vre OugIs M m eI*-Owm meS by ",-i nobpuS=jw.musam. .m P-b L~V AilSenMtCJavllua Se la exeeni *ve a blcd ot t I Dangtou Fnl dow, m a remuit of Marn aeutps . A5re lb. dilsray llquýr 1ev bj othervia. kuova ai spies. T» ailtbis andi Iv o mtable ven ~ Liii hre oiclls.aserouslj Othors vWers aflhîly hurt etAlter tbe fuSillaie lhe Cousiables bolk le lb. vecia. The feeligot tlb.peo r of théb. la mhova by the follou *c~ 19eCclt %daU *lUble an This va. rooeived la ansver te a tele. '-tram sent b., citlie ciofColumbia Jla Squinlng, if mglatmace as noeded. Brthe nMv lav th. state concté ibar rocual anii forbidi under socre POM theei $940b petf iquon by other thon 81.1.dkapesaena As a rosait places v bOre likuor la iUlegally and se. oreiiy mli have eprung up la ever7 Dock ani cerner. Te supprees lb.,, and renier thoe81.1. e moij' of the trnc cm îû1.3 alarge hMuryecf piej in ualntathed, Whe oeMr the Set- fie. ee enitotbectber. Whemev.rs Place lemaspeetedof b..mg a idtiger iptis ame 4ngrqal.ila th. tovu aaà toe st the n nov tiquer lav ae aM inrea on their liberti. . Gv. Tilbrnnst Coluin- tc befora the bat- 00"HwiLt1 n L tle by the cou- e stables, ami crdored thr.e companlesl o f Réae.troc"pa te $ ce" .But the imilitla nefused t0 meve. ami ona erno- [Y pmy dlsb.rnded, aidl the chesers of the 0 WPle of Clumbia.lBut the Sumiter ut h ari Ioryrespendedlotte Govera. aIr Orcriea nd a speclal train oarrled là theM tOthfe bione. When 1hey ar- nlved everythlig vas quiet, and they returnedti teSuinter. Meanlime tb. ' catbes vere bcbng ciosely ve1chedý r ami rent cltizess, thorough1î w ocid er. icterminedt'î-,. phould. mot. go tftlhs-drnost interesi hi.. lme 'yîsitor for ever LapI - memtper ofthe farnly. Removal Sale. il ned é, in-md*store Th feý&Jr an crtbroskr. Tb~Ç'r albaison ro-enforced at lt.,lime ho militarycoiapan id a Ibeen oonveyod te J0riagton, %aUck Yboed itwenty4fve, armai vilt Win- ichesler rifles. What wsalte sak thst fire lb.hegazUIni dos e t cc Il apean, but usea ghgUfineColum- bia Ome zttiug peu. vas received by teieÇra4* tiraI bIigcy fightlag w.. in P=- éft. TllUaheoard of the teken l *lb.he Wods, ho sai e couljd mmt blâee îem vhou ther o e.four Or iv. bumdred mmenafler Ibem. The Goernor blamés th. Celumbla and Charleon o. mouspera fer th.eout- brak, a th.oy have persistently ad- viac itisstaresiayatenîat aearch of rvledce. A mob cnteied th. State dlapesary et FlormnS & C., aid detreyed the enttre stock cf lquora. TItre. coiepanes of State treope have diabad nd raer lb. tuera I rea- sue breughtte bear on tbern rather th"O e he . Qvercer's crder le go le D&Ulon.ï Tire e=ctt3"anîla con- sMnence Of 1h1i tilien aetlever boat, WATER TOWES SUR8T&. A mae sa.pi aIPesta Cous».. 0rne klfeUled#Ueon njnred, mi leasI threi cf lbsm faiallY, and lb.destruc- lieu of $610A vcor t oreprty, la the terribl nomesumoft1hecolise of lb. Weat B- aver ef the Peeria (Ill.) W0ter QUI - y.Il Ver et 10.:20 Fr1- dar moeulagwau the accident hap- JP e' d ndIeexact manner ia perfect. In 18 te i.1y dlspSof t s ator- vorksplaalmne _ted a franchise le the 11, HIfoki & Clark Coin- M. bicit allervaw dispose of ita Inago te .reoriganlzed Peerla 'Wete Oempsny. Four Jeara &go, me- ecritg-O c sthe li.previslensof its tremblaie, b.ospany erected tvo atag* a5, eaoh cof a ast f 1,60% alon.The coe lb ol vau U6 ?eet higb, vilira diarneter cf 20 ou ait wuvasCMtruec &co el * *ioar mcî tîth1e base and te eleè~ A fivdy ~~tl~e edthat thero vus a bf"vay le lte tp illi, hf~1b. structure loppled o '-'~e~ a uccewulom fre- P0W1.UW ~ 04g a olllowed by a1 foaê~ff>wlb vter riebalaj vhel - le* pthe . rshe t.lit ce ' tehoe OltN mollirvave ef 1wter sevena1tle14 lb, lite econe wbich Mfel wui orinble la the ex- treme. DeSoal idestrum wu cn everY baud, agiite u db.s bard to <mceve me», ,oooe d»slaticn. RocesserM %WIre4 te Pièce. s M f at. ehm U"r bob ef pbyamtbein& vilatlW am la-e à" 17.Y. ~, ame bm m e, yrmpcfiai ~At WSCOVER" *ça em1 la ont cfarcm »M oerw hued ceu"mte ~~mB ~ i aa~eOUeOedf 14enoalasousafpOrs lea vu IahgI.-edthew lab fl fuin ovr dblilcu le ow faU etx Int a buo- H.- I a r4 = oi' W olie.j - - PeI'eM cf lte c&Mp.y vw er i vcnk on th. eve ve re au bil ui by flng er . elesylau DECLINE8 THE HONOR. opssksCrlsp Demi.,.premuieate a smaftbnai 8pekerCrIsýmph.deo!ded»Mclte se- ceptthe effer eN the Senalerahip te&,- dorai t3 hlm by Gev. Ze.tlen, -of~ GeergIa. Thia ieclsiom vwu reoho lae Fiay nighb, aMO 1he. Speake ahi forth bis rea oe for decillng la, a latter vblch ho ham vritten te tir Govercor. A Washingto2 dlsyoh ml&.: Il la asIiosula the buitor7 efthl. e ntry thalaa public Mau bas -:o elciupc. te decli-ciosii' a the Unitei tte SOnate. batthe . easoas vIicI have Iznçeled Speaker CrLaW te do so are exlraor dinary.Iliem ol ex- Ofei mU e bm in bts elier cf i.- ililnfor tte reacon, 1 erhapo, Ihat il vould not be poiietlc d i ..I izay be staied, fiaiet ail, that Speaker Cri#P vell rea'l e9 the i*iprate siutatlof affairs e l1he fBruis. mi 1h. effect vIticIt bis retirem.mî et Ibis lim. veui perbaps bave uron the for- tareuof 1the perty. le bis teeri Speaker Crlap says a very large jojr- 1 of tbe i)eme:ratic membars of lte W1dhave United le the requesl that ha continue te rerve sasSpeaker for th. or oethIe session, ced &elth4 gratetul le lbe Gorernor, aMd lu soi criflila a cberlshed amîbi- ry capi meoef drtyimpobs hm Io de.. n s appoiniment. eeun Itsenalorla] termie 49»a th h et aext marchaitr bl cr the long tbrinmintbe bicthe 1h.Leogislalure vhich mccli ICl. vinter. Mr. Cris p viiun- Ïi ecandidate at ltIelec- INTERFS-TlNG FIGUREp. BOttsbo .1m iLaese" WssUh et Spellcea.buliet*nq hav fls ec ainci ling th1e final statisia a ~reg .f1th. agricul-ure and veallb o h even States obio, michign In'],&Ilinoi, Wisconsie, lova ced Nebraaka. The total veaitb etflite Eeven States is givçn by tbe cenîus, as arnonnîing te Ilf&l6w,71 arm cqual 10 abînt 30 rer cnt. of te total national vealtIt et 189, vhile tb. population e01lthe sain. States vsj no more tha 2.5 per cent.ofeth1e ihole Population et 1.%90. Il follovi that the tinancial conditian ot the population Of the". States vas conidorably above tire average. This Kreat vealtit vas distributed rLmong the several States a. fellovi: illflOiS .........................6.l.l ......................i1UI55 ... ... ... w iaa.. ................ Nobras . ....................... sa Tires. aggregate figurer are oblalnod fremi the te-Joviaggrouplpsomure.. of welb: Real estate: Illinois, 0,te4,o4,40 OblO VS2M50,5013- leva, 81 261 701- 010; 1ndiens' 1 288,108737- >.ùcblgen, 81,149,290,4M4; 'lcui,,C830sî Nebriaka, 8708,413,006. L've stock ani tarm implementa: Hfinole, 8214,88600; Obie, 0146,657,- l036; 23,Ol55;In& $n, 114,- e 533,677; i5;Wlscon- Mines sed quanies: liMit?,s=n- 014,193; Ohie, l59,687,ZW0, 1ev S7 - 67t,126;nlnote; '518;- GOhimai sUve': Iowna, 57.S.ol,194; I IsL Meors or Lonue India, U5I,4% - 1loa 00,8,36 Ifté tla u.alirime.oe i bnk il la, 78nd ins n4, 817,Michgan 8U4 418, ltmzay bho Miete se.iMuceblonger $189644 W1cnl,82 3, i s a n teeirby e botter ocre for oui' S1 "ryi6l idutril rCot: ceintenta. -UMivt troublesorcr ach Illinoi n Indus2", i 8ednto. magfai ei y boeim ami delay. W. lulinls, 5î5552200;bieCi",oo,. g ) l ucbli. »te bunlng op 9»2; lov chigan;I8,M& Indiana,8"9'- cuse vea *v. qegbt tede" promplly 920114; Mchian,5~00P,421 WWa- vlb oeee. Thi. 1,aMuc lte case COnsIE, M4,874,031; Nebvasha,814,- vîlh pain, vItlc)r euli be curai aI 916u:1__________once anmu as. loolxquj laIe citervarda. VILLA FABBRUCOTTI. Ul a. f. N Fleming, 7 E. Carey St., Vb.a gsesViuerl vii aeniRerBaltlmâoa., MA, u". ",etfor sai" Wh@rà ttemVuters WM @*" B v @ho ubJ tfrequent att*y80 @prervwte. .neurmale, mmi tr L umiber cf ho Villa Fabbrntetl, hich viii b.ie iOvt* owu gyen QoupgibyQpeuVIctoria on ber çDe- Iqdun, hcr bagctee ber tinnta ler uringlte e&nly sprlng, nenvousami. ~~ur41t m le a -large an.1 - eni'aagid ai îèday durl ires. nom t bh se triai St. Jac-b*li bl*iluMkdP4curai bar. .M1LiBMAl.eolhmcaté. Ibet f rote 1801 te 1888 lh. vcni&mepffucei 12,70, cf lrou-012,00,0001 elqara,49'. -000,000 of sivnor, 8,0,00 eCp- yen, anti 0%,000,000»-*aiors. TESTRD »Y xm bjouelltoc- Taccau baie Prtemd «1Q»45UCac7bya ttt rmey yms Pismi viu.tAaaicov lalme6da vers fdiMt lrpgItte En- situate inu&em"b rommanîloreg1. n, a trinEnlm Lue r .i fas.oooo Ohort diateoo frein Florence, or lud ____________ 0,o 1 ' bb v i lwvo rn h tU 3 a l g a ~ ~ o FI' il ma treunds m71a ~ e t I s a t i c a mê m e .o q q k t 'e . o e . l e 5IWAL 5AM* P5 Y On-..i Pouame aleefteoIad ivance. ce:tprgem in la lctrlcal Bofem thst iter. sOuled te b. 11111.mer.e ofIl than tbe telerepbu T4a fevr philesephical instnment. mm lcbhola.Nov cuee s mnzed a ha Ia-ba been accompllahed. Ie- wsaimrm conlrlvei tb. duplex, lte Iqueftuplox, lte sexturlex, and mute omp instrumnts. i"-uik sucmon Ibas vftt a cîride came 1h. lelephon 9' ami arec ad incmrdept lit ts ttan. Ijl«e-motor, an& lu 2 F,7 eax We omit ECeehundrei ami on. à the 11 lgs ln domestie ecoemiv uli M0e11u48reveîuoeînzlng suburban ex- ltne., met i il do much te reieve lb. orovdd. condition eofenv di...& Tâmoe cars rrove s0eq uickiy and vltb ob treqUent Intervala, tbcy are cm- Pl$ revolutioniziniz transportation, for short distancer. il is weil tesay Ihat ee reat impetus to Ibis progress le Ies olyear or meobhm been 1h. great f t1 labcpri ce ot copper.-Hardware. Thse aiser Llked Carp. 4e German Emperor la very fond et - ,One ei-enlmg Imît vinter, vbea ire -as supr log vibb a 1ev male friends lu' private, bo ordered Ihat a second 01 cetfi h ciould b3 served bt heKsmmerjaeger stayed mwmy fer ql5s s viely te return vith e -l:1 fae e rpty bmeds."The cook 1e.t=melycsoir, , yeur inajesty," cmi bute cma-pla &l gene." "~vla that, Herr Minlaler of -the Ieu louse, " sOMevhal sbarply asked eW--r oetIhal gentleman, *bo vas 3tir',e, 'do yen buy me apwAnngiy el~adellcious dits?" "Il la net thaet 1-apure your ma:esîy,'ald lb. mlii- eMe lose od down W rto-day' orentered lb. Ksirer. TIO u ebraught, ln. mabEoyai that otirat~rticular day 385 runds cf carpha eenbougltfor 1he royal 'kîtchens. 'Tital la qulte a liberel ai- levance," ssii lbe Kaisr; 'bal vbem y u buy Ibis Ilei the futur., please buy a irait a poued extra for myelf, ne thst-I arnnot cmpeled o go h ungry."» EA4RLX CORNeOVER 1 FOOT LON64 Salzer lllustratea le a celored plate a nov eerly er ri g1a t fliekind, and off.~*~ieid for th.largc.te le 1891 In additio te s rlï Giant corn, whicir yola l 1893 110 bushels per aore, ho ha. over lient y ther p roliflo 5.14d cor».naBe bas tlboat eidder cern in1the wvend.ReBe la b. largest grever ef tarin siods, sucb as Omis, irerley, vItoat, millet, potatoos, etc.. le Aimenica. Fifty kinds of gramsse and cdoyers. Ir TOU WllI Vu" IldeOnt sud cSelIt Witb 15oto le .John A. Saizer See 1 Co., La Ckbsme, Wl.., you vili receive L large Piokage Of aboya Guent corn ad his iilmmelt catalogne. c MUCH attention la scientlfic circles ba been altractoi by a lecture dellv- ered receutly imer.1the ilve Aead- cm ie, by a M. Jan %ân, on the "Selar AlmePbspberE'Le tdrmed that exy- gentfce absent frein the great lumlna l IdtaIlIte radlatiag surfae we icc by several gaseous envlops~ outermicel and meut ef- fetie f ch la hydregen. Ris dis- coverieupro, , o ys, tIbath1e pros- ent rel atica. cf the *un te th. pianoas vill continue daug ManY -n£4 dur- lng wblch thé enter planots may evoive into tb. eartIt's condition ef ieveoep. maw-ruOK. aetlug e ObQuestion eor Box. «Ycmier she cornes," sla l au t I mma, vho vwu ittlag on a seat ln the abaile of lbe station building. «Yender cernes vIte?" a3ked a fat, goci-neturci looklng mani, vItesas nean hlm. "The train ve*ve been vaiting for' nearly hall an heur," sai thre lrst speaker. «Wh' dyou «fÇ *yonder sho cores'" tm ked Ih thfies cus-. veyb of a trail'sapp-each. .y'Wei, Inslat yen shuld have sald yender h. cores,' * seid 1the fat man. 'Oh, pshaw! nebody *eer icya 'he In speaking ot a train, . roturned lbe lean Man. "wauî, ru cagr.. te leeve Il le 1the station-mter and -e. If111 vouldn't bave been btter fer yen te have sai 'yender ho come ý,'"» aded te fat man. Both agreed to il, and vben tbey bail feund 1he station-master 1the fat mani asked. "Wiral la the Fez of 1he train just draving ncmr te the station?» "It's a mail train,' aeavered 11e. And the lean man forlhvllh vent eut mnd bougbt c good cigar fof th. fat 04 t15 o , slepng a veo lp -Rlock Isl ad Tourist E e p b'hiag e te lm s " gel" s ce or , VI& th. e aMIC route mand gSh go lh Ph IUIs . the b eut et uu- U5*g0t for ho bal "ab, pa.l.d by a sPooal «ea =b cond cted ex cae §1mv biqu a week, Tassc' adTh*uj W. hav e oa da"Iiy = 8011e VIa our M oetbsm a nt. tbisopit tltniloidice ?uvtory ad 1t l lai car rate vuia thi ettu se, PlY ai R-Ock is81»d tiket eMee. le eitfseà John obesag, G.P. A.. a P. y.. Chicago. DR. EDWARD aEL AWEZI Piladephi, committed suiîS jumping from a steanbot as 4 City. urfouly enough, ho1 ephev of Capt. John Leveuqu "Don'l give up tlb. slpl p nine iremortal. BmOs ud Iosers dellgzhaÎ1s. bu enchau ted ubon w. behold the nous Of a Young lady made beotlfnlby 01 Glenn. selphur Sus». dangeroua toca manin the mt FüiencL. neeasdvaue, and lin oat use b bC Mielapr<sIea eschagrenuaa cembnedl a auer hitheto unknoin, sud WIL DO ault I ais med for il, AD MORIL ahoten LierLups PinDiminiahea Danger Bock te o sg"om e.id PRIE, ccimlug vcluMtmyn.luI Ot LAME ILLUSTSATKO AAD i hisa t.as fnfliM e mstiloi o «Ytsstle.lison ep te posta. &Mofra. mw. cissRi rE . cf Umm MI àlte à 55as~a vu &OsUef udi, rvelmavii0 usli esysr i s5p < "va&'qmm miree. m Wm »»"M "Ma » *0" PMU S A Disosu UmiboMa miii ~conomy requires that ii, ail receipts calling for baking powder, Royal Bakinig- Powder shall bc used. It will go further and make the food Iighter, sweetcr,j of finer flavor and more wholewome.U KNOW '~las 1.