CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 23 Mar 1894, p. 8

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~* O~1 - "* RIAY MRC 2, 89. he iutamoved from. Io a- r" Dx RDY ACI2,1There was a vigoi'ous contest at the 1tBe us tâter t'1 itnct fl-_______________ caucus lisat Saturday, for tne Varions day nigbt. ndemier, If peubwe w1tt Pi. DIAMOND LAKE- offices, espoclily tbose of commission- LOG-O E U tlA rlj t . t é f MfwWARRANTED.,' Lîac and colèt,). LN RV.U tlA rllt tls l h O vm7wa returnearebfroni r - - The mru.D. are of Ed. Coon- tiet y se eder Out. l wi g Sat O T li Ineol Athu Krncua cîîaerrnt. li one day la8t week. Ed. is look- Ille west. i w n 1,i)de S rg or, ng weiI nuit is living iu tie City. n o t an d S h o o schnt sy h Ovr ru Sor. Maicl i nxdâstill continu tii prevail. Wde aakemernadt saytha C'lins. Meyer lias purhs ilnew A pleusatit su'rpriseprV deising pays. 70 4 PY. se~. jo) ed by ail wlio atteuuded, ut the bomne haneI. . ico cmleedIiswit R ubbe s Caico Prints, Ni. ha. hiddeisateniig outof (ieO. erruck. Warren and Miss .Wio crpee lswut r ubterni IjoegI.. c eur te eevdaot ft fterof school, last week. ttis week. yoting triends, wiko eujoyed varions Are vou 90ilug tu ie Easter bail?1 WonderIes GalIoway, c i ll n isgae nii leelo'clock 'îueuua May be sd axmy lt-Clothing, Etc. -Chares C llow y, ner th lal4i(l. lunh wa paraken f, ad abut l.80 Miss Louiîse Rîull1, (fRvrV Io in Lovl's Drug Store. Will. Lerker liats uuoed un1 to bis a. lu., Ille couupauly disîersed, wisltuug is viîtiuug witlui irilotîlr. As 1 buy my Goods for Cash, have no rent to M. ph uc e l' fi e i ax>reîretitiolim of the e eig.sailue Manuder Wll ti%,111111 s*iiit pay, and ight taxes, 1 can compete 1 o 2&6tuB P M. (ici). saig. of Nortiltii-Id l iled Olt liteurus Mure regullar hereatter. I.bryif llinois. frxeuld.. lere labt week. To the Voters of Vernon. Miîss ttoyt tegaxi the spriuug terni or' with the cheapest reliable Sîxhacribe for the INDYIIENDENTr, 1 runderstauud the the great cuy la, acliornl, lat Miîxut.y, in t'le Scblutzdaer tu batcolt>uluiligli taxes. Gentleman you ardealer.trct L..T A 's M ~ A ruse oeeaxured by its fragrance ig more rond and bridge tax titan The youxng folks froi this viciiiityR sp tflyY u , yico) Surgeol). makes a cabbage ead look litte. tire aw aows the Comrissoners tu will trip the lgit fantatic ai Zurichà, ep cf lyY us evO Sh5lc'S arwae t I ay oneC ids a reli wool tlauket, Ievey. J ustijook it up for the lasItluhree nlext Molidav eve. tobumlthte roome forrneTyo itbeiong tou M ateJms. years and do a littie flguring.1 A coripbl of olir Younlg men gave a *j ROUSE, Rockefeller. 1II bytett r he. If Boule of tiir eads .0reundeistand tltthe iaw slows 40fie e exibitioi in Uthe ra li Sn ~N.HOIS2 o &7 -M-. big, our hlearts wild grow faster. eents o1) eacih $100. Wbaât ta il ti' day. t waâ iuterestiuug to s4y the kdimu Si. UneteAr. hFar I* Cape Wiskopf who spent thne year? 49 cents on $100 and 45 cents least. Casper We . - for tbe two proceeding years. Isn«t lierman Rudoîphl lad lis rond cart Official. :BallIot, àbtlru a.l3F* __________ winter lit Springfield, is bionne agiait. there a Chance for rebat@? - H. P. EWING, When you want a friend, choose 1 wouid advise voie of tur Il raffled lisat Saturday evening, but we Tmolv'- -'ax .27 aJ2 one tirait is gettitig gîoder every year. to go a littie slow and not biow tbe iledtob ear h ed u u ~ereU r, - dpl' Mr. and Mrs. F. C. sitlu visited botus toc' îond ias tîey night wake up nntnbr _______with If. W. Smith and farailY, Fr- suie of te lumteiig and if tley do,. Will Geiske, froni Grays Lake vis- MBL C 0D N RA O: j ,11wIOURS:11iiIb day. there [Biglat bç trouble. lied w[tlh bis folks Sunday. Tluougb a.m.l 2~, n. re KoinotAriuto Ieili, Was our present nominee elected Wiii lias flot been seen here recentiy,0 iok t and afler 6P. nm. visited with lis brother Julîxu, iast square at thre caucus? Nol There were Feorl eogiSubsderod ae ..i, -Mod. severai of lis ninorficuwu Everybody -weut to caucus last Sat- For Supervisor, orSpervisor. p j. S CKI.N ' Ileraxi Brockman I îa~s r,veedan te voteid soute tw kce andi others. droppedl urda). and eport a great deal of ýe - ONSORIAL PARqLOR 1;eiett place. Noý IwIu%ýLokl<uit for the trong of every citizen to take a . iiely inter-Ï JU01 .x1l eutpped wilu firît-ellrný Tiolm Eacti week :ald4 soinetliig new tolam f -M 'ean: lNn* he Ilest !ililacii afairs.Fo VtnUlr.osTu<(ck 'l aItndrtesoauul iili ne11 e et ttluspae;tiS. 11,.)iîtfor conimissiofler wticiilie silice tile beginiuig of Lent. Every-r A us woulyofaî ledeves credit for l[îod> seloxus to lie coiusieiiti,isilv <iii- WARNM ET .C RLSH 8M H AIwRy@ Coute to Ilue lias. Rlaý receiiti> bst lis wliskers ixule îeutlis of otir graveied ronad ,Iiî er",iiig Lent, and tiiex taik abodthte lo ~ ~o gwTyYILLkUMw H. andxiîl wbilWlavu~estvd i thuejet leiret uuît tllue coiuuuxlssioxers as soie trY tii ieulraiu' tyîof oxr peuple. IBoolu I ior For Ae-,-oir to se~uilu [o tirneui. uîake ouit. If ive hlai waited toi, A scoîre of youxg puleue we (>onx- D R PII .VE JH .L~K R ~~. ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ Easter service xext Suday sîieciilti lem %,e wouilil [ave thalnYmxi iuuda u uturu ltil atIi - JCTONEER, uieîrtoi aebex iud ounam iud oi suuiday. anud tîrns becamne menibhers of II~~,TYVLLE. - - IL. it a beaniiitil i service. Now I hiave tieardi t advocated tluat theîue lxrcu. 'Vie drill sluîwed thuat gg ai motu(,pei u i AutctiiLeer tlct ulStxd3 tule eaxiest Gexieuuait can't be over 40 cents ýd weli la: :aurd Il ie esof WLLIM C SANBORN E RI H. WKLLS. of L l~.~ite au . Skiýiifiiii eligonfîî licl i cedxt isiduie thue M . t eryW l o aa.t ejiiil uo viliixîxy a .ou ar$100ain dtisetîax.Ifyu wlaî yxxdrtax u niipe ttui W,, klb vnts to sel lie 2-year-Youtaxerondx,îvot or thefCaodi ant oRev <C . .Starck. A vast multitude ~~Ot od uefesiai u tueî itucaîf, [rmudrfis eor u auddt lo ol efem ar înuîaeda tetuecucs f itpeuple wîtiiessed thîe ceremouuy, tire For CL u' llc f Ilghn a> , F lor Coixniissioinr of H-ighways, cashà, o l rd u ed asnmrae ttetec us flarge clitircih beuig tiled to tule it- W UTRIL R~ IM~!N or ni[l Ixîte [or tot vote for S. T. Fonte and let u st. ~ uuEMNx.i **ATm.lAC l 'liebook torendis not theunue bave go:droads and ldeIty of gravel if s.SLI AII ] ZAW UT RIL RN IMNT EVERETT.ii.Me's. enn n ette dcd a h For Scliî il Trustcc. lFor Scliool Tnistec, WtofhtEvaistl, oupastu itir itngwho are iuterested ixng eloui, i *, Pakhurt & c., i Ç'îîttsdaîîîîter~ V~~ti~ poie, bu woud adlse aironxEsSON S.gLERUin W. h BERurRN iIETVLLIL iiith couumuiity this neek. cast their votes for Mr. Foot wliun[ yixuorug MIDMRTvvxLL.E. )LL. Iîre spexit a tva ili s ixu ) rion. Krîuckxnau axnd sister, goixig to runIxîhndepexîîent. ç'tucagîî uus week. Mrs. liardixig, iisited n ithu trieris iii A ulEA% y 'rAx I'AY-Ei( WW e nterest-Beariflg Cer- Chlicao uigi"isday axndtWednewlay . Ni. Gîdidotf'î ug.spuxtO ~ o i p 1 2. S9 et] eve a ock of du i t Ni. Xoe's. liitue iake >lie lia> iast week; t il, _ BUFFALO GROVE. Mamnie C'arroll[ [ speiîilig i e they traile t ic-i x pa l t ixce ix I ittle Sîxî hîii l a .ck. ila> s lere withi lierinxoutix - eau> Ibis >v.ui. M rs A. ~N ickoi, s t ill very sick. El N ixilrietspr'ciiex ruadeî v' il l.inig~~ .~Td (" Nilil ilcsi gîvs cîlix tulg, as itule îpeople just go 'louit t t cli e M- 1' uiuuîa, aî us xîî vfxoii i O ISTpn no ik t tti liih s.I01 xs, liC1ti ti i i h asî i iii io lain M-i .[111r 1) liiei lli i icku% itvrx ii ire liiibtii uiluî. iii.iell 1 i l l iî xi-i-,îk îitl xhie î\ 1 ;ie,\vllý' lcs u' ý , uîî;îxIlle .v îi:h:~îi~ :; E E IO UTHTOM. DEMISON HUMTIMGTOM. i-,i i i ize 1xuîg stanids for. [boulîe of Joe îîîvhiii iiîvi[ îîî ilto il l t -vi s c . M5is. Ilaidilig vxjicit ist ilita t forii l 'uiiil ilix ir(l Wt-iiluii \ 1Z'î 'l'ie cliili lîin iîet ;il Mis~. .hîliîFli i iOi 1 I i ,Foii T,,% tri . liubaidi.i lo iii', a,-e t socin e dtue*'1 ruiM.îdil.(aciceliei l viiîîui[.iv ci'liig iii[EXIL A. FICKIL , RHN Missîlairusil Ilicdiieu lui, heeiiiii!i5 ago tii [iiiiit [is Ilieultli. ilig [îx ie-Stvr IMis. R[Il[iiuisvîWe are gla1ti oi iîlulv J. l iole iiliii1 - rl I. 'hiele i-i1111101lî nstiliationl Oil' twcu 1'n, u . îî.bîîî l.sleen îîîîîîl otie 100 uc il i uuîîiitii, il î»o r.t». agauifl. lsi gaili r- tt1f., a îid thue vxpviloîu aiiust ie CekuC v1îiilliiihutIule tui atîvtii a îurkiiis lite failli. D. F.KRUEGER.E D. F. KRUEGER. beiieeîi i v i [ xg (liithem. Mike Kraos and\itile, wilu tieir Last Sal(lrkia .iNv1veliiig i siiiiisv Nirs. "Tl>iciilsl. i4 coiVs, , iCdiugliter, Adlla, ii\v [s-vilcallixig un l>iiaty na- gIvii ii i ii-e. Gaies Fi ,1: iitulîu ioiu o fie l tII î î u k . ai %% "" 90g 1 ,, ia f r ie x il ds i ni t l is ie ig li ii i o h o i[ . i i i i t i x i i i i l l l u u t c î a v I iiggy aid i l u lt iiivator also several lg i. A l p u e t la .K U K M E G R bad liabits of liorses liave ~I ghable suglit to iîk t .uiktillI .S UCI -b e e ii ' a u scd fro m l t hle ir tcct hl, pos T t p i n .ie sale. sm e îld b auts [ii th s \ c iî'ili wli% ic i u e jo utl t t i . I~Iauyhave lu.sbt'î of hiix sc sh.uvc otlier arhc[vs îv[uiDoyle, afisiies ho dis btat is bccn ii' by Ph>'rof. pie a'iv ieiniili l I er [o.101,i lu'î l-i aîF»ourCoillnsuiuciîof i1»liw.t1Nà\. i îunisi-,i¶i.r ofl i hghîaYs, i, D Hneatigi V . ...u..ii)týHave you a fr[cnd or relative 1u5 bock. le ,,da > " uago i e ) 1ese iuit iiîg Tlie C u T.D.Hiebugi.\.S. iîiSiCîtwhm ouwould like 10 hie held In C. 0. F. haduaîbnu etluuui t Il heiutl gu1'a11'1uterCo. 1it is a scheie to 3y a~ ..i ; '0f the v'etinriuy college .t La- pleasent emembrance every week for axud Vicie eihlertutiiivil 1 tle yniig iae xîilk carris xetuux uvîl to thu.e suîipersE CKBEREREGEE. -fayctte, Indana. Such as- suber - the coming year? Make that person menis uîivate baili in pitvile tue ils 1 race uit(uS png gnjign.ncs ck~ a presenVf a year's sùbscription to kicker. F. S. iîîîch inex. ufthe IluewilnîW Žstopping suddcn[y, baos of fleshi,1 the INDEPENDENT. Our teaciier is verýiIiii-y ut prescrit, siiecl ftarin, reu'euvdii îîîe ery rFie "or Corninii--iioiu îu li O . io i ipIil îhîa),'si drvng o ncue blig, Alcaurl xhiiie ei utatwice siigiiîg class. twicv luandîhineet- stick front Beuiver Daimiun tnek ytop-o ir l\ rCiiiiiic fIil .throwing thie ha atad breathi lunuait %% ho tîiok hîs hest girl tohi> nxg -alweek, ait(] tie n ailue suri s foi ty Thie aximals n ereîpi oie n ititiers i i lias been traccd to bath tectht. musical ciuuce.tiuî dui aîc n rettiri hi,izius ho uattvnd. Wurldl'sair andil eighu îuîex tlîuee p .NMKY P. A. IISKET. m , > any youug drivers hiave bceiî iîîg lutne, lliîkiuug tiat xii lîxe wuts .hîiulxed l ondis i[iece E Ë ,-,early spoiletý before thîr ,direct uliig. tiivi nere tulkîxîg abouît QUENTINS CORNERS. ',iau;e was uiscox ercd. I<oLgh [îvilg goîîî[n lireipuslue sud site IL .Âiuariumalle uîlcuil at thue .M. & St. P. Ry Time Table. luritrLli)l 'rcu-te loi Scliiol Trustc. ýýçdes and sharp corners laccratc ni'- gîttilug goiîier every year. Coues îil-uîrxEJ.FCAR.E.F.LRK th rnouthi, anîd prodoce xervous- i 'l'lie vxclîuuxge has hit ripoui a jiovel cre'.01ONOTI .F LR.J .CAK ananrd bii ;inavrriiithaeeuvulsbxiouapadllFn arîîteutii Iunrugilîiagiiui liii i 2(i Cl4 selongated nolars and incisors Eeytinre i îe[îiueit auhiscrihier isnoonds, e. siiermerNille Mi2' i lils451 fSI l . is22 vent the rpe atiain îftextioîueîh it thut pper his intime is Wmi. Ilirni is jittiiignip a îîew barnî IievrtIeid m34 lii 512 2 M I6 14 î121C prprmsiain0 uvre.Frexuumudfe "squxor uluigon tire fan. EN rIl M 42 1lii M i1il16 221 38 Di r a a5t .01 .I3 a* food, producung indigestion anid nite aue speuîdiîug thre sorrmmr AIoreeeierrs uowho dus ut i4,4 "*~ I,, oi.3 M1 t.6PIZ,3 i4S9 génraldebility. Dccayed norti <t araîf."Every otiier mouut acarl 1u5k.6___ cause necrosis of the bonie, readser cuiflerstantis nîat il mnuaîs ortactuik aenn m;'l1 ae nasal gleet, fistula of the aîîîh tiere is a grnud rush attionfg tire A granîd dance at Corners Easter Wa.Thwort l 9Il 'o 0 \ le's etc. These causes should be îîegiigeuut ho get ightsie up agaili. Moxday Mardi 26t1u. Rlu'l i ar[ive) r4_____3_44 d.Decayed teeth should I)iamond Laike girls wo't staud 1. Subscrihie for tueO INDE.EDENT racted, sharp corners and I'lu amuie0ouinY dresa and ihuo poIei and get ail the local uews. a n LM ..p .1.M nun.a r ax xiiibis' cgarte.miatl'ilTCKE ByPottio cdges should bc smoothed ole wituenbisncae. L'il aeof i3lm ucei u i lian elongated molans and temlier wheu tthe car stop:s on a rnuddy G.Quni dwfeofGleWadoworth 9 5"1,IFo Supers isor, dcrosstxîg and wlren tire couductor bugs were cahiers here last week. Ourae 911 544 srscut off. The co m m onmeouroftestp l'Il Dot mur- Our landlord bas gone to Chicage aTllOnI 2iEA Ii Tf or il, ereofredeeedin wen font smaii children ruhi a few daya to hunt bear, etc. ~iL 521 1 llW.30uu dient te accomplish this, wihl taffy fingers on xny dresa and patent odt 61574...*4056 suflc. btspeia intr- hatie tus ff uyshos.un uo Peter Boclelman and lis assistant Everett luii21 54. 12 461554 t 1-vie fthe prpo isc uangarhe tip eoffmxi ners. l'oute-A-e u a laaant cahi Suinday. Deeeu'fieud s ô t .Il, le s e IForI ow\iî lerk,

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