CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 30 Mar 1894, p. 5

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Chur*oh id eeaOItoY 2 M~?,~>"-'- ' jBPraeh ettM. 'raye &s:IL ., Win..Y. P. IL . IL..41U P. m. ormethe .Wednuday . ventîag ;: OerriuM.u eoay ee ÎLO&. 12 * bLUe. .M ~b Iumw m~ Cholo. Buiding Lots For Sale. '"listihe C. y. Wltgbt addition te, "75Llberty ite. inquÙtreof F4 . Dyrnoud. 1 viii do custoM grindlig Corn auit) hUi illi ~ -b or mlxed gtaln's Wetinesdayi., 14 ;S~ aturdayes4a.X.ýKcbauck S ious. ROSI A P8OlLtY. ÀJlaries lUing .tbeirr ows de-g 1.0W~~~ ASTELOLTl hdsould bhrve it done during1 LOW A, TII, Low;wr. llmt enr ilys Io beýut of tii.waio 5g ~~jg Z que files anti bot weatber. This la thte1 1ý 4et tîmeof.lie year. . 1). Havenri Iose out my-stock of lias the oois and ean do the job up1 ;ETS AN»I I~BES.right. Referste10H. W. Folett, Wrn. p,~O15T. . ieaNley, D. D. Herrlck, Robt. <'rnrn- Now, is tihe tinte to* e(ktraet fui * N~I~çI~mn~ŽITif ~iber-I ~"'~~' wiliîpay tire higliest phSinl cash. C<rutracts cariulile afà(M. B. Colby - &vos. Triggs & ~Taylor's or F. C. the Boat Coffee Swrr1h &'ion's..-c4 vu tt'mm t ~f6thfmOny.before1,is to late. r 28%ý graýde, it .sto.koolder.A.nnual Meeting. il 40 most35ctamineameetng of the Stockholders of lte Lubertyville Clay antd Gravel Company, Winl be held aIt the Lake 1.0Oottn&y Bantk, Libertyvlie, Ill.. on 1.0 onday; the 9rrd day of ApMtifl89, at 1 o'nloek p. in., for thre purpoee of S 1* aut, LOOelecling a Board et DireotrafSr $Md b h1. i~ Comp»m sdfor lthe mactiof u toisuchr buineonsas May bé dom r WMh011, 45 (ravel Co. H. 8..HvaLBuTr. Becy. rUil'Is tbDut.Annual village leotion .0 Notice la- hereby giflen tiat pli ke La uchessTueeday tihe seeteeutb day o! April lice a - uch e1t atuiie Village Hall, ln thre vllage 18i beter than of LlbertyvIlle counfy of Lake and est, kept else- slteuf l linois. an ciection '-il bi Èedfor te !olowlug village ofilOr vis- < One PrMeâid eft the Board. ff~ Three I Ilage Trustees. W* & One Vi llage ClerkÏ. * VWih, helection viii bie owAeded t ISffRTVILLE. seveii o'ciock lu tbe morrrlng and wiil b wl " Ota o o hmbracontinue open tntil ive o'elock la thre *na not b. bI0wn.- Moral- atternoou of Lte sane day. Given -Ujr t utg d lv« o-under my hanti 5f Libertyville, II., I&MuteaburMie4udItwilJ tre twenty third day 0f Marefi A. D. tio-- ille. E. L. Dr-Boas Village Clerk. P~~Q oh Oh oy! LWTeklNG THE. of WVEM PUICES UVER KNOWN eigrnet and want your trade- 1,,DOLLAR-wili BUY .............. ........ $ a.................- i t ..*......................:à: ....... Cookag.. ............ .............................. .............1 53.... ..................1 ....... ...... . .... ................ ............. alors ho give every part y 5 a fuir hear- lng. Jusi present yoUr ti4J, of tire Have You seen one or our World's Pair Portfolioes whielà we are siî'pi)y- Ing our subacrhbers? We are' uslrg fixe Taylor Creditf Coupon Book whlcb la givlng eirtire satisfaction La our cus8tomers. Cali ia and we viii expllat Ir te yokî. Trlggs & Taylor. Who are tir, candidates for meni- bers of the-Vîlliage Board andl schoolÊ direotor? Speak up ai you that1 want an offic anti the'î-r will place yonr name before tirei public. W. have a large stock of (truîîite andi Blue and Wbite Tes Keftles ut the following lov prices: No. 7, (& WeJ0; No. 8, «t $1.10; Large Size, No. 9, rg $1,95. 0. K. Schanck & Sous.- Libertyvifie barvesta ber usual an-i nul crop of teechers. Out of tlrirty aapilcante viho ok the examinaf ioni latBaturday,$vwelve vere fraoîîor publice choolgs, aurd principal Davis inaform ustiat aine of thes. are sure te pass. It*1ll b. o! jeterest ho teanistere ho knov tlg*accovdlng to tire recent de- Ciilon et thaeOourta or tis state, a amvi.Who sat ho g faser. thraiïils nelglbors Who ae abuhd of hlm on tire rosad, baptiut*llhht to pâte If bel. >nvente4 by thre cher,-snd an acolâent b.ppreu ielbsa O!t tb. lat- teea lu eet"be, theo bSttUola As-roepo<"blefor - til X0ee.N =""f' ia le e. eofthe air, ibu "y g4talatlIowe'ti $grtof hia toauseor Né Lioense W Dot be î*éi 1s4 eissa. ai thi.Village' electlooa, Uilig L vm»isils uby tue- pli eieWwhew, a l'eOP!e'dr a abcMe~ t i etth Zown aU t1 P-IBoIcw ght, Iatni- ~ay ais 8o'olvoflP:r. m-té e imte i*gWldatee for prr.ai4n, c01«k aMd t e4 serMvt fl pe ela T1,b* iqjin s"1o by 1Mr! - 8auborare- mîndeà ut of the statemeçt that "as the huaxan vole» la the best muste ln (iodacrettion, so tha violinla Lbt bet Music of bUra4n Invea$loiL The reeitationa by Misa Kovil wer e weil givco, and evldeutly hlghly ap preiiiated. mieBlanehe Kîmbali sansglber Luiiaby very sweetly. The plane duet by lire. Duralfid andi MI"s llise ss eaîlng anid t'enrk-, ably wel icuted. The trlô'Wrst. strong, Miss Davis and Miss Penniman wus oo.pnad o! three excellent voicos Wbich blentied Vis8 Alice Davig reudey'ed un Itallan aria witb a î.rofesalonal skll that giveit ber a lacàe among the. stars of thie stage. Stie bas a rielh contralto voice fof».deabo osups, that alway pieuses an audlience. )Misse LiuIetuninsn ite0dered fan Italin *soug ln whkh b ler sWeet soprjao vole erptrd ieni en. Lilerr.výiiie lm provu4 of such talerîteti andi at.eomnpiishcd vocalist8 ad missfes Ptnaimau anti Davis. Theïr perfr>rmaues aiwavs cails forth applausese Sotbtwy have learied toLa-4 ready tf0 rettpoiol *111>au enéore. The eitject ()f tljew concette le to furîe jîit(t,)îplace new windows lit the Uien euah nd we shotild hep.htfllu s I>mtt0f ar grade eu;ý1iipCt- ui 1» given la Týry u8,on 0ut"t ile The 1XVPKXV~îFNT for "-gel there." Dcmn' fergï-t in d<rop your iteips ln Outr news box. When hi town, go to the. Restau- rant for pour l'ucb. Prairie City Seecers, tbree sites. o. H. Schano&Co. Ladies con flud a new 0"tou0f saprlng Nuilinery at Smith & Bwlit'e. -.Homte ,cureti Rame IijMoets, lard il cents, at Seavey & Wald¶oed'8 Coah Market. -YtburMay ms;) Se00) by gUea. Wifllnas lu niake y4pr rWeil. Si s ad lita uotber colînarari. f fluring fthe warm summer Ut6ntlia w, will deliver Iee on Tueeollayb * Fritisys f6r 50 cents per hundred. .,ý Trliga & Ttylotr. Fifty tous of good Turne Ei sale cbeaià; delivered on short1 iioLwio Appiy La H. W. Foflett, fwo 'Pu'" toutfl ot Libertyvile. .* Thea IXaPEsILÇT iS fliot partial. IJr businesstili week. >W. B., Boitonte very Ilow1wth Neuraigla of the stomacb. Frank, eidest son of Supt. Appley, at the Conuty Faim, la <juite sick wlth paeumonia. E J. Rigley agt. of the C. M. & St. P. lIy. at Russel visited bis brother- ln.iaw' C.BR. Sherman over Sunday. Fra, k Purdy le rejoicing over the ativent of a 101hb son, who arrived bàle andi heurt , Ttiok'lay, March 27, '94. A aew 1,, ardtr nrrived at the homne of Mr. au I M". Protine Wednesday7 Marck 2,4th. lie wili rernain for sonie yeard to vome. We hear tb'ît the Big 4 Ring bas busteil. The members havli ail re- signeti andi Ieft the grand sacheni ln Pobtsessio,î of the defunet eharter and diiscaradtiregalia. W,à are aiways sorry to dîs3appolaf snyone; but "Suuiower" shoniti rernember the iule that ail coin- mtiniettrîi rust beur the a,îtbor's naine to, sei-irttîPublication ln trais Parker.1 Trigger Hanmiou, well known in ttis Iocédity, dled of eonsumption at the I>oor farm, Monday. R4e wu$aitan l- dustritius fellow anti ieft 8,50. to pay bis burial Axpenses. TÈhe remains were intt.rred at the Liljertyvilif' cemetery.1 Dr. Travis waticalie t o attend a former p atlt.nt ln Wise.onsini, and left kio praetive a4ew de~e Wcharge, 0- Dr. Ewiîîg, of IlockefeI1er, who gave eutlre aatkfa.etion. especialiy as COUD We hear that. Dr. Knight hehns promiseti bis congresion support to a Chicago canid<ate. ý'Ve hardiy tbluk so; but If frte , we are for Bro. Coor. or some othor strong pôliticiati who wiil stand up for Lake, County. liake up your ruinti anti we'il declare the, facta. A fulliline of iGarden Seecis on 4, tirnes, put up by the best seed -groNN WallI Paper. The Wall Paper Season is herî are prepared for a.-Iarge trade.. Cý see our sarnples. Prices the Ioweel c ( Jussie Patrker, allas Frank Dean, the !ellow whoni Supt. Appley reoent. ly took to Chicago, dled iuna horqiltal bher. st 8Sf urday nigbt, of erysipe- las. This endis te mail pox seare whieh agitated our people for ton lay. 'It was only a sensatioîral rumor chiait wonked to thre advantage of the loctors in sevuring a general vaccina- tle n anti wilI îarobabably b. no detri- Étent to tb. people au "an ounce ai cautiou la vorth a pouad of cure." 'The Jonps Pease Parlor Concert Co. entertained a fair sized audiance at thre Culon Cbîirth, Trtestiay evening. Thre hearty applause atteate thel. geperaI aatlsfsetloir fhey gave.. Tiie star of fthe troupe e i MieL. Elcfise Saror a younig yioiiitlst of great promise. She baudiès the boy. wit h deft lingers anti shows couslder- able improvement over her tkillfitk piaying, when bere about.a yenr ago. <bld WIinter woîtld not deparf vlth- ouit biddiug this g4obe a lutsIat fareweii. After a great vsrlefy of cold aud warm, dry nnd wef weather rluring the. vinter months, 'Marcir hlad out sucb delocive pro$pects Of balmy sprlng, that Dame Nature ýwas lured to venture forth before ber Beason and ail vegetation got uipped. ln tbe but by fihe sharp coiti snap whieh came dowu fioni tbe nortb iast Safurday -and bas remalueti a most> unweleome guestth fixept week. Dr. Ramer E. jamison graduates April 9, fron thLb Chicago, Coliege of Physitéiana and Suîrgeons. We Ixeai ho talka of banglug ouf bis shingle la Libertyvilie. From tfhe euccess of bis éoteniporary, Dr. Chxarles Gallo- way, we thlnk he nigia aso bulld up a lucrative practiue ber. at borne, amoug bis friends, notwitbstîtndlng the old proyerb ho the contrary. Be- aides tht. ii deined by nature, anti If fir elhluens duly appreciate teir oppcrtuities, May become.quite a city ia distant future. We veicomo ail aspirlng, energetie young EpiJolorsn an empioyeo aI the <ieeuty]P"r, vassent dowa hown Si. *rul.s4lan for imedîcine; but u ars4ed by our vigilant authorl %« .N4 bmoight befor the police -«gtbtate who ftraed coo*r , rtrpouwedçe a.qn- eatBô4lDi4B, â».Unevassi1sped- 'ed, -&Mho ramoine vthla the. propr ooohffl stil Monday. whei the qais.wu. ralsed by ordore.!tii. State Bloard o! H3eailti. There hua MM bmel a semblawo f amail pox lIn >i4 mçIydii. fôr yîears, aird'nov oüi oegoq lM.t)roSi u.reuely tit-sont. new Annuel town Meeting. e liuot b e Tw c üi v Ua 5 0 * . O la t » O M O -,' ti of *SY;% W o and 01 U Ile.It 6re" ua- Abou*l9tw. Meaitue!og$maidtees *m 1 e "ism4s Tfl * eisbor Is g4pu , VW; Vtlum-Yseme eaUisýmm Orpets uee our Samnples And Prices before t Com pare these prices with what payirngelsewhere: 22 Ibs. GranutatedSugar, 5 gais.. Sno w-Wh ite Oit, 1 -sack "W hfteVelvet" Flour-, Prints, 43&4 cents,' 0Ginghams', 6 cents. Set knives anid forks, 60 cents. Platter., 5Cents. Vegetable dish, 12 cents. Decoratsct cuspidre, 25 cents. Cream Pitcher, 10 cnts.ý 4 pàioe,0glass st 4 ets.- 1 ndîidual saits, 3 cen~ts., ~ ~O~T ~ Liber ACHI Will ci *BLANl< rou mi thb ~.toi .PHAIRMACIST,ý raili Lneoio!Drugs and lKeicines, Sponiges, Toilet Articles, Brushes, Pal nts, Perfurmery,Ojs fancy Articles, 1 Varnishesi- ,q; eftOOL SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY., %- Piii~u.'~miptions Aùd Private 1 Pç~ula~ ai~!Uy Cmpoodd.LIBERTYVI LLE, I LL Oh,8~y!~ SOI Iether,. HendersOn.i

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