtlis 1ail eoncluernugospel. At te jsmou.,Ipreschcd tîrougiottihese cittl' nîe uuio fuayhngo o 'Bulamî b"ining efthiis ceeiuuy ttboeowere andti tlioig bout the lanîd te-day. i sublject. «111 lyen taku the icmtimen7 "B,.ilaîîxyý," myftnd ecboed. 'Ye-t il1tit150 miss'ouîares. Niîw there une will ho ol n 'itîtage, se lu New 0r- etftpeople whe bave net seun or people : -au impressivo crealure. Xhy, oee mZ,"' missionai-ie3 andi native tieltîns learîs, su lu Uhlnlton, Seluin Oý'tuu, who have seun dav 1 fî,uud hlm instructlng the ladie.,. andt etargetiis. At the boinuiug ut se lu i'hiladeiphia, se evenywlure. 1i teoî thai bave conviucod every Yès, actually. lie sieedl before Mr. .asd t1îîý century ibeîe were oîîly 1Uî5 know thceil-sct iecieties arc doiug man lu this bouse ihati h lu utter folly M.\iss Plliiîî.wbe out slmo,l mueeukî in tîvathen couvurt-s. Now theve are a grandl aud gtorieus wunk, but 1 telli ta take thie testimuny ut thosé vWU ilîcir chauirst, and Iwas deliiriîîg mre- ],-.'(531>0 couvrts fi-oui teatbenîîom. iyeîî îlo-ne is nu power ou earth te-day have neyer lnied tîme gospel of Jesue îhiig thaI, judgihig by the fuir sortis I riiene la net as eauaOssI on tlie lauret e 1nal tthie tact Ihut ttîuArecan Christ iu their owu heani and lite. We e hucar ,ira, a lecture ou Amerieou pro- but the butery etflthe gosipel is plauted pint'ig pness iaking ui) the sermons bave tens ut thosands ut witnese uinciaton sud manrs.(Cf ccu"rýehe unît rcady la mardli ou. nurti. sueihW hlch arc preachbcd tVosfer buudred I belie vu yenune ready ta, taire tbolt stuptelinantv eieed 'daioust, west. Yon ail kîxoirtî th os et thoadjiol u N0Mon- testimouy. Yotîug man, do notlb." tIree"ceux ed a bit fios-ered. I didn'tehîlet wenk otaun army is 1te laîtth le day moruinz or Muîda y eeming. u'as inteb lln t h i l like l3ellaîniV. tbit tteries. Ti play tako lpiaiuv dl s î the mrnnig and uvening paliers, "et- Du uol pot youî- tbumb lu your ves au as ITODECO.eTNUE-pflanithebattei-les, asue teh- rnu' îltut t te nmillions. W tveuîîg mnusoretirnus de, and svaggor TEE ouultln u ltty s pctued ilt thuir werk lu ten îminutes. These s atheiighi it lW W\hat su encourage- ubut talking oethIe <lot-lous 4% ot btteries are boing plumted ail aioîugrmeut fon evcry Christian munaen'ieVe cnuyand o et lr lu very loeiny celons b Mrs. Craw- tle seacoasts aud in ait nattç.ris. il may A Fat Worth Knowlo. belun nel etora Ilible.They by ~take oulwi tle te ptaut ilim. aînd Ilesides that lia%;" veoi noiîcod tîtat .the hght ofniiu*uc u naman~ bn' fond, tht- weit-kuewn Parts cornes- tley may do ail tbufr wonk lu eue day,. d uriug the pasit ew yuans eveîy one utouf i aanud r lcsou pondent. Sicily bas a population Ttîey wilt. Nationsatire tue bruiiedcrie tîe11ecm ne iyn aultorhe ark lacte on bbo* rnosthy ot Gneck and Anal mixture a îiay. But just conac bat-k te Christ- discu-sIon lu the secutar pt-e s? DO nature gave îhemn comfort for thI no net on hiwith thc rest ut Itaty, etîdoin and recogulcu the tai-t lIaI durî--younentlremombur a tuw vesim oue? hyhaoicls101 a i -bot appareutly loyal. The revltied ing, tle last ton years as miany people irbun ovry tapr- lu Vhe United States juggernats tu crush, but Do coaorL. d people are revlutieuary as regairds lave counectod tbumeives witb eran- I bd an oditom-iah on île subjeci, 1118 Ah, my fnieuds, yeu had botber 'local administration and île octroi gelicasi durcIes as coilnceted thein- there snob a Thiug as Future Punlul Ouîr skcpîîclam. Sunpoie you am etu jedulies, but are loyal as to the Kin selvesv ih île chui-ches in the irut ment?" Il wus the mrangemtt ing T»11titis crises: Oh, ftler, your c'Uu i lttx-'cars othis centurv. i lai ihere aboutid bea discusaioni he isdying! Wh _tar- é-u.à&uîng