CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 6 Apr 1894, p. 4

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AND AIRY. '7 dlvet fa .0. ud knowe noD O 6O%. Sbeliffl tg the lrapeze. Ataliamble tOnrtb'tulccbl'In Uoo.1 bbrgnsbr p ig lmaxtt uf, alo4toh M 1le sCOiSeý1iiil ToltArticles,, lu Oum A dtb l)sit. «Ma, i1iNAu Y b l ICI' B @Mrg eS th .liýdtlin an LOIt!! ,,onou, inenten, ift'ln pieround uppn l1I rinlg. 'bgit( RL bek' diselpile cnd Ouit u A ld lc'1 n 1~s ri~aiîae<l e- - - . s tilla hSms anMd Mule]Ce" an"Yl < ha mii.I) l, l'be l <OW rfurmer, OIt ' ID cuitr en ber daint> h.*dg.. ý ur ey ~ wr~ r an~ paper: jt M .ae e; t sil lfr t in fiberle, uisiomi A ,i .s i g htoi for i b e '.le rt c le , a r is e s rA esae. lec _r adss aid.' a ihs etIg rie bot.2nd inI commellrce, third la lemsuufaeum llin l TBle nçyiilebsodvil latda1 wrritiiabout___ t, would te beaven *ha wouil try your J'il;cross yOUr ldaa etin whet, !ourth laDcorn Amueb mm orepecsul art ý 4- OOL. SUPPLIES A -$PECIALTY. ell tees:begin with cap and hop. sevent in lucattie and rIwS m obektedy u * . W , aborý t h p fI ilti u a.Wb ne h # to o p i>DLs %r*. physhWtnV L>tlrlptoillId ?iVAte L B RTYVItLLE, l e ~B you hL6edone. 41h, Write Lonisana bia but a tent th ie symbie 4 For now 1b"a eta ue rt mm omla Jrflv opud e..,~ t the ]si~ and %ioder cultivatlen, lbut pi0d11C5110.- And knOWwb&ht 1r hot M,000rpouDM 000 aresa, W,110isiS". of Te ibr 1 hi nockeeaL I)Ppes os tethlng'O .hrtd Sb ge anti cOiTeot If 49 of MOI&<>, àà <If Thie brlboVteemkf- t ni t tau on your p9LO>ppeijn h -u rad5W0 ar Tom io g<wobu.~sostedt ewhieh yolzr sub- lng on the pantry aelve, a, >"iînsîîr.' ~1~elug,. hoe.ty, ptate. bu.kwhmt Mad A Fheppîl1pt&MIohpelt. If 011 'OO, pleose under carpeta or for doiug oppac- wys îwi,t. ii, cos eodl at îuotlsad silwiybvsep"ppe-, rqinI on h _____________ thlrd in Iron andissl orhl hep Pp, adssnllby MUmmI ~ ~~ 01Sbt ga o s ha tUeof~o Wliat a orott Mafly Thlfk. Indiana produces 1000Wbushellm 01 *rsy do a i Pis oe,1 eufûm rýQ becrn 000,6 a ,*t 000im of e lot papewdi t IO<ll"oil' moy ais, oDut.laE IIl4"Ir>WU'l IIàuy » mituwlio thinks 5lie cud .CtD po,00olw t eo00Wo <' Wb al, nseed$ bio t rOUSu od eB o s e ozn h etsft10 w U ltI and over 1,00,000 tons of tligotlhy. IL bas *Bemcsasbl lSSi Iuti dom% )>v Ufe5oe 8tsl ~t.î<sli lîtO 1o0,000,«M ruit treceberngl000.OOObusbh Tes.O_________________ mil l o plsan ,0,000 eceff Mr- bo p ' e, î d c i l u g lîe ir W e t V rg in ia b i h g ns q u ar e ull e et u tes. an di p a p a fo rg o t l a h o t i s q u tE01. l l h i al o a t e t Bl ' y z a a e B A rr a n el riO flt lt t t ee P u b li h o r f t eS IN T E R O C RA N . IS o UmU" y 1 fW la e ýliîîw h e loc uilIl i ýX lalSI co r- coalfleld s. 5su ltareà g retC l' 1.1>51 th e c Ou T h en b . ask ed , "P a p a , d ck s b ave l g ,W * . . a b l eO f fl r: T . i o #d go(< ~ l*Oîitin the hil iîlt-~em; hw ié <>region eo!0Great Brtalu, sud praduces au- domb"t tbey?"Th UeE oCA rIud wrlt- gîl en îîîi enir- and uaily 50000 otous. et i'guI5 , Why, ym .ducks bave lep.'"......The.AU W-- ION A'erIS yU iiif>irfriv,.IOtilt, t fto.i f nîîîporta every year toChinla 8*000 pound* of .WýII, dcks » im, dO't theY?" B14 Sîeatl' ivi . o ke-l i iiIo, gI"l-'t:: Delawarecbas 9,(M tarms, vaned lit . « e>1> dntlli**Thon 1~îdnk5 The Weekly INDE E D NT EAR, fownad. WtU't>aîî.ld înt' ~î ui 00.00 Teett podcd u189 ,,,orWh#y dou'L docks îlot bave au, legs ifIf)O atm4ii *ri# a ïf f-i v%1 1 f-,- s 00,0W Th ysa roduced in 1u8taM Paa ga0 i 'tek Bfoi' îo . oobuhexp ort rnileud i «,000 o! bquart& f Papa gave t p-Buffaîo Fipreen For' ont $.90, Cah in adianee. if Yeu wdn~t envieI ' tra w b rriee p r nons. If yen w an t buotn o S & Vi.lp l'I t> .' '~A rka saiq bas 100000 ar is w hic b pro- Do yon ever d tC ain f oîîth calleiJurbU e a -el t b »#i lt veto ,ilt hi, tii" q>lei dt1w ("000hales of Cotton, 000 bush la .QI Invouoîsst to Poultry Ratisurs. ville 'Id îîl t lie, Ilîilof sweet poCtta"i, 1,M»fe Whera the niabi blresinir 1. the golden mnc.Yuwnttry fOUI191 lliIVV,;[iV Io il ,ainilOPO dsoftO- And, the ,peepeWl ecio the wtcb dog'B f .m r s i s r u i àwý. NIo'é 1ire1 vo %'t îln.iltfu îi 1lit1 baco, 42,000.00<> bushele o! ènand 200,- e wMine?ify wn ret r ttoe 2,aO ot f*l we othink of the ,d.r8 lotIfyu at ------ ol And the trecýtop melodes, long alit Ion'.Lav Ur *U..h~~ sa-t ~..l~f nùth Ie thibs'> olîtdeIhat are 0iffld alott, Lv crat. ________Le we gît t o.Vfltu b11In"ss gîîd àslvei sn<re ___________ iStar. StýFERNG CHICAGO. li ZU.RY Tbing are oinitit b t pvety pies ~A Great gurprtimpsibe - (leed wien tieîievii flîds himoeitout o! Hlenni about naai oIsti tetl a4they ever triexîds in Chicago- lincoIn Jouirnal. gel te h. in h. o t Iobl l'ietattht h Cicg pliear s-ter as he grew oider. ou bis l'sIe 'Fli tat îhîttheChiagopolce re lo-birtbday a nelghbor stopped lu bis oflIce. cued t!of teailrg bribes may be inulei'cuig, -B th wty, sd theold jelIow, . jncwa.Miournal.oy wfe's bltbdoy. and 1 want Le sur- - ~ ke JounalPrise ber soume weLy. Wbat would yoen eug Pi'O- he d'o wua laced on trial iu Chicago> Tedfficl wu Pcr gualetg uy0 "m-r"b.b.w~. Gv a usoibiy with the idea that. bu would bave The visitor ball il lu a inute. Àlibt'1171f bi, peer%.-cincinnti t qoîrer. blsud Ik will bec Lb surprise of ber 11ff,." 'I.fFf Teblizzalrd lut Chicagco wfi so severe -D tY" eeProse. t i reslt1.ults baud had any other ,lN ,Il1 7 -klnd of etsout.o! of V1ka < .la COwîinLtle" ue fj** bW - 1 ave beén blown .wety.-bSitou Globe. >:M l5I n.t so . oreî 4e lnie1 New ha New York seenia likey to an- asal" A Vimy SW4% .40 -Mlakendà li»u Ji sy i:t î iSsurSMs v.l.u l, 11114 .4 DiBrooklyn, i aue,1n.apoierid Tl B0ul 4 i -btýueiùg goned to wslàcxg sharp ta e.elip hutojasy.hen lie myeswmq 45 if Ni>IesOehlm arê-found. pr m 6u o 1 reiit apro! the Ciag Dut ùt& b u lu ibauwner bias "Daorlh *il# 'uulm harpeoin hîoll l, W beb raow ila o, the grouint.- 101 AilteClcage detecxtvelavebn , - 4I( . sereal et elewuu thal-f course uareasa teluILS".u lb. vemy rouling.-New York Worid. G.i-'Fatply ,1s"litee e I - Tleint-ilYC 5015grealt 1Ides for euilig herm "qil bite s Çewas lin Chicago- Sloî- Wht.-Wbitt nousaihef liotdo loiré in Tlmînmln-l an. guskoaw it tg h. thi e .? Iaor 'a lao ha--- hppy sud tant ou Marmylitever atter." i iege(se 0011 ,ever kie sn. -ds«.i - itii4laJournal. Gral-Row about mns r Ut'ltvuS? xeu o ,4 ; ofthelllinoiuMt&te prison Wbite--You1bad nie tiere. Bito! mcau*¶d tso 1h'- tJow ttte toreteiv éuy mnoreconvicts Praeeut ConPaur laal waYëb eePted.-B01'vile 61 fre in t4 q J o Poa i j i t h cgo . T ey to n T ra v eller. C i a o r i e . 1 , e c l "w pw k,1a h ofea te tîlvo thenu.C,,lolie ux Y '73,A~ '~'~'~" sîfalîPoX Wt ' IR4 -bfor a theusel- 1 vriedonue dur- L..bryhI~.0.5 . bu 0w Ic la.d e tea o r heaoîivitheun ;u àntià bu 4eral rmbolil poaht" u- .Aitlieme tremendoss and sublime Ila odo i utllcî 'KA lr! vIodtSi.UÂ ______________________ te titfi Chinag 4oiu.-Buffalo Courier. Atbuiilit a! t. 4LUleu riymer' F agnm'e tans'. tu,,. zîl -:ocu i y- r.From som».,vere ei.' a stUll stmUavoke LrmMgel .na. irl .b ikB- RAILWAY RUMBLES. 'Flît wl.ijimprý'dci b4at"lc slIatz "(;.bd yoiit. wby linger ln your obéie Twoilve Points abowl-ag the super'-irity o!f!Xagu(tt"5 Standardiorie sua During 18M3 the New York. Ontario sud - Tintil 1.4. auBordeadSohck lo1lveir tait-ii iithecuuvd." 'hs W s t.e n c a rr e 4 1 ,16 t ,2 W 2 to u s o f o a l tN ous. u $7272 tnsw 81. u 1.bas tevelve uhrad O u t b e a r l y r a tI o a d i a c a n d is s tu k la l y ia - 1 b a v e c li a n e ti m u n m d a n d r'jr;c db y p r a c t ic a l f a m i e r sa n s d x- e k u e n w u b o h a v e h a ll y e n " s o f ! t e c b - P m ir e V ie w . a>Lotion bouîW iudow miat stop.ILuS tblnk, atter ali, thatI elllgo leMm.Carte il e'erience. v ~~seonce as a signai to go ou. Blancbe'5 dinuer. f~na -15 The rlraeo olndaetes!s.Phyllis-~Butd yeu rememier, dear. tbat 2d. lIthe only work cler puhliuetiteaching the art of taml!tg. ciii-t- .I!<ftf. is niy uie psseuger illd pe su em gatudatler ta a arbe? eh lei an~sd cotroiling horseo, o taugbt by Prof. D. Magner. <;,It. " num.till uoi fou areiuJteil going to give sway diamont balliez fur 2d_ Pro. Magner les cknowledgted b>' orsOilten to be the imutexcperti nîî'. - u Alubogh S -)ei ailezmof tl îiand tvm.BokyiLt.I r !hnIlng hordes ever before the AmierieAnpublic. IRobert Ikîtter. Paine- 11,-wil4 do tî bill ilias îi1l ulesutralin track, whii cniiot nier $100,000 per nuile for A Aemlamn. proprietor of thea-'New Yurk Letiger, "sasys o!)Uliy1 dnbt f terssursis).i l Anonstruction.DiPliUufl the globe bis equal lu kliewledg nai te the boit uiethod of trainingf horses."y n o e r n i i ."U n eamy lie th e l ea d a l w ea s a c r u n ." m n " The lc uuiue fau anexpmeiîs train la saidtu FIur ehy bvhuuld iuaîîarcbl tudy arts Bite t.I iessceStathrtfrfout nyle Lant ndrtî ab tiklîtsibalbouir v enhet consumie 10 galons o! water per tuile of thes, 4t.I ie ert hthrtfr ol nyb Landttdrteot ehf ht brllEwwg travel* and moinie Autericahi locomotives VWýlîeti satesumeil of 1obîtou andt enotu ! vcrey ai a great pnie. wbfcb have -been ettet!by Pi-of. Magner in is I bae an cpciy f ,00galos. Cailie %% letu tîedîful wth thiegreateet am.? o! succeelaul etut tii> o!nothr 20,000 Elginf, Joue20,00 n a paia o q e t y o a l 8 , 0 0 0 y e b l C e n A S & , ba wlc us"eeve tatik ut gal ands gauffourit., yçuU u i hl Làpupiru nalbreesofal- ud A Cutai ue Gd5lluai e a st1.> t. This work contaifli 1,014 more illustrationsU thaunualyother Herse 4:;.ilarv tke wvayno-k." Thbere are 28 sncb acioole te~u love, boîtor îud obey nie? and Stock Book ever pabUiheb. mutil îtutoiuiIlbaiiso!rl- ie.Dd' yupnletca leaa 4;*uuI Wiîka- uf whî lj Ildirectts;t q f Il tuioeis.Ji e-ev.edea.. th. id lethe oui>' practical andi reliable work on sboelug, giving n>aiiy 2. ....uîlîe.- s MurY adIîabjs f Q.res1~ve With the retirement of Mr. Mackay f ront H-e-A-nd diu't 1 tdelyon yon muatu't !aur1etie> nw oron mce teUitlS-ae ovrjcftpid -:l~-u,... tiio f »o < a u s d f r ô m n t ' t r e t h t i ~ n n g n e Zu t t h e r a i r o d s y m e n l i eo g i v e 8 8 0 f o r t bF oda m s e re.t h b o n n e t ?t s o y e M e t a l , hMhai bectU dicov ered by Prof lnî pI esst s ytlisdl e She-Yes, but 1 tound 1 nonit nut love or $~OO sovl to ltuiseoriginal elenielts. 71,cre iie onoriIf I abeyet! you.-irutb. t. lto Hùibuh éS'd2lt no longer snicb a transpoittitof orgabbizil- 7mak Ilug th oul>' Stock Book Ültiàtlg on da1rlng secrets of bitter I:3pn 'duayellege lLa- Lion as "he "LiiMky yte." - It'itic.'uo waeb theanowflketa mnet epethe aI DWkRUt.Vars noiraber-o!feol,§!stoltreiigIoi. reaefi reuthe tIi ti. 41 pu.ilîriîlS~ _________________AstyofilY. switly drap,.l 00sa .Turuu.i r'.w!.keyes.e IOSIOD lT.ButwheutLy malltlet i Ulmuha 'h. IL id Ilcomploe l teek dùét<>rtrOstluE ou every dises. te wiiîcb "»50 ul ~.......î'lattSt4d pý, ý - S o itn b a l k î îvg .q u i c k e n e d u a $ b e s t r e s i- T o a u d a r o u ti l o . u j e t6 ; 4 li , . . . . . o l .s A 1 w iIlhe i' nd éabay h t b 7, -tiotles 4~.en broog4li n "oild lie aep- - I'en, esjalbe. th. The. syuuptoum it!diu me a me 90o lesry illustrati d ndexplaied 1151. . - l% ti a A t ad ,teeth, -aratal sMd toldwl At ý t <l mi J! lO t e1 h .Ieae-faw n.u u~su> ne eati; uerrl1gy teltbeiir £b m eMc. tcyehe.mai rn12 souulis, sueskol 0 ht &,~eg»di coe 1n lti. LWhte ado la tolt i ttiequal clearues sMd tis rernedie.preecribeal teuat-lisstifoveSlts ummîbhutaui s sha n » yu shoatwudulpîi a a1eesubla n fre ntcma a reresdeal dfliIt? s p ile d b ç fo re t e d ir e t Men le u is u u e cIe M a i s fth e e o bu tlli . s e sé,a t at b a t Wo n lo o p a h b e a %Coat i mare. Ro g lz 0 Biaisu d it e u'polbutitiO, Wh ould en do? d bla ot'ac a re . tâ n itaruy r t . o s. , L cm re etsd r i l alttt esand shar corliçei'A lacerate vtile the wacdu ams. About %wo sies lwusomeii fsUe. luih i ôt n ervo u- Oieuo! "oimpUettwala o!dialutectllg "iguç oiI d.'-idlnpleJ i g val u"bI lforIPStiofl. saue*5il g uhoeauet mosd8s neclessarî a roou la teapura dram belrtwo utou si- L fortus!. _______,_à"rt ,tÎ- eongatçd ' tibuir»Csdi on a sauqter of.-mat ue Mtl It lu sie slowlm Vhs'. lOti. lu short, itlalthe lnpW -Ul te s»euUaoitmafly limes lIai- "Don% Wi.5.'te me.,, MileSk'saen.-1k l"vcht t 1)prer mstication o &î dliof dw lben . roa h uae ol. 11 ' _~ î puIce e aub ved eVerI yeer by the. beuslts doriveul Itm 19. ciluie o!a lmpebote eye b 4ol crs o uaiuluIl lt

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