CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 18 May 1894, p. 1

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t. - - 'ÀDOOI, EDioh, ,&Ue «jl: TO FIAI coD. UTII AND MAKE MQNhY. PRICE, 5 OENT8 Ub.rty~vih., L.AIoe~ i, Friday, May 18. 1894. $L6Oin Mao maSSp d sau ___- »&. sunple, iplay. 1 not. ~11ey. t*iWmfelait Pues or z-oup Un for «* "d& - w "-Mr t lu*tea mS rm inobale advetialmg la SU i Mv .tO SUl fot bavlag an opea M - hale (opies a oestseaoh*. 25 for SI Subooptioa Pfice, SI1.50, par Voir. ftLC. PADDOCK, Publisher. 44secoamd" orrespondents sIeMo!&Urernember that Ih takes ime to-e ain"t obefore a paper uan bo Webd. Ton viiigreatiy oblige by b»umilus lnyour oopy eariy. (Jopy w hms muet hoetter lie In our bands itriMbm auWednesdiîy noon, mu ve i eoeThursday tLu etttng up ti- noe. We alb t print the tI, 11 v Tbursday aft-eroon, so le rosoh our readers on the Friday ust ai b""h.d, #ym va t tay etter ibd., *MVont wddlng Iuvitatono, Ut you vat any kind of job von, lm" yur ordors at the Ltannin» lm oMoie, Llbeftyvie. Mmd h&ve di r mcted la the shorieui Urne TWELV DAYB Uîîtil june îst you can gel the INDEPENDENT and the W"Idly Inter Ocean both one yarforsi.Qo Afterthatdate th&,prce for thewo will in- fypu want both of these y Time Table l00e t ab %:2D 4:40 1049 6 top s 7 28 lf) U 22 54ô14 7 32 lo5s 3 01 at 211.U mlii :# e 5 61 1 15 ..~ 6 r 6 3 i 5344 .... 12 8M ;43. .. 12 de 646 754 de24 554 g e .. 1258 du 900msai 1026t e TRAI N@. m. Ar.,.Roadot mLl Ar. Llbertyville 9:40 aja m. Ar. Rount 11:01 p.= r.Librtrvla 8:25 pm ..Time Table. . pan. Pi.M. pIL, n- is io il .... 518 .. -221 8U m l1~ Io 231 4 a ate ns.e aà 9- S5 m- x>- -,«t sk% Sudrthie; - qAu . -, en- and wish > 'un técuring have to avil offer before Lo save 35 îhem, >01 yourself of the i st of ýyour borrowing neigh- bout this exceedingiy Mmewe eshaking Ë,Ih*ve.,some mfe new Se »tennis ang xford-tie s Hatoir 1 rated 1 EARL V. Théeasseuor la nov eady te> look loto your financlal condition. Trit hlm vtb kîtidrienandmcdonsidéra"Iu1. ila 1peff,,tuO ««Ibe M A uov Item for amoemnt id the. uImatrU. erien a efab - b bicycle. _______pinald to baeroa u v e a -9oit a Ifyou vautte uholp your honme! Grays Laite. u »eS paper, order your Admf ltrato'm Itoutor'. and otiier l«ga noties LOCATE A FAc-ro. publlabod la the'tmuunzmuT. Weopuefmnealiu * m attend te osil md«WlMing certflcates net .Wa* B la legal foma and give prompt The pru Ite Un service. s"________" _ Alitentien le eiled te the fact that bo Mdow4 PU09 wtise droeer mMra thIe e aits. 1 de aM et tfimxpeinaef e of esmm t pondbiy, fer any boceutof i vi tomttue idvame t a paper roIIngà lu tbl tree., A ttie Cars exez= e al vili obviit ail danger trilit.*ahIl1mb. -.oa" by'mm~ Punch a bae inl a llier daim-sund W lmiiibeaus. odt Ion punch ont a&l the tt h inI, Dn ovW *hg t i téh" *bout U cent' warth. Youïr poochcd = dollar viliibrlng jeu the mgua ig t s IPw Ia p ofth Lb ilver tlulit, nov about 47 centa' 8111Y auerds i* 6 vodi. Punch a greback dellat f il q neeasure aillaitbarrowed bolequit tg tlalivrffh 100 onqta, ýfor formol! te liquhdate te hi&s luta hofiitb of the gvroethi bock of anijaufer âuarnlooM -ani! fià i evr jof IL and it viii be pâldhaIn o119. p44. - ~i"~ - poplation Of many towns "ae MFZl patroliîze the business mani vit, iy vlthout work sud, alun, touoenp- talles to yuîîlunai hout, str.iigbt- mien,- forward meulier tlîrougb the coino ls Depressedl vainme urtaied ep of the pre». Heie lathe one vîmese tien Mid precoanous credut W sthe isa. atatemeuîts are vortia cousirerng, for ditua. vhich cooflnted evuy bdo lie adreitises te bud éliis reputa- m nas ho foted bis ledger as Ummlue- tien and tukeep it gitd,amotdo atébipna o in fu tuers.d -Ta hoe advertuls. Th@ mercliant li tlibispias forithe usailre.Tie aIdIi days who wiii non advertbse. or makeobm hc opl&Hsreaiià knoown pubiicly ilhîtil: is gouda are, eof mme tadiflat tber and»c t ai bus very littie claini to tige P"eos vreye nmia or prsolcmly bas& cniec.Staîdy abat business mon bRînOn cbanges and chng@ futm advertîie, aud Lue»youi have a bâtis "tu the comircild. M&aa4sa of agreememut te tUads Oun. tuer ho have hmetofore muferaSI km et a mmiii perentage by rm" et Said a Carpenter *lThere neyer vras a I# <>1of airad~ or powet or othet f&. a better tino to build!in rtue triaL cSLa iii naturally.ctabout for a tventy >ears than at present. Botti piicwhoetblɧerntageaneaaved laber aînd materiai aie much cheaper The minimum coatwill enter more thaji last year. W hle a man ds s argely into the problem cf production goui tiig foir hiiSeif andl makes a for the. noit few yer thAn ever befSre goud iiveotment,-. tIso lpbng thlie as nd thetovn ore ty wblch la mmtisi out of vork and * bhl atlropist an te weiI and a *11=4d ~ chliper Luis year aio- The people mmn overYwheo toeo sud na cite.o are becomiang avaire ufttis fact and gethor for Lhe bettermenftOf th" e"ra for Lhi reaises I tlink tiiere wiii b. commercial intercaLa vhlch thoy rozwo- plonty tu do Lit summler. sont A board of traite la a nonsu.ry ad- jini te Lbe wellare of every ommu* The central cbmmitte" Of the four- nity. les objects houid Ils prilmariy te eeuth senatorl district, consisting of foltter pesobi Industrli, de-ep local the courtes of Kane anmd DuPaige, lias renurcs., publiat practicali nfOrmatIon, ,dopted a nov plan (f rePreselltmtiOnsoioit and encourae immigration, la. for Lte fortbcomlng convention In that ,"uen and Lthe estblshmnt ofn-W district.' Iistoad of eacb countY aend- Dh*lufacturies aidite allume toe tvuWI ing sets of delegatea soeeted by their bailt f - ý thlDEe fa ibm respective conventions each counitie8 ss l oft t o mtion e tis fWte- asked Lu send delegatesdiret tothe dis- aies cf e ite prica Itevrla trict convention* making tigs couven- o miwtthe Ciyipwihit cir heet&It ion consist of 260 delegutes, and @boum have a WhiCh la triouaM.-- in titsway the conlventionis 5 er- cni avaa ilutareqeffo i pcan talnly made more nearly relire- b e Om heV80 iledhwm apbl sentatîve than it wouid ho lIf delegatoS otnugMIsrn t v@e s slected in Lue oid way ond thereof biiding, saann u nuhgt la loua chance for polical trades. PýU~Yti u eeet talt :Quinlin is Repudiated by thec Democrats. GRAYS LAKE. Here Is what the Lake CountY Patriot prepururion for clildren*s day have officiai Democratte organ, sairs Of Jas. begun- Qoinhîn: ,IL la bellev-ed that a strong Miss Mande Seeshuita la viffiting at attempt viii ho made by the followers il. J. Wlieelock's. e f Ja". A. Qublan Lu "Qulalanize" A. D. iluei makea regalar Sundav -the cauous soon Lu be hebd bere for tiips to Burington. Lb. purpose of selecting delegates Lu G;eo. Frederiakt brui quite ai ru»- attend Lb. County Democraia Con- wylaModveuig -vention at Libertyvible, on May iPtb. au utMna vîig 5IL la the qubte generably exPresed be-- Mrs. David Fritsch, of Iliîesvibbe ief that Lie democrats uof Lake (loua.- i visiting friends lit Chicago hii ty baebdamprliyu iQui»- i%'5k. fy a e a t pe adtatIorfer Lu W. B. Iligley h entertaiuiaig ai )f lin l thePast an tha in rderte ncie fronh the vest, une whoin lie lia! f subserve he best nterests Of the e el o wuyya3 Party be should ho sumamartly ad of-nLse»fo11et ya fectively mt dowa upu». If this be 1ev. Norman Harrison lis grue t 1-yoôr bellef, see to liL that y-ou nt_ Miclîlgan for a week'a viit. RuM' tend thre caucus of yuur Lownship savas li will retur» sith a bride. ywhea called, aad beL your vote belp tu j. M. G.tines formgriy in the bardý 4eteminothe uestoa. are business t thiâ Place and nOe deteminethe ueston.employed in Chicago visited frieud ___________________________at this place for d~e hrst tiare inu L B? O, NO!years, early tiisweek. rtr ~..t ig2~.t ~belrtfell; thatika Lu thome whoa kbndly asslisted ant the f uneral of ou up nly sti ulaed to friond and mother Mrs. Mary Davi up o ly simulted and especiaiby LueLihe Grays Lai choir. Chias. Ilall and famiiy. Great Bargains to offer J. N. Barres and famiiy hiav removed frein Dixmn Lute iis pia At presont they are boarding atC 3asonabIe Goods. among Richardson's;. Mrs. Barrus wlll uta amîlinery store ii the Lngabuuu BicycleCaps a 30 to building as soon as v'acitet Il Leon-ard & Kuebker. iShoes, $1.30 ýto $1.7-5. How aChicago man -as uec iStraw and V/ool - Mr. JointIhall, (if I295 Commterci -Ienderson's Litttle Red Ave., Chicago, met vvithil a seriot - accident for whicii lie Usei Cirajube aa~a ~îlain'a pain jBain, fr-eelv. it l i~e li 1,,Medai rilur. reutg. "But 1aiow," 'asys -r.Hn *U#UPTION Tenu** ~,U Br. c............... I. Woih. r a nS ............. 1 yI'f. if "otpas u wthma mootha ..SUM Il M uvUeldt. a: stopImmdb..... M»,v t etn. Mest* u WAUCONDA. 111MY tnogm la tovu, recentiy. Chu..Selp, of Zui*,h. wus ln town Tuqlayyd it $onhawuhtalent Fridal. ïýWm. Uatablucof t Pl'i â, î- s W. bamda lMom-d7. - Imanmd Mater Albert 'It bioudaed ln Wacoomdm. hloo acool it -etilts Tnwvort the kidi lave a UtdUwghter, lira. P. B. Johnson, uf B, sverai days tlaum wook. q aathau cust-200 Hate frono S~ns up. Children's trlmmed jý efor only 6,5 cents. Stock w~jeclosed out quick. Mnfr. E. I>a~ 80-33 Thea Meabees came tu the front and jbeWed tûeir brutheriy kinduesa by f'uiasing a good borne and plient- ~tiVttae saine tu the Rentier brotiiers Whad their barn destroyed and ~Aakilod by liglîtuing two weeks 'li'but ts the kind of a brother- îee u belung tu Xfa Eton of the I3aptist churcli bas tikssup his suode in Waucuuda tu qiSfldWbisaminera vocation. ILà la vony bly eteemed by &Il who have mtdbi cquaiutànS and ail are glad ;;Mi.C. noier Mia. Ë. poil Who Ioa dimmer'< Atmtie Walmsiley had theo istorune tu fait lant kSaturday nhorning and uujured bersoît qulla erîousiy. Sûr waa returnhîîg trois the -t t uiarOt and as "b turned: the corner a few rude from the dour, caught bu, foOt in a defective aide walk with ' above reauit. The quarterly meeting iîeld at the M. E. was. veil atteuded. fiev. Dr. Jackson, tho preslding eider, preaclîed morIuig sud evening to au aPPreci- tîve audience. Beys. Money and Pierce were prouent also 1ev. Eton the Baptiat minâter. 1ev. Pierce led the Epwurth Longue exorcises just befors evelîiug servicS began aud had a goodly number of attentive lsLaiera. le wiii leave ail Loo aoon for bis hume in Evingoton. Wyoming. J. A. Pratt one of the early settiers of Wauconda, and for mauY Years proprietor of the Pratt Motet, died ut bis home bere on 8uoday evenit8g at about saveur ocluck. Hes had only bees; serioustylyiIIt reo days and nlu une auppeaed lie vas likoly to die tit a few Itours belon. lie vas the victim of the la g9~ppe Lwo yearm mga ïaud has-been ln poor heamtît ince. lHe wus seventy-lght years old. H1e leaves a wife wbo la ln feeble health, three sons and Ove daughters to moura tbeir ions. The futîcral services werer held at tbe Baptiat church Tuebday aafternoon. A UniverBalist mitiister frow McHeîîry ufilciating assisted bY ri the 1ev. Eton. WAR REN. o or -o ýir 80 ce Ce. 0. fly 0 f Jl a l [wfl>tçtiiPfrOtlnata Imm, 811nap Cori] planting tino. Debigh tf ni eather. F. Cluw la attending court b» Chicago.. Bar» raising ut Lew Wilhur's Tues- day, size 3OXfiO. Elnrer Rose vas tn Chicago, Ou business, Moaday. Mas. Susan Wbitmre lla visiting with relatives ha Wnamkegaîî. TIre corcert auL il urnes Saturda> evening, May 19, promises te ho good. Miss Olive Knox habegua iher fuurtbi tua-m Of schtion »district No. f5. Mr. uni Mra. Stafford , ut Wauke- gan, spent Sanday wltn tîeir dauguite m rs. J. J. Freezer. isir. and Mrs. McLeeàe were ont froiWaukegau, lat week visitini relaîtives lin thbs 1oCauity. Mrs. C. T. Bakas ibas moyeU )amtc lier tara inluWarren. itisMabe 1 enaiiis ,rît scioulin Waukegan wilie 0Guv looks alLter tire furie ýam gardon. Ciras. Tîmcker siiipped a carload c: steers Lu Chiago tis week wlriet averaged 1400 Ibo. Tiaey were uma niersand we Lîiink the beat 1usd Lia l as lut t Gurnec thia seasoir. Ilemem ber tire entertalament Lu hi piver t maiG< RailUp, Frbmay venbig it 9 01 s- LAKE ZURICH. Where le Wiikejial Fiâbing ln the lîko le geoil. Subscribe fur this paper wltb AI. Not quit, su muiraia thia vook. Hienry Pepper etili bai ai very soro log. tho farinera are vory buay plantimg -bhutela visitlng iL River oau people are crowding tLu Gélirgo Dymond visitei Chicago, Mondiy. The plasterora have lftlhed ut H John Stuenkel la rnstilcitiîg lnansd about Zurich. Henry Sebvermami viaitsd noir Cuba, Suaday. Andt4W Grom, of Barringtun, wau Bustnemaon tbe E. J. BE. te very duW#i prees. Ptod Kuckckaid vite entertalnod gueiLa tfiîta veok.' WANID. PFftm,~ JER411Y COWS WAU.Tt froah an 1k, or apringaa, R. W.1 Stafford, Llber$yvlW.. -RES 89QUP. 25buys e.gS ood bs'»W woemm obliinmn te i) TuPp o A Apptu» ALII aS. N. laua.Win psy.oýt le. peLhbotM. - Mies- EPea M yreLrfrned fr ,.0 Wm. Bicakea*e.and Fred Seip, of posite ôopot. Addirem Chu. Chicaigo, visItei bors. Liberty ville; 111. 8 IMiss Laura Meyer& utof In ley. cORNER LOT,-9 0%an vstlng lier folks bers. - big barn (20x298)" Fr .>d Kropp entertaiined guesta trom cisterti ail for -bals Diamond Lake, $undt".- bouse alime couti V <ç Fred l'hies bas hnvested ln a fine LibertyvWge-.e. 7 . rig turnihed by JLImmam. 1- J. W. Miller. of Libertyvillo air un e ilsio pç, Lova on busines Saturday. i 0ê'çu ýNioobtI0 fw é lso m a i ck, âne vire mrên feace ls being - iLîmmd4te put uround the Wood cottage. 40~>~ ta C. L. Hokeymever nov rides bu a ion. Correspoodenoo new s:arry boblîmi two 4qmss. tu J. H. Crunkimite, Roc The planta aand bail ait Flcko's Park bdonday' wasa grand aucesn. OR SALE or viii TUA»,j Cennty Demomrttc convention ut FI leocky grey mare 14 0 u Tl~.m 1~jeMy~double b h orhome treo the City tfera viliTj-.ý A gond eal of Pa nt li mei obyUl. ppreai ait preut wtth good efft FOR~ SALE OR EIM There vas ai social gathering at tho Thireo nov 8 rom oemmigui,. home of George Graber baiL Sunday. furnisbed in city ot Waukegn .Fred Cumbage tbongbt e akibi- land i La ke ouunty. WII Moha ed; but nuoanetilt hlm ai ho caimed. cunberanco on lanid. Alioamu ef 0800 forbuorses, muet tego8". Fermer Curas» is aitili alve aud Addreaa W. G. Barreit, SU8 Iopea are etitertaîned for hie recovery. av.,Waukogan, 111. at ILY n- ýe, Lis ill 2ILS living? *If so, tumuuk Uod for the biesti- iug every day of your lives. Tîriîik ut the dus-s and niglts ut amxiety, veary vitîn watchlng, perbups. Suie bai curei for yen la your earlier yeara, guarded anmd prutucted yon trom tureatensdl dangers, anîd prmyiîîg coin- stantiy for guidance ofuthLie. Haveaiy Fatther that your tootstepa mh b hoin the patin ut safiey, right and trutli, anîd boping that your boybo and youtb mîigit be.bappy ami prosperous, aimd thiat yuu might develup intu a true man, a ma uf amarcter, of priacîpie, vimo wouid love Lime riglît sud bute tIre wrorg. Perhaps Voiare Lvulve, itteen or tweiîty years oaf age. or more simd tua>' h, spot a muâtaîcie, anmd speamd your leisure ime witir vour beit girl, exceptimg ut neal iane viretiyou are t liomne (usurtilhy) vitlte favihlv. Nov, let aie atsk yuu about yonrr table nananiers. Do,yîmn Laku paimas Lu bave Luemyieusbng tand!agretahleienlîpurr inturcurdre withruembers of Lire tanily? Doa yotîirave a kimîd, -heur- fui vurd fer >our another? i iitiort, doyen ry Lu aid Lu tme comfort uni j oy of the dinnor huairt Remembert' $an or Johni, or whooyer' yov are, tb#l iUmetsle vhmîeifii uvt 1. h.tot LOUIsE KNOWL4TO-81së brei Maure body Captai by Billy Doute» by Haaihiotoaih 15am-Sallie Tim by AMZAaitdoe da]lab; 2nd iami--t'WCrueti Luna 2:14t. Aise a --yesr'ot4 -For Sale or Exobatge. Apoyl W. Stafford, Libértyvilllo. 1 TIrée.Rare Bîrrainsi Wiie Waat$l Havhng enrbarkei la tbetieGri4 Feod btiness, I vI eI »H~ Buffalo PiLL@ Sepator ruath-s Coffes Staker =ni quare s ure, ru» Lvu aesaola. 118 Ilay Prouessimd a PILLa iO-ow* Engine anrd Bolier. %Il lni good order. Liberai terme mwa*1 o parties on goûu, aocurity. Adra' uppiyLtoth owner, Anirew S, Guraîse,ii. Cucumbers andI Onica Now is the ime tu cow for Cucuimbers, Riokies. -X Stafford wiIl pay the highcXsi i» cash. Contracta can b.g at M. B. Colby & Co's, Tri Taylor's or F. C. r4i IC ail ou themnat once, bef0ir t oo late. .21.'+ NOTIGOiR *Am. we wilb seli ai Publie Aira Lh. htghest bidder for oeob, t Libertyvillu Town Houee, et due door of ame. Sae Lu taes p Thtrdoy, thb. uaL day o! MW o'aboak a. an. Dated aL Libertyville, Ill., U 19.A. B. Coox MiARTIN MELODY, .Ei' J. E. HOr.coMB, Administrator'a Notiob. PuaicuNurîcu habierby tvsht* saiber. Adralnistitor of il eîs B. Hougliton, devi5cnuvi aim Court of Lake (louti$aSt atena Mê holde ai thie Court SonUa AM saad County. on tse &t Eci next. 18%. vhen ant i vhet, ail"Aý cltiasagalamt saAd niuested 10 present lrtahesen", adjuidication. - Ci.AituNcE N. Diruau.A&déi nîegt an , 5. .- Tjntll Jure ,' the 1INDrAzOXJ>]M weekiy latte00 Mrnm f« Saama No. 31. t U rH AND MA KE MON,& y. PRICE, 5 CEM 1 tcîwn. Coxey hua nu contingent ha ilhng trom hors. A gooi one» Charles Seip-irs triei Lu stop Coxey's army lust Munday aigbt at the bal. We noticed thinga vers quite livehy at the cornera Suaiay. The principal actera vers a moakey porcbed on a mule. lsýd by a jack, anîd n volt vas meddling vitb peppor uni thouguîtho îîud too mach ginger. Ficke's Park ha nov opened for the picnic sesson, Our lakc unie is ut Lako ceunty's mammy spooiifuls ut vater aearost Lu Chicago. We bave plelît! ot mer, lots ot alco girls, purte air, lubiies, good fishng; a gre»n sd shaded cerner outhLb.worLd la beautif ai Lake Zurich. WiLbin a radies of meu miles, vs bave seven rivais and ve maintain jealous guard of Zuricii's chiet charms, ILs entîro freedoat frun mary Lîings laSsuggestive of a sommer resort Ficke's Park bs an attractioan vIth ail Lhe sbady trees, rustic bouiches, swings, liammoaks, rufeali- meurt stands, dancbig pavillon, basti b)ail grounîds aind gaines of abl sorts, etc. Everyhudy takea Lime greatest comi2urt lu bxeatbiug bers. TIers is wliat la caiîed real air and\h bsa woîderfulby exbilarating effet. Suggestions ta iBoys.

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