CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 4 May 1894, p. 4

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~iden, la w-ll quippd with the jÀatest Styles of TyF ";$Provyed New MaMiier' We pay gond salaries ta Competent Workme And as]alam ta ,5STAÉLt8H AND MAINrAI Mt Jls lass ReputatloE for turnlng ouitisae letQ9&HVtyof Work, Gîve us a trial. )OMMERCIAL WOIB. --AND Wl diBlank Printfi ASpecialty. -thinigrirom a jIcý4RTE DE VISITE, M~LSEET POSTE -PLAIN OR IN O9qp ff Badil le lsefr advaut9ge tei » estiunates fur i- ndti L- thiri Job PrItlug 10 tise W*ndent Printing Hous eOwur ciancHardware Stoe) igMotte: "Live and let Livi Somethlng Different. rffaaUrqs of Art ara Not Whal -&Hve to Offer Thia Tima. 'hcnouidea liai growîî ta Ma oaffnîtudsl. Il la a gîtaîi -bava affibyatl il. Wlîtl ~ offler oui- restera îs stieti Iadvluithle. 4~ ave mae srravigemeiît.e m SPsblittlierst hîe Fanîssf hIy, publîsîted at I ockttii-t, 1> va cami tunuuli iti ai- l ,~iubecribera a witîte yoar fo 16*117imutllial punes. ABoUT FAillI F,PJi-IS. MI 1118 go-aatit age everytiiit - Iiii110bruiiteiî iii i ltit îsi = laC itn more marked wltiîii M cenwtur Ias smig iik ii weary bralicli tof busilîtosi Ir ale, new moes andtl îew id ~j bing vialea, tlitil îîuwmilaym Bkeep iusted in lus p.rticular lu*,b t e leiiiîd. t-t~~' "~AlMEI5 tNl()IILY, r£5 & ot joita tcoontry hIfe ail Wdé aio u averythitiîg îtert.itiltîn ~Ultura. ti I.oiue outhtie lead aWi@ ofethie coîîîttry, uf Ils el p~orp. et siali tilera 11il t ufo inu paige escit nitîfliv ]let ait Lhest iiti u. 'fiPealîm, Fielul astt Garîloît, ', Ibb -ssamery and Daii y, x-1<IIae stable or Pasture, GOod-Rostd Agilatittî, -Oiierai Lîteisttire. ql Riemaetilutly tata papor for ~ t.A palier evoryii t1ujily *111 Ibid bathp gaiprofit Ili p~erusaing. tolowiug coun su d utus wltiu la celtstawe "Poufmera' Mûtlly ouae L-.U 01*111give us - -,10 peu-aunaln your luea tMli. se»famUly) wisî nySulwrbscrbte ut indmoenvt, $UbRer-ipti( tii tsi thlý ;rye FR1AY ~lY , 111 - May thesaint havoilY On atown or 0 citywithacroakcrin il! Ifithastwo, ta ____ ___________three or halt a lozen eroakera living inuP 1% it ito e t 1o ,eîmiserated ýhat ml 4 KEE TE TRETSCLAN more. Thol croaker cornes in two forme honoral Ji 1-decan sd alive. The croaler han ues the Sev Geod Drauae aed Good Helth Ineps- ou tho niorth idleofuthlm, nmatter the 'g rable Conditou. whethcr the -,,inter bo nilld or solvcre.0 The wide awake, presperonbs The ujoss indicate no' hing especially, Jon E towu differs asranch Inl appearance au: except thut ho should bc remove frolu .:jor. of Il ît ducs in rmariner frrnm the ideepy, catre- the cmmnuity at oice. Tho eroakera<l. .-.~o tt lems community that lets things take cure ways views bis own to,%u front a plsi record 1 of tbcmsl res. What a contrat the well i,tic point of view. Ile bas no Muorduai napet 0 th later!Thecaptalit, hefî,nrnuifur . Ionte l] a raker nthat cd paland ',rell kept strelotfotthe fr riforornyou oththn ]at~I.e eîî m rpreser t the untidy d gloted tri artisaun, the honcýeeeer, eau but be fui- much is going te be dune toward houx cdvi, ,Ký pressedl with the evideucea ts ftbrift and i ing the tuwunnd exp]oiting lits superiur MIany bad habits of huorse- havi beuthsa rfl anergy that are inseparable frotta cam- adyutaglsand howilllsay: 1 Wcll, you I Itr , , '. ec'ass!fo hirît the linois and order. As a consoquence the, go ahoad-iadvertiso it, boom ItL ] 1'(1- ..t.- tîa a ee icoee b'c tt-u ouearapidly ad'vanoos lu %ealth and pop- like ta seouyouu(Ioit,"Iwith a thrug of T. D lisbcaugh, oV. .,ressdenProf. ha e ulation, while the other stands tiiftheshouldors. Yuu'll never boom this _______________ fT.e vtinary il .S. eg;e t n- iIN it dues uot-which ie probabio-axecute' town."-- ofte coud tlee t1' -rya a backwsrd movement. The croaker la generally ton lazy teu r1EBSTE'R'8 layette, Indiana. Such as 'sober- lasch The liret duty of a town la to provide labor under au impression. Ho rivy ITE N TINin -îwn mners, weak eyes, of il for the hoalth ut the resdents-that fla, have mnadlx some muuey lu bis lifte. I ut ~~stopping stiddenly, loss of flesh man a' en> far asuit la possible te do se by pi-e- be dues net lire-le simply c3JfIl «.A[i 4f. ,5<>uDICTrIONÀR y driving on one line, ba king, . rhgr ventive meatures. Cleallnesis next ta o li n ubusiness asud la aked tolu .vswcemurqtfth trwn h ed n a rahcm godliness, and pure water sud asaee- tise, hae says bis gouda don net le r tmIg " has ben tehacd ato bad breath.carert tiffesowerage system arelndispeuable' timing, sud besides bh i o ta . el~é hn h, aldito the physical sud moral welfara prontut corner, sud evryb,.,i' *. - ia Man yyun drvershavebee ut the coommunity. Iu far tel many Io-' is gouda as tbey pais. YeF, i 'dtonM. It au. nariy spoiled before the direct lulo caities is the question of drainage left' pas,"I for tbey rarely go in. TheI em.2-(a eernutheh cause wvas discovered. Rough doand t aecareofot lself, sud it romains a or nover gives bis rneiglibor or hi iil a017, 1)0 Pr> hie tln perpetul menace te the public haath, man credit for auythiug bolie -usanwodm. te mout and produceor nervous-rat mouiler or later to break forth with dire plishes.A Iri resulta. If yuu go tu a local zerchant and Inbarl ness and irritability; uneaven -l rn Ap system ut drainage ishould embraoe show 1dm a plan or suggest to I1cm su g thé 18 and logaed odrean.icisors but ho no cl the rcimovai -uo storm water enterprire wbich if earried out vil te uiu<1Ifoemtti prevent the proper mastication of teI wldch talla upon the treita but aiseot great benefit te aIl coocerued and ali tgUa caau., - 2", ourA, - the food, producing indigestion Soelng niaI tstuumao tcaoo;p l. tize water fromt sinka, closets factories ha cuo-operatiuî, sud ho mayl: Wellofthég,,<,.aru One ad general debility. Dc[ydIlg ti sud other sourees. Al machi should have wb is inthis Giosund sec tbeotherbts aiibalof-olnquoal.. II mulirs cause necrosis Fte u e ni direct connection with havtaan nomsa mca and if tltOy go lI Iiae iVt YW vla litS9» ENS, < l bsesesnaMldis o.fisthe aJ th tis 41 otin luthe nearct- ;twater course. Tho dIo se, too,"- lookrout for bim. Il TmflUy nom la-te T se a ui.sh1n . ptreet gattera ahold hokcpt frefromnot bea erol rbut bçà" .wbas daxlgpt-"» sW I= rubbisb sud have mch s perfoct grade- symptn .. Hola isvitÜNtéd, asud tue - wdfrsî1 Thé bnl~lrIemove<.L Decayed ftel .rrsuld ale, that no water wll fini] lodgment aioug prohablitx2sý, ...A.b"t it will lte .i n U "tealle.suadraalf .bce etracted, snarp corners and f.ourn thé ptrept4on 'ith'-r ida. Jttonoy judi- i omethiug is dunle for blion. He uedsil a SoM byAU Boobees rougit edges should bc smootlieO hecul î~cionsly spent in thiswork under thes u- hypoderiniin injection ut "entprprise' G. & c. Merrîaaa Ce. d own, and elongateil mo!ars and Gecorge ut " - prshUlel as& incissors cut off. The commun b-tal w sfeand sud re invettuxent that wili ho habit. Hoele tthe finit ta expert benefita returned with compound iuterest Iu that accrue f romt the nlted efforts, ûn- lr"= fnt rfie hrtooe el' ngw ounr own towuthero la mueh room for' su ad enterpriseofut thers, but la the, m sacrin~..nsuffi cbu. peial tintru- i-. ltilit imovemeiit ln this direction, sud each bit te leud a haad. The cruaker is a ---- j ---- o ufce uscil n;r- ]>i t man and biousehuider tites il pusilisuimons. luignificant, iunosis- ' mnents dcv ised for the purpose arct ta l Ob. ta bilif trud bis ueigbbor to belli tnt encunîbrane. t iiiît'~ ~pj"-'lI'necessary. Somne 'ctinary Den- meni i aiong tbis necesarywurk. ln the ulatter ut streets, tuaw-e are TII C~C AK l, î~ thlnouat u-i 2,d tists saY lil k of no use to confine cori faxrntmperfect. With a litho ritIe plai il, du Ur i-; ut isi vtr ahue lu repair the tellh ' ate cure in the dletails oftconstruction a hnd ulat Hbit. sf 5aving and Tesral 'c ilîî il'-ci:i,-î lt - deîitist do a good job on your rmtun sude-Value, of mener.,tteeth xchen you .are wligeil1 more systemnatie sud tborongh methodi helin f .ylais. . Wn Mite hot, a lie intwl'ngsa s.otseepiug themIl fro rm sticks, tones Iunu other way eau the habita of ;ti wh-n yuu have dl 4th, WMlt arsIuld the rooum'? capt4i sud otheraccumulationa ut rubbish ournr thift u cuuu ma y auof thfe ion uone sift t tir'-i. 5tli -Have your horses teeth fixed. -T11 tborouhgn-arswoid beacredit sud a, inthayouthfuimine ad correct usuthe1 Rreiamn thecutvlstt pride lusduto, i te eacses, asueya- lunking fsystem am it fla praticed lct tuer 'Ignni ure ~tee a tte ontkt i @o mre mand cause for mortificalion. As in mnyofuthUe most progressive publice nilyge îlti15' reapc -a wohsguagod etu Nwls th agrct, orintio fxin pn-sehool .Ordtnaily deposita ut trom a' Possible. ' mois andknuits 'how to uscthem i alties for dumping "ales sud other cenit up are recele by lhe leacher upun!nom housebold refuso ta the treets should ho the morniug ut a certain day eacli week, tr enlorcled, as well as forbi<ldisig thse îa sud pupils mual draw money alupontIsaI Wa ig otwagns wth srtcou, wuoî,day by [lving previoni notice. Every Il etc., il u sncbamannuir lIaI a part eofchildila furnlisbsd withb a ekblu AiVE wihare îaunted regulations. Checkts, XTF y N CI9 tIse contents will ho distributed atileul; vv Y N OT R AV E A git ie tIhe route uftIheir passage. A proper au-rcipasdepallpareiogvn j we pervision il those'maltera, witl ho a i by the board ot education, sud overy Fi Ilig distributinuofthtIe irinted ordînsucea, achlar aboya thse infai}t#I;%i s d e - k will go tat tward realizsng the desired quired taftlil ont ail blanks t necetary in witl, neatilee& ~te transaction of bu8aluss. This la doue oieo orO p TREES IN THE TOWN. tle pupil, but ai a protection le thesys- -Heil II.tetm. The money received each week la wi ort( TeyAd Vlu u l"erjr-AFe H-placedin l a local national balik which, LOTS LO TS! O Sca oil nutiu-k onStrict Lighting. for tIhe hunor ut hing the ciuaodian ut O TS!niar)nn A love ot tho beautiful la luboru lu the childreu's tunda, las always ready te man. TrIes are a iource ot neyer faing pay legs] interost sud allow it teaho com- ç. iL f TI A T. " ý pro- enjoyniot ta dlwellers lu thse town, sud puted semiannually. @.~ '. I SJC .J. .~ ry ils nu tOwuî eau holebeautitualwilhout tborm. Ti IF 0hauca dSg ix Mntsa ia hltl Z ll hie How rc.reshing their shad lu simmler, banirbooka are wiitten up sud the a=-ra A FewtF slî'et sud the dreainessuof winter is renderedin ue sdded. Exuberaul expectation i la 6 e Lots, 50 x 150 feet, in 0. F losit destlate by their preseuce. Senti- showu lu the proceeding tracm the tut meut aside, tracýs bave a diretalue A wth a dollar tubher credit to the yout-W rg dtltroc ahaded avenue is a =uch.mored- fui Croemus w-ho bai ton. Girls as well L' hts A ddition to Liberty'ville. ol 1 n sirable place ut resfideuce tissu uuewisich as boys vie with calis thtr as ta their $ 0 r ielacdre their aioruent- Praperty ilamore holdings, sud ample apprecialin sunl P i e :fr m' sr. vanabie ou tUa sitreet, san] Isudlords avined ut tise earuusg polr ut muney P i e :f o 2 0 to $3 .I h denuausd and receive a iigiser rate ut aillthe intoetrl rpidiy compoutida itmoait ilIl i-u.Tn osa r ep-uionIL te the repectable proporions ufthIe Term s: $15.00O dow n; balance by G;nýYs tis te lawnis are green sud smaulhly shav- principallm tluges, ud lies u loteathnbatf Btsborth chool week la Instailm ents of $5.0C a m-h tht- t, lia. hubey or ineatate reulygiven ta the business ut the banking de- m nIS thtît Il s2: rvary amiong tle dwllers te excel lu prtment, sud wben are lakinto iacum- -lî w i the beautiful. A comperatively amilaltbcidration the benefita derived te thse This is a good way to invest your Savings iMu ouliy wuni] doanuh t cut1fY Our ciildilifater life by lisus uarly ineul- î tow-n. Once pîsulteil sud proprly guard- cating tise prineipies etf8 a u t ste os ar otl oe ,and of Wil It titi, et]ftram.ilustruction, trocs rcqnire lutIle lisethalueotseace-rom-y utoree isulail htdl cane sud lu a tiiw years wtii amply roc- mutsho alluwcd tisat uio other hour ila raise a g o1la ns tm ir uf omene s ortrube udmucycx ike]y lu ho mitre profitable in results. A dIvT pendail. 1chil InugisîtisaI t fils arnings or g a '""a s- .< Thelilgihing l.t trî'ets t lit lat sa 1Inities at list une-huIt must ho saveil (>1 Wor ml ~a once, a.1wilai oly (I13l subjts.t tfgi-caltip,îlrtsuce luetise poil> willl neye-r wast for tise necesaltica ut pie ut a comiunity. The honefits ar e an perchauce Inay ho able te in- seli a fewo h m frtea ov rcs manylaand fan tutwtiigh ary question ut dulge lFul omeut is luxenieshe.t c ua or ceoluîuîiy. How rmaly accidente s Iii- tlat bave canseil lois ut lite and limb Suppli- the Lol Na-w.papcr. 0r u i CIId osl are due t nuceta iîghtedorw-bol- uewsfpaperf , l 15011- uffcoty r The immense pow-er a local PI Il' 'bonii Sly tik stretal Huw maly crimessave posietes lu attnacing trade tallhe luwn ..g h rYoîî ubolcomnitted uuuter Lcuver utfsarkneas l inw-beldit las publishod lor i.vvrig il £Lbertyvlle, -- JAJ.JD sioll' liat wold utver have beaon PerPetiatd ita thr echaumais eau hardly ho asti- huit l ,eid lUi thorabeau ligît toroveal the robber matae& Fnhr ll amte htl wiIor assassin to hie luttaidsd viotimi The seldum aunsideream ass important tac- retait] y05i-. devallojenent et eiectriclty basnimitle il tor in s tuw-n's prospanity, for lieaim -_ teil t theC pammsibla te ligît aur streets al night at ple resen that business meni geuarally mouh, la 1t, a mie epenge. No col plati r& donot give lt aliauglst He Who wili ySe ragmn wt h ubihro h NE CA. 1)g i ar-e quireit, sudthe. outlay for lab"ir ta Put hxp.i-tially conaicl asertion* Sewairrnemn wtltePulahrcfte thROuA. lg [I£up th isewlanominal. be nvincedoftthe trut titkThe lo- Were ablet@@ffei-ibrldv ithe The lightiug ofthe buness "un n acepaperlavery »tmrlly bilamdntfa. Te .kl NTROCA B T YOUs nt easugh. [t la geoi UCfur m It gl vor af lie placescil Il. publication, andTh ekyI ERO ANB H limee but Itit oM et 9u0gofax.Tiihemmani ifgiven a fair living patrouage y NhomeI ONE aalety and oouveaieim of evry ettim aen usie man will guard well tWer in- T e W e l N E E D NE R dem!bnd that aur treet. ."I11b. un il- toi-ssIijuas-tii. jm rchsantgualdathe hae kyI D P N E T E R luninate t lat ho nisy ava lia home litaieet. Of lUaindividuel custosa«. F r o l 190aas n d an e 1 after dark witiatit danger >fbeskin< But ifa niggardly support J doledouF r fl $19 ,C s ina v ce.' tie 8ereuten*-~i4 kuew-u as *-Tishe a '-nditfew reglmcnt"9vem ile service, lunlico ,m evnteentit Lancers toi-pieii ;anut oooauwicl 'rodeÉa lt of diath, lt th ie month of i*'i tise -, lit-salli or ilosy Boy'-M'4#ý B-rrrniau. tisen troopmrgitsua- lits ofp-nes-- tt sa U1149IMI011 liii oîf Britl-ihbravery. tih rwt îwt abs,]] e tiu goluibil '- Ouîieftif otu orneragave lie od-- iincline,' luit a coi-pura] w-liapw ýci-p straiglit oîn, JàLci," Ho cout Li Ils-y ivurs, plstaite tise lntervwbb uis, tint! ly. ks-tping alralgbb aien itiiIlthe îixt round, wliicli miati ielit tliui tuttui-tiny. TIsey note. oclose htuie guis tthat Major er- says the nuise tisey meattequhitdaa- blii. Bs-loeus, lîweve-, they coulai tbe gunners anuter féartul aom ,t urat over th-u, and Major EeM.- anil bi@ herse, alîko ahruci, tell su tutîs]. As bc wa» doeattag whctber ilt the aunil or net, Captain Wabb up and agked him Ifhiawmhuit. ian aniwcivd(, î"Only idigbtly, andi .e asc,-rtained iitis tise optaii wa wnundeil, Captaiu Webb aiedthei moigeint mtajor wliat lhe lad bottas- i tise latter nilviseil hlm ha atlcito ie suitget 1w-rk as tast maieacoulit. gun tlisaudt-le, lho turnoil anddrude d tise mn-. 0*w euuglit a luette horset'"My@ Ma- ri-ynuin, - andl gotut oh bouk, e el direît>-, lise brasé ofth b lii- linuv-ng lis-lt <i-trou mbhi. c«la tisait theri- waint)hope ot my JOWu li r,-glunc-ut trintthe iuee, an thUe nth lîsuaurs Isling close Upon une, 1 a f littîla luth-, right ta pa-.a tbuuou i-nuvil betl.-een thea mqnaàdr. e"~b -'-.4iisçellaa lt Menti ila lm Pm. hL ÈfilU tbl captainWebi>b l , 1, uti tolut uti, sud un Inquirim tuiaI is wutidwatt se paluful that Id nuit ride tuîr fui-tisar. Lieutenant ,e Smith tut nu! uwn reglielit coln- y, I ginlifi liustand ai. tise bai-uc's while 1 lîttes]lte captain off. Har- ioipi-idhlm,1 étI îsted Smithlstta Wchua it'shori ntdutride fori-amitre".l kig noice wlui-re wtt were. lt.i tim l itltts- xàu-eunî hit gaibai-k rF guli. s ndrcis-îu'litd -r. I maw &ix i îyi nn m'illie-r.t isauter e *j ljr tIttr-.Ical juil htu Ihin tI1 o5tse bih utu laIt-, fiîr a ýhI-tI tlpeti tg ihut.v iIilui dn'tt thiuione, it-a ltint i- r-id alîut I1utiuglit tise it-y tn'ult- ttt U u-es-ir, un- t-e ilt-toy lutiguie r.unua,é dutwn. imi y, hilu lita 1-t, r nuitait your ,Uit-t> ikIt luse rouit ilut ir, 1.t-l Iinuil bure >-ou urtui ltvy swilmtutitke nue pis- If lt'y si., air. wu ilil utigiliier.' L)it lt ludiis-e.Ixusk tati -tts' Ali t'îght. cli-. Unily we will go tu- r wntiî-î '-r lutxipptt-' t uu at~ 'it siumomenqt I1sw Nerint I1 tu ,itiiSi g l', I mt-lu isw in. lie 1,oi t'. uWht-n lotit, hecuie We libitiget gicapahain Webbs out (if 'tir we shai lie ptLmtàcd.' le gr-etng. *0 tmade a chair ut ouI- - litidt he captatu op sud founîl we cotild carry lina *1*1 comtparative We hlld guI about 200 yasfl tîla nr wisen thesa, cain eonipllued tInt rg wus ry painfuL A pi-risae uf Fhirttisutii beling ns-ar, 1 sais i-sthlt4) <I enoitgli to support Captalu Webb** tutil wo couhld procure a st-eIdher. t-ai s-ve-iai tuf ttIc era passtiitun. litl Ittht- ilsetter, lut.elsv (Captiain lit lut the-lt-g, utîldfcllow. 11ev did Wt Il, 1 was unuhi,iued sud taki-n pria- flut thi-ithlietsrtmidin e ami own t-. miutu!eloti I gut aWay, aelxlng lthe e lied nuuw ru-no-led tisei-car ofthlie 1, sud 1 piocui-il tu tretcts-i-fi-unil'ai o-ry band] butye, anid a yîîung ufieer ut ;ny 'vtgave ite xiturnfliqutlo, meylng tie tîil nut kuiw làuîw teunîiply i, huit iPut I Wîighut. Iputl If utstise aptaliîtu, tIthlgisa Pnus]c-s-wd it Up, te îuuw i-sthe lit nrutlier sud <ci- hlai ftoi atituuit 50OYarsami u]agnnmot -n. I wiat iuuu-aiuof itan tiffer t-e Ch.a.s-u, lAfrique ei-lg onumy by fils lýibîtotgliisa iîl ulls in yshoul- 1 inut-sûi andîs] tedu. ]tiiuting lu uui Weub-lui, l liuuî litahnie lue salut: Ytîur tîfier?' 'A h, tand Yiii si-rgisuzit Olit.ukiug aI 'Ali, if 3-tu ws-n-lu }'rch eîî i-te, 1 Id uutake vou an ornicer un ths pot.' ta tautdtingln hilss ati-iupisudaxtend- la riglît iseni, ulieaut: 'Oh, Iii waa grand;tifI was umagniique, It la nul war, it latflot war.t lIi ufflsur watt tiers] Mdorris. W uedl oui- inau'ci, and wisea va gus bis- 1r-toi-a 1 vont luo ee lte end o!ft" LFtudtag a ai-se luintise liaes 1 inlot M, althugh lthe aunib.- ra e h leFow-tl LIglut draguait.> mj" idu'opped t la it thse Duise et' Cama. go anit eard w-t pamied. The duke, - àrlng to Lord Cardigan, mali: 'Cauudigan, wheu"a tie brigadlet' Tisera,' mali LordCardigan. - 1la tlat ailutof temp YOu bave lait the u brigade th"a ever lot the abome et- A 11111. fuitiser aa ho paise to CapiaIa f-7 Mor-ga (Liord Ttudeffl)t ,moran, w-bere'a tise reffuaenbi' il 'i r 4- tut -I

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