CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 11 May 1894, p. 6

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LO~UtI~T Atdm. V DISCOURSE. *pproa-Iate tethe c.Geera- r..4. sudThesé te Come SilnaSoguasd Paslorunoumees tw* etog Um V.ntang vsests.u In"h TaicomrseoFuIPit.. Lest Sunday wa a great day lu ibm dt~OoibmheBrooklyn Tabernacle. Ne fur nrol flewers back of the plat- ", 1869 andIM9. ludîcae 1 Re v. Dr. Nà*I.OeoMtme o! beginuing work lu beoklyu sud t-he prescat celebratlon, *ore introductery 10 ibm greai la houer o! Dr. Talmagm'a Ste take pace on thm tollow- IW1 thum'day aud Friday. prcsided I#' Iy tise Mayor o. tibmo' ty sud ex- kMrotaryof tbm Nar-y Gea. Tracy, sud 0u 1» ilcipsie lnl by Senators and IéWsor osaI promimnaimen iron 2l.cDI Wr T ALMAGZ . n. n tb~atb ~i, Jli ~stThe sub- tt% eIrmon vmas «'The Geucra-t ,"lthm texi being Ecesiastes, i, Ono*q genaion passtb awsy sud lbUmenematlon cometh.t ecooing te tbm longes lty oh people * partîcular century bas a gen- iÜp been called 100 yearm, or fif ty ,4or thirty yoars. By conimon ot laOur it-nneentis century a weagom-là fed ai tweniy-tive ymars. e 'largeat procession ihat ever Mel ibmhep-ocmsien o! ycsrs, sud ý«kaimst aa-my t-bai over msrched QMrrY e'01generations. lu each Sjatio ihere are about ulue ful kpo*Ïâ oo! daya. Thoeo 9,125 daya *eh generation mat-ch with won- r.eîsioui. Thmy neyer break W.Tbm-a neyer grouud au-ms. They oppftch tenta. They nover bail. &Ma, never off on !urenugh. They be oui o! thbe eternity past, and movm on towai-d the etmmity *b cross rivera wthbout an y -or lis. a The î*l Imusortass ÇeAaignio them cause meve as piy soana Teir &m'-ofull o! gooti bresd and clusters o! richeat vintage mof aoat.zlug test-s. With tre that ne order o! '"tuek" eau basten, or obstacle - thefritramp ii ou sud onj e lm mountiniuacrumble aud1 'e. "One gene ration paasa- fimother generation cometh.' 1» my iwniy-fifth anlversarv 'lm ansd 1894. hi is 25 ycars gtnmd ibm Brookivu paster- 4 wboeo geueratlon bas passed. g 1o rations ivo have known- .h prcmded our ewn, thut Ù ow ai ibm front sud ibe euet -o.Wm are ai ibm heels e! mrs, sud our suecessors -bemia. Wbai a genert-ahon S- receded us! We who areE mnireirimmut are ibmeoly potent te teii ibe umw gencra- so ot mg ln slght w ho curE wmo'e. Biograpby cauiuet Autoblographies ranuet telllil. - Aeare genes'alîy writeu by1 - - frlmmd or tthe departed, pur- *Ife or on or daug hIer, sud tell ibm good miugm. The rum e! une of thebisfrst Prest- -9tbe'Uited States make ne -of ibe Prcsideut's arcount9 w wIn the ar2hhvcs ai the cap-. j bave sema, tlllng bow1 = 1ost or gaineti daily at the ie. The blographors o'oe ~ly Seeroiaries e! ibm United ver descrlbed tbm scene that- - ivamutibmseetary was Idgad drnnk from ibe St-te -~to bis own borne. Auto- --l wrttien by ibm man hlm- ~one would record for future Gwii wakneunem and moral -T 1wbo keep dlaries put9 th gut-at read weli. No ssit evor lived would flli record ot ail the * Ot-da o!a lifetimo. We beard much of tbm gen- pg jusi ahesd o! ns are t-bats ay book te de- - teour auccessors ns vore. Veny vea, tbank yen. Ha- - hems vry'mach 11ke ns, Ai Our lime o! r ach iko wm uew ihywere lu tbein vlmry mch 1km o ime, nasd ithibe time their tweniem t-boy worm you Who are ia your F qMsn nature got au awfui -; ruttrem la Eden, sud $ofe!G-hdcm. mach %blns,every now igener- etwist, snd tbe sauSe g out bas to be ~ib cnntrdliricts mx- balwth ber own -tu-!rM hi Li br tile Spchr aIl i-oSevery- THE BROOKLYTl ÂABERNrLIL Prom tbm obeervatenlea ether wor!da have bemu amen te beavo in slght. Six presidoats of thse United States bave mu lusnugurated. Transatlanie voy- age abbroviated lrom ton daym te v sud one-isaîf. Chicago ad New York, once thrmm dsyas&part. now oui>' tweusiy-!o :r heurs by ibm vestibule limlited. Two additouai raiirocads bave heen bulli'to ibm Pa ice. France bas pacsedf from menarcby te republcan- tom. Mauy o! the cites have neariy doubhed thoir populations. llurtug tbsi generation ibm chie! murvlvlug lieSs o! the civil war have gene lu- to the mnurueut e! the grave. The chie! phyiciess.atterriys, orators, merbaus, avepassed off tho earth or are iu retiremeut waitlng for tran- sition. Other men lu editoriai chairs. lupulpits, lu goveruors' mansions, lu hegialative, senatorlal sud congres- sional halls. There are net ton men or womeu ou the martb now prominent wbo worm prominent iwmnty-flve yeara ago. The crew o! thîs ohdahîlp of a world is ahi cbaugmd. Others uI the bhm. ochers on the i.bookout,"~ others climbing the ratiues. Time le a dector wbe with peufect anofyne bas put su entire gen- oratien inte seuud sheep. Time,i ike auom.her Cromwvell, bas rongbly pro- rogucd parliamoent sud with icone- clasus drivcuncarly ail the ruers ex- cept oe uen from thoîr higb places. Se far as I bserved thai grenoration, for Ibm moit1 art tbev dld iheir bout. Ghasthy exceptious, but se far as 1 kuew thora ibey did qui-e weil, aud mauy o! ibem giorlousiy weii. Thmy worm e oai ibmherigbt urne, sud they dlcd ai tbm righi ime. Tbey lefi Ibe wonid botter i h au t-by found ti . Wm are Indebtel to ihcm for ibm faci that t-bey preparefi ibm way for our cern- lng. Elgbteen-bnndred aud uineiy- four revmrentLy sud gratelly sautes 1,36i9. "One generatian passetb sway, sud another generatien cometb." Au Auticce. Thoe are fathers sud tuethers liere whom I baptize in lu heir lufanry. There le net eue persenlib tis church's board of session or trustes w ho was bore wheu Icame. Huresud there in ibis vustassmmbhv is oee erson wbo huard my oe iug sermon lu Brooklyn, but net more than one toorson iu every 600 now prosceut. O! tbm seventeeu lom-ous who, gave me a unaulmons cali wben 1 carne enly thrcm, h believe, are liing. "One geucration passeth away, sud anotber goueratien cein- etb." Nethlugra rob us o! the satisfac- tiou Ibat uncounit-eilthousauda o! the generation just at worm convertmd, cemforted, sud bar ceated for Heaveri by ibis eburch, wheibe n uhIbmpros. ont building orib- thebree precedinu buildings&u in icb ibey worshippd iThe iwo gi-mai ergans o! ibm previeus ichurches iveni dow libmthemetuerabIt Oires, but tbe mulihidinoas songe iheî tled year afterjea- worm flot recalled 3or In 2ured. Tmmm linne ower or eangbor hell le kihi a halielulah. Ih I lmr'messlble te art-est a hosanna. WbaI 1a satisfaction te know tisai ibere arE nhsny iboumsasdea lulot-y ou wbose eenal ivenase ibis, clurcb wronghi V isiylNe-ing can unIoe TbyhAvi sscendmd, ibmenSdhtitudet V srvmd Gel la t-bat genêsien to teI glortouoly esadmiL Bal *'0-ai t a li timpreusloz 1, OB~ J m~e~ ïwmioï ia sà 1paýsia O ur- own mc as ht wilhb.libmhegeisraion !ohow Ing un, ibeme wbe suocecedbcae lbm lt-gmt, @botait "Y 'bose wbho dld net sucemo. la th..e limes, as lu ours, a man's bitieresi onemies worm thosewbom hm bad befrlmnded and belped. Este, eIoushea, anti re- vonges were jusi as hI ,ly lu 1869 as lu 1894. Hlypocrlsy snlflaed sd ooked solema t-heu as now. Thore wus jusi as much avarice amoug the spîoîe bar- rois as uew, arnonz the coiton baies, sud ameug ibm whelbarrows as amoug the locomotives. Tue tailow randles saw ibm samie sins thai ape now found under Ibm ehectnhc lights. Homespun was just as prond as îm a modemn fssh- ion plate. Twenty-tive yenrm yea, twmuty-tive centuries - bave net chauged buman nature s partirle. h say Ibis for t-ho encouragement o! those wbe tblnk thai our imes monop- olize ail ibm abomInatIons of ibm age@. Oue minute s!tmr Adam got otîtalde o! Paradise ho was just hîke yen, 0 man! Que @tep afier Ev. heti ibm gaie she was jusi 11km yen, O woman! Ail ibm fauhis sud vices are mauyimea ceu- tenarians. Yea, tbe culies Soidou, Gomnorrsh, Potupoîl, HeîMnlaneum, Emhtopohis, and ancleni Memphis were as mnch worsm our modern cithes as yen m!ghi mxpci fraibmthefaci that tbm modern cites have sommwbat yielded te ibe resirahuts o! Christian- ity, wbilm thse anent chties worm net limitef lu their abominations. flet tti LchITino. Yea, ibat generatien wbicb passed o7! withiu the last 25 years bad ibeit- lormaveinenis, their temptationis, thelr strugghes, ibeir dlsappoiment s, thehr auccesses, their tailures, ibeir giaduesses, sud thetr griefs, iike these two grucraious new lu slght, ihat lu advaure sud ihat followlng. But the tweniy-five ymars lictwee .n lI and h894.-bow muoh t-bey -swl - How mucb ibmhydiscevered.1 Ho oave be u~eom tis1ù* l-tlù§s6t tb telieihone sud theo monoograph. and th"& keepringing ilam ' ars 'The soul ihat ealnn#h, litafi «i. Can't yen tink of someting mia. ln the Bible te c4eer me up?"I Weil ahi.. ara are kind, and they tried ta thiklt some other passage of Scrlpture wftb whlch to console their dying comrade, but they. could net. One of tbem mai1: "'Let us cali up the cabin boy. Hlm mother wag a Christian, and i gueu hie has a Bible." The cabjn bo y a called up, and the l ng sallor asked hlm il hee bad a Bible. He majd, "lYes."I But bu coula uet exactly llnd il, and the fting sailor aided hlm and sald, ",Ai t you ambamed of yourself flot ta read your Bible?" Se the boy explored the bottera of hie trunk and bru it h out the Bible, and hlm mother badi marked apassare that just fitîod thu dying sallor's case, "The blood of Jesus Cnrist, Hlm Son, clean.-eth fromi ail sin." That helied the sailor to die in peace. So one generation helpe an. other, aud good thingti written or said or doue are reproduced long alter- wagid. ode Anawer t1 rmyce. Durlng the passing of tbe Imet gen- eration moine pecu"ir evente bave un- fo.ded. Une day wbile restlng at Sharon Sp)rlngs, N. Y.-I thiuk il we in 1870, the year alter my settiement ln Brook]lyn-and wbile waîking ln the parkt of that place, 1 found myseif ask- ng the question; 411 wonder il there la any tspeclal mission forme tO execute iu this world? If there is, may God show it tome." Thereaooncamecu[on me a great desire to preach the gospel through the secular printiug press. 1 realizeil that the vast inaority of people, even in Christian lands, nover enter a ebuîcbh, and thst it would bc an opportunity of usefulness inlinite if that door of publication were opened. And sa 1 rccorded that praver iu s blank book and ofTered the prayer day lu aud day out untii the answor came, thon in l a way dîfferent froin that which I ba4 expected, for it came througrf thu misreprosenttioh and perseecîtion of enemies, aud I have te 1 r4ord Il, for thw ,uUuraoe ment 61 ait mWnqters o r hibe opet wbo are mis- represented that if the misrepreseuta- tion be virulent enough, and butter euough, and continuous enough, t her. is uothing that sa widens ones tfield of usefulness as hostile attack, if you ai-c real doiug the Lord's work. The bigger the lie told about me the bilz- ger the demaud te se avd heur what 1 really wa8 doing. I'rom one stage of sermenie publication to another the work has gone onunotil weck by week and for about twenty-tbrec >ears I have bad the world for my audience as no man ever had. and to-day moi e 80 than at any other time. The synd 1- estes infor-m me that my sermons go now to about 25,00),0W aio people in ail iands. 1 mention this net lu vain basst, but as a testimouy ta the fact that Ged answvcrd prayer. Woulid God 1 had botter ocý-uplod the field and becu more consccratod te the work. May God torgive me for iack of service iu the past snd double and quadruple aud quintuple my work ini future. The Fr"e Goipr.L We have ralsed in ibis cbarcb over Si0O00for church cilariiable pur- poses during the p:,oeeât pàwtomte,4 while vre have given, free of adl ex- pense, the gospel tu hundrodm of thon- sands of straugerà year bvy yCar. 1 record with gratitude, ta Ge t bat dur- lng ibis generation of twenty-fi*c years I remeniber but twe Sabbathâ thati bave nilssed service through anytbing like pbvmicai indisposition. Almoéet a fariatit -on tbe subject of physical ex- ercise. 1 bave made the uarkà witb which our city is blesied the means of good pbysîcal condition. Adaihy walk aud rua in the open air bave kept me ready for work snd ln good humer witb ail the world. 1 ssy te ail young min- isters o! tho gospel It la casher tu keep good health tibs u tregain it wheu once lest. Trie reas-on Su many goodl mon thîinh the world is goiug te ruin ti because their owu physîcal coudi- tien is ou the dowu grade. N o man ougbt teo preaeb whe bas a eiseasea iver er an enlsrged sleen. There are two tblngs ahead ef us that ought to kecp us cheerful in oui WOrk - Heaven aud the mniUeunium. A Paet.rln Vaùatio.ý Mo f yeu are aware that I propose at this time. betwe, n, the close of!im tweuty-flfth yeaýr of pastorate and be- fore the beginning et my tweuty-sixth year, te be absent for s few montbs la order te take a jour:e y arouud the world. I expeet te sail from Sun 3Francisco in the steamer Alameda -Mav 31. Nly pucee here on S-tbbatbs wvillbc fully, whileou iion- days, and every Mondav-, Iivill con- tinue te speak th reugh the printin g press ln this and other lands as here- tofore. Why do 1 go? To make pils- torah visitation ameng people whom I have nev-er Soeen, but te whem I1 have ibeen permitted a long wbile te ad- iminister. I want te Se them lun their )owu citles, towns, aud ucighborhoods, 3I want te knew wbat are their Pros- tperities, what their adversîties snd w hat their opportunities, aud so eu- largoe my work aud get mucre adaptedl- 8es Why do 1 go'ý For educational purposes. 1 want to freshen my mind and heart by ucw scenes, new faces, uew manners -and customs. I want better to understaud what are the wrongs te bc rhghted sud the wa&to aplaces te be roclalmed. I wlll put al 1 iearn lu sermons te be prcached to you wbeu I retesrn. And se 1 hope te come 'back re- fresbed, re-enforced aud better elpped and te de lu ten years more y ecui r than 1 have doune in t-be I lasi twentyflve. e And now lu this tweuty-flftb sai- 1versparysrmon 1 propose ta do two î»dtug c«1 er ozu~. 12 cens T ________ doaus:valuaifias mer ihsa 60 Confié par doute and moieteedIag'tt pev donne., la- MANY ÂLTERATIONS HAVE BEEN cent, ver doctil valcaI, ai more thau 01 A PI0TUREsQuîEAN&D DEiSDoiki MADE IN TIHEILL p~a doua suad moi .xoe.dlng $OO par don- FERTILE REGION. oa, 40 coneefctidon.* vlued ab more titan OSu De prdelesn and net oxcoedlng $3 par doan. 15 conte per dotent valued @et more Beauli t ic. Con oucige Iotw bil tha a dozea. 50 par cent. n itmardea. liteb a etssi-niO tmhi moute h OPrma ** h nd ta addition berello, on ail the &ave Demopite la the @oznsto-Daties Are la.- vluod at more thon 33 cents a dozen. .5 Vred Mimerai W.alth - lm"ga 55f eroso-altdueela th. Ilessure Whieh Per cent ad yreoen; provlded i bat blades. adsud me-Muid ua"Ulgihte"l Cfl.- Sui 1h Moerl7. andles or any other I.arts or mny or sutber A Parodis fer s portomea. suittheMajoitiouthlie articles nsmmcd lu thle paragraphe Imported I loy tiiler tuanner %han mmmcm- Mutist Wison. Macuo. bled ln pen-kotros. pockei- kntves or erits- Gardon et the NrthW«96 Mutulle lIsoté Mnteus. rs. skiait Ioleubcct t oelos& dut>' tbtn Kalfpfl. Menti, corresponancelo Durlug the miecutive session Mon- berl. provIded tut pon-kulvee. îocket Iouy day tienator Joues prommntid the kutros or erasers vlud at more th&*u 30 Inol wo localiea in the. Unié& ameudimeuts to the tariff bill, wbich rotas dozen. The lena-e and flouse bille States can the Rocky Mountains b. hae em onsdee atiagee t b'15 cents. so~îaen front a steambosi, and boih of he teocroSieeaos nd own a the WrppoToimeet,. uethese are lu Montana;ftiret on theiMi. teDm ctomenattee. There ar e lu ay t obacc,'. uusetmmed. Importai! uiRvr iPtiBn'n aio L compromise em ta Ter r naybale. box or Ipackage, or ln bulk.sorRieetFiI ntnutfti, over 400 of thei, nsdi makes a new V.50 per pouiid: If seominod. OZ.25 pa range, sud then on ibm Flatheal rirer bill, or a meisure greatly diîmrlng patina. flouse sud sonate bille il and and laits, weàt o! fi. Surprises awalS frornthe Wilson bill sud from tbm Son- 01.23 reseoctiveîy cOn atote articles, ibm iouristwbo descendsinto theuoua- Sauf sund mnirfleur manutactured nfi ain-glrtod Valley of the Flahood, aie bihlu insny form u which i bas toblacce, ground. dry'. or damp sud petikled. whmre be finda verytblng o! a Mes"I- been premeuimi. The amaudmenies eoued or oherwise. of aIl dem ritionq. td akmigwt h eea ai heretofore prmaâenied iby Senator Vesi 50 cules P4,nud: Ssasuad Houie bille, ei epigwt h gnrlft and reportedt fromn the Finance Corn- 40 cent a urea o! Western Montana, where Na- mite. re ndemm byibmcomromse Tale clKsr t ragrapb ia amendai to, rend tare bam ciptel rivera, lakres, formse, eomiem Thraisar enInraladlu-th com r oomoseloe: prairies, and valleyasunàlarge saale. commtte. Thre a a eneal .do- cigare% iîaretes. cheroo!s oet&Il i nIs. The Flaihmad, hnstemil o! belng a &hal- crease la tbe bill, and inornte scLei- -84,a p,>und &ned25 pur cent ad ,alorotn; low mvle dashing down ibe meutai. ulesi the locreaoma are vry merl<md. tnd paper Ciamresud cigarettes, lucludiugads na aetesral agrta TiÈo new ugar achedule provides: ilrappors. allaitLe1,0ubject tate bounieaielam>etctra lrgrh On sud s&fier Jsn. i1, 189à,thereâalhab.dut ad as are liorein iped on cigare, the Mississippi ai Si. Paul. lelaihmad levIed. cllectai d Pu ud l ao il augure The uuty on cearn theielieuse sud Lake in the largesi body ef fresb waier not aboteeNo, 16 Ilutcb standard la cuilr leuste bill* là t3 par Pound sied 23 ter wet othe great lak.. d la but oeeof laied r ofail tu otMon. airupi et ea. ua numbar o! pretty bodie of watasaca- jule o etbeo lure inlad, cuco,- Dairy sud Ftait, i'rod.cee.tered over the valley. Sltuaimd upon trated melada. reucroee ud eencentrated Butter asu ,bîlItute, ibeoeor. 4 ceenthe ahc.lee Imcniet h malasseil a duty or 40 1eor cenuc,,ad salo-th aic.deOtecointte rem, snd ution ailcaugureahove NO. 1s e Pound. wbh 1, ln.heI.,u,e rate;So-ciît g;îmhdsilrsad ll Duteh stsndard lu cole;r tier. slsll bc àatemb.20 îer cent. hntgUimlliteàadfe ievlod. tcoliected and Puada duotf on0e- t.bee-u. 4 copulir poued: Scoute sud tsumm.ýr%, mach lu eeut-ast with the elghtb or 1 rout per 1toun 1 ln addition te Ile,ae b.,2.à lir cent. easonîinlutibmsarne parallel on the Ai- the sald dut>' et 40 per coulum sad vsloreiiu: Mlk. trceh. 3 recnie par gallon; Sonate Ibutte coast. Tnere are DO bllzzalda and &I auguretank bottomâ. sirop. cf udflieue, ilis. ree.adCcoe.Telbrlmlti a caejis rtfbiltJte itrouui cor.à. e Ier ton; Sonate sud ucyles Thhbrlrufiba can jte orofL-etJule.meada cu-Il,u». bills. f ree. uuriured foresteot plue sud othbrrim cmtrsted motada. concrete or eniono- Çsbbizues 2 cents cucb: ressue aud net oniy ou the mouintalo aides, but in trated moias,. 5 uhicliare lumportaditfrouti lîo usebilt roc. thm vaîiey Itseif, the timber being or are the producset. ,,fcmu>'untry ohiel. Eie ei. u ocu etesd ltraid hbpare hîhgv st tie lime th.e sue are emuorteti thoa- EHods 3bdtntoc-hcr n neunç.ý ir" aparieiapt ahe ie- front pays. direcîl>' or ludîrectl>'. a bouniy Ioý'll.fc.tecutyapr-ieapaac o ru athe expert ihoreot. shali psy a dut>' cf Ilia>'. t2 kLoit,. lhe liou,e rate; Sonate, aombllugttseoakopeningeo! Miehîgan,. [ous-tenth of i rouf per poum1"1o allnoe. te "*ý,r cent, tii, bia, a New York. Maike the èoUl lhuney.,1i renis per gallon. tbe flouse in roi île ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4A eergln aesq'olddhtiîin c bil. Ziparrr.- -where ,pi igrwu l ther locali!w .-imCOit*~- ~ - ep. emt t->pund. .lie fiouse rate; hoi is rchkaniand makesi tb g ta abrogateor ttlu _ ..2 p5lr or oucie bi. ,o pxent. kiud o! airrrlcutural land wben ciesred. affect the provest5 r t1h. treat>' of catit- Conu. 20 -note per bush.!. lime floeuso e S g l iotehevinz" issa a&Ze ou mierclai reclproetty comctuded te, ween thme raie; 5 oste iliiL 20 per crut. oidsas it struc, and tuiere are ibose »o U2nited Ft1me and the king oet1he flawaiien ThetIouro raies la tiie partraph 4evot- hceaostmtul ihrhcac Ilans donriJan. 30. 1875. or tbe provisioneh orai ,are rretnred se lb-et tht, pars - will et su7 set et Coiserese her'letaa-otureeyacSt ay »utpaiskslo ofr île exctl o e ileme: Ison psudgrapis ruade ai.,tIlowu: l'ums. driel. 20 W ..,eetaybtii ldo fortheer u I >5oftheie; tht b ton ndcOJIip parbushel: aplît poea.50 ,ent4 pr.r1rof o ail such a viahile iisvoi- c*fiedsud1 )80,ld on nio alse eîîng bueimel etfali>' pound. sud poetlacar- rîey ila saource o! dcl:ght, sud ibhecern- colectitandp.4 o mlasestesin 4)botn,.palpers or otite. smeli packae. 1 Mon admaiilon la that -ibmbal! ha. degreeq or le"es he b polarisccpe sud con- i-on' per Pound; taruste. 2 "re -nt. neyer tison tcld" %%'bat a t1ange, tee, moassu 2 es eutum aoet40mdetre sui nt o Ploî to.13 conts Per bilsel; Sonate aler the Imalfilettrip> throngh the abloya 56te.ting ave 4 ereà d n1u ll, 3 10 per cent; Hueo cbti. Io cents per licki, over which t-ho ratlway hbu cents pergaction, if lestlng bove. 56 de- Il so i rcrcî cou îuered satbalie elid anti "lm, to griles laoariscope s duiy ot 4 cents pier no%'. peciali>' provIded for lu 11h4 acte 20 pas@ down ameng peaceini sund àiirao'. gallon. per cette. tive prairites itc'.ltiated llmld.e ad (Inangre le Other Sehedulos.6 Lard. 1 seut prrPound; talion trout free gardiensan sud e bu?4y towu! wlth hum- Other chanie, lu the tili ire: 1li8i. Icredso!fpeople n.sged luibmthepur- Tartarle acia. 20 par cent. ad sutereir,: loultry fliouse r.îte.q <n;t droisecd.2 ecuta suitse!f peace sud bome-secking, whoe 10 ln bate. "0 lu lIeuse bill.lper Poundl; dreised. a cents par Pound) are ayasotlm in Alr.ubolic perfumer>'. Inluding (o!olrno Sentie lit h. 20tpar cent. O onedns n r ie h osae nd ana wtt. mnd Colleriot vas ersantd atm-. Change& lu Cltoin Srhedolc. raed lear c n hocf ame sudora mb. A hotterccimpoundi unlt upeciati>' provided Paragrapti 253. retlullu; ta cotten cloth. 1wyassdtosid oewhm fer tn tht, art. 22 a allson and 50 par , st.ictoeCi utad ,hoÇîlluwîuincglertel: willhoberusharing the îmety indus- cotuntmd vatorem; Sontate sud IeOu-o try~dcu. Id is cer-tain te gise ail w:.llng to woo billts. 2 a cation sud 2Z ad veseretu. utaîu n pîim e r rled sed oisa, theeartb wit lim tr lamures e!flel. Ail coutl-ar colore or dyos by w vimeer ud 100 tbreads tolulie sî4rurîraneil. mneefretsunwtor natte kuowu andl net upec!athy provlded Icouthe. for la mi, act, 25 per cent.: locale auiugnIbe wriei lil.anid îîoi eedInI Flsthead ('ounty, formed by ibm laut flieuse bills, 20. six. auar.. yardý lu themPiunud. 1a cents a Leghiature, ha@ an ares (4 ,&0iàsquarm squae yad; .ice(iltsiaui nul es-miles4, a ter. ltory larger to h Now paragruphi Inserteil as folio."u: squareard;e u.reî,îî,î, t the und.g it h lrugr. eucim mn brka, tus,,. .berriel,. '"jceugn a qure yr;eeds gn.eSao O onci ad IRhode Island baisent. boda. bulbe. buiboue root% ex-nsqure tyardsqurte Pyard.e-,dcognie.a u'omnî. iThe <Great Northern Rail- crescencea. fruIts. flowers. dried aber-. square yard te im muuunîian.Out ecets- ay rmisfrtsaio nteClni drid lïe,-,.gran§.outls nd urareln.lnget11square yltrds lut h o iund iHconte ou the east Itu its last ou the weit rua. herbe,.lbaves, lichens. mo-tees, mots. oisa yard; excedIi ,lx andmunel osceulimg a distance oe! 19 miles. The lheadl aud %tom% spte. vecetabtes. seede <seno- utilesquare yards mu lime Pound I's esetsa a Hiver sud trîbutaries, wlth 1I ggiug matic), seeds ot uorbtd fgrowt h. veedusud cqâare yard; exceedini nie.s square waters aggregatingtiuiimiles lnlengt-b, ,saldeaed exprosl, ton dyeitut .1iih yards le thme t oud ,ce-a square cneg iKlsel n h au are ot edîlbl. adv'anced lluvalue.or cou- yardsc; If dyod. cotrrm. sîsmnoâ. patut- cneg thlsel u b au dtlton b>' roiloluei or urluding or by olther ou or prlut.s ed nOtoxceediug ,six- facture o! lumb-fr and ablugles ii be- proceof et muutaîtur..and net speclîh squareyards te limepoobti. 2', cents '.0 lie cmn uimportant ndutry. The rovided for lu thist, cla tOpar cent. ad erjuaru yard: oiedle;t sixad ,ot esceesi- iups forent trees are ibmecadi.,, Valorisai. lle4 utlieaquare yard. ta the pouad3t.ceuts tir, brcbpins, aud tamanrack, ibe rat, lime Aparmgrapmrelatlng 106mb the wcrd te, the squame yard; exreedlug aline square ter Olten atiainlng a diameter of ait mpreparol" fi. trIcken ut oln the rate et yards ta the Pound. 3i'-,crots Pcr square lent, lusteed o! bolug a mere tlegrsph 20 par cent ai vs'orou lueniade te apply It> yard: proslded, that on. ail cîrru clotb pole as lu tbe mmst. I Maires fine fur-. aitl iim elle n'. ex-eedlug 104) ibreads n the square . Epsomu satti are made duttabte aI i- et tnch. countiig the warp :,r,d i!liug. s0t iture. ramples o! whcb were samen th s co,'.perpouni Oherchanea re:billieaihuldycit. î'crored. -talutul. patti, ibm 'Montans Building at the World'a or ~ ~ ~ 3 e or printOl. s alunia ie enspr ar IMorpimiso morphine saile theroot. 53 Ci t.. square yard. 23 itor rente,,, id saioreui; There hi much that la attractive fran Percalune. F.axseod andl poppy oIL S20 bleached. vatoel rît .uer1) cuns iser iqare a bealth-giving. - c -nul. sud sprrtlmg, centa por gallon Inte-ad ut 13 conte ln for- yard. 25 par conîu: u d s--orer,, - and dyed, staudpo ut la tlhim-gion. Suow peaka d rer bill&. colorcul. siaiued. piitrc. or prlnted. Ou etive ailI tr salai purp oses tbe flouse valued astlever 12 censliter square yard. a-e lu vlew ail the year round, aud ihm rate et 35 Cnti per gallon I, Ithera staiîlite tesîrd. coifrrted, and Pul winters are edom c )Id enoug h tocloie stead ofet l iScat c uitiltt-eo rate Ot 25 s duty ot 30 per cent. adl sitoremt. the treams ,te naviga tion. Lake Mo- eent Dois .eu lI.uln orsIlsDonald, near by, is bcornlng a noted Ga scedohe Chsugoai. lOn htttkeis. cool aud lsnois tor u- resu ru. Amoug the visiterm lait a lu- A portion ofthlels@ scmdule 1, cîougeî doreur andl telle t,,, papcr-niahîers- use m. r iero Bisbopwhiipple, o!1lone- no asite rotad as tollowa:. and prlollu;ng actii,.-oriposod whully ,sots, and V ic e re,lideut Webh, e! the Green sud coloroti. moided or preou,, ýOr lu part of cunl. the hum eofth1e canin. Ni-W York Central liailrosd. i aken sud flont ted lime glas' boilleà boldhn; goul or alpaca. or r tlior r ililîl, val euetan sd streama tbound with treut aud ibm mors thon eue plut aud de,-,îIjgs ud car- nul miore 1h.,,. 30 centms POrTreul, îte luoanter ha chances ta look alung bis tuyscovre.tcr uneosered, aud ütiierne,id- dut>' cilI Us 23 per crnlom ad valoreol: gun biarre! ai deer sud grouse. l'arn- oul or preiseti green ui colorel and tlint sutued ai more titan 3) trd e t more 1 ban ci a di, tanît !rom tewu are sald te buîld or lime gaâi bttleware nt speciîîlty Pro- 4L) c,.uta"per tot,iM 0Per rectume ad bîgh fences arcund their gardons toi vided tforlu tis.act. uivc-ulm0lirlis o! i cemît s-,rrtî: -isi elai more than i4) cocie keep tho deer out. Sklns tu he accu ai pur Pound. Green aud ruirureul, nîoldsd o r por. 1pu riOdsulri; Strshwthtbrarsthi . pt-eâsed cnd flont and SI,,,. tîtsboulas andpa u,,35le cinia -lu; sosshwttburretl 34 viclIeholding nul nmore tlise ne plut tuid lb., change on-.tîig Il,î ru-t,rîn. the found. nutlo Isuthan one-qurier eof aplut.thbrî e- ruuted morde n tilo iuser bii. 'The Mountains in aildirectionscon.- tourtmeofuteecent per Pound: It ho ding Ou mloji,,s and chldro i'adru,, gond,taimn prenions ani hase metalds, and in le*@ than o-fus-rtiOf ml plint 35 :el'ti Per coul li.i Lial î chl. buîîtiu,01 .r the ucrthei part cf tbe couuty largo greos. whtaer filid or unfill. mlheiber guidenof si:t:r dieurrpti n or charactor heds cf ceaI sudl petreleum c m-h ugx. their content e dutlablo or trou niiigs pa s.lal sreosh-e cx-ye Thme Sonate rau ron the al ece fi 43 Pe r I "o ahi umîuuro.Icoi; uria s.Iihw ereor aeb-oe l,uasny rubber a a muloarlal." a route tu this ec, it n sd aI-o onà cent.; fouse rate, 3) perre:it, Aîoîlier cunpse5 .olli or Iluvet-cr twool lhue mouti t) Anaconda sdBta chage u gassle s tll,-t:wrsted. lima taîr Athîe raiel, grual New sources 0f wealh maklug are 1le. Uuîelisimed rylînder. crow.une' anlct:on .tpuca or, tier inhrî il. and nToi spî-r;stly lu; couststhy brou iht ttligbt as set- ltudow Isae. 1otent prcdluad âo ve '13puu.del for lu titise a i. the IlIue'raie of tîrmeut mrogress front the common tâtai, and oretcedn par Ilouinie 4:per cent.fii tnred. Seusme buill. 35 per rentergala!ng tbe railIway, wbhi ive square. 1% cnts gPer Pound; abus-o Ihut. cent. aud lie tîlloulul vrrds addeil: connections .betwOen St. Puni, Mfuae- andneut oxroedlnui 24 by 3) luches squarc. ValuedutaInuos er SI u Pound, 4') fer nrois sud Puiget Sound. Mach o! thbe 1% cents per Pound;: l[ro liaIand ot cent. ad valoret;. valu at uoro thoan 80 country is sîhil Goverumeut lani, snd stceodhmg 28 luy 36 lucheis quare, 1la cents centsansd mottnne tbam $t a Pound. 45 vahuable tractis cf timber sud fa- miug pet Poundl; ai aboe etimub, 1', ceots fpar pan cent. ad vatrem: und silo! time fort,-1 , nd Cari bli taken up under the home- Pmond. lmIo their'le golue svalued ut more tIbsuel2a o pund, tedts5T0oyar g esieo Prosidedta n.lse lue.pi-r ceai.ta a. %, eriag h ieo crovu, and itldow sssImportait lu Ou resdy-nuade cînîbîn; conupose etf au>' Kalisal wai a vacant spot on ibe boxes,.cialltconial&10f11t1Ysquare test. as sbom'-nentiled materlals Lthelil-uil.rt, prairie.:uow it bas over 'i, POO people. mssrty un o1î5s etîl permît. sud Ihat duly et 43 er roui. In restoreul. Sonate bill, 40 teverai banks, th ree r.ewspape:-s, allait b. commuted tloreon sceording te per cent. schoolre, rhum oms, eectrie lghtag Itime actual weigbl t lime glass, Ci.nZues lu the Froc List. waterworke, lati go fourlug Mil,,ais, t There t-ta change et sizas as volt a% et ' Addod te u10fe ru lut are the tOlowIugm mnihls, business bouses aud excellent rates, and compurîsons canuot ha malle. Ilreîed for places culiable unI> for une. bolela. 0 PlaLte-glass, 24 b>' 38 luches, 1ijtax.d 23 lnahIbl Uma.Ue -of ettlere' tur. cents per square ftout: Sonate sud flous.e lîlolumea teetinul net sboe o40 degreos The other towus aloug ibm Great bui. t cnt: aI lît-4ascalse imcepoluliscope telt aud coul sinlu 20 par T'ortbern Raiiway linbtitcoutury are dbinlols 20 ent% I t pa eas oot: î.u- couetume et moletonS Columbia Fails, Pimasani Valley, Jen- dieelosentil».Parcns.uare c ti O n- rode or emanufacturai and mot uiugs, Troy and Libby Cremk, ibm laim atmsud udueesbills. 36i cents tntuu sd er beiug a prominent pAut lu the lgluas plates are ulded ta glaises. diattable aoer o!ftrorphl,IisKeeteusi mlaing district. .enningai la a% 10 per cent. ad vlorsa i naddition tu1 tuen erage, çondai.a stealmer point !r ibe Fort Stmni. otmer rates char;geable thereoti.inu 1.e tro ilsI.ualter the cords "petre- geld district in Brltliîb COlambla. Changes lu IrOU Dettes. feula. erudo or retuod," isliarted the toI- sailpeIl le ceunty mleat sud dîvision tg lu - ti ti v fd Cl'

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