Gahava. ont. in tho Joint OsUsed by ni Iammator sweliIng àA Pefec Cure by Hood'esSar h1 fer, e mebplesaueta recomme Peatuain luetJeits.. Scompand iet $W"IlnMe-b"ataiho oould net gai up ut"l te b.d vlhhout tmealing on banda anti me IVs. TMryanzloa.about hlin. anti harl un " .aiéabout sRooti Suuparilla h teimiat te trY i, and gol a iaalt-domaubol Ua e cf vhe imhriy cureti ht. ma "it. L amGaav. Ontarle. K D.Oe aMe Ottai lootia iarsaparill Nola Pille set aair. yei pronju.luna rnue, Md tr her. that ut l me I hati a pain a"i kunes a"l avels Am etion. Th î;eU*d tu bacli ast th of w»". '1 bati w Whou la by a uum.. in. TheI mm pet' paver et ted pri- beti. The 1'relleve e h tooli for tbrte ua qulai- aking Dr. [>&ale POO- marphlme cut off ait ter fatber couiti get ms.tanoe, se andti he te nuuib- DO Imor anti I bave th: suter n MaaM- 6ati canoS r1gor ms a nan 0hank- nhs and Io of Aboi e, snud MMa Lîpplît, l. eneli for for Pale msei t am y ta gi a rea. Ta'y for auch la, partial neuralgia, tache, th. palpitationi feeling re- tratiaut au ted humaore l.a, chranlo 10 eale , ,egtiltie i. In men n ail case r, overvork- tire. ireti by the Comp . s solti011 Inade-ma&rk ibox, or six ver moiti ln idreti. i Cotton. e Naît wus la county tu 1, Wh"c h. i. Mr'. N&U asuifiedti he te8 $14,000, le a ahecis farmer »aW ambut fir0. vent ta mil carrffd the larmes hem lulo i esville (aL nnining pri., udth 1e star» vitty vomax loneti, quiet uvale a note bili te te%, r, nome snob mvcomera t< hati juit a» y tram-I.L Dur Place lu sud 'th"r hing se là:-- lent r tolt of 60. aieu Lydia Vegetable Compound CURES ALL Alimente of Women. Tt vinl molie! cure the uwor tforma of frtullElComplai&l Ovarlan troubles,~ bdmmia" andUration, Falllng ana Ii«lpaeeumueutoth Womb, and oceequeut Spinal Wuaknen, and inl pecuiiul aa"e i ba <md mre eeA of LeueorrhrSa thau suy rezedy the worid bas ever known. 14 luahàout intalli!e In such cases. Itis.- mariea and "expea mov f rom the Uterua laa riy sa¶ f developneit, a"dchecks aujtdnq caccom hmea.Th"t earlng-down Feeling n bMPab, weight, a&M backacbe, in ID- 0-117 jreli"eetandi Pennàanb.,y cureti by ilau..Undar al l rcamataoe. laacta in bus oBY wluh tii. awa u"at ovUD 1e > L mai tsma. "ane .hamilagése at er. lb. (reatest Medial Dlaover 01 the Axe. KENNEDY'S MEOICAL OISCOVERYU N11%IAI END, 0F ROXDIJY, MASS. ,.Hu dlscevered ln anc of our common patre weeds a remedy tat Cures ever Eind of Humor. froni he worst bcrofuia down ta a coismon Pimpie. Hc bas tried it In over leven hundred tuces, and neyer failed xpti two cases <bth thunder humor). i-ehsnow In his Mosesion aVer two hundred certilicates af Ils value, ai] wîthin twenty miles 01 Boston. Send postal card for book. A benefit Is afwavs experienced from telrtb%1 da rect cure is war- rantd wen ightquatit làtaken. When tic Iungs arc affected it causes shooting pains, like ncedles passlng through them; the sanie with thc Liver or Boweis. This Is caused by the ducts b=en stopped, and aiways dlsappearsIn awe after taking it. Read the label. If the stomach là foui or blilous lt wiU cause squeamish feelings aIt iist. No change4f diet ever necessary. Eat thec best you can get, and enough ofit. E)ose, one Iab)lepoonfuln water at bed- time.- -Sold by ail Druggists. SFmhÀkand Exsns. Get al that's possible of 1101h, If i t ~~ and nervei force. Thcres nccdtoo, of plcnty et fat-food. u.ts EmnIio of Cëd Liver OÙ builds up flesh and strength quickir than any 1 other preparation known to sci- ence. &Dtt' s Emuzdon 1: consta ailtf fe#gCtiw' Crof Comsump&%on .Sroada's and kindred diases u'krr#Mer sr*thds ilAi.. SBRAZliIJAN REBELS REFUSE RSUHT TO SURRENDER. tiedietive R.iaiiation bl Prostdeni Po et.>-».uGamna and i Oaera Book Rate en Foreign V.aset-M.ilo Wiare t covarti andi Traitior. The Wsr eau anFiai The BrazIlian rebelion ia crushe and inluits atead there bide fair for trne t-9bus iaaugurat2d a carnival ulaughter and butcherv. Seeing Il hopeleite3.s of contlulng jhe stru gle, desertedl by Admirai Me'lo, wl îwith the warahip Aquldiban was parte unknown, Admirai Da Gama the Insurgent forces first sought Vl aert-lo3s of the P-ortuguese charge d'à faire lu negütliting wilh the gover ment for pence; but that official, actit under(order, f rom the home gover ment, assumeti a neutral attituti . I Gamna then, iu dircct communicatik with President Peixoto, offer cd un-jo ditional suri-entier of aillithe warshi] andi forti and gar-an8 su 1h Rio ha bor, aecccptng for ihlm lf and office: expatriation and sentence of exile tu foreigu ]and, on condition of amnesi to bissoldlerà aund sailors, Whep tii nesus became kuosun tI goverumnent tleet eutercd the haru quletly. As the %esseLi made the way up t.he bay they were saluted 1 t.he varloua goverument batteries. 16 The groateat excitemeu hbatil pi «VaLled Ln the clty. The wreete weî crowded with people, and ail the avai able trucks and hand carte hati beE busy carrying househulti goods sa. perwoual elîceîs out of the clty. TI >pe,)ple bail fuliy expecteti a shelllng the clty by the Insurgent forces, ai il was gencrally believed that a te rifle naval batile was ab- ut it, i feught lu the 1110 harber. Da Gamna ci ofer of aurrender changeti ever, thlng, and everywhere cou Idi heard shoutse 01-'Vivea Peixoto- ar generai ne4ulosence tu the roqucel of the Insurgent aa&nfiral. There ia been much sufrering ln the city. A business houses hati been clo'-ed and had been very dilbicult, tî) et fto-i The whole available polive foi-ce wi ou duty c>uslanlly. i'robaidy l0.r,. 1tersonz loft tthexcit-y. liai Ira- ra:. p -rtation te the sobiirbs was free5, un the governmeat wau fecding theoî lNaturaliy tie ropua> o h flewa whîch they bel cved heraideti th close ofthei long and stubborniy coi tosteti nsurrectlion- But joy iras changed te ceusterntil by lte announc3:neiot that the goverm ment hal refuaaed the ternis of D Gama, and sîould open tire upon lh Insurgent esi and forts at uoQ. TLO-dca v. The exodu. frum 1hiio agroi co)mmen.-ol. and at 12 oecock preci el the bar fortre. soî.ýeîd dz-e on Foi- Viliogaiguon.LuIna short timo th Go>ornmerit forces et Fort Arinaca and Foi t (,rageoata joir.e J in he bon: baidment. Tiie tire ca- 1Irot returne bv te lu -urgvnts. Thit bonbardmen vicontinu' dl î.î:îil :; o\-l:ck, wcui cea£et. Cua-toilo. Sani ik-nito, Sautie Cur.e3Ie and ail thecicîty hait ries the. openeti a furious fine upiu Fort Ville ý'aignon andi the ms rgurnl warshi amnandre. The lire %vas also directe, upon the insurgent iro:ka at Cobra Isan ansd ai c:tiar pati-. le force at Fuchadas lowered the bosi !illfiel and hoisietLe .0insurgen.t crijeu Th, garrieou at Co. ruador I-laud aL-.o tol part iu the attac-k on Fort Villleaig non, %%hlch was ha,11y hammereib, the Govcrumeut gins. l'ho works o; Cobras Island tÀ ok fi re, Lut the flaieue we:esonextiug, l-leI. lite iriug o the bitturies litced for auheur. N( greatddimage w.osdoue. The iiL-urgent il ut lire a sît ut. At -4 o'ciock the Gcverumeut fl~oei sleaxned sewvtu ls action. the tor- peo boat Aiirora leadir. The othez vessels Iu the Ileet vere the Nictheroy, America, iltaipu, B.altia, Tiradeute>k anti 1arahyba. andtw io steamers and fIe torpedo lxxets. Imarcdrutely the rebeis hauled do%% n the white ensigu trom one of tihe -hips wi j was lyiiag at Euchada-.aud ioisted a si-,uai,wlîich vas answered from ashore." A launch Coutalung .-au atticer thon acul frurm eue insurgent -hi p te another, and ea-h vessai Iowered the white flag. Two Loats frein thre Utisrninent fleot i-ut- aide thusu eulered Ina bay. Ouaetf hein vent tu Fort anlgug u îd il wae- ahorliv fellowed bIJltbe lauuch f rom the re'bei ship. A ion% minuts lata:- the white enrigu camne dowu froîn the fort, and at .5:4;) thre l-ùseînmeul fleet steamne 1upîthe ha'. The insurgent war tzhlp At;udiibau was net lu this harber. Aermirai de Mello bas preved fal~e tu tire em- fe ror aud to Presidi-ut Fonsoen d re-Iicut 1Peixoto. Ilus la-t act was treacher te. Admirai da Gama. Where he an.i is se:ýoI are noi O not kueiru. Tire ofilcers of the Insurrent flect took ro'l<e on board Fre -neb and Portuguese viar sip One French vessa p ut te sea, wîth mnauy ef the rebel office-s on hiarti. Il la raid that Admirai da Gama is on board tire Biritish war ship Siriuu;. Pelxoto's action innual act'eding to Da Gama's 011cr creat ilithe greatest surprise, abroati as ireli as et VM a-hing- ton. Such ceuditi ni were frety ac corded inluany honorable warfa oein civilized Iglnts, y et te lthe surprise of oui' administration tbey bati heen re- fuseti by Peixoto. lu spite of ils hast efforts tu be exnctly fair aud neutrai, yet [n the canlest luni3razil oui' gos-oru. ment, lu Ils desîre te protect Amerîcan luterosts, has given coter te the helief thal il. moral sympathy lay wllh hie Peixoto government. ho the news liant ols-Ilizeti vartare hati beauds-eadt rid Bouud te Have Ris Fitu. of Speaking of football bringos te min id a lime not many years a&go when Y aie w-atlttic conscience iras net an tout: beas at preseut. On her team vwererad naIns gaiere. She aveu veentntre a candidate or lire, tirougit noueof Il ~'y Importeti"tons V men" finuaby playe 3d ai Springfield. tg Amoug the surreptilioupiy acquire Ld materlai wes oeetrua-hearteti sou ,1Iod Fril, os-or six et a at, anti r itnowned as a pugilist. His physîqu CLwas excellent, Itut sumohovi ha neve aseemc-d te gel ineo the plays. Novrvi o cdeficicut lu courage. Tecoacher 'S cou'd net undorstand il unulS eue da ul e was gis an tire bail te run vilî Theu sorearushor tackled hilmhbard ,.ant inl a minute tire former pugiliâ '0 heu drrtî:pu-d thre bail anti vi oing a the lackt, r henimer andt onge. *'Hra s-ou- sltuut.d tire ciacharE n What, aie y: u doing there? Pis football.» )a Anti hatacen the crucks et the blow 8came back lte atitacur: e «Oh, go te thre dis-il, art' las-e meil ýn me man'-Iloto.i Budzet. ýY Th. isuti of roi la the mlizhiy West, thte landt that ýtickie( O vtb a hoe laugits a harrvst,' the El Derati 01c the miner; the izoal of the agriculinra emig-à-nî. Whiite It-ms c-itb ai the ci, d met, of veait soi prosperlty. smore!ths fait-st anud tost fruitfoui lortonm or il hear1 Larveat of imalaria isaîid luits fuîme"sb] these unprot cted by a todcnai satflaurt SNo oee eektnig or dweliuw In a malaria, 3- loceity t, cafe frointhe st-ontg. withoui Hoa, tetters tourch fitters. Enigranta. lesi tsInmn.Comnercial travelers soieur, lu In a alarlous regions shoulti carry a batt of thie Bitters inte tradîtionai guipsaci IZ Ayln-,u uhe tfot, of expor-,mental ol e OUy avers ork, damp sud uawholesonue fooc Ortr ait laian lotailible defense. 1/onsti. SPatton. rhelattstu. billouznese dympepsi, -nervausnesand lava of streugth are ai y remedled ty thîs geulai restoratuve. n A Diotatvantage or Heailh. A visitor smong tha puer on tha oast eîde of tira dlv foundti lexp>e,.ted te-til mouy to tire disadrvantages o! benîlh during oeo f lier rucant cells. Mr& t B3. bas a famll- of a dozen childreni anti, like mst ef br cleas, shbiho: h rLae o ot i t V ell. HIow are the children, '.\ra. B. ?" in quird the coller -Ail very wieI1, ludeeti, maam, very - val itodee." 1 'Yo o etgirta habcthankful, I«m sure, v ith so mucir siekue s ali about." aVes. paeam: t vujýpùsee 1ougbt to le thankfut but. I telI teu, ma*am, virer tiret-me well tbey aat an awfui lot."- Ne v York Tribune. ire offer e .untiret Dollars resara for any .0e of catarrh b huannet b, cureti by taklng Mal's Catarrh Cnre. Y. J. CHUENET & CO0., Toledo Ohieo W, i.undersigneti, have kuosa F. J'. haos fr tii làat years, anti belteve hlm perfetiy honorable lu aIl businessaa taetons. aud Ouaaci.aUl ahi. te carry oui acy obligations Ohaio. TUAOX, iboiegai. DruWeis, Toledo. WÂLDINa, EuiAtN && R IN, oiesal. Drue- Tld.Ohio. L.41.acatarrh Cure ha taien Inernaliy et. ln i vet Pon the.blooti and i tneons sur- fae éttiatemt. Testimonils snt free. Fric. 73 ent Per botl..Sot by saUDrtigghâs Havi te Extinignalsh Pire. Take tweuty pountis of corumon rail and ten peuuds eft ual ammoniac (mmîri- ate of emmeule, to t a hatcfItan ydrig «l>tI, anti dissolve lu sevon galions et waber. When dissois-et, it can ha boiti, antikept lu each rrom lu the bouse, le ha uset i[n an amergcncy. In case et a ire occurring, one or tire botîlea shouiti ha lmmcdîateiy tbrown viltiaforce mb tirte hurng Pïace so a. te break theni, the lira w1 certaini b. exlinguished. Tbis is an exce=- lngly simple process andi certainlv werth a trial.-Medical andi Surgicil Repoî ter.__________ MIDICÂL sîlters daim tisat the auccme- fui remedy for nuala catarrb must le non- liiritaiug. oersyof application. anti on. thai viii resch the reruote soies andi ulcer- siedi surfaces. The blatery ofth1e efforta to treat catarrh la proof positive ihat only eue remnedy han con pleiy met thens cou- tllon. und that la Elys t2ram Bai.. Tbis safe anti pleaaant remedy bas mas. tereti caiarib as nothiog ela. bas ever doue, anti both physicians anti patienta rreiy concede Ibis fact. WEST VIRoiNIA ha. 16,000 square miles of coal fieldis, au area greater thtan lte ceai reglon of Great Brilalu, andl produces auuuatly 5,0)0,0O0 touts. West Virginia experts es-ery year te -China 30W,000 pounis of ginseng. I HAVE always Faidt Iat tbc greatest object In eduction ha te accustexu a youug man gradually to e, hais acm inaster.-Sydney Smith. affection of the Tbroai from cbiltibood, cosact by diphîluerla. anti bave useti vari- oua resnienabut bave neyer found auy- Ualng coua lte Blis- BoasENucOXsn Ttaocsas.sýRev. 0. M. f'. Hampton. Pesa- teus Ky. SMid oni! lunboxes. . - » though mine arma ahould enu- mu.mSuuta' vaulda. dises'.àale"stfoa m16 BUS 8 LieS. OATS riioMON£ BU&. This remai-kable, ahniosl nubeard-of, lditi as reportedt te cJohn A. Sai- ci zerSetiCe., LaCrose, Wl.., by Fank Wlnler, et Montana, aho plaltieu oe r4 buabel et Great Norîheru Qale, care- ' fnlly tiiied anti irripfateti sainie, 'nti be- - lies-es M4 - ha oaa gresv frem onuebu».tof fGreat Norîhermu(Jes three hbuntieti uLaels. - Ilsa avontierful 081. If Yen Wmli Cui Tht. SScianti ent l vith 8c postage toteraab3ve firan jeu yull recels-a ýample package of ahira oata anti their farm seeti catalok-ue. C $4 te Calil'ornia. This 1s oui sleeping t-ar rate on the Pbii. lips-ROck X'ianti Tout-st Ext-ursalunstrou (ibicago te Lua Anxeles or San Francisco. via the aceuIC route anti (),den. Von eau go sib pbllilps.uhe beai Of aIl excursiot Manage'%, for be ha' each Party accet.- uaalad by a apeclal agent who <oea the etu. lira tnp 511h patrona. These persooaily conutced ext-uruons leave Chicago twice a veek. Tueetiay and Thut-sday. W. bave aise a ualiy lourlat car service. via Ont- Sonîheru route. ibrough the beau- tijulIintilan Territory and Fort WVorth lu Les Angrelei anti Pan Fiant-laea 'i b.tout-- lai car rate via thii route, tse saine Ap- PlY at Rock isiaud ticket Offit-e, 104 Clark sireelà John ebatian. a. P. A..'C., ILI. & P. R>'., Chicago. td f. - The oxiglun A w i rid fl," 1in the 'anse et ag(î0d Iti-l,-dat,,s tr h tirime et William tire ton 1 ueror-. It waut ien a crmminal ofit-us 3toecut timber in tire faresîs. 0111V s "cbh oute ire gatrrat a. thewimni 'haidbm wndess; hence a heavy wilnd-lorru a buhiloti hy the eaates as so mucir gooti iuck; anti heucetiremodern appli-elion oethbe ergpresiu. Wj-, aotu frn euidhwm froni mara.. ehaat*, or protuiaioa another vtb pinhW* anti her,andt a buay docto,s.psrbs a" dWttdaa t-ai* iesho prusrubsa isP" Lia atiPon,«,. " uin b. mCI4 Who%, lu re.ity. tison aremiluenljavasauom c'Md y s»nM wemb dkSeder. The Plysf ,toaint 09 th0deflto efan&Igeoeoa M unIE ar tlla aremSuiS 1 pnw Paieu'am sput bttS, but prohbly vus-s cf Dr. dol a m draiMmW te Mteau.. wuu bave h wl ar*b« lauaala ve bed-4u bed ema ocftiithn«M,dag va ealu Su s Mef or live complan'. I =01ecif e o otinuai their nu»unta 1 I bock six betis.or sab. l h<sem mii. Mme fitt mleli1 h d iM otblnktuOoeryu tO laow ammreaInduibb*Irt " ds vitDr. ler.recomusenda slt a>d- la..B.PaOn antipeiNa te bath notw, te rismeibaist Pf liaiS Wmai tO tbe. wà»basa sa tind là e I. «Onou ue, on anad eorporatiaa ORe. citiez publie inleraat bui ot quit...n much Iniereal are the thing wbjch t&X tbg $yB-em andi require aioee an external reineti>'. On Maisaubject, vlth sateial recomuendation, Mr. Pierce UB rown, lirldgewater. blasa, lay&: mIn accidents front &Hlkintis or athielle sports,. b reduce %prains and b. ulass.1 have ued St. Jacobs 011 and always round itnMost reilabie." Also, Mr. C. Rl Sand% . Mrguni OkiIL. writes: «I bave u9eti EL.Jacoba 011 for sJPraln, and rheunl;or an sd wouid fot be %ithout it for anYthlag.1 1L IL.R.Ledbet- tei. flenton. Texaasu.87: ulhave ued Et, JaCobi 011 and Jt s the only thlng 1 <ver saw that aouid cure toothache ln ten Min- utes' urne." snd 1t 13 u'uaiiy prompt and .ure for frost-~Li,lî,.A!l of these CoMmu- n1raVot,> are (if ret-ent date, showing un- altated Intcres>. WHERËEER the si eech is corrupted se also le the mimd. Whieh liiYon Be? A faim renter or a farta owneî? It ret, w11h yourceif. litay cher, you are and Ye w1ii be a renier aIl 70cr life .vse te Nebraskca. where good land la cheap and cbeap land la gocd, and cou ca') enslly bc- corne au owner. Write te J. Francis. G. P. and T. A.. BurIlngton Rouie. Omaha, Nei, for descriptive parophlet ita free. au. a Postal wviiibring h to you. D URI NG hard times con- sumers cannot afford to experiment with inferior brands of baking powder. It is NOW that the great strength and purity of the ROYAL make it indis- pensable to those who desire to practise economy in the kitchen. Each spoonful does its perfect work. Its increasing sale bears witness that it is a necessity to the prudent-it gocs further. ]KNOWLEDGE t ne cifotan mro.met1 rightly nr.Temn h i.1 ter th.n others C a nt.yie or, I: les eedtrby -more. VI& adapting lia. wo«rld'sbet prduc=ê the value te o Ih fIh pr lq ,L laxative principles embraced la ê»s remedy Syrup et Fige. Its ecellence is due to ils preent4q ln the ternimos«,t acceptable and ploie. ant te the laite, the refreshing andhuly beneficial properlie of a perfect la. atIvse; effectually cieansing the aysteuL dispeiling colds, headachea andi levi ant permaneully curing cunslpatiou. It haes Men satisfaction te millions ad, met wilh the approval ofthle cdi profession, becanuse il acte on the El&'- ne7s, Liver anti Bowels vithout weah. - euîng Ibeni anti it la pertectly free 6b» every objectionable substance. Syrup of Fige is for sale 1>7 ai dru. gigta in 50eanti $1 bottlea5 but it in mon. utactureti by the CalifomlaFi% Sj8u Co. ouly, whoee name i. prîntedaon e package, a" thie naine, Syrup oifit anti beiug veHi nformed ou wiil accept auj aubstitute if 11g ~ W 011cr You aRàud Young Om-Whicb lnsure sci.ty uto ' j ' L M Lte a1 M th s.'end C hIl. ,4r- "Mothers' Friend" Rabs Confinement et lUs Pain, Ilosror and RLek. «fAfter USiug ane botle Of 'MOTHEi' FRiFND,' I suffered but litîle pain, and did flot experieuce that weakuess afterward usua1 ini auch cases.-MRS9. ANNix GAGE, Baxter Spr-ings, Kas. Sentb ersa, charga cai ponrelpai ce, $1.5M per botle. Sadby ail Drggia.ta. Bookrta Mthers rualed f ree. l8eflRELWATOI CO,. Al, et Tics 2-tc. AUsls'SsaiW~~st.h eo.u. v.C 5-ta.h fasa. Ui.a ut-sa fia, , sbostlt4 ta: *aaStast te r.,vd s.siy. >5e 5053 ,et.. long. A inaton t. assdy tait U SAs..,. nqw,.d. ast-ru ,t.stne an Sha ssia t-su anS anS., a "a -a m it a. s... ss~ W. a--ni WIat t. ais. -.ti. kiLO nue. 2 5t Piwos'cs's vorits PremrtMon, for blaer- ribsm. ant nIa»deblity than 1 have for datm.. ears.1Iam cuisti of nmltrouble. ani ov v o ue hndret nll-eix xom hnnrs5wy j~ "Meo lvn feula ie. M.A.Mcl = U1, o!Ln okJck C. , erg 'I ms~ai Ibad uk;atoncf ii v P.b ractno getsiabout I bock ]Dr. is.' - lhvoritescrptim uantis* curei me; arn tii.moMia j =. h have e lad ft* thiuman affty-thre vss n oi, havaen»ver samta botter voum'aOU ibis youcaiue. im 1bave..reo=ooamn.a kms litte my frimids bave, an t lha. »ver tala elncIIsca, me n. uàassin or mm vCkd titbbl4 ee. gu .aj e.DrU nol aicut-ali but a*ulrebiy ftlila a atagueneecfPlu- cul belg a malt peteni apele er ail M«a ta vonen I is.a à umi BOOTI Boa t Inmarket am NIl, QVIvil. anSde .ioth M Clusior sua ter Rubber OC.ý ofioAt. RETINU 7TO r 7« MW v <S Ne Masa patent charnu can be fouud ai beautya abîIne Iban an exqnlshtely ioy-iy cOxpiexton Sncb as universally foliowa the use of Glenn'@ Suiphur Boap, FnILOUS CeuSUXTIrvN rCITRa n olti oun ruarane. lu cure@ Incipient Consuup- laun. It Is the best Cough Cure. 24 ceuta. e0 centa anti IL 00. F» -Cdolchester, Spading Boot &&i lu ibher columna. Fiq..An PttpeeTin. b,,». %Uine'. Grant N" U«tiusirer. 8NoFî,.atter Orat dayuse,.ilsr- , .ýMU IILS"triai betils free, o ,0tDc. m rch.b. ails. P. tw cý ul rt t L 1 b. *4ý.m