rI1 àl it tte- DMn- waa ove wm t Bit thse lite Se bxes hain aim Dot ksen. nli hi@ Tire :umb Tire itert- egin king pecte e not rhile ,hon: Our lsent I not oved h the -le a manY Ve. 1 n thid shail pring, e=is, w hem 'ed in Jacob, d W:i1 net e cred deii'- ned te te dirn or tire ar tire rcr our brook î nrgzht morn- O'cIO"'k tir- 1Iam ve nro e Oniy Orid la when tu bo ettleti. nt thun -là. In tebieti aint. 1 ere lbu retce . eau ern- nie for- ont andi oubting. ght andi reti andi ere. cx- me go, of tihe Âge. KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERYs DONAL KENNEDY, OF ROXBURY, MASS., Has discoveed ln one of our common r ature Nveeds a reredy that cures enery ind of Humer, from the worst Scrofula down tai a common Pimpie. He has tried lt ln o\ er eleven l'rrndred cases, and never faiet except in tw,o cases (both thunder humeor). He has now in lus po-'-ession over tvt o hundred certificates of ts value, ail within twenty miles of Bloston. Send rosil card for lxiok. A benefit is aiwa'ys experienced from the first bttit and a perfect cure is star- S ranted wvhen t1e rgtrt quartity ls taken. When the Iungs are affected lt causes thoigpains. like neediles 1?ssrng throuliî them; te same wîth the iver or Bwi.This is caurred by the ducts being stopped, and always disappears in a week after taking it. Read the label. If thse stomach ls foui or bi llous t -Mill cause squcamlsh feelings at first . No change of diet ever necessary. Eat tic best you can get, and enough of It. Dose, one tablespoonfuln water at bed- time.- SoId by ail Drugsts. Sigis Of HsaIfl You don't have to look twice to detect hemT-bright eyes, bright color, briglht smiles, bright in lJ.LIT every ac- SC T ?l tiease is rAISO4 overcome 1 R *1 only when IFl1TTS weak tissue lis ireplaced by the healthy kind. Scott's Emijision of cod liver 011 effects cure by building up sound flesh. It is agrecable to taste anid e asy of assimilation. A'rT.î ilrueen,,srnnniar" nue Tn>r.t'-rrate n ri)intst-rescalci f r,>rn ai; ai Kiirinr "IrtiiMa. 'Is'l>hiN. narui t îennuiuv wa>" kil >,ii n (I rt 1Arla.x \V'. m y ým v> , a tanrii.r.'-ot and ii <i bir ru 'utat Suti e nît"î'.Kas. Flgt>,A'.. ul e'vud thre Cale colne t deCti anrd Ii ila"n brî-uiv i',\ o uard. uL. .0Inn \ .V.'TW.'TSia gamtYrer, c im mnitteti '-uiCid ' rt Bllinnrglrauri Ma, JoI.nn ' li î.. uas ki llinDr> ",eea, Mriclir.by ber g stnrck b. a l0rn xulii. oilinrollerrinn are-e. W'T'ii a sýIr e uik1':-e',ie't litz lira. i!isireti thre o.: îi r t, '. îernd tr enti of tue sc'u'rrnnnnîl t-au Ul out oft tIu r t Nicf exic i Mi[ts. Nmm u "» rrX.cf litr-au' conmittet suictie ut Žiaý,ar a t'aie t ,u npfng irîlo tir 1ýe .rcian apits i-toui Niîhow 1-lanti. .],UHN V"ii. ',coriricteti ut inîur- ing .XIi'rt Kosanke i)e',. i. mwas er t2n"'ed toei.tu impnirrurimeit ut Lit'le Fllîs, Mm Ifs'tire suspension et a ha rk In i-I. Jerepir, M., th ire t ieuos ire-" is ti. privei by law ot any liiinrtOtoe deîait thre ity lutn1s. ASNE.tK-TIIfTSF et E aoi mdId. stoto a b-rx cartrinig i 1tlat rv toble uselinn îayirng tiree nîloyois c tire Rellu' axe worrks. AT the close ut chapeCI nû-vies ir tira Ohrio rtnia at t't>Iumbr. oie rà ut tire tistii ntion etigag-et ini di-gra 'olul llgirt hetoro tire cuurhctî. J.%mi-s H. Puî,a nratiry veung mrai-, tfIDetn"oit, ira disapi ur"otir Chathire, Ont. .1Ite sfea"'ctibs hL tri-enris tiret ho has coemuittel suicide. Why fnet, When the Royal Baý finer and more wholec' cost, which every house it xii afflrrn, why flot di old-fgrthioned methods mik, or hione-made.rr tartar and soda, or the baking powders, and indccd ? Lkng Powdcr makes some food at a Icss ekeeper familiar with iscard altogether the sof soda and sour mixture of crcamn of checaper and inferior use it exclusively ? 4084VM %M îj t bsrk etf widom;w.es.wgtosn PolicesI'rebanthl avasena buti preervea (t-Contt.clus. o . theorectorat Caplitel Greasdse-AttcnIpt r0 vafebjrrKlW t iloid aMXeei'g on the. Stepz-Glieu Imm tr. s5 btt te a trowly I"crptloa. -rot.,Ic hars. tire Army. w... 'D ai rdin t' o nati<nalcail 'Ia>s v. TIho day--tLe prriudest in *lood Poisoned Alter TY- the iit rv t ;cil. ('(oxev-wai per- ,aphold Fever teet ir is ar nn"t. 'i ete CLu. a Ir'aud g' oti naltiitti c:"uwrl A Marvelous Cure by Neode Afte, i:.'d 1r'(3 îri. aeîu frffl.tlet A 91» PIldT. ca-iiry Dr a imn -t) the cai I g-rr ;nis A rouni Il.-l'ea e ruçVru- ru n' ult i a- t tire('ripitol grottnIs b1. I)c , 't it.rifr ui airnk utfhr- I nt-ti- ti' aa fgliuttr're 1 in the bi t. nor taa tlier ' a t;ken et wcl- t oi l Lu'i 1ut t.r t' c ary army ut tih,<c lriiar'al. a, Iit Ir tIe along, m'.rlettIIîrnlt, r'iAt:rr iurl( ox2V I iliL te1 e ul.. j> îiklitiuuIlh ighItj wrti f' ii,if'r' t-e gîet p rrccesi'îrr t> lu- r t'a. Tire e i,',anrt ar'lt b1) iat o ef '.rrtrr' ibr'ead. rr, "-"te c it wk a di a-ktd int4u - - r. vag n, rLi dtire wlrrîl rai% was in ~. , ~tI h i betût' Aock . AltLcmen car- 'IeD~~ ~ r md 'ti>c0on 1 hci lrttc"rcdwhite tlke! Wvtiuthe ire trîr11r "lbace on -Twenty-dvC yearm ago 1Ibid ailfions lever. I:Li r. r;,oti \r<rl 1'rr"dMon, but Md later l turnsd loto typhoid leer, and for Dr.atir t> Iinc:' st onilr rt Svv@weaks 1 ay 111e oeedead. but at lait 1 'Th'ru--o a nu c riuIa dring and colin- pufldtbrongh sud Rut op Sud aroaad. I 80OLLltirren i iur.r ru Iltire g-undir. îrancing giacoved on îny left ie. lent aboie thes lues a salS brovm &pîot &bout ae big saa t tse: ut st' cdl- rnd hauitrg ut the lremmie- mssit pitee whtch puffed up but didnetbhart sar"' %%u"rrrr. ml r ;i el" 'llire meni had me or feei sors. 1 drd nt EpaRy attetflteit pa-t" a cutIdr igit. ni s' of them lit atti t.o years alter. when Il rommencel ta I apteed and have tire £iiiearance of a ring le '[ing r i t te groritJ. letore the 1os cold nt sIertr nigits. and on ne- Itar Gir! rl itortirc fo"rr.ed tire men int' mtatof tire i.rintg 1scratched the elspt 1 tila [r> I irr uar,' a-id ilrutirr'm through Ibo blood rouit!mu. FinaIIy mi' rupeîd n U e eni aret u 'ie ae bsaghaiotflftoozi'siBniapartiILanflIh*4 ataen nrethan hall of t belore Ïberan t w 're ha, af-]lri]Ie u s, an-i when change for the. botter. li1sbahdtouarbotules. I r ,wne tioite i1 glor' a anti perce" Now 1 rAM Il Weil ti*t hu'r bre'i t'rr"e ttimer rhri!iy anti but tweilitties pot on uarrleu. 1tcaunowir@eep wa-'i thil-rstie (s Li l1' air'. Ti' adest wel. sund work II tiheUtie.t1 Km 54 vr'r'rrlt i Lru, vere 1c"r. i:n 'd l'y the tna n =La itd dtire rotirer of eeveu chirldren > ldou mc<esi> ute tiri: of . earr. mat irmnlcmodoismachai si' os 574.. Il ýiii a"rirterei"l tire'c:ty andi at- *>rpg on thr' tsirol e4'- ~JdftuU~4sr:raPI.lrsi"kI r1te ni> jMIï'c NILî' r i Ielrrirrr wy son lira&.a ai en Hocde mrsrilnla foranid th 'r, ," t-ýclar:u'(d uron Lutdti ri-- d3s,epsla, and lis ebrr'n gr.tr h'-rrr'tl ui ty i r" ntîre îrrduti «ri-. Ct.r ' a. t IL-"Mss. pHiEln1 II C I r r I'.r. r,Kan'&. - "Ilrr ' arr erd. Moodi's Pille acrtr' rert'-înii ad 'l'lie-tir ci.. ;r,, ratil>e-1 t le 'dr eftrlertltin-lrjre iirer anlib i . 2, fhe t'\ fauili t ' r c ' jril/.' lii r-r).>>' trr !elr' r -i> go. Itluioî. %îti t lr 5rrtur'rrle j'il:ru t - Ileadrr uiir'ilihcukpti r t, nli (o:rrrlg. (>il\>. ,gît itirtirh ua'td- Mitîrir IlSrv.if' arr' r r n Ii', rue r1 t>tire Lydia , lIio l-(âýAfrld r\h Il ter>p i ir'r'>a l rIt Ib rCriitni- E.hno !ý1 (' rrr' r i' ite'1thuCrit-i ; Pinkham'Is ,d an I j" ila: , t' srrrr ,trrlorr' ' va crn'w thir - b> I 'rer and il ri - and t nt r>>>!rr"i. e rr' ca'-gud îr" Comipounîd rt r'.1i.': rateerrie'» CURES Itcne >e t'î tî,e >e ril, 'f t> Irregularlity, da- go>ii 1> r'>' l t ult I(rr'x SOpprj&ed or Painfui Mensir-atiors, Weak- ' trione rrrr'liiha- pi- "ri rîtîr ilivtr liens r- F t ile S cîcir.Ittllig. gtien, binai:ng, w'l >>rttir'- h n>i r r Iro rd. iii t I iodr.g N-r-nr.sIretonr.ll'atlacil>e trW>-' bild. '-ttirr-.- ,Ldav sinai cl (,rrcnl tilirr. Krrnnrey <'Criiplarult" In 1"' *tirrr icx' Every uieril nV. IIl rlieve 'rftt .a,-rxU, hae1 i i "rîtr otr Backache, Faintnses, aid o u,1.r u u -'. Iro' a.i irs tr' Et' reinlealoit,""1tssir>g. rare" ari nd"ra- titi e; tri ie gre o'Lir', va',. Ezirecrieaitnr fel di re ng. 'it iWn2> '-.5 i'le ire (n a' re i , 'eattrh irrity, nervton, C aniee r"siauleilcv, c itical rriiit-frthte irra'-,Ih. Notr mnetanrchoiy. e or lrlre "TficFare ine, tire amri> I"ft \lu'..lrio rdas-r sire indrration-3rot Frurale Weaknens, Balitas fraugit a il ri Ir-sibii ie iritt i nb 11 .nraerment rttIrle 1ter, or iIl'-. A\>ýe.ýkagi a a.ii a ,a'-te peeteil Wonib Troubles. S lje'hcti earorrt t' Sl'. untit E"vwonran, marrieii or sUrgIe. s Iocrds pir e 'd nulutir frrr tire aiLs 0 ,r n dr, r-d 4wju fm' a". ei, s lt uty erl,>antli t iti >t r a'rrl rn lartî > tir '-r t an irliulrtitcd l'of t30 pages ou-iiu-url' t"'uz'n-tt -"ul' t. rlrgimportant i ntýrnrr<t i i that t'n'1i rppiroed l l' r r ru; adi z ie. It wa'- woun.in 6uririkrnw abolit liersu'tt We fenirri, truo hit-tlIi',iiie r. un i lh, seni tree te any 'rentier oftitis ipape" o vsmon .> iri A' d,.9 WO . *' r. A ss .-ls tij'r">'r t>:):r i , dueuiekl.' e'-'- r'. nti sL5,,, ,r ,r .m.. 114,'.r" i-rebd.eI r lj . t a i u r -r i retr r>. n,i erranr r. d~ E i~S5,'>. t r>'~25 li~t Irlgi.t ilirecaPtii The Oreatest Medical Discover 1rrS ' -t if n ui a ig nt THE scerIelulen lnte nsr-tgrnent et C. W. Ci'îtrk, et Southr St. l'auni, Ninn., show assets of $401 witir liablitios of ~Ur:contingentlijahiitlesZ5'%- Mrns. BEHR, sr"dow of IHenr'y Ward Ieecher, ti saiti te bWvery pear, and iras iven up irer" beautiful ho n.e 1. Brnokyn toi" a emnaller andi chea:e." dwelling. W. B. MýERONrv, George Downing, and a coafedezate nimeti Wilson were arrenteri aI Hot Springd, Ark, ton" bun- kcotng Fred Seltzer, a captttltst ot At- at", Ga., out 01 $456. rtularar &te"tto fraent eul worknen emptoyed in meIt9 me"al by moans of the ~le rkoc-8a& It appears t rénm cba rytionz made Bt steel and iron works that the intenie voitaic arc between the carban and the mel t bbe rnei&ed emits rayo which, even at a distmrne oftthirty feet, produ e a painfui, hot, pricking sensation..lîke that ot a buri on "mc uncovercd pot tion. et the bcdy as thre threat, face, andi, more e.peciâIly, torcheai. The alun' ut the îpartit al- fected becona' e -ther copý,cr-criorrd ci- assumes a irorn e hu.,t the eve@, rn spit" et hlack gla ses. are ýo inientÀely daiizle I a, lt 1w 1rress e"-'sruie fmin- ules, atter tiir anthop-ia x'riiow visioný rets in. F:%er-Nthing airpears saffivon-coiereti, tthe con 'rirîcti' a are inilameti. andithe:e je a 'ritty fe.'ings as et sand undcr the r'yelidi. Tnera je fr'eqrîeetly gîceat pain, also s1cepleFs- ness, and in s me cimaes lever. It ii. rrow roundi that tho sur'estanti t,urck- est cure for tis affection is perfect re tin a suhdrrLed liiht. I'nder these conditions the rymptome4 subside, ueo- aiiy in a tew dlays, tfle -kin tf the al- f-cted part peel', anti the patient is Sombod'mGono. To malte our own troubles thre meane of helping thre trouirie-3ot athers 13 a noble effort for good. A well-ilustra- ted instance et this kindly symjiatby is shown in a letter f ront Mr. Etnech 1. Banscom, School Agent. Marehfield,i Me., an o'd Union sdidier. He rays: "It ma? doe eomteiody &Ooegond ta] stat'e, tamn man or 60, and when 401 had a bal knce, anti rheumatiom net in. 1 was laina three yea.s, and er bati most of the tirne. IgoStJais Oil and put it on thrte times, a.nd it madie a cure. 1 amn now in good health. GOVERNOR Lo)RiNZO CROLtNSE, ef Nebraska. hms tormaliv announced to h is friends tiret it is flot bis intention to he a candidate for re electiot tebis presnant office. but many eftbtem ire- live that ie wouid flot ber averse te accepting a seut in the United States Senate. ]KNOWLEDO', Bringa comfort and lmp m tends ta rerson ienjoWl rightly uned. Tise many - ter than others and enjoy eit lesepnditure, b=or .. t theworld's b1t t". or hynicai belng, thre value toeaenth of the ffl laxative principles embracW rerncdy, Syrup of Fig. Its exce lence in due la fs p lu the forma Most acoePtabbeuIW But te thre tate, th r'efeIng~ beneficial propertis 0cfKa ative; effecttraliy cleasig an prmallfentl! crlfl¶ It has yten satisfaction m met wîth thse approval cf "it profess@ion, because It acts 40M De7P, Liver and Bowels wit)u enrng them and it la Pef«tIyý every objectionable aubnsince. gitarin5eanri bottlesi but en utactured by the Califomaia IN Gýo. only, whase naine ia punte#7 package, also the nn, 8yB IO and being well lnformdj Mcopt &Dy ubstitute if Si A.. e-k , à ,.aud an W r 5.e.b..g.iC5 1T o n . ia osr' 9.ro-Yo. I .-ti sae yiSis stmr.t. a h :i'.vt ari'5 k dr mseont a ROYAL BAKîNG POWDER Co., 106 WAL ST., NEW-YORK. selfisirlel .te.Anierlean Meut ila Emîgîrir i. Seme 1 eope sourn tor-ce ntthltng Itr iilslarte sotri e Ioîrie te learo) dit-arirou4 ie a-tv event 80 long as itita" if no Arnerican meut ii importeti results are bel cf!itai to thereives. îtu tire bondon market for true rays Tirey have rnurch virtuuus submiesion tire ii- eet ail kind i f etuct gie up. te au rîhber mans fte. Moreor, tt is aIse a tact tâifth ie lhcro's ne mirtoit in' se hig that Arrecriran supply wa- entireiy eut off there ainît a litte gocti in it,- saiti we shtild have famine prhceriin force, Caàpt. Joe i"mallit. Ére large is tire ruintitu' consum-d "Idilun'>urettthat," answered therOUne res"srtn hy Engliih butchens uiîy T.ouncr ,maRn. h srbing crn'.'ed Amenican cati le is becaiTee they are t o tie er>otproe tv. "'I couiti naine ient over in sueir gooti condition. At a gori man'ycata-tropircs that haint borne tire farmers' cattie cone to town beni profitable, ighit in this towii," ire In sich a bruisedl state tirat tire farm- continiei. "H.w 'bout thre tme John eri Ioleo by tire leset appcarance andi Sawvers barn trurnt, anti irelest aliltire lutchers by thre damage done te bi's hay a-t" crittcr">trema. Thre Amer-ican palace carsý, The Cul tain wae silent bat i ncorn- on tire otlirer iranti, arc se well apl oint- vinceti, anti pre cutîy bis featunes edt irt tire beast.s actuaiiy improve hy lgli ter.ed %%i- h rtn iden. ti"iveiirg. anti arrive hoteowittout a ~Weliuttir < or ccuso, It iras tarnal spot ouithcm.-Leedon Figarr. bard on Jrohn bart there wae a little go el in it. toc.'lire sain. You kir<iw1 lfirgs have a perfect antipatiry tirat apple-tree that strut close t r fie i a-ain,t decan bousre. FIiscs ruvul i barn? W'eli. it ruas brhr-tul utIltire il'lrthe, curîtiover. li ta q4e yci s'> et tc oth t 1. a'id ~trcruoes 1'em tqsa t-unn te iig i>an I the juéc-je. t rpp; o.ut, f eutr V ecal 'ernr atter ti ey l'-ut th ire 'nn'turul 'r' t-nr tirorgh 1I iree- ta- t4c se-'rlrg>(i i irakrdipl 1-s." Cn1rtrin irir rsnckeu h r ipsuat tire retrr-) o'. 1bu' thluetirer maenira. stîli unvnm'rrted'rlu war rs i n nu ti djutt1 thon fror 1h inrg (on tl.c brighltsinde of eren a nr'rirbu[Kr'e iitrtîunc. 'l ie arnrixer',uty of tire deat ofu 1'ale . e il', uýrt'rt on ta the tartI tirat theeare -rroIrcîcr rtih UN,- tatri flit -i il andi i ne'utîon. Sir iP. l'rig au,e Il e iirled t'Cerk cf thre Iloer>' rf ('umnîirur . lias been aire tur Ej-cif% r i.ce exact si'-le rc rp>ie iýv tire l'ingdtIlri-g hi, bral i Wcriur'-tcr liaI>: tire cai'cir w .h'ttrl.Le iris ru lire lrorirrI- t>1 1nufIll e r-ptîuMee t n unteM ar itir'ester>hlir'e tihe bat ofthiie e-rnt <f tire co.irt, irati- sirawr. i lui etihireiii ,or erer i troutgh- oit trir ma'. iinetire As-irmlcan ]t1Ie rinuat tîXfo:ti: tireftot-.torl oun whricirtireKing knelt. o'- m.i'e prorer- iy suplotol hum, when lire ladi hie h-afd on tire block. l> irra drrwil p:r.n, is. witir an e-crt'irc anti ther reieri f ('harles I., in thir psses-ienoft Mr. Martin Fdrnund.i, W Kr"- ent, atti tire r. om iriere ire ticutirwarranrtrua', signcd is a lit' 'e c inprtreient uff 1tire nrernter"elu akir'orm in tre Ilourse of Cerritoi-.,anti is v runoruelykilo%% ru as Crornwe.I's birapel. Tht era ,! Mrri Tri I.anatiUtî ae erybody-nrunt o re strout.."lireraie-for t tirts el figi> reac>red t.at tage-affects r ominsexes t-i roun 5oung Arerica flatiy no urrans rielalli irrrr- taiR. ut l 1 Oe ti.gtu e eoiO." . th f ttefoflowing Ilersmhallbeen writter r liaintnt ficur t ixide to ii, rrusurin u bsknown anr i otesteSmec rier ndus.urrtiten',rrdond cii rrnuuulo. b y routA o nemor-e wortiry c bIrT ruroiaît' otoumice1 ~irr îclyour cnfidenceS a by 00w aw, carma efforts perilous tu eNheLitin sud n.note- ru as they do, tram irel known, intelliSent, anc sirlrtrulie. 'r io .n n-n urlrtruztwarthy ciitten, wiro, inthti sneyera atdeflicient drechrirre of the irî'Iiorrc f IStirbhoodsi, sisqy the tallest coalirieuci tiens in thir a nerrdiumnat hira î at sctetafeuOf wlxnknow thsmn. Thr 1 ila ur wlthonrt catusmng rupîturesior breakurus subject of tire airove Pontrs.it iv9 wel kiaowrn as unch rse 1etlady, Mmrajoin bloud vepoecis. Ho:osett-r's ltomurmclriittenrs 9 G.Vlste ,rudn t No. 93 Clapin Strest large1' coudali'e tus& gain [ru vicr ut rthliii, -t.Can2udmlgna, N.Y.iwrteD. mnce il stimuIattes andOasints lge'Siilrrire-' maotes reauamr tditOns cecretion nnt k-rîrerirer l, Chid ot <aitng PirysiCian to t bucnl re lep itemr rOmritrIvld'Hatli ad 8aricai Institut. otnervouarfoteenucrfedluyit ad it ror- Kt Bifalo, N.'Y, an toilo: "Iwa siies malarIa I. rLuanatrc and kirsirrouble. tronbW wiutir .eUmaor" mt-rbenm, mae t rY SLEN>,0C)a îirrnyeara. 1 doctosol i wti a nunitr o FNfl.Y OLDNv. onc a hinnzour bain.phyrdelaa adrireeivererio r3 ltght in tire operatic wo:rl, liasre ttled bwefiS wi.tsva. I aino toak tresatie Ir. Sydney. -h-n ne 'r grizedu. alter tîro ftropyi iinlaRecheuterNo York or hre ea v1 ,sýstht eý tt,,e Phiadw hiJersey City, Biagirmio, ar - or tire he and rsethnitirae' 4 nirt .o-vd no beoefit frein tiiom Inlatac davs uvee or e- ar.1 tbavektarid, out rit drob ofaIdolars ta tl ed an offer t'> wr.te musical mu tic"-, for doctors w ult beaift. Myv brothr ecen i- a second-rat' dailv. tLa it nUfros thse West ad oire tld.met l . 1 TE -_ -_ O. r,>u->rs-"cutrs try Dr. Plsroelm Golden Merlc lDiaoyery M. . TOMPON CO. rro,-Ioý o7udcs-Ho a mlitaen Il arditIlbondicurosd um. dot.Ps.., say Hati's carmeh ra orois the CL-.1Lare tak.tert nbottles ofthtie Discorr aL d ont'msre cire for crrcntiey arr nul L sdaueîlsycieadI ieamr Druiots slS It. 75. iadam Moit Wigired n iforntiom I Woul I1 r umaniwelinisire re to:i, tjiAitei gIadlY -r"ePOfd wththti, -if thsy snckm 6z on saine yroçortt muate scrrle a. t! e tout return a mp.donvello." Not leu remnarable la the folkowiag to * bill et Atnica privatotu rerideneds aOuld lir. J. A. Buxton, a prominsfit merchar *h ba mile high. Di Jackson, N. C., Whao gaya;:',I ha tisan troubled ultir skia disse ail m r. SL'FRFRS VitONI iO'ni> SORt'ils. - As 1 grew older the diseass see TIILOAT. bl.sîouiri try ' 1js~rru irr- bj gsnattrongerholduponuse. Itrie 'y elAal Troches,'>a uirrulolbrt eure rrirrrtdy. ravedvertimsd rennediges utir no beneft Lu 1i rir 'irrs 'lt 3c' aatwm lorito trZ Dr. Piercea GolIn "M wie, fte usng 1MoTIERS FRi":i,' passed tbrougfltuhvs én ser1r the oraýelj tth lit tic pain, was atranger ln onse heur than inSss ÀsiCnro.Sa -Js J cGiîcc eantaiTn. "ir s reds o!ts a abeiu 'e a a d o h q torîa' F IaN r of ir pi forter rar ad. aotndlba. lltM tiealnaajrtircloiiv I~~~J Jae.eheiiiatcri I ver IW-RS. M. An Statiocn, iTAR1- en byeess , cargs r pid, recipt a $plc. r.p er tte l nîlue ei BITiRs REN o bed M Tasi ailet fre ndt ee a. hem. - Clet im uit0 blé A t Or tr'maL BU B En Ô fARUESS TMUPS bave he halthcst hild1 crr sa.-NiRa La. AA ERN,-ocban. a. *EF. eMissa ,a $ou t PA. Dî aishem crzmiesRippu AIT 44sY OOiIUETLp bI a ..1 . li UIs M n. rais aie r- en rr àwhillia'w no ohaffgeor bmb ri from taking tire 'l>ls very,' but 1 peraisteli ofL m boweopîenby bmkiflg re.bmail. at ri mach ontdeer exerclsau asas ppsible ntIl i 1 bega ain l sé21 rauiY tii U fl w. d ss.rlaeilia baud1. 1tout duint the ho yer on»wvhsre frmSea ta aigirtm .bot- Il es of tbeDlaeomry.' Il bas now beau RE ha four ymers mnc iS gli 5mai16 d tongb tnet using emedy aay "iCme irit O ra 0. sel M iy hsut*eetlungcm"avrae ti ite ,hm., a b sga n Vmtirs tiS of thie bP. * it D uaav P. B. eQAOAY, es alad on er,ad y lend btir efceai i tis ri 00o m d y ln crlng " T o urIos tInaI. disemalaa. I rore r" rgnAt rath cin at ýbe fre m~v id ht-I, te trbe, i" Sud of l, m mad tt o afi Lt,~~~ Il a u usqa I sol endy. V biog tbe ent àn 0a " . oum everylIlusS raào gaaltmyveaton ru. eariagie5 e vtion, m oi e nr ircr1th6' . n d, mr ad =i.lU l ola<ia e fab, T 'Y O $ me..w a" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tý BoloDoton'itiios a i-ois - " mdt,16res." oUc eru, .sad ar-in CHIAGO ansobune , t u >tor im mieS aa of ii@ tu m by Md B.'si .on HGG be- rcvo. au n s ort ' 1 * ~ ~ e 15 1imeel 1575eeutt Oejmrm Sor ami c inYFORITAOOU mua i ~ ~ ~ ~ o ea lOONEefflE Md b-I~ i S Bah Mieron lostre.-CSau.lt in Gui- h Picha- tirhe iii- sco very. bre or 1 elievcd a nieni- Iculttire, hunters. nu la nuL igin are ks, wbo rom tire er theux Di tribes, ard freon :ore the e last ai rea an ce, a an the there la i any af 'lire la itual re- lng ad. decided, bey pasâ appn" anceti by tir atber )d ta vro- g andi a e. Thete acafr, are y what, la la usually "a ques- Inn' Dally autoinatie las. Tihe 4. and be- edlôn titw- ru,ù u- redro MOSasiff * IN. P aLi Raeine Baler 9writm naleta : IEWSPAPI it iny hmith rsrvapeor : lu fuet, aIrem = m ba odub metiat tbsY lbengh M~ pomda. The ruptou en7SI mcoamlel isy mmv ettreI y, tWOEfis ooa.6 tonay Ise., but mftrw-av. sr over lb. nmok and hend, and tire liting bc Cemd etsply gaberabW .Tua uWa i14Y cff diiuvrus lmsatking tii. 'DWaoveryu 1-When 1 wSoeu u"irthe. part& afftcld à M Insures Satety IITIJW iy FqMi