CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 20 Apr 1894, p. 5

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ILLE, ILL Ltng, in a n mnupee. Ailo TUB USSi V ether rossais, de MT2 PAOSS. Wilb la This auvo- li adpute *0Ul 18l ONLY OMS 6hicago. INTER oc"«N. lBOTH ~ONK IYEAR, rance. C*]W lef eruc fer ni&caul. cmr of Frut bke -A 1 f b Tnà,lx r pom*u or PaEs a. verni - j. '.5 1. La Duchet sbettor thi Ovor Drug store. IA~PARÔR io.i at A ie. -I~th share, à AuCTrONEER, fTVVL.LE. -- IL. MNTS WA14tEtD! toIOamofth ta ork gua$ tYu irtrni, -te., Udrat ~4bU.IIaWater F;ter Go.. ~Wright, Parkhurst & Co., LIDERTYVILLE. ILL.. eflus interstBefl7lg Cer- . »àSt Payable on Demland. -SMITH & S U" -lm Ibe place %0 Bu- 1Fancy Work materials, BTAMIPED LINENS. Ladbaa N.cbcwear. Ruching. etc. Chas. Kaiser. mü Iloess 8.7 U1 4, 10IbdIMShZI UStMp mou MUR 4.0 rZAM bHARNge ^ A SPIILrY. Txices as LOW A', TIE LoWEiý go à& beCUT".S Will close out MY stock Of tBLANKETS * ANDI* ROBES 9 A DISCOUNT. ~mfaring U.at17 and QuIcIkly Dor' IogVVILLE. ILLINOIS ~Q0Ptl%èBest Coffe punr 28,;gracde, 6uai to most 35( 1,114îgift 4ilaïla E eiabatt a marchant, have arou'sed an unumlual degn aè0wsl anTusa ek Bilf% asteIn tcama g our be t eit W1"4YT' APRIL 20, 1894. o ltip B£b Ou e it- ing à location for his elothing and q -W- zoe. The resuit of both the gentefurnisbîag store. Church ana society Dir.cory. recent electlons has been a sad and A.I1. Malory Who lias been working ucifin aëer Brbitter dlsappointmeflt t iy honest theLIERdNTOfc svra Mvie@.:clonerai csa. lu a. m., Preucb bearts. The old and honored pillars Ing 10:30 IL m., S. S., 12 m:w: bl',Y~uC of Our village commonwesath, one weeks, started on the rond Tiiesday .41. a. prmahi g, i7.1> u. . m rue Cýett sacmeiu rvlr ew lu. Vedaed&Y evenur ut 7-e-afera>. rare heing laid aW&Y shlm m SU taee. ews upon the shelf. The looai i-oltla iafl cces pliBOBYTMAN-Ja F. P-. -ned, muet tremble and feel that lie Win. Banett ls building a band- .; O.S., 12 m.: y. P. il. C. B-,0: " , builds o n shifting sand. The Byndl- some# Oommodious, modern residenea OC4IC@eUg. Wedniefday eveflfing . -cate, and the venlerable Bepublican whioh VIII make his family a comfort- J. 5 mntvll* i lng, combined, falled to dafeat our able bore nesd le an ornament ta lro. Pastor. ervLeea: *le*t SufdaY esldrmn.Thi 1ot.S . 2 ln., ema unday. $1500alemn ei locks are Milwaukee Ave. We are glad to note ____________________ sorn. bis entOÏi)ris§e. ~MU flitNo.Dk492 Invlew of these circumstances, Mrs. RMirl libas beeiiln Chicago two aurd, c sh mentIt. Vlatlng ffbren rO' the outlook for SchoQi Meeting la ,days "bI wek Inspecting the latest dilir uelomd. J. . L. W. m. w 0. . IDSONILL. it.. . 1-71 black as lar. StijlIf we will bat atyles and bu, lîîg a fresb stock of _________________________rally ail our forces and euii "the. eprlng and summer Millinery. Ladies 8pring Cwes and Jackets at lirs. fait:' to the rescue of the brave, can e a grand display nt Smith & Hurbutt's5 sourely we can meet and quel the Swift's store next week. The. latest i spring milinery nt whirlwind of opposition brewing aka àord horst le the oui y capîtalist lirs. Protlne's. along tjie Southern horizon. There Are «ho bas thus far built bouses for rent many mitigdting circumistallces to and 1thain met a demand tbat wil T. & T. quota savaral new pricca lin<heer pour fainting hearts. In the balliotthe town and psy gond lu- the Cash Grocary ad, this week. iret place the gentleman whom w. tereat on bis mouiey. Others would Butter and Eggs taken the. saine as are eupporting for village school- do Weil to foiiow bis examîtie. cash for trade ut Trigga±& Tayior's. master, bas lived in Our midat miany -Weý-nlerstaud that Warren M. Chlldre'scshool bats, cbeap, at years and w. know hlm Weil. His et etecoc fqieanme lira. Protine's. enaracter la ajiotiese; bspeyl'Whu o P 6oseas h oe o Ladies eau tiud a aew stock of sinceme; bis schoiarship la hroad; bis and ejeot hl, e chool direetor. t iB spring Miliuery ut Smth & Swift'$. leamniig le sound and uuostentatlotls. athakaoffie.; but hlj near by Prinite, Gingbamsanad other uiew Hie Interigty la above reproaeb. He wth no duties to îîevent bis inspeet- dresai goods juist received at lira. of ail othero, le juet the man ta set îgtesho hl noeain Surbutt's. before tbe ehiliden of Our community, hO e ichool wuie loprati ona by living exemple, a iofty standard Ue.Fral gtbak oda NI. B. C. & Ca are biddiug hlgh for of pure, icere, moral duty. Againour trla Brunswick, Mo. where bie apeul wyoaur trade. Reai tiha qupWgonsln lu andîdte for the position le thorough- the past six molis attendlug sebool. their ad this week. i 1aiidfom a nelculH.e epect ta cicmk iL bete or lit *1'ie PI.elP, Dogei ~ J'IwaJ COt#nd jpoint.. to meet ail the re<îuire-Ci~ hssme u tk th~.i e vi Qd ~tC~ s~s f tpeto.Bel uabusiness claenexi %Vori's Fuir. Sold by Mrs. Protine. of thewidlest culture. Heism iot on (Y Wfriltba e ardto 1Iliac.littrai New Yorkem potatues *eIl versed in ail that pertains ta t.he embatkiu bubiiîîe s on bis owuu hook. iir sAle ut $1.00 pet Ijus it ue-third tire. e ,'but sw iershan He h d a Se1 a adteiogZie PpuCe. (s. Il. (aLec b1,b- knowe sometlîiug of fte £atiis- mnWho will make a suecc'sa. 51L.Vv-11P Ili. gsugc andlp.r""l home amang Dr. F. C. Kuiiglit lm stili our liret W. haive just received a car Wmsh- the propositions of Etielid. But choice for congresbnuai from tâh. ington Red Cedar shiigies-Beet wbat do woe re for ail the those new di»trict. We e iiîeve, if lie would _shingies lu the world. fangled notions? W. don't waut wamake the rave thalt b. mouid lbc surt Wrght & fions Rigil Scbool. WVc dou't want ta give ta get Lb. nominîation. If lie wil libe DU ing the warmn sumnmer monthe aur chiidreu a college training. corn an avowod candidate, lie cau bt LWe W Il deliver ece on Tucsdays andi Tbata ouly a waste of ime and a8sured o!thle midi' lded support o, r cmayS for do cents par hundmed. mouey. Ail we need is a gond thlIIe LNCDEPERDEiWliili Would ble n( Triggs & Taylor. country, district scbool, and we have aminaI factor ilu the cavaRedSud If yoîî are lu ueed of eometbing at preseut agood man for principal, cowae almnost mesure lits eleetion. flCw and styliLh ilu foot wear, cal (l a man who la working ,irt eheap and NwSpigMlueyod ha tirs. I'otiue. 8h. bas a ful eo woprfcl fthLe ,ll hn b latest styles, ut Mme. Huributtes. -ladies' sud eildreii'a ahoe and us elect a directar who wili Osea that sîïspeO ur prssent pri nci pal ls retained. Once, twice hlave the people epokei We hbave a large stock of Granite When w. nomlnated our geniai and their ballots outtuombered Lb -andi Blne sud White Tes Ketties at Mayor for scbool- director, w. made combied opposition. -li fllwin lw riee:No 7,(9I»-;a three-base bit. He ts:poipular with PoULies is a loiug game atiywsý No. h, g $1.10; Large Size. No. 9, al andte l sure tW go lu witii a big and the. more onue lias to do with il rush. lext ycar we are galng La Lh. vota. e ie coff. 4~ $1,25. (1. H. Sebauck & Sous. makis a auparviséor out of hlm sud Vbere there aire more candidate then et lent vi' yul Lumu hlm ont as a offcea. than smre muat geL leit. Don, Villge lecion etuni. llnhed article, a meet rival to Dr- laugh ai;Lthe defeated anea. The Pt.i-i~5jI S! P~5<~ Knigbt ln bé race for congress. are.all cipetent men of -gond j udi pEZaDEN vILAG son»: Yes, vo jîîstly worsbip aur raliroa i menlt sud their turn viii comae. C. Hl. AvMtl, 194 -Gt. H SeliaucR, 60men. We wyul gladiy give then ail Ti REEDR asi nt VILLAGE CIXRK: our earthly bonors-and eîgh for more; Tepî'Da suNd lcoti Uet .L.DuBliis 79 W.£E. l@,l 69 we yl trust our business lu tlîelr poi' if n ilcniu VILLAOE TIiCTREM. bands. They are venerable businîeSsîsuvcte the f e re ltas eror, km l'red (rIl~ 72 Edwîatara7,9 men who have maite their homes witb istandihen us.f e are n arr ia: -Lsr.'y J. Wrhl, 70 Warren M leth. p4 i uihe.u.W r ia 'i;. B lond, 63 W. n. APIPîy: 8 us frOM chldhaod. They have lent rouad to Uisten ta logie Tibtal iunaier votte@ eat 155. a helping boud la the developemneut of aur town. Theéy have large busi. Now thiat the Village election1 t The *Fortnightly"' Club. nees itereas among %te. Tbev wili over let the corporatiou improvemei W. are glad ta leama that the new sthy with us La, the end and flnaliy go on; tluish up the gra-,eling, reps, Llterary sud Musical Society La b., make their aset abode i the little aud buid new midewslks. Let entei 00calieti by Lb. Dot aver aupholous white elty ou the bill. Tbey wil Prise anti public Spirit preval au name "Fortnightly"' la proviag itaaif neyer move away, even If offered a at.i miii cli on armoniousiy. Il moat enjoyable andi haipful ta ail whn hlgher salary eieswhere. Oh no. iThe most important o! ail, je t] ,'a bave Lb. gond fortune La lie mem- Tbey are taa much anamoreti of Our ScbIool election wbii ca mes off lSa bars. Having suffereti many reverses pretty town toi choome another ut 510 ur'day eveulng, April 21. IL wil I N5 ilu the way of misapptehefleiofi as ta price. Joues aud Brigbam vore rare lield at the achool hotus. from 7:301 its ptlrposc, numeroue counter at- exceptionis. u uo'vlock. t la expeuted there wi 00 tractions, and Lb.eaLlier varions lits We atre for~ Avenul andi Davis from b"e a large number of lady voters. o! lnfaney. iL uow seeme ta have at- now, hencafortb and fare'-er more, Lilcrtî ville lias îuionty of lots i, tained ta the sturdine8seo! vourli ani world without endt. Let the ladir sale, but not enougli bouses to i .00 gives promise of beailiful andi vigor- ail cýorne lie poils andi vote for comniodate the people wlio wauit jG ous growth lu Lb. future lu atieua- D-avis. Eu"Rm'aIRE,. live lier.. Builti tweiutyflve ne tional lines.ibouîse- sud we vil et every oneC f F. The club met Tuesday eveîiug W. fouîd te above article on our you belote tihe are rcady forc T. with Misa Peunnmau and thougli it de:k with suficient fulide ta paY for cap.iî,cy. vaé statcd that a number of the it as au advertisment. IL seeme No man bas a jacket big cîcougli axpectati entertaiers had sent e- capable of a double meaning. curry the vote of Libertyville lu grets, tîtoeevas noa evidence of any Whcther Lb. author means iL La be ý*est'jpocet. That day is past. Se lack ln Lb. excellent programi given. seriouîs or sareastie, w, les'Te the ail peers at the poils. Theie be WVawould sp.cially mention Miss eadere to jîîdge for themmelves. eetishaeooe ilL.mi Davis' solo "The Lard is Miatif niof ethatiformherl heit L.aieî~l te no ma, Ris Own" which reelved 50 hearty Tu EDITRoaINDEPENDENT:- that aierdatoe.dtepol' o an encore that elhe was compalled As the ime for aur annuel achool Wo hy grnatoetald.o -ta accept glving ý aint littIe meeting la at band ti Lbas coin. ta my directar? Wamea aaeyafurlly balld,"Tii da" kindiy hearing severaiL imes duriag thie pait offered by Missalu . week that the old gag la beia work- petent and have mare ime ta vi NV Mrs. Paddock's readig o! "Mark ed upon Lb. gullible votuer t aur actinos.p pos te we tryo a hait Twaln'a experlence wlLh a Reporter" town, namnely, that 1 arn a standing Tii.laeSuposetAe balacanpo waa ais" greatiy enjoyed by ail as applicaut for the situationu as prinal-T adienssLho theylaceko. o' ve as plainly declared by inmstig pal oftheii.Libertyvllle achool. -adNovllc ho hy le l't upon ber -readlng another selection. as a free barn citizen of the Unitedlayrcoceldis itThe same author's touat ta "The States, it la Iuy privilege ta aspire ta If the vomen WaflIL the ballot, 8 BabIes" was giveni response and any position ln ails, or any aLlier urday. April 16, la a good iile ýct duly appreclated.' communlty viiere I may live; and as them to lot thair deairea lie knov Tiie llterary snd musical notes by there la Do disgrace attached ta the. The achool election la the muât1 the. Misses Schanck. and Kîmbail charge, if true, I siiould keep portant ot ail. We pay mare ta, L00 were mat lnteroating, gving criti- sulent. It la Weil known ta niany. for achoola than any other item, Iàcisins On Lb. lateat books and the Who started Lbe atory and Who cause edueiole 1 the grateat fat musial ren 0fLb. ime. W hoe kepa t ghigandfor hatpuromeo! ur iivilization sud every citi: LOK BEFORE you Ltie., Happy Home it st re e- 'f of of eu it Lb er id er lie ta for tC- tot MsISAAC HEATH & P ooî Libertyviille Çh sthe place to buy your si WATOHES9 OLOGKS, itu 8IVKR ARF4,1 ow The above is the veor- ends dict of ail who h'Ove free tried hlm, and is suré Igbe of aiL who may bu are, of hi m in the f uture. 0 oCALL AND 8~, mine Hsm elda mdBepairingdu t t nill. I £ - -ý- ý11çI s the LowIt,eZ S3, The Fit is always Perfect, The UURUII I lte Bet. ' EVERY GARMENT is S.M.D WTH fiAGAR*.NTEE ftem the MAKM*S I hat et. rýg r e- i ' 1-)icnto- weam nay be retumned 7nID T-1- ':: C y 'L-, ee Ref-VNoiel WE A 1, 1, 1,:- C Tl [iS V.ICINITY. Also: The Celebrated McMiIIenPants.- ~. fiinqf G3r1er\eedj>' i~i~at times, Puupyth best seed growers. Compare these prices with what yoù are paying elsewhere- - One lb. Snow Bail Baking Powder .20 Chicago Yeast " ".20 One lb. Colby's Diamond Bakng Powder .20 One lb. Cooper Baking Powder One lb. Century " - 11 Y clth ulal SfiPti* 22 lbs. Gran ulated Sugar, iç, 5 gais. Snow WWvte Oïl, 4- 12 lb. Pails Ex. Family Mack3rcl 1406,- 20" Seedless Raisins 10 18 Good Cooking Raisins 1.0w 17" Pail Jelly .40- 30" Currants10 13 Cans Sweet Corn 0% %IoBUnCOLBYI~U Wàrks patch. EAN 'lu WEST ION.

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