CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 30 Mar 1894, p. 2

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publice chomele. 111~làWeaee a T.AxKU. - ILLINOIS. --lut-g. antu l hOPaIs t hat 1015.4 lb isrror-estrlckepuplis .ad teaclicre neral DOWN RIS BÂTON y Injre& ive bon. the lime. &Bd i st uody by rare 8004 ____________fortun, liai eor.e01et ilicu e to burneal or travapleal te deati lae cmual IIVEYERAN MAJOR WILLIAM rsh fort1h.doora el.ect.*i<l 04EVNS ASSS A AY. loviez lb. dkmeo r thle ore a crevi NEVA S PASES WAY. o papile van np te the top tour i. - ~a end lendeaer Intefee frm ithe ISem "daal*moke alBdvoe re hetmeal Az»Arlee8 Gil te Wei a Dlii- In. feral et hem jumpeal front ithe vin- -agry MW allit t ls rrpoe-dov lealges andl vers eeriousirybortTie 3evFaie~ t is nr~uc burny buillingvas surroundal by a twr»wUl Eehew lenibostr a croval et agrouiseal mon andl voua Whou ~O. cildren vers lu danger andl vie, aldea le th* Intense excltement by estivia te F*MOM s Mieisn Dead. break ibroug Iboicpolice linesInorcoe*the s$VilPansa Nevans. lhe eteran bandl- Imsrtud elitti.e es. I1lhe bulding vau sauten ldPeacetnhly a tew minutes be- thnce andl a bit stonies la ebt. andl wé- 12 Tua.syuigbtet abils bomne Chl- coniaineal ton reom. Mise liceten. a X* N bct been III ince the day of tachen la a lover grade. dscooe el. W aL iso«'a lacenrai. visa lieled fine maiasthee cilidren vers prepavlag e freal iroecsaon. ]dot Nevans cee- te go out for recnom The ebidren a evore c id ou lia,% occu- vers paralyneal ib fear for an la th cauopalgn vhilc follioea. Instant, anal made ne efeorite escape, 50m leader vonkeal bard. analbils Tien they feu te seneaming anal il ruebeai S00alh alesertel hlm For Ive months te lb.eaois. The fie canseal a great son- IW>MjS hma bedu n leboid. aaitceal vith i on lu tie subunli lMen vioseechilalea Ipbstri. anal kldney trouble. Sev- attended tie achool locked iheir sieim .Umme derlng Ihal perloal it vas viien liey beard ofthle are anal ran te the : ubho veuld dia Major Ner- icone le render assistance. Wemen came ZV Its va fuletfacilty. anal henrying tront the adjoining bouses anda J!Iie et exctil a aveelure. be bttng croval cf 5000 people soon gathereal. b Y«v teraa th eil ielexican anal civil --!13'le vas bore le Brookyn, M4 Y., VIE BLOW!( TO AVONS. j17. eans ago, his fathen being a »,iamite w.,t ;a e, Bon. euPb., De- wW&Wdlathie reguar army. Whon nt s"e au- p«x b justoae 014 ho vas a druinuuer boy The dynamite verbe et the Ace Po*- »W uyla IeoVInril Rgimen t of Arti"- der Company, ai lack's Bue. P.. voe e-4lie egosen et vhich his falier dstoydby an exploeoa. ive persees Wue a Mouln,____ ver killeal and- one badly Injereal. Tht «Lr7W DBi e v orks vereblwnte pleces » anal bulg ilab.hevlinity vreckred. viedove bruitn m llmto19~I ee*.e»&sa ""b &M bepel viéble a mil* e ierorised. Dl lsie rW00414 Ulion Ieal l ad ibAe llu merviagetM. Juies Paenetr.vemen. The av* liulealv.veri Se- the roMb Ambassador le the Uniteda ta. packlog-hense. Its. Arthur, vie vas lu- :=Maeer Loee. vereca. daugiler Jure&l vas lea awleiin-honse near lhe ~PBU*erson, publisiier ofithe Philla- varie. vhh vas literally blvea te piees. W0M ffll15rr Goden Days andl Balur- anal r Artiier vas teuna amongthle '41 , ekpae iM. iesna demis. The bodies of MoUlle Eemaley anal Md2 Waianl aireet. Pliladel- William Athur have nt beeu go"ad.Tbe ayme, eai2aV, m i. 8v jlien body ef adie Remaley anal Samuel ber fftsaeic liajestys Ai- e-1mai ver. ieribly mangled sandlver. adPrie .Cantacumse. tbe gatheroe l u ea box. Uc fanrasnov Ambassador. voe w itueesasfor keown tie fir. pensons killeal ver.ail vbo to asna tie Major. MfaP . lin- ver. le the vonka Al lie victime board- Mdna JameiOl Kversn. 6Jr.. brether ef Om ahe .bonse viere lira Artbur vas lu- c bWide. ver. viteesefor the bride. jsred., Tie vorereare ovned by IL a Me- We ch (bsul as aIse preset tn an Abee & Ca. Ptlbnrg. At Legans Ferry. 0alcpacty. Afinr the usuial contrat- a mile avar, a brick block vwu bauly dam- m *e Ueabratê vedding breakfast age& .andl ai linîen. Oaiauont. anal Venona M* sereal e egueule. lie dignitarles bouses verebaken. Nohieg reman&eofe Sing- ai the brides table anal tie lest ai the vorks oecepi nee mal building. The OO the boee Atervard tie cauple %lant consisteal et four brick builidinga Wl sa a vedding tour eofa 'tev veeks. Tisse, vlth lie Remaley bordling-iue PIN04 lb.y rture la Washington thiy viii a"c completely demollaied. It la uppeseal blOQg lte nagnîlceet nev legailon bu lid- tta vorkmunentereal the building vii bI-.v hle Ambassador lias flie6d up for a llgiii coninary te aidera. Thene vere *i bfl eai reai cst anal villa liaidis- 10000 pounalse ofaynaqgltlue ilevorke ai $èe 9leste for hileli ils nation la knovo tie liane ofthle explosion. The los as Mi umelal ver. 115,0M .Tie Plant viii b. rebaili ai once, gEXClUSq I ROVED) A FARCE. STORigig IN TUE WEST. leasiwe 90Appicatimof " Lw Nt Carrie<l nov anal Hevg Hais»West er lhe Mu- t*"OMttTejnaio.onvirlIser. ,ïi;ile0 saimateti bg a ean Francisco ex- Vsbumade a apecia cIndy of tele~gil.acconpaeied by a Ilgit vinal.The. ,rioilhai llie@ coSt tliagorernment WI niaue tell front 10 le 26 aegrees IM ** ruevery une!flie 1500 ChIneese de- lirouginut lie West bui le Denver vas ' P44te Chiena nder lie exclusion aet. nol ruci beler lhe fveelng point, Tho. 10i tb. eier lband.,îîIs tenoterions liai <tarievas generai ubrougiiout Colorao, 1* m"5*or t mugglieg a Chninufroni iWyoming. Nortbere Kansae anal Nebraka $_1094Kog t iis ceuiry by vey er Batern Utahianda aportion o ewaeMlez- ?Wg5*ia âdom. nt exoeal 0300.Prier %M Stock vili noet er nalees taress * 'tè 290Soleiiringeel rejulalioem _cm -ch colder. Baenner trotite nslinter- - 11» Otfle bordler tie qnoatea *e foer iale4 The enlire vesteru a "#-«NN. brutVas covereal by lhe sdalet"Uvyg m ouellaiavtaurl vie *a su eeevtoit laethecuettera portion anud raie Thoala .blievealbute liethUCiteg came deve le terrent. ln lie Soth Plat ~$~WstnticOcreemei pecedve or ountrY. Con.iderable dantage vas doue ~~WlnuChîese vici iensi nveîl-by vInal ana l igitaing, Report. tedicate WP.avuid ing t ligt. Amnt c tst the i.caille loses le Nebraska vili b@ , IMOW colies ordeneal back by ithe Federal eay ~Cbfflaue aloee to remnin leltae coun- FAMOUS SUIÈT ENDEU. 4tq, ana viy the eteamsiip campanies 1*0 hava uniavfulîy brongit tionsands ef Werld'e2Voilajnl ie.mCes. Dtenueed =oeU..Juie the countrnyhav*e secpeal Pen- lagJudageiten a Stpulation. NInalazlag Men for Thein Votesi. WUI&mu Tigerneaik. vho vas foueiat i i by a Jury ha lie tnit3d Statas Court oft Fiplelngthei. atnnalisalio lave alaivgie »ic -Clcago Mayoalty canapalge et De-1 4flier la,osu sentence 1îtu tour geais le mealenliemy Tueeday. iugeBoune.i ~~enatsentence. commetd en lie lseviainitle pnIsoeen hd ceannilleai dé s. làai vii e e ntence mgit olt ce.Il là roally ligit. "Under l wae ScIe a en. aid ho. «men ýmbe. 10 se te prison trom oeu lleen Mecu lemaklng onryPaulus couaierfuit .'q.Wbmît laPaulssag ecouterteit *lie.smpasd viii iterteres la: ithle l*uveffralsglb. rigfiaof et etllmiip? gglve vici gou have rlolateal vere de s asèeguarde te prolecl er nv leilu- Mmsa neiccoevt ihopes tla the.secîn- -,IMm ort usprison yena'bilroabixe thm .O -rut gouroffense."Tigerma tokl Aw"eroai Mon vie lad liea l li e ~qUWtybel a ft emnte le.Juit. àau coeurt san abd lieummaeleatu ' » »WO B Y BHT BADlDTI M eibose KmicaptaIsDu-e t. Gel - Aval viii e" 'IOeu. bac r»Oagil Dallas.Texas, et tac ile t@nte ia.ecv enins et nhom&% IK Drn. superistenalcnt QUie ren mine. near l.iae Vexes WU t aedal lie s mIle rou lihe '*0Mblea &bot tboui the boa&. *ua. d.ving iad beau tu aR 1b sud anal alava 505te pay sueaThe flsseiestoi the Wb" iesjevelry ubir viledm Po- Dean vu a neUve eb Vir. Icoeoily vea 1 Veastrou "iLTbe iodly vIiili be pped M-lt Ligslà" pou. anc- 1c thle marderers vi it loo. _ku ýo asbees avavbveM S 1>0 lias' ravelcd u. be sslà thc décly Court Verble* Fair inmunctioen suit ws. pentoranea et Cicago, Wedanday. upon, the preseutallea of a stipsulion made by ounseltla tircase Jaadge UIltedisunsséal tbe suit vlieul coula TIc Vends Cc- luieblan Exposition. vbIci vas detenalani la thosuMie.aloreteeal a&It asfor aages agoinil Charles V. Cliegmaà. AtorneyW. RHblason. for tlee oasp&a- ss. analdlEdinVelieon bisit et the Exposition. signeai lie shipnlalont TheCime..e Question Ageai. Vie $snale Commîite on Foreign Rela- tIens iias beDen oeshlevng anImiportan" Ciese trealy. negeileleal by lie nov Ciasse KMiuter anal SeoeelrGos- lau. i pvscicaily meosu asie anal mn persoalesthe f colS excilt»set analth lic emntlgenacleaGesry lastl la an Immigration treséty anal proviuies for lie admittance ofet inee immigrante un- d1er restilctions il aise bas tori l& ebjecs lic protection et chienoair.aly lltie eCOnRU. White Il dlo"snos reea Io Geaiy lac.i teà a ul te rosi- der Il autalery la tueurpaiie- lars. Tie trealy. aliiongi t meV recorc tic, faverable cesideralle et a m&Joniiy et the enategemmlhce on ror.lgaRlations. vIE have aa tormy sion la lie Finale. Viae Pacil e oeastanalWest. rulSrsaeeatr.sdy vwmySit laig 1% anal lcy bive support trou Estlern Renaiere vieho;ave alusys ep- peseal Cbineec immigratilon andl tnp- pWedthîe Vigforens exclusion lava, Vice. Whos cla tarer1 et lreaty linit tg lae aieu.l noceaeary la otaer te tonus»le b.presenibrleadiy«erai rois- Uens vitb Obîna. anal it.apolegtealont liaI lbe Commercebolveeon lie oeciny anal Chhlea bas groue talafgc Proportions &n" '.stu" aveet AosmeaoeaY have beeu Sarenela th ie Faie Commerce. miu ef viieli depenasls argely epes etalinaci tuieindly relatinmsvtilihe ChinesGev- Vi e usmr Amobenar*0Gbaaiv la Mc o Yrt rous ela*gu. raule lia $'esecpaudàgt a"d on Aht!ca dis- »IL las a udemea t lcm0boissvinualtj staibeal Chariot ailie. iewset vqead fs s a .in ua sOffice.. a »Mut", 3 elvIlle W'ar155miIo rmchel forstins rail caf jampc54licaci A& uwmnee aW a erwis A Fue s dimma ieys là aolet, vas exPW0ReRla -lio clurob oicd im. acr ,»u ý0boml,, tSi appcrs. pc - .Wtéoi tu -th, n ROUNDEO uàl. viiia logen crie-Waoui4ilgun"iet ter la Umlbe. Charle Carileno. lie muqdg, et Au- rusé Gotha. ie vWà,as sS*wBcl lte h samgelai Prment Soi. but *he escpeal trons lait, vas captaeucd, «licr viti Gerge Duciiaue. anetier eeaclM prieon- o. ai tie bouse ef Wls ai0ëgtelttmy mitesomutbeaseeofetP&piUeo. Wcnanait by lu oficer. Carleton anal bae o ve songly cnscesd nader sa ie4ta campeur viii a bit double-iamncl staquloadi- ad vitbgoas ho. Carlebla séalod liai tf io iad liebeau oaltepel bu ceula bave killealtlicactuifs paunenigparty,,beforse bhey came upInotie boue* se.hci»Wav lim coming and alal is siotgn ana itty ioade ft arnaunition handy. viii wtiata eloop a plte censt. THE TEAUP CoMU lmSD erey'e Cou.muvsai my , Or ieveny Go«. Elit Mile" Bev.nty trempe wvilief lm ienouib among thean ta veal a gt a mivhoOut et Massillon, Oblo. Bunday. Tife te tie ex- act nuanerical strenlgli .2or er'a greal anmy ot lie ceumonveal. Ati lgb i l e- campeoas aiCanton, elgil t MOe broie ils startint isae& I vu@ blitsrly colal, e movatorie nagiet, ced the, nnincky neoops bail ne mbit*lr but a tattened lent T)aevs no bodalinbut s1ev, ota blanhetla t flé551. notbint oe slbul crackera. anad eothiiS te drink lai tes. TV ie my vasovc- làudreal itrong Sedàay mt>nln aie- à thita" but à,ou hoil.le iey erver.t tMktaf dues, lhe big tout tat..came a treIgioulWbio6d for CicagO6.Tt va&smaekiugilm aa the aggregaion of hobees eyed fI vwttfnlly. li hoengieer sav lie croval an&l. yebably wi"ag tl eelie camp. eloveal«Vpis irai.. «Coue os. beys. lorscshko. itpuait anal naJa. Chicago," shouteil aa np. abd ln a secondl lseay men ver.s'sildly reclns élong lie cinder lieds ber lU. trainle rain Cari Steve Iba ed të the hale ot lesenltac, Oode craera andalte bcd net bea lnducemeel eoegh for lias.. -coin- mouuoalevs.anal liy oybrsopit the aray. By tvon andl irces usen droppoi tal camp laler outlltle armyms strengli lied agatinsiaheal lseventy meu. 19 neyer got Itt a ssiloc.____ AEEESTED ON HEUn AT. iM.mae. nCliargea h viRbbery mud luapeeteal et umm«nig. Mise tson la bla ai ai St.Paul bhaiged i. liettiet 85.00 lu golal tram a- nmnu.RIchard lcOover. Misa Cerise a lodglng.ionse le Ta- coma anal K ru vas une o! ber rou- &bout Ciiemas.hbehael ber miadoseil. hlarci 19, iiio loft Tacoma, Whou Emma Cartons u@arresteil sisobhalelnber nue- aseotboue 0100andl lickoeaton Svcdea anal retura Intoniectlon bu boen e- coirca troam Chtet dt. Police Davis. ot Ta- coma. tu bolthe b, oaanountl ho can ar- rive vili veq , Walon papera The Govora- ment officldanase BOrady tu taitea band In Ob case, andl ie bn Mise Carlson reacie*4?a0ema momeibiet ma~ ie oIcerneal o! the vb.reali9ute oVO henryflogal siy- nientiet epiuua,ot vflcicb hale anipomeal te havi,&eovO4se. abi Feus.!t ai Fuapeiobc Depeluisabit Valker. 6M Faelle (lien. ty. Wes Virginie, auviveal aI Charlesiqu vltb Date Wolloansea John Gitan. men chargeal vi bI ncitiez lic viol &AI Battu Fei 2L Tiursdey nigil a creval ut lhirty- Ove ermealmane eseabloal at Faette lta- lioI, lhre miles troan Fayelteville. vier. lie mon vere confineal. vlbth le avoeea intention of releasingt lem. Novasasu getten te Fayetter lta ofthle con lemplaleal attack and a stroug guard vas place as a th. joi, Vhe mob leamneal of tie precanz- tions anal abandonoal Ibo inlendeal more. Tie Oierit! anoveal the pniioners ta tie Cierlestlea iL famiig anoîber attempt volal b.mado. the Cashter. A mian ouleneal the branri officeofthle ban Francisce Savlnci Union anal pre- assied a check tu Aseimiant Cosmbler A. Hierrick &tier examlning lie check Mr. Herrick. lavini doubla as te lis geuae- nasi. returnea L i.An aitorcaliogenuca belvolu lie man anal casier% ferle: wvich, lb. former tlrev e pisteanald irl seversi miels la rapi. succession. killintg Herrick aimeel leslantlv. Vie muArir lied tram the huait. pursued by the police anal a crova viclcied bren attineeli te tie mole by ithe ciels, lieol gel; a abori distance away befoe big caplurel. Train GeesOven ann Emiakuat. A vek ecenvrel aon tie Lociieni breacb et tlie isourt, Benas. andlTors Eairaad ne"r Dale Tex. ai d*yilgit Fnl- day mornag. Vie viole train teft lie teaci, except liceOngle., adlroll" dstev an embanket Tie lejuvoal are4 James Besiferd. laspecier Wagner Car Obay New ei, iibadeut; Mms. K. Coea SSos.Mis. bart leternally; ZKIL Car- ver, lieurietle. Vexas.les bertu Thomas logers. OaleeeVfié. Texs, scalp vonadt W. a TifSa. BrassCity, book har. Paya Dearty fer BU Van. A Torr. Hfate (led.) jury gave Ils. L a Griffth hue eans lae .peattceg ca4 laid hlmu IUO fer shoelsg bocs' icepor Puillp çebmr. Thc Deots, *4 s panly et ciyiarltére te tie Ooatay ma oneeesIgu aller boots. an rdiel -_ <e Leorer teta nuilei liedriaba aaêuiâl hlm viesb. vef nsalt*daose lie bulb made Éà eeh vWou" a e ic ialleawiÏ lie DocteWUaslastictl teeaosailli an battery vitileutm$ e iil. Mme%3 Ifma Oussues hp Pies Onganis64 laor le bosu ble «as le'à bastle liai 4eii atollInternlealtlr este ane ar ay ilmaely bcd ie Itena «moal complications. War t thle aife le tg b3 doceir.4 iii thcelist. et Labor ,&Salte t. lmty er moe r eeeIes la ft. Louis -cocltrolled b b e giilh cyai- ce. Ma late iven ouItliy lice. vio keev, viereof thby aPeak thai bef or. Mure mete the plant ef every enoli lrevery ceaccruviii lieabeelualy ie ana làia mlliond of dolare of Englsi capitl vii lieeane unpMdclive Fer smue lime- .pansl the Kailbirsydicat. lineserie et the lieunalCity have beau nader lie ban et lie Knigbis of Labor "a a rusait of lie refusai et lie mungemea te reonise union labos Ail effort. te la- duc. lhii ecore of ire enlea 10 deciare ai- legiacce te tic KeaighusetfLabon iavieg gallo& tie qu"tlpa eof ui ber action vas diecueseda cilenstî la ntle raeetina of lie GenralBxtecutivc Bosad. helal ai Déé Noie".anal Smally it vas determinoal le cati a national convention et dlegates trou a&l locri assemblles to decide epon, mesres fer divleg thc product cf thc Englimi syndicat. brewerles ont of tie mariel andl ef cempellieî onse anal aUlor th# establlsimenla te suivncona peralone WALKEB SnT TO HAWAIL liamone &bat Doeolà Ngotllelt g iti Bouwe Oli.,r Powe.. Naval ecuides are exel even anuavaler recallng Commodore Kirklanal. en rouie - " '~ fltlS.W1L1 StJRELY MAKE NEW YORK FRANTIC. IlIur, lad" nsuppliretrou tie Wet- Deathitie Paru«iof etardy Omet Hast- or*-Eeadtiea er Pensions Progresse- AramerPlate Muale. Indien geppliiesDepot Mt Chiestpo. SecrelayHie ISmithia decîdeal te gAve Chîcagoîbe Indien vareicus. as con- templatiealby ltre ine tliae &%a Tie plan cubmittod li the Nov York delega- lion lig vhich lie main office siaud b. vee' anormal to Chicago anal a brenci office ne- tained a Nev York tov soolon gaod bas secciel dIl& deati bleui Secretary hnllb bas been bombardeal si eiegrams f romn promimni butinei% mon ot Cbicalo6 among heom Mrbal Fid & C«. Amour & Ca, George P. Sioe. Focntary of lie Cicago BoerdofT Vrale; QCI11Perate & Ca. Swift & Ce andl llenyW. Ring. il maling liai voolen gondes coulal be obtainel ln Chicago for conulderably Ilesu ban the sa&me arti- clou coulal bu parciasoalfor le New Yok Iuunealately upon recelpi et ibeme tel*- trame girlng prices ln ew.vYorkanal Chi- cage on lie articles le dispute. lie Foee tany aneounceal ils intention le alecide le tavr r et icao.-___ ma. CAlMNECtE PAID Up. forHaatanlnînllgAareWl- rb oirt'. Rpor.tho îe Armer- or te tak* commandl of env naval torcne Plae eada ihaI etaiona.Aluirai Water bas just an- Wasigo dîlo: rsdntCee tmeealserteuof ses daiy anal expecic a land' etiein dlatecaPrsen levo- have a loag *poil on abers. Vie ore S» adsdeltnI l cs tleNv nndenmlooal te b. due te a voll-autia.nti- Depc.ilmen &&aient Cannegie. Phippe à catoal report liai theac aaengovermni Ca vas meale pub- la about te appiy le sema othor poser for laac& onlit etien anaezation or a proleclomat.. salliIon orthle vonk- lie' Vàsi cSe ilr p nldate bave- n, olild c l.epe and war-t.rlcd naval ofllr t a comman.d ab !ibtcovpoia. i*val li buld gue î tieg coeealepoe.a .sie ef an alleaups A Wïsidg*r isalpa lite»'Ceaunodon -t AodaLmrud bS Kivilcea »À roceoflicee. but th Pred- 1nld lth e dent bmauanIntimais acquatance vit banhet0 Canne- Wallien. Vie Admira iii carry ovaers te ue 1,lps&1 e neisi proanptly and ih ail bis treegil xî vas lie vi- lie eltempI et aev toelgpavete enfl ns veiteppeal tie Islandle or etablisi a protectorat. ovcr the blov-boles ibran. ____*Efn uarrvti pluieWhio ofixel. @mep le Poisonseal l.the !. plates ini orden liaes lie Inspectons migit lie in Cacarle. Mexico, lhas occurneal a triple tooled u hic pasel, groups of plaes lnagaaly. Refont Loy s s egatiea te vicilieshon*specialiy tresimd eanap!es vers rnarry lm ia ,ries. daugiien et Mareio eppnaed t0 reprenosl. sho riemiel the Parents. lilernt beard reports deregatory goveremenl oMfcers ana l oedal cen lhe te Lapes. thé Young lady vroie hlm break sI crupes'eu" Mr. Frici. Conequantly lie lut tie enigagemeent. Lapes piesalcl te bc.tfinefet 40,.oeo agaîn*t lie companies t.l relestateal. but ais retuseal. The talici la- rut uleve by lie banal of lie sxeca:lIve te vîtea lin dtsca&ralea lover Io romain for SI46.000. anal Carnegie. i'bipps & Ce standl dienen. Vie lire. sat dovn taesta anal clear belore tbe vomial s martyrs le lie LOPOz 8ciell Y Puai POIS0f lue sfOcaL lea dtbonesi alruiste et anccbantcae Seng a tev minutes al ltire die&l.about $Z0 eday. Vie report raenmen Ousttia Cologe Presîdeat. vondernient Je lie lieuse sien It vas de- Studenis ok lie lhe Clumbia. M. Uni-lilvor nca ereoese Utai.demanal cf Cou- vemsl<y prementeda ePosition bte eDoavi gresema Amnos Cun.ngs ceanulaies.& of Curators. praling uhal ie iorlgeeiloa SELHUTI ESCURD. of Dr. Jesse. Proldeel of the University, ho demandoal. Vie petillen bas 800 siena- Ferty Men Drft leanad on a Cake et tures. bul vas ignoreal by lie boat«. Il ire. la saliDr. Jeose viii resue. anal anmberm Frosi Water lBay, outalde of t Sl oies otfb th.culty deciare titsIf he dom net ' N. F.)' barbor. o . tu.ay"I"vii th ', doste iiey wsu net remain viiili;te Uni- ainrot vhici pleety et icala ver. ee. versity. ___M_ ietfromt al parts oettliC oast vent ta Riflea la a 1510haut t i e Isaanalmet i vti faim succes Ai Go denalaa In oingcanDoe t tirongieul lic day. Ileie taigthe At Glde, a loit cap srtitet I ad chant"geal eestemlr anal tirera lie bequerque. Jlm Ciaoves, lesanoiy jainsIon off &gala. MSs ofet he mnWho Vent et bilsaivorcal vite. quarrelea l vhliAI e$Ouie on lie Ice Selal vis e e ina Ferry over the romant. Pistoe ver. ciangeal. but licgraser cacaber eft hcm draca. andl boli fred slmnitaneonaly. ecooced a nresciiin al. Aboutl fomly Cicuesevas siet aiaad &aalerry caneot vers cearidci onta eopen crier. Meneur«e Ilire. for licir rellaI vert taaes. Sgnai Ilgit. Vii net a-Cou icvb&v arad uo.burso d monver. scai fer Ybi ew Yv ork Cisber of Cmmerce sIsammr te go Ioteïie selsncs.SAu- ommitbe aid mneige te Wahington ta elhev tollorea four bonre laIes. Paving urge lie Frosidet 10 veto tie segnîoraffe liFelgil cian:es ltuIo Position oflieetle bill A t.ieoat vas recelveil frona canseil by carreels drove soane ef il close Private ecretary Therber a.allig lie 1te icadianals. anal mont et lie men got couamit«e tayieyay frotuaWashington. Jamoliy seluamiest liugi cigil eseanly _______ aied trountie colal. Viiy repoted timt siroits et llnkiasuc~Ofetle.. aine persans voe tan off. anal ailenergie No oialIca romains In lie aélrit. mince 1ver. deoeealte riscuing Ibrs mon. At Tinmalay elilbi'svinalatomna. wvilcidrove las$ a party vas sigileal trom the 001er the buli of h taiernloeoLaie Michigan. 1ccv. anal a boat yuloff te hein reet& le Caplaun lioyaten sale base eannov pee s atvy lien. vere six min.u,&Il ef viom thourI mt li 111e dIfflly trontfBating lad beeu fvos-bitien seterely. A ltte le.. anal naviza Ion se pr&cUcally open. distance fron hem thereaculng ba'$ crocsilgiteal tires mncm.people. eot nom St&ge Coach U Up. uve vere ale&d ____ -Tie Fort Viornas ana l ovi tage wss tLIE1UIIGPNINl icll uy esteral miles Soul th fsllnville. ~ HIUIOlElOS Aria, by Iwe men. -Four pasacngers veTue ThonsanalNoties est t Otgilth on tie otage. Al ver. mbbed. Tbe mail EBurea Wuilnir,. Weis aseits ver, ca open anal b.he laitoreal A Washington allpalcisyls: A lange packagei and lestens taken. daily avemage e of o et ofreduclicu of * Daagela Iaeamaiala. pensions an*& oui ta vsierens anal cher Vie beavy raies vîlcia have preoyal puine e eludylb eso u ove ti sulireporton ocf Vois.for tie roe. Vie» e cla accoralanco viti the ovealthev sys he cne lciulb setsetfDic. 21. 18n3.analprovlalc tor reduc- dausagee tan asehave beeu delagel lion anie s miulonai evideuce laeBloed ana crpe iasrcyal.vitlle lily lays. Vie notices are sent and cops estroetter c final nevis oft hie cases in ths ladietealfor Merder. balamalof revision. ana lalvc hues fon- ViTie Iarnani Cennly. Texme, grand Jury vardeal by reglatereal lestmra duning th. hs. relare al a iatcment ienets LMILlast îrce seiks ln onalen te reconrd theliane Page. tie mililensire benier, for tle emur- ot rocelyl. Airesdy 2.000 bave beau Sent der of AlbemtILM.finishiesn lanc III, lu ibis vay. ____ Bent t. Prises for Lite. MASE B IOTIXIAI Fort Wayne. lad., lie jury le tle rase ot'Martin liavley. &fier beint eut six CAGO. bout&. lrongil le c verdict fixint bis îun- CArU e ote Prime..m. Il loue is"Ment et Jli lanyn onct.While on a Eee-Uiiest0v5a10. 2650 #pospmelasI rcember llevley keockisal&i lie.I led.........15 f aolier deun anal tien kIciel hem te deati. .- a, Bavl.y remreni &fal r thle vend icitimu ùe 2 IL 44 d been renaleea lai bemlgiî ne veiîlhoi n Ouilu 2s) litIe prisen; Il vas botter than lie olal 11)é ~boandlug-bonsc.___ .......... 0065die Vat wyulonaloubledly prove ta bu a tend P, 0 .200 aulie@qualieu liaI1et icHatfleld.licCoy dis- s' ......... as 12) pute bs jnstbeen lnlituhivcd et becker, IT. L Iomcii t Wiiia&mson.W. IL ernl, an es- .a oe Q î tlecooeaIlanal ovncr man mrcbani of .505 C O Tiiackcr. vas calical tront ils emldees ............ sà le etmUlnltandmis" Possesof mon are ............ a i a fetrmang on liti aides anal serlons troubbe (lI1<OIMÏATL ~ la expecteal& __ ..................... 8 à leru"Trust Yliceng. ................40 01 Jeage Elier la lie Uniteri Salee Circit fflà............Covi ai PbIiadolyil6ua.lsdevlical ithe$ iras@ did efl C e iary te tic e: rj 1evbven Il aizboa lie Piitadolpiis . ......ebaar reisenic di t ........... eoDgisit if eta 6 11il 4Saon i MISO 1 vili lhe b.d a tppuns ioGV.s A .... iii..... CIi~!meWN. The000bteWUu buicnieto,.,lie ribui a-"lkc tie balaneinnOf e Sonatets urneia uil mlion a lo t itsm erie t lhe tarit i tg .laiaens o ea î0t for Fir taliréaalc , eldepsudg ceitgoeft Te arry on lie ev o eail eon acth ede u nte'sprincal ecéalet aTion ofraulovor pliesO<i. ed cion rie otroe u Neo Te use imesi aseknom BaonpotestatrouSMb isr itierepelef ic tea rrsy oau& t loWeivis a luti.n anlas adptal vherleoseceullO eWt 1 e le coneulia.millr? m 4 lieneZ uil scalycr <et# 110 btiy var. oalenetrousi$M Want0 g4S5,i6e Cfl »et, railprvasapenioe&I ve aI lieTuua essoeic hou09s cq tie lusie sdtherudI0 l nt4«Clq.3& . urene e viemaoa Tia behea gte gabe onte oanee b.loM aoiera Coiulite wl illae, em diredemi li Orit vesie dcnliiomes Esaorne ie Geerga:Mrera orbo, man.Ues. Clwmeetss. N Draonld.uW.A. ue b lt4 star iscoigctirI lec4Uê l Ca e tuneI esieichi iheOn Cel e plles sd . lteW« feogneanal che tkert tea gf flowis Vie 1 teiteWlst- vaâms aIoeelb i ie siend Wodo. &Msos. nieU Gry. Io . Procoure.F E=,.lianW. B«Ceuoet la b ~ laon PlaeM. C Iurin us ock d he e Zale o r he tic aio onslitiibula liOblsSO nThe eucea aih treolui rde M adpffsud et emmienle olic servcen . ilprvie il alN lisi iesGoreon .05 te 255.505501 aya, ye SrU Pric"RM. .5v let oenth e sae M. 0614i13U meiackth len ad»onneed TeiHumph id nbucrlilg g de.hem moua Dos. et lti-orev a lefr tet lnastin f prnon 0 seie. Tlbet pnvIdes tvBb vorld mtor5.e te Au ts00ee tha.t Fbos eotenme.06 CoM 3h% percent;aU aOoveuet thdat9a tored pee, 5uI iAmas a uls aa ptto A Sctcimh la luxr. A *40te 0, 00Plpe te hhet Peal bs trnnuemrot jeelefa"u4 on0te00. Hie.ctoen enm5ISR dtaona îurmntePlabes, là Moveny p on. su algl dlamondyrbianwal &M tuf ther Shah vasla Eto o , vimani tdamea" puatl tom alcot c vlch vnl4ba bTthsethhie ooera hg» lrarero lieeinoor. He 00,00 pieRisal aI 0400,000 atshe'o Trade viialie. tie conty andes l bW sf5 can ounal sudie amer"va Ti etyol mon a mcm 2fo00rtundu the prisa vu1 butonasiobt dace mol eu ber, ad rel cf bute ceoa di lar thntexp nSr.em Tah aUpie alStalesa $400,0vM c our T e rla e eflen.M Bohdre ire aevten TahitiI Un ttal Stlce m th uuI Princelon Brheov ic vsLeaity, et esint M imprtnty et Caifron a X Unitedl StaesIbauth Qv ail tht libie la Otti&e;, acobllca Ikun beited tatesy rnis et neeABms ul. j anlcuftaalB Ce 1

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