vwielncth v. cJth or G1027 BOY"_JMfÇ" xi, then troop êergoenfu w*--1 îîttt<nti lancers-i$sPUt rriencet os<f thait mgli B3ritis.h bravery. tt Pt up tuj the ltîruae'rgm* sb.,l eut great = n tib thde ufliter gave ore-' c, "brut a corporal whtapoe'. lîghit onl, JàLck." Ho ODui4 WefU oppi>at the Intervwbb ind by. kr-epirrg atraiglis on lie next rvand, w1liril mimatl viii lnt, ettir-nty. They note tui the gliris thrrt Major Ber- Suirise they fl1as1tquitedOIlf leftire, however, tiay could finers arother fearful storî )ver t hein, and Major Be"i- hOrra', idikoa IIIIk, tel to As bu wa» debating whctber ninial or not, Captaiti Webb agked hlm If ho waa hurt würtd, ,Only idightly,"i and tained that the oeçtis waa di. Captain Webb anked th&' t majoir what ha had bett*ar- ttter adyitécd hlm to atlcÏto getl bark ast faat as ho could. R ltvce, ha turned andt rou" tr. gir a basfe home, , My@ Ma- , - and gotoun to hie book, xetly, the brââssa of the bsrIS- hauîr driven Intobieedumi srtR- was nt) boise of my JOWa nent ln the urelaiei, a" tbe mirs. teng edoge Upor une, 1 to th-, riglt t-'a rtbro9 etiv-en tilte sqandr6lu.- ,1 istmi la athMe anid ba m Pma to ifi , and un Inquirtas q Wot!înd watt Ps palnful thas ide air', fartber. Lieutenant l of rury owzr reirnent muei- lmi tý, sîtand ait the horsts Llfted (La>calîtudu off. Hâv- lied nids, 1 altst4xd Smilth to m, lori' and ride for a titre"-h Aix- wlrr-rt we were. e dis,' itiî'sna bird got back anrd ri'r'ii.-i&d tire'. 1 maw &ix rîwi r.ire.t t4igether res i-..iCal urd tu, r isii to sep&- lat, fir a r'ls-lI dIIqpped koA 1lI< thiiîuk one es- :..la i~ e,,m .-al It- thsg Ouest, ,, i-kî-ri wliît 1 ih.ruglit thre il ru. - .îîrî- to purmie i, .ii, un- y biui e ek,niiý down. u lawl lmîn, r ouiistai, your ki ltine ni. ýir, 1 ."!l iirt leuve 3-ou tlîvy wil i rly tikke flic pris;- ,, brrr. wq' viii Pi togiatlrer.' ii t ile I4,uk ta~ ytul'w-lfý t. rir. Uîily we wiîl go tu- vair liapix-its. As. iuiîieiit 1 saw lFergent i g l'y, 1 cali-ti tki Mlin. lie .m Wi Wha-n told, ha aune t g.4 Caiptamu Webb out of hall he pîîaud.' g. rau made a chair of our tIre casptaihr op and fourni 1 Camr hlmu rilli consparastve d gut &bout 200) yardj iii thi the captain torrîplaned that aery palîrfuL A private of h belng rieur, 1 uwked hlmï t4) gi to support Captain Webb** e couud proc ure a stretcher. u-rai oîf the tflicer pemead un. Jrrhweii Maid: ti-' xilatter, 1t'eekV (Captain .îîiru). bu lu-g, rld fellow. H-ow dld watt maihr,icd and takien pria- i-i1 tihe u.etmid lie cause drirar ,LAoui 1 gril away, oelxlng thre ,4uld.' nora rerîehed thre rear of tire pruuri-d a atrencear front l, si boys. anrd a yourng uffileer of ie site x tourniquet,' aaylng rtoi Lira h.irr tui apply lii, hurt glt. i Put It on the captaînîs4 ad Per-îd it up, il,-d the sire-to lier ani catr- about 50i yards;uî amisgalan et Nam soude aware of an offiur i-rr (lAfriquie ls-iug on amy iinghIishlaud ilim loy shoul- si anid saintes]. Pcîînting to , brut irsîk uig lit nie lic sîu.d: licer?' si yîîî irgrn liroking St il rîîy arr,. '-'mi r I I P.. il 'i -'N au a-il 3-u w-re ini Fr.-nh sera-lt-e, 1 3ou an offiler en thc spot.' lg lu his stirrupsanrd extend- aud, lue sidd: ia grnd; it wr.s miagniique, rar, it is flot rar.1 nrr was tiveral Marna, W., r rnamth and rahen ras gus bw' 1 raunt te sas thea anal at th ng a herse in the Rio 1 m, althougli thea aunml be- Fourrtl Liglit dragos urd ln behiad tha Duke et' Camn. eard What pamed. Thre dube,- Lord Cardigan, sudd: m, wheas'a thre hrtgaaia' saO Lord Cardilgan. - ail of thrn Yeu bave lmst the. le th"a aven tait thre sirome et Ntura on b. spoke teoCagts v-ga (Lord Tndtefar): , wheve's th. regilnant?, 1 0,7àaihghSmauthât la au of r reginnent, ni! puon rugi- h. negimeuit wus urmbéra a of 0&,, r Borynan's galiaurtry 1r4 awsted thre Vi5ola cmu&- BL ~ * _____ BE GIVEN ATTH Union Church Libertyville. ITHE INDEPENDENT. PERSONAL. H. C. PADDOCK, EDrroit ANn Psop,.1 Wihtn<atptoMi %tank.-. nIeitly. FRIDAY. MAY' 4,iS4 d ! >îaii ~i;iîrgtn n church anid Society Drectory. 'îii Iîu lîIne ,.irî evur. a-, D 3 -. ru ; .rNrj JUt-it c. F.îu, l , 4.l1,, m l ] r, i r, 3' i E i- * . . W e X B t 1 'l d wiIl seli yau a New Machine for caà witl seil yau a on Tii, i -, -- , .:;-r- - I -4L.,l+ ,I m h.~~~~~~ F.albDuMse. Msafe: ~ Pait.LIr,7~L~; o .M i. î- -~- Prices: $'0. ta $20. Iess, than a TraveIi', ,,-a' - l l ~J. mirnjiîiî Sew.ing M~/achine rman w~ould ask you. WAort Cîioî~~u~ Âme-rît-i Uhuitvti~~~~~îrs1ttLi'u~ iErl. W. drM,î-rt-.jîmtitiu' thi-, v.,! il fagit-i-k' raidi CIîIîîirruîî's ltheOl li rr i 25 trOtS t e - ii-. n il 4. r hi.linii> j. SOiO oTtiM. Artlt IlrMi-Lc Bcly r,>, iiit- 1\ r chep litsr îrîIrs IUei, - It- Onu e 5Jonetirî Our Tn E is C Mrn lete baNt S u Cl O-The 1 t hon te hcc-' e h ui, W c a d Bn T he rerîîir aiitî l a, et-y day fer ail ek tiret îtîfhtOl lis attk rr-g a s SOI, M ory avi theEntrint- . 1.rîr-ral il tlid s J. B. a r --', SOIG o- ILIr. Nt h sei hi AskÂM s Ait ai a t oi t hrie litt iis. 1o.s. ri hen .Il\k. I ns d fli-ofa I nltLitirW e ave a fA N Uf.it , L st rai RVEci i A I ai S itccl;i, NI i ss l r l>ra and ou l n tli.li., bst w lii-o tro n 1)Il. is cont i eteT FeilrocTt'irnhl Haiir orî. 2.7) Ginist pu iu v ril 2e . T h e hineîsD c rtd W r. A s o pee so k WF îsrusî1) oI o I.s iolit H wa d rts. Hun ir llmmr -i Dr-- Ge ,i5 eî t a Uiru nd busi ear G l ss w a e ju t in REe'l îos~\s )rdr ortFî trc i's iretI arde l n- -Prtime-j urrî-i ctze r s . Bîî1klet b th i F r n SlO L O i a- c S r T' r e c htt r t -' - d , G M . W hian l e T hAn is p rt ( he wl-. hln i H t r at r e A . O uri h -, t tnlie d u -t uri nSeI E h triicIkll- .u ; tisr'-iktu-,, ,t- r y ja î- y or a w - thi ti ~ltri riti n thwe e r , îli r aw g o W n i~ f i Ni, S - d O scl c c tu dM i s lic e D a v r t v i sXist ean d, -.p e t - t ont s o .k i . m , u î H rri o u l e - ie r l î a url wU E E N R E . get i ri s it r- H î. S. rl ,' th is. k 3X ru.-. 'u j-L- r , i H I N - Srs H. d. HurLrrîtt. erso nm rr ice t- t s t hevinulhbreak a r- lY u i l f u lld t h e oB e s t e ,a d a d - - G o Fur eiiiit ire tia, iiet (illuitwe as oiuntal t -esw ei glopiu n t e oa to Wre sotd a B d o ckL ive toc - d O d f r il Pi('turcr Ai>inrtlueli iHiar'die5 Oustîe r iriî emi fn litrii iiri lik-j t-t une of enera M e chan ise Ri-(-I- ATIo )ý- 1 upers litthe Entrplworki -,.t l iak' Cen ty ut jmbresîi e A mn e e fort e b in g.o a ie n e Si .rr tct-l i ss<r F lo rncei t ail ditr i t>m case. He iîntîin, eet urtottcti îiî a largu t e n r mlt d w- et W ~Literî a le I utj.rreif . '. )ynrîrri. Sp Ing Cnalr iii)'J)u ts t Ms. ai rat-sof tli, akge 1al-e.The, G OwiilS HnrlInat 'Mr.H.S .rbit. ilragiluI-r- ithe et j r ka tîs we-.UT P T R DE W T Pee MrI N tic . T t ieji i-e t s t ura)ni; ut k e s o riH navi i î t-i wed -iiN n r -an lir, tht-i l f n d t e e t S t d G K ep th B st Co fe ' Wr wiiîi rni-tmgrnrlirgUcr anr i - f ea-<-t- i r asr-tîin i n 10 t ii-VIe K.tlg. 1.B.a.is e ve a rth-g-e. ars. Try ison 2 5ce e v d e 5. g a eal-aeîî nltetdt-lei 1- tdemerît t I ug iferri ar-iiaîiiîo*]W . W R e e v e ie t o a l t o b y s a n r i g T y o' ' .w l i u rva s 1 L etr- c e i' ' e dPaia re sVu s h I rr'e f it- t î t h m e u a up " is e ual a r ost 5ct Cueu beraandOnioa- ongtn lied Crotiii rt- he tg'Best't won e rolelovi-ut jror>rtculiele et Nea n-i t le lfne tri t-i ini-ruot-ltîr alunigires intht- aaîrtibi - As a ocial eide it is erîînîinte tu IlIb. ItcdAple, .0 Oiirus ir l'ckes R W Sa ffod e nlock ve so nto yîrw arrtI ilsiraiofjierts tianair' otmet'st-irt- FFROGRý,«ý LjIN AT ue.M.TelN oiprtalli . . rauto P caoince ical W e ha e a ul ln o C rp t , ilCii T ti- -i~nGag PIS, .00 &Çi~i.l'igg. &"d3lor iri'.~j.hasa snledid jiatii-e faitr, ged fe)rairî r tom e n gi seiliyto cnsTalePechs-to itiîl -~r5r (ilou u fda d n ie îet v trmu-tan. ne en, whplart-iacemuon s W llPf'r t.A hi N i illpa b-'fiire a si n L t rSl e. - itf ThJt pINDEPFi l ia', u_ r e ofthrne inb-t '>l wlrtii Associs e I - - - ri,, ~.n rî,î r 2 NtirS.l t a ak vîit-y litjri-t nu- s ,mne fo e b u i g 10 cans Sweet Corn, I1.0u 0 gat. Snov Wbte Oi,.4 Ou Flour Is the Best. i lb. Good Te&,.2 n Smoke La Duchess Cigar, is better than the best, kept else- w h ere, Fi C. Smith & 8011, LIBERTYVILLE. Wood Wanted in Exchange for!I lubseriptien.v Chas. Kaiser, tuE TIESE HAlu mis RES le IJ&PSnl aes.ot 40 Io. 0, IC . 57 l.8 Tzhlb inl Hrss67 bW ireickm's75 ks 4, illuttEile Stuj eIDra hmsi 20 bI llb lO mm gwesii slapm s 14JO0 V kagh lis bar3s 14.0 TEAM H4ARNESS A SPECIALTYe Prices as L<sW AS l'îlE LowEs" Collai inbeCoucu Will close out My stock of *BLAN KETS.* AND * ROBES* A DISCOUNT, *.llgUe&tiy end QUICkUy Done. LIIIBUTYVtLLIt, îLLllqol DEMOCRATIC CAUC-US. uiylaýsi istrioV o oîiy aille boulleil miul tjrst îiarr Tîhe l)emor'ratir' vtte-s ot tire ceutse tist it' ,.,t irli.rttiilgll,:ks) w-ho at,. -e 'ngeîlscîri ton oft librtt% jil. rre r-Iiested te meditumn. i gain admtissiontu teit stk. Any me,,t icaucas rit the 'Town Hall, Tire Brildiîrg Committ ' pel d wer:tlu5' 5otingmi-n ofet -d hbt Thurslay May 17. î at 7:30 1r. im. the- bills fer the ne twn al Ti mil- ndintegrity lranu iua'tstigaitr t-s fer tht- ir ofr>st-e e-tiiîg îeigates day Tut-rt- were lve jiiil hîut tiie' avekinigs i tiieut, experuse. ne tht- Counîtv co~nventin ntob e lbid îiwest raaa $23o; aborve thie raiî-ro>iti a- Ne't Meurtay niglit is tetIr ltf-ort lit Libi-rtyvilt- a Saurrday May-19,tionheut-ney jt rejt'ît tht-m li1. the ut-st regnlar meetinrg rîf thîe -itx js94. Cm te Gerden Seltantc k, Smt wf is iuiiiîic.iI. Tlîr e mas li' emc tî fnil<tr - tîumitiE 1. H. Brownu, Snt nitmut i.e-ana--the liense qiîr,-stituni Alun rmai, (iCo. F.- Lyîuch. tion and huave bits ef w-etk te keeji foult- illtiers aird rressmakrr., îîîî-î Apjrley 'sas lire x ir like te hlurv.-'1 A Favorite for Coughhoand Colda. They -rjoy a gorui tradeu- l itri ý, large trirnoirt oet1ti. taN jiyrs,rso -O hurreî ari ('iurgî l t4eeîv ri jleasî'd toer-tve (-istemt-ra. tiuc-nsta'liuiirefl ifirt , le lient îneiiî re forr terglis anrd cî'itîs If ye> xant te finit trerur--t m'a i îenr-s %ure i l4e t-r aIl,4-ý 5S. Ireel & Sr>U dn i vitirlooek fth lem tirreuglir t11r. 'lireForturigirtîs (uil tAnlwilrnr ri tiîail rii, Ky.- It is a fairrte lît- ermsetot lv-i-niil-ii-,h-iav-ytnyaIem-irgTt-- cir't irrîr uriai 1w d li e it-rtril elmkso ora-d .mrplpr- edktvr ejybe vtnITi i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~l ni1tIi itsîîîi.î,it - î ment. Tire-e t--nuo etrt- i- o r(18Y t-VtIiuit thut tue jrit l"i<mr i'j Ir> ngs -u uiiqlit-reis a pei iruiîierit er.itirere, if luet-e i, t-t-Illirs etitIr--ni Sirs. Kumball. It wars *iPiet's Nigii' Vi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n lihons ergrm e agernu rllidres tht- reurlart-j rgrîn m t Let ai lýIit- t lrn riielis xreeiv grxu.as. We have-'a ilarge i-tuurk nofGratnitremîuridai-ni-lu rtlrr-r !ilithe. iiuiu'ils tire tîrngh i uis nds urnrjakes iurue ineud Wite ie l ett-tni-ut t-'rcîllenr-t-fet Ilîir ..jtitrtiins. Thte t tairer t,expecterutte. 2-5 irrnd ,1il e ol,l llewig1pp-rîrs i7 x~,iet meeting wit-h axtvil lii lîr-Iiinn ct-rt Irttles tfor sale îy F. Il.I ,ix t-l ,Ne. S, (6,$1.10; Large' Size, -N,) . .>. lire jîenmunent home ofi Iii' tib inm Iibertý ie. ,Ani bL. N. Fenrne. $1 25. G. B. SchIanck & Son,. tIre ew Athieerm BuiHall .r Ttiggs \Varrcondai. Have you a trlend or relative bi) '&Ta) loris store' is te I ho .ît iilt Iti.noia And Wisconsin whom you would like te lie ield l odrb ' - t n aog te As t-vu-r y î,re kiîcserhaini the peaeflt emenbraflct-every week toi gioth liags remi'e , aaier'îî 'y its religîrtîlir sririnmmr re-orîrs lin the tire coming year? Make that person Rlex' IL A. Konkie. nrrtliwtst. andriltirt- lire liest reanclred a prescrit et a year's subscrlptlin ta iy tlher Wisconsuin Centr'al, wlrclufirns the INDEPZWDlENT. Atheneuin Reading Crcea bleur very aptly ternr-ti 1tlrefiure (if Oh, Say 1 What aborut thai last ti ureîîsed toenjîî a Literan>' lakes." Partculrruttentuuru Ias Iren y -ars our tJlytir?~ iuenuanrd Reading reem ii tue rew lpaid tir thinS chs ottravel, and uievery ail ar urutlng oard uidcar tW tAteireurmHalleover Trtggs & Tayier's coufort anti curve-iieiîce tif jiassetigers ilteadtn baddoaet t lo<ked atter- 'I'Iere are geod lioteis "long jutemised dlivtdend. We miglit store. Tihe object ling t to uî-sh a at ailtlreu<e reti'eats wliuicu openl abourt douate thre interest otn saine tn an- placee rhere ail these interested ln JuInlst aad nfiord very good accourr- othuir oeelratien-The treasnrrer says getreral litet-ature or thre ieadittg tupies nrodatiorrs t reasonialp rates. j 8mithblan't tiurned in hlm repoert et the limres may iad a quiet and For rll particîriar, rates, mairs anrd et. îîiensaurt resot't, rttîr plenrty rot gc ot guide books, address Jas. C. Pond, Who dot-es your priotiug? Dot-s t reading matter tei lue ha]d. Geni. Pas Agt., Milwaukee, Wis. leok neat antd artistic? Is9tt-ejiaper If tht- patronage sîrtrl warrantth, _______ * ~ raiat yenraunt? Dees it conte ujt) t tire plarrfils 1 e6tahulisli inReterance Un-clamed Letters. ad 'uiatlng Lilîrayo itr The folluwing le the lipat of uneiisîed letters your expetttatlon? Car i tlie improved adli.-r î itr rumalulng in tue Llleriyviiie PilouuaS. upon? It is eut- rle tede neat, tlt-en, Fictierr and miscellaneous works. Itil ^ m.y M. re erkl tyliuir work at reasonabie lirices. Necessariiy, as lu anry nera and untrled Bil slly, MmFn4 Wndtl No second-class wrîrk turned ourt ut projeet, tireliegirriag mu-st lie made Edlwin Soderrtrom r(Foreign due Il) tentai nasalwyhpu h ead lu callinirfor the aove plaise say 'Adver* lo0W prices. Try lir and lue cen- rii-etcea st aetrte .tlsed." If notelilnaul rithmn 30da-s teirawlj vlnced. 291f wls nraea nmk ute ha ueSlt ta tire deau leltter oMfie. -.-------- mprevemeflts andi enlîrgeifltnt-s a. . CiÀNK.P. M. How a Chicaso Mani was Cured of possible. _________Rheuratiom. t i net the- aji tut-intentien te LIBERTYVILLE MARKET. Mr. Johin Hall, ot 9235 Commercial ester te tIre liopular demand for corrtected by thea )#«chant evtry Tlurriday. Ave-., Chicro, met ritir a serious senslatlerial novels, but tu keep oniy 8 .19 Sr .9) s g accidient for wbic lire used Chamber- sut-h rholersnar ant I nstlructive ~ a.-bicfary . 14 .1a iain's Pain Baln,freely. witirte best booksaus we aireula individinally .. usn ........... O .............carul2».60 tris stire beat part of nry story. An> sut-b enterprise t e lt-suceis- t'o ...... ..... 700 For nnany yeara 1 have licen quit@e a..... .0 4Sfims o oreb efspot *Wled ..u.. .... M .4 sufterer frown rheumatism, with sîiff- flmn fcus .aUapot uarrI . ......... » no« of the joint& Silrestire applica. but we saaItmeehe uhares as 1 tUio ta of Chameiatns Pain Baie, *Il moderate as possible rith tirat atm faur145 13la» 4* ymptorna of rlreumatiam bave dlsap-' ln view. Further partiotilara may bc 'Wl:: - ~pean; ln tact 1 beleve tirat It ha. t learned trom taler Iwo"esOf thre INDE- _____ .l vesy trisLofrI-teumatîsinm rulsva or from 0. F. Wright. * »-"Fant iiêeb P;. I-a Brilsils, GlassPlltty, Etc., FUFIITIJFESTOFRES ISAAC HEATH & SONS Li bertyvil1le, - - Ilinois. We cant say whether Sherman has " -in his head" or not, but wc do know.,t he can make the whes of a W*t or Clock go 'round and mike and make regular time. Our Gçnius atso seiIl, BICYCL Sbhermcirith' C/D PhD e-04