Ql~rugStore. ilîes Calloway, L .isDruff Store. 'TRAV [S. M. D. là»> ORSurgeorQ. v« suh..fobks )ardwftr lab tii.eoosnu fssmerl> ce-I M i ithe 1MDr. Wbaeler- Ou* sto 4 & 7ta 8 .. ,P EWING, iand &Mlr 0 P. M. diitet-bnte tlsem. ,Mut am(ue 4itohâ use,t "haiarCnt. or L4ballijaoa, ÂlAIconte to thie BsmRISI 140P. ai iLL.. a, a t [i o v tfl'L... .. . ft ,.n m en IA, s'I sas fii n » y&w, if tw v wIiIL f«do 1*401 yuor P.- làJft w aBlult oêyp t og4P&, Y« # MW t iet a w ..afW , tw si " o or m $1*.60 for a yeae s elPtifh tW this qum A"oobolm94# oogxt t,U M- Uor O"hmaenyoue ch*eh o,' eipalier and we willlgive you theIn[ter aIlI wa-A.T.Bs~%...UObf 4ed conte"plWe8 <sny poefi or UUBOceau f ree for one voar W pay for iupast aiUbond M90h Ot 1flU0- ,Vm &.14euby or chugnge yoitrw.ihmaor your trouîble, is;easy. Ti y 1. Alto... . 190«Uma the wod kUW aBmmSh aoo MM uianix »066buad sorum a,. e nn busa4ees, m-youav mmtor daughter ta anar- -__-- mon or itt-vufdomt .... My son de 7 veerd, or whesî por îîeiglbor gelsa <Itieu Trust? No! PaY ali you GO. vuu UUD Viii saTetiseB y-U -Mtu»Y«erM aby, or, M a <s ord, 4f pou l îiotvor Aear Many of our cuetomers, who would _ - f aniy iem of iiateleat to the pwb#c, net thitak of asktng lis toeierîd them TOQ~PWgTS biiig or' eul il in, and the IiNur'auD mOney, Olten ask us te "book" a job, Ail ontiiilcituffl or aiepapr *<s~~ ~u ~~«ti~t utnet thlaaking ftint we bave to pay cash ije Wdmiiti by the amane ortlllsut hm'. ot for our stock aud cash te oar men =1IIrl uliainbt neyldJeas'eLONG GROVE. cvery Satuîday îight. Weshade our o"f rasA n le ' tcpar <g the' uiter. Write <,fj,<,~<~<a>f.hcifBt. n aWrleuiarly Loo~sk îot (air April foo)l! liriceai foi. job woik eon a very bmali um d' 'rPlin and dtteti.All mis4 E. Maither wa.îi i, towil-$»t- margin andl flnd t much etisier to mti.r -hU DeIT Mt1W ltt er titan W airdey.colleot Cash On Da'iveryttn1 e util ahi..at slarIfpossible._y a tge _______________The questionu of the day-Wliat idîl 1It promptly atter ward. Il yeti wili ROCKEFELLER. become of Prendergaet? fnot lhave the moîîey te pay for the Mrs. Faliieae, of Oak Park, les job whenlt la done, please Bay osi Albert trlgxs, of tP:ttatiitO, w<s5 '1 vistting bMre. C. A. 8auer. * - when you glve the order; then we wili tt>Wi $îildai. Tite imount ofthte mîlk received ait unde,tnud eacb other, ut least. lenry ('uulrcy bia.4 puîrl u>d a îew the factory la dimittslîîiîg. saféty bieyiet. This la the tail-eîîd of w inter tad iL SclssorlnôtiJms. Loceal uimruds have beeîi meeting la making Ittself remarkauble. Wtdeatc wake merohantis say thât wjdît mucli succetis lately. Emma Stiurm ilsiteil with thîe Âdvertising pays. Mir. Tattler, of 1iatmoiad Laîke, la MiesOs llersciîbrger Mouay. I ssi!ateehu oeii lh working for Miride. WilIIUmbdenstock tillibwork et tirh ti ai i !plnî ralsegî carlbeiter's trade îîext sommer. Uies ai nuîtte and la bîouse 120. A lTe celler of Knigge'8 resildence on tr lispraidifne tiglit-laeed womnaii breaths sa.ut ais 0.. .- i.. 'tiy tniç asa, m cuseaîat liq of about Mirs. C*adrey eîsd dauigiters, of IChicago, have been Vtdlîg hIntis vcillity. Exister wee otwerved by appropriate ex'srciieâ. The pro.alamWRs Wel rendered. WII Kingge is niow operating a w bum~ farnxir~ IAWhuent --t Waucondu. The paper mili and. factory are n mure go. The coutractors are already bidigou Lthe plans. -- n èb0ru . fm...,.... . . . ck-ra-t- tlita Robert Boise «se lle is est mueate, Kt louasI lricea. lie alsu carnies n stoek oft chioce anuned poils wlîicli lie sella cheap. A M. Biiggs lmi nouW in posseseloi of im-ý1 tUie store wlilcl lie bonglit of leonard, ~~i~~alte ait liîe n*ltmutmediatoy stock iL Up Witb ~pap~vuo.*îv usa csum, fuit assorîmeait of ellice famlly _________________Grocerles, DryGuods, lBoutsaudtaSitues, Notions, etc. Keep louir oeao0ilits ad iun niother coltiam. He taitt a and ~J~lm bolinai to have yo'ar tradte. t, Parkhuust & Co., - Last Sndsay was a wnLery dayin 381RTVVILLE. ILL. decai. Daiîel jiiitise city lat week. ~,t~estBearflg Cer The siîîging clamsela progressing Payable on Demnand. fiiely; iL îsow imuimbers tiiirtv-six. Ortîlie Smithlt pelit paî t ie ,,eek îsîtiîîg fieiîala atMilîbaîrai. PQ~fl~l~P Mr 11I. 1). WeIlsslis su, fir ce . OVLV V rILLUO covereit uer lheý.tlilas tu lie able ta ta out .tgain. Msses 'J2hirza Simipsoni and Kate l>ecker eluscîl tîeir c tter schlaa ast Frida'. - - Messrs M. C. Docker and W. Il. Abbott, spelit iast steek witi frielîdi li aiiil EVaîtoîi. - Thie yoiaitg peoletootk advaîttagt - of thse cold spell and bcd a joli' -. skatiiig party Monday eveatiiàg. -~ Tue Ledies Foreign missiorian, aociety will meet S'aturday aftersuoou Marcb 81, with Mns. Geo. Braînerd. -. Miss Alice Payne returned las - -Suliday atternoon to ber sebool dutte ~ .k. it tIel-ockaday district at Milburn ýbad"habit% of horses have Thie Ivapboe scbool closed iast Fridaý used fromi their teeth, for a weeki's vacationt. The losini been dicovereti by Prof. exercieu.were botit pleasiug aand in nebaugh, V.S., Pressdent stucovea !Lt ongpol uu vetînary colle ge at La- cd Lihe teacliers' exatininatin et Lib Indiana. Such as siober- ertyvîlie met Saturdssy andl test& Wiag mangers, ,weak eyes, tîjeir abiiity tu become Lochera Lhi i sddenly, bas of flesh, stimmler. ,-n one lune, baiking, Tiiere lm WuLe a xhort busiaiei g the head and bad breath mneetiiig ut the 'clurcb and socia mt traccd to bàd teeth. ilext Sîinday morîing immediatel t vgdrivers bave been ftllowiiig thea sermont. A fuIl il .",_A f ... tendanîce ls dasired. *k discovered. Rogy Ob Sharp corners lacerate Wan~d produce nervous- irritability; uneaVeni %4cdimo ars and incisors I.mproper mastication of up.'odûting indigestion dirbiity. Decayed se rofsis of the bone, Sgleet, ftstula of the ~ recauses should be »ayed teeth should - aeta co mes and Cid and t the Costu-4 2Ur to serm Several (armera sowed Lieir wueat two -weeks ago.- The young Peopile lîad a akatiutg party Mouday eveiuig. Monday mornlng the tlierulofeter rangeai only four abova zero. P>ria!. S. Spaffaird liai quito a large Isligiiig sciool here every Friday eveat- 14~. Mrs. Lincolnt Luék who bai been slck foi noverai weeki le slowly rn- cmvrlng under the caen of Dr. Ewlng, of Rockefeller. « Mr. Dibblo preaolwd &ain last Sinday The. community thinki t beit te secure hlm sasail are pleaied wth hlm, bis wlfe accompaiaied hlm. .Martin Decker cloaod bisi aciool lu tb. Swan district two weeksa g. lie Ja ai, excellent teacher and expectat teach thu spzlng tom in he b.same W1ONT. motm -up. Eleetion quiet. FIva nmone vias fôr te M. W. A. at Ivswltoe lest Saturday eveiing. pisa A.Unle jo" "Jta spend ing a tswdai wthfrtola tChicago. - <>rVU SesUi oud bîin ltetotres, cf hoo l dI~~ NID. wbero ho le' 7y t ty li is y y tt- Havein g boughtand- talceri pbOÏS.C* General- MerchandiîSe business of Leonard, at Rockefeller, 1 nôWâèI my bow to the Public. and 'Invité' you to cati and. inspect My Goods and Priées. nish such goods as the marketdlemnanl~ It will be my earnest and constant enGVr by Honorable Dealing, Courteous AttàtW tion and Judicious Purehases, te rêe Y tain ail former customers and gàin many new patrons of this store. Cati, and Let Us Become Acquainted. Ever'Yours to Please, A. M. BRICOS, RoCkefeller, 111à, it. as initt-k vouosqteis. lertail iit tz lias seCUrEid J. C. O.>PA~j5 h llg for plao. H a rd w a re, lriIn w a r. H1ans to work l ils ment market ut. Îng on the pantry shbeivea, laying Zurich. under carpte or for doing UP Peck- Wîild dueksand,îîa geese are sieit agea, for sale oheap et the offoe. cf H u e Fu npig o .é frequentlu Wonder why tise boys th LAiE OovarrvInummo, Ive don't shtoot. 1ouaprdsn 5cnsfr5,xil Tako, warîiug boys addout gel liiih,'6e,t& e oe,1 et o e t ~G-.~. .~d aweip soi filtaois. J o a-I tilgrribe for the TtDE'ECDE-NT arad Wei snteo is.iicthe > oeigkfy, ail the ncentS. - Roofing and Eavespoutng;--- Jonil eteIii ns hae go p e O ne of ur ilticapî s eg 5f auFI e ls kilow s i o lire a lve and w lat >aau ire is lie planted lus potatues and severai l dulaîg. ltie best local Pajaer anud v - --~~ days after liad to wnlk fiver Lhe ice to adiveitisiiig medium iu Liake (Co. < I '(. -4 I< look after bis crop. Wlial are yoîî, a businsess man or a H . Our corinmuiii t eWei l repreitt- store keeper? A businiuess manti fsIlb ry"vL e, Ii a t th es rntietLtThe youîîg folks, lis atore wlth desirablegoodssaîid lets i e t v le M turned ontt iii tiforce anid ail re- neîeîl nwîo.htemdi ported aun enjoyabie ime. fie! ý11> h om l r ovliat hemium el t Ilai iter<stiitg to mea farmeire talle ali t, ivites patronaige. A store kejiTl ad Sheetlrop lob Wor a case of egg to Lthe Corners, geLt S1 ivayivlua stock of goodai îad id alLap r ceîîts a d<izeîianad thoni faîl tL ucîrsuîg « Grov'er Clevelanid. Thuis eertaiinîy Î.a rOUstd <snd wails for people tu drop ait objeet lessoi. - 1flu sad sec wîsat liceliaï to sell. Done with Neatness and Dispatch. Everylnloy e iii go tu town meeting 1 t i iL ipecatilarilest tliat for th irst --- ---___________________________________________ next Tuesdav. Be sure you cait yoir, tinie ti'oleer a qaîaater 9-it a celaitîiî ya bailt fai thteccanîdidate Who w i l lialieiciofi i laes iii Worthi îitoî e tilil M t m.î,ke the est acait arer. This la tiot bIasrci of> litar, anud tIhe relative differ- A Chance on iteccssily tue aille wilo ,Ëels tilinerneeproflises to lpro e aigcr laeiiaîe up'4 the îiiîat. Use good jiidgenient te %car iai claîseil. Fair applias îîîw anda reilinuatîcthait the officefi laittt rabti ýatt $; a lirrel. e ile flouaitcaijl fa tai bitthniitfo il oli.e heohaiedf lii gaidl ai aie. IF ifty D o lla r 1B iryoI4 for~ ~ ~ ALI MiAilat lc ci Zrtu ofic . coitaisîîeaer ' u .% îî î' i îlaaîsl'y the i l."csefilaiut ai aes byftle bai s-c -........ -Iitir hi.li.... %-Given with everv Boy's suit. anda seiltaliste foliaawviit4 asilliplalit thtiugvisae)Lio as ipiaoaîa.sltisait ste itemis, aildal iaoth lilia ah'Oa t liea] slieaiýy Does thse bt'd sing vct? long liat. âmne lst la. tai actitthe auy Jake Eisier Liaak a tlîi) a l*iet. aialclal Laii las' tls Joltat Wichlieiiîulita, a.ý eitedl la5 sacal leumcllu'siai ttile and l u'igiii;tteal iii Iiagi. Tic craiuk tarin. v 'itîati iht ditiat, tild oaietail- Miss E:leit Barb-airi, las ietîtaîîieal ia P.esliblis sch'liite. Bulari e homse. wil rlias1%arlaitatio ii t'hs Aak .iaai îîssltit theue (vtiitg 15 coiut ore h~lidtiays is titis caaitt1îy île Llîaîî hic <Wvce caiat observec ittitîgi% Mr (.Mldziltiri .iaci' sneay 10 to rteoraraasîiar ta lise taitL. Max Moldeiiiaiirgt lîs fentea pantetd recently. Wbule Mr. Barbaraca was at ltiic Sunday someme weitt auia turiied lis featce liosts bottoilsenîd na. Have sometlîiag toe rite aboUt. 2nd Write plai!n, dot i our i's; cross your t'a-, point stintences: begin wlth cap- Itals. 3rd, Write short; tIs te point stop when you have done. 4th, Write on. only one side of te leal. th Read t o var, ahrldoee and correct it BUFFALO GROVE. -uLýuu, - until you gettL iL hao the shortoat space miss Cilte Weidner hais becia on tise sl sick lât. Jo.lelrcelebrated i s isame day Advertaers and correspondenta onJan. Ilgle sou d r om em ber hct iL ak s tim e oit ~ ~ ~ ~ t euTt.. Wset typie befoloea per eau ie The Y. M. P. band gave a i saîrra printed. You w';lu greatly oblige by té Lev. (Jatîs. hnigl orcp al.C Ir you wan crynPotait crn hfrads mutoîr eop er c!nor ly. op to m.st.hereaftcr& Soesaidiselect ticket aind you wilî geL it f'ree. noL later titan Wcduesdnv itoosi, so we The C O. . iîa tis Y. . Itd can devote Tliiirsaato usetting III tir' Th C.ad0.lFe ii ntmreiY. M t.slatest news. We asdm to îrint te IN, scilool Itouge Wtlate cîsaitli anid DEPENDENT Thursday afteéhoon, so le Weidner's Hall. . wtll reacli oar readors on te Frlday Edward 1relsm wsa quite unuacky matil. a few weeéks ago. Wliile hauling a' loîîd a,! malt a bridge gave way anîd What a Great Many Think. ha fell bond foremost. Mauy eaicano tlîlks lise culd be The Young Ladies Society electeai a joîirialist stands lu itise stores ansd thae followialg oflicers at n recont. teliliaw lie c'aîil lie a ila daip-nîlen)t meeting: Cite Weidner, Pros. Agites as a liog oi. ice, anda calltinîag by Lleir Woldîter, F. S-Mary Ltnk, Trustee; riglit naiîiea; lîow lie wsuild exposa cor- The new president keepa btter oaider riptionin liteIiigla Plaîces; hiaw lie titan te lait one. could write gaiod cornufcis sense; andi ~ ______ 1 nioue of your frivolous, try-to-be-futnv APTAKISIC. stuf. Vie beat way to eut off one of tisese citaip la to Met hlm to àigree Lo Jake Schley and wife took a busai- write a senisible article evtry day for ai t o ri tnp Chicago lait Saturday. week. Before tue week ha out lie is 1) Sam Scbar and famlly called os j. aslre Lai Le pumped dry, andt will gape Moyes and famhly lait Friday evectsoih for an ideeanîî a clîickeîî with ing.the i. If lie should hve te ability a iang.o g v a ndsa iie 've to carry out Il!$ t reats lie a Miss Wbigam' colgv ai wouldble fouud iîangiiig to e lamp i eatertainment Mar. 23rah, for tae opurpoSe-of buyhng a flg. post before three cold miorainga ralled WIlI Wsigam o! Danuln. Cut Mrm. Walaioe Whlgam, of Chicago were guet a t W. Wblam's lait week. A large col»pmuy o! gypeles areý camlug iaer tIaw old StrttCkMan iml Now yonng ladies and geutlemen K I yOu want W a»OQWw wat 8a gloit future 11bitomeyou,. Just pay your dollar be dhave YOur fortune tOMir -W. have recorded av$ ru>-, 4~i Mt Wckabtn's te=u La our aI e , -eWWtb & QhJFs, vêtuahii I ,àa em We Show the Most Complote lino of BOYS' CLOTHIN6 Ovr 5o kinds t licct from rangiug froun 75c~ a DUIT tu 650. ýGood Percale Waists - - 15c to25c. The Mothers Friend Waists. we are sole agents for them here, Latest Styles Friller Waists, Boys and Girls Spring Caps, in Red, Blue, Grey, and other shades from 'at 48c. - at 48C. 25c to 50c. Thi. "Model" C1othini 1101186, Temperance Temple, Waukegan. 'woA COMPLETE STOCK Lime, Drain Tile, Farmn Wagons, Bui Agricultural Implements. Etc. We have a new Stock of the faj'nous Weber Wagol And the Blootnington- - 2 Harber Bros.Bugges lbO Tt ~O1Iend,4apT i. LIS -r ý j.ý "i