of Minietta Lane.ý Written for ýer by Ingersoil Lockwoc>d. t"i htse dlsilea mo! up tiseisoouk 2iLWte 1Mit Kitty fInca br lq hieb&o$ute t3r-on st lie bai tabou, Juig e Pi and U 9*1st a .tUd- taleanilt.Ulmse vm it~S mlelooktag1mas e"" Ife ~Ion"« tgà" tis te innug hl ~i the lover.; Who* ie inhm"Sber q"&-. «.Iwbeevos as hvsAibas lisp- %gigot this blou ruck ~ 'Loéit Ooen s day; Il J~yni Jmmy lfa Ïbibng aaIsaisbut Carey cghoue! h"i..& mm dbeispeotis tai Euh *080 lsa t e my a ile,"id ugé PIOMfat b Lssiîweabdevss soi bai tanova iiral b~uIisaOUIycba" ist iflaolly mqu,- s strive te eludo hon by â t iithse vonid ins«»Utalantie beys , tisiCry fittis ac -~W~b r eoiit, et b. vas mot nésd êbae-Mr. James Bemonti isap bismrd th ie very xx *Mr. james Edmonti Cse" vas méhdlin a 4%M suit, sadait thora vscouais lack of reinement ma" «ge otm se wisated àstory eredit, s' ho beatvanced to Allen Ob fsv prelimaina y remarks easssrlg lt.healesher amith ie haùbh e!bsemployarsCanoy vent diret a sosvtiser jeu ver.n la eausl la bas como nov vison vo noe4 bercou- r tels." IL As 60on as Mrs. Flucis bai joinetiM thea tise Judge prooeedeci te lay bu- e l.. iiuemeet legs a ciseae by whfci ho h isopoti te ivo Carey an oppontiniy cf $swving Kitty's Ille. 'l'ot a somben of a ftibng club dovuI «Mlise Jersey coret, Anti111 mare up a i r te ogo dovu ani apendth ie day. i 1! asch1Y Invite Kit. Once dovu thons the ting'll bu very simple. WIMU go oui fors o tml191p lisep boaL over."a *Nokwitisme la Il, Judge Platt, if k'on îfras,"0oclalnsetiM kUn ,lchin l îrehgUnom,. 'Oh. very 'oel," replieti Platt; "tsen V veil try soute oison vay to eti K lotote is vter. Egat! I have Il!IU bIre on. of tbe insute taise a severoni of lb. raillng of tae balmcy visicis paoueot oui cven tise "ter-, thon visen 1Ise tisai Klîty làle ani agali i 111'ilmpljr throvi my weigCt gitIl lise tNsin vi<v. v.sy, anti o=von mse't go end mmy atler beri, of course." Ou"eyvas iîlgitet ivitisehp'an, =onelyashng a condition tiai ho isuff1Ihalowdeto tmnmove tlise,,.. t vifs bis ove banda i ntier not t iran- i-il tis aucomesof tis e cisoue by taSc- ta trager ilat lsd-Confidence Andi nsv, Jutige Plat." alti Carey, as tise colon doopenot -lis is ceka, 'yu'll pardon me if 1 maSoeaI ill an- oon qrt.ifliN you need notsi ulà l, cuMe uniens. ü FSefit,"» Bots Jnte PlatI sudrM& i-. lci r -J- 'it e. bu, cofltsineti Ctre> qn roMr t- t-Io--ab-brlng home Io .Isà LNoimna mlnd-ab-emouclg p-)f- >ais-o! pour un*inoss-U not @Aklug lue L rancis, vulti you lilndly fisnt say 1visen se talle overboardu' Ilvil iselp L tisingiajsout< aMaxlg]y.. "Sir!' exclalmit Plat lts mock in- i digestion. 'play tise ci-aveu to maSo &your brave deed eseom tise more irloru- 1ou4! Welilif'@ my dm17 te do Il, *Jimmy,Aild I vili, ant if oBe hesit&tles inl ber choie afier tisaI. eg" imumy, 111 taire ber rnyslf, foris Ta i iprove t)at ftesbvil t. -Thse dey vas dollghtlful suid KUr -Nola nenver loolird niore lv Mb~i cugt@PJ44e Pa =, WII*TU blr.o cer onchoeeiàd ali à,son 0 gisi boniog fi-cm iese gloioi Wlin- d».,ova e bnoul. Sbc bad nusitobut -tise lfatutm e s udacl ihling emiles for cr'Caroy, wba, Il muet bu aduiteti, = ce.ve«7ybraud-rev" anti'store- cloiisoa-lise bzaide tise legant-man- nered mais of 50. A ~i A oniden plerclir aeam brogisiaa c sur igcrovti o! lra oui ou tise bl cony o the hast-bouse. Mn tirew off tercneanti uomen tunnel paa the fisemgislo! ayoung gir mi g inl the.ivater, «ni Set, Oreo hm barbusil-1 fl but terrilleti face isad iat a chance to dimppm, a aton.'arned oswmer - Dos'i la oholti of me, Miss Nolan," ho cri-ed inuas dearn lngvoe, I'U save y au'. ud tise nezI Mmtent amie î: oilierseU borna along alovly anti geuysuanis the tiom. MRWblWe oJanit-osa, aided by Mi-m __ ~Fincis, vas sgaoInledrying antiWon- ______________toe na. imisand.aseked br ho ieber ff lngvisn pou MaitisaI Sou sai thse youg ladiy«s ftler bai fuillyne- pïd oui th"aiyone lady for Me"' covereti. Plat openoti bis eyea gv aly Klty caugisf ber hi-catIs anti leaneti wisists. W gv alwfoi-yard. «Wisy, <o De smre fZ Jlanmy, my "Four gentlemtan,' saldt ie Woma, boy'rep1w e i ie Jdgo'uergore ho vwu un rigitenedt fst ho ainiet Ir lu sa-seat i la ile.. h'amb cssi de id ava.' -1 tt Me utMIcisoice for yOU; Ua's "I've paIi dearly for my folly, verya visai1iMOVAn. tearl « exclaiieud Archer Plai vionq 'Yes, air, you're very Slnd Jutige," iho foutsd bl aci lone lu hie nooms etsimeot Carey, "but jeu-l pardon lisat nigisl; "Lut I've d o tuter bd Me, Jutigo Pltt-ahi-that la toi aay, lber, tbank hoaven, tisafMo.tic= V tlsnougis nufult'ot-mine, 1-over- titi for lisetirei Maude Muleor." isart-" Sho.'tly aller Kîtty N"n ubecane 'You raca4, pou,' crieti Plaît, imu.. Mr@. James Retimonti Carey, Jutigo lainltlailgnasm, 'de Sou mutne- Archer Platvas calleci vest by Im-b sinnato Usai Sou, tisai yen, sis-doubt p~otant lltigaion whi nvolvedthetis scenu as mois by me? ratIo. Several years vent b;-'an thIe obufiais vi là roJutiuplat, « contant vorriuent t l eiehaas o ne le.dCsroy, -'do. lu e subl.-cted' lu hii truggleaalaun Ive me yonr baud, JiMMj," cx- sci-upulous sreculatcnsa, tmitC iavtis daim"eth1e man et fifty; "your. a poor bis ntllubbcfoi-m o! abronie truap, you'ne a gentleman, youra a&i-boumati mu, unfittet i mn more andi damnet i oo tellov.- more every ycar 10 leepMupahi e-- Archser Plati thon proceededt t givo sponieude v?th Eater nU=is. Mr. James Bedmonti Carey a fu anti AI long Intervals came lcieonsfront clremstanllai accoonni e!hi* firs m . Flis, lu wIici theo e vas nov "nosmg vu tIse belle of Minetta anti tison a5 hilomouflon o!f'the Lano, anti of eerytislng tisaI Iranl-' Ca. es, so ver. apolen o! as 'get- apired incefiug aloug very WelL * *prTi min d lovebenr-'ui-sel!, "Most 011ety money Ia gone anti ail o! Judze, cied Cnney, grasplug Plail iy mj iealti." lise v-ofe tu Mm..Flis tiso ansd, *anti1 map bave hon if I cou "an4 no doubt I voul<l ba isapper if gel ber. May I, Judge?" ven bacS lu Nev YorS agaîn, but I 'Tisa'.vis ai I sise er antoyou ieitate t eoxcisange tise dry atmos-t for, Jilmmy," ansvereti Platt, radi>ant phere o!flIse Colorado parS laudi fort aI1 Ibis uexpectot teuionmiiatioix ef jour vol air anti molet gin"iaHow-1 toselis n J immy's part , th ie dmy ever, 1I ay get s loneclyaf)r a fcv on mai-ny hon-a checks fornO,0) gros jeans mo'eof it tisai 1 sitaîl taS. tise1 te tise sviffl banS for ber account." risk anevmy. Tce gotis bave thiboli Cueyea s qost eyes tiaucetinla is 'gardnlinthis State, but l'intison- bssan îttiseo von, ant iehoborteti ougbly moita." imt 1 At last, alter a ton yeans' absene *Wel, Jutige, ilen I may as vdll f rom Nev YocS, Mns.,Punch, visase 1 aS. sa dosa broenat of it I bavent bain hat vbitened lu tise service o! aient a vieS ail uigist.1l'A In love hon boantiors, recciveti a letton from v-'itfshtis girI, dooply, madly lu love Judge Plait, tise bantivnltîng o! vhîcis wilS lier. tble pet>thbbc iu&of a sooe t 15sfis Ingers muât nov bu gtirlI've boec, ooting fe. se alae tty saureiylocireti bxy heumaîlo tise blhinaevory psticu&la" 1 "misiltPublstelllngherofhiïdestretoi'o' novér drav a coulentoti brestis until I1bi-n a sfti psitise retalutien of 1et ber blis da is arnoundlngs more @oe- imay,"eclaimeti Plaît, 'you're nita te 8ai-0!ofart lta anti Icokisis 1s oly - I Snovir n ail NeorkYenStee. thit ilwobl iv Kilty Noisa te for a Mm-..Flecis sas raquostedt tepropane vih. 8béïi&ýevoL ie'.agcrn,and b aromforbhim In ber os abouse if 1vvr~,M. OsneY - addet d sble, if net, 10 engage s rout for- Anobr vu jnde Aibr-hlm luinson« fanlly boendlag houe P "a @hoisud I 1ake viserelhey w oult be as UtIle patient lbaiulybo cstpeifoot vifs àsorabiset sud cnusiy olti man. Éimàmne'oh 00s In re lea leter tti!t o! aympaby for 'lise e.Mdovmi, Mr. mmno!fslxVb"as ie omCdsigneoi hm- v'hae. ol!. Mi-'.FlIshInformet i Staat un- Opter) vw e vatalk il thlie osatnmer ligisi of brai-dors nov tonestclng bejsiathsieroof, il vould bu no1SOdfUI'Y 0 oiessat on it tetaise ,noomaelose. bu sp IOWeêIOomMI. it brlieeandi ho vas direoteti to mani bis runis' to a Mms. Baitb's o! West 3M4 «A henÇ gmisasurocibimr -ho ë a 16h.Mmtepe! cbi ..fortsble le<w1Rsbi» a, togis sma' bal saled Au b o 'udgetisai lmma Ilb, 00181 W ar esr lnqutred tis, boy la W av voe smllulco sU ive: beL 1fatIar.m ' llt'e mat." repiloIe >Iatt, boeieilghimmoît on hlm cane ,Sud pray Who May jon e? Oh, 1'm Arohi. -Andi I'm Panmy, but that lmn't my ceal nam; that's ottiy a niokuame, vou mnow. My rosi am asMar!. l'in namiet for Mn. Flnch, the lay who eunt you ber. to our boume, and î love ber 100" *I>any, lot mecdo tise talklng," ex- jlied thse boy. rathr test "Wd in, pissas, Mr. jiido~lé; l11take yu he, 1w l o e»t wl ultxous youms -OsIItwl «Net v.ry "Ilmay westbo, ec plieti Platt, a eme% th l- aren foie the 4rlwu#ro<mc lb.! rled blm th =d*fr, ami bol b t e ou tise g i. 'ofamrela lvtr, lar iu. she mslf iss verr peion*inaau , lu- Ltheme do *. tmlrnPaoy,' a mabe boy paitu bs iae getl side. '-Yea. slr, cmnued tbhs l»y, "she mkes tisem glve.plenty of essne. Dea2r me. I wonder iflr. Fincis intende th tiifor me." salti PUat, .Oh, you wcn't bave te glye refer- oBncs" ezchlAed the girl wtts a de- liclous pursiag up o! lier-Utaoie is"r mouth. -~Ad4why net, I houl4lil~~.'~' ltte *ï1e?" aksdr PUÉW-1;"..ur gaeupon the mlisievonis a 01so ber big binee yea. EBecaute you've got tise risumat- lmm," lowering her Yole anti lookiug ~Oh Pai!,letme do ibatalcfng, madt4l W"y tleting ln, fromt of ber, becaacuu» .4u ! n.Ficha. 1 kuoW loe about fIL Ibh"Panay dae. îrim nesity two yearsolder tisa" she la soi l'a a mantito. Girls tion't know -Se0 they do,mo tlieydio" addedPlatt, blaugingiy, 'ad now. smuet lîttie .friensis. woulti you be kind enouxb f0 t all your motiser. Sear 10 ber that rJudge Platt, Mrm Finches frieud, bas arriveti anti would like fo mou ber for a 1ev m)ment'." The two ebldren dldn't vait foraà .ecid biddIngý but bouuded off 10 Lthe g'eat vondermeisi narnoti bacS is ci-y cext moment Ieadlug tovard hlm' a lady o!fnmuet cismnming igure anti ex- qeisitely attîreti. 'Tis* la Mm..Smth," fthe Ivo cul- fi-en exclaimeti er sveufly musIcal volces la perfect cisord. Plat s lpsarteti, hu icaneti for- yard, attempt:dta teile, but tIse nuit mrment moiher anti chiltiren wure at hli feut. sud bu vas presse i bacS luto bis chair again. "K tty , K i ly , lai re 'y V ?" ie siammered. i . e c!aqsed that .tiil beauliful face bufvueu bis bauds anti put a iseaSty anti nosouuding lis len tise veny spot viser. many 3os '-9bufor. bis lIps bai tlmldlj restcdt. "Yes. dear, dear. gxid fienti," cied Mm" Carey; 'illeai-eaiiy Killy, be belle o! Minîtca Lune." Anthie tear. iloweti reely as f hey looliet intoeaosethur*s tares. 'Her. cames Ips-m. hure cornes papa, lo," caleti oui ?pansy, Clapping hon bauds jcsyfully. "Loi me do tise lailing, Panay," said Ancisie, impatlcntly; "you mean bere comnes Mn. Smith." Thse nut instant Ca.y'hauds heti those o! bis banotor lus long anti tigisi gi-up. Panay vas tise fi-si la break tlese slence. "Yoeu are flot goIng to board viti Mr&. P11 h a$aitI, Mr-. Jude~; jon'r. vo C ilhs ufoi'Ovoi. Ai-chie stamped il 11111.foot and- cib cuit, anete ba-a cloket i.i roe: 'Masumalli's just »o provoklng for £nyisig. en rotetie me tisai I mîgisi tell i hlat TIse .girs-i sxil evenytbinc." su 1 'tbopyrlgist. nos, by tU» Aulisera' Aliance; aau rlghts rsnet ______ okobDloW5 lnsptring Word. Generalilkobeleff beliovot le brleily admtiog men sud utatiisg clearly visat vas expeclet o!f Peux belote leaallng thons beaunifatta. Ho' isat a âmte aommand o! languaxe tati s persoisai uagnetieuntisaIinsplreth 1e confidanFe wblcisImpols masses, o! men te ewscer*ted sotion. Aon oe o-caion ho SsiI ordereti a coi-tain% colonel to carry onst au. Important plan. Before sltving te Ie exocu- tInn, lise caobel attemptod teata- tii-cashieoreiment; but mol bavlng tIse tinckiot speech, bluaderotifor vot duaontifbty broke down. Whoeu Skobeioffef l é tand I o 1000r, he funied uialy onuth.cloneIuln Me.~ ~ *h 0rsia l t 1la Grevema' l aia f l M". D usa.t i lasr.... COpUe- DÈVU uWeverOi Ber OZblIag Baubufra! mac01 1 EARL ueh 014 cuern su id. don, he State Departmeut or Agriculture and wai de thst nov le thse nortisere division Fcua re, romaine ln thse bands of tIse pr - cie1l t £oe iZ 1îor cent. of tise oid-cérn c-opn.ose@e&ni i,Oi0..AJ bumbels, or 3,000,C)0 bush- t he eatu less than luat %earz lu the central PAUL vislon thora 1-4ab ut 2» rer cent., or klled a ,000,0,- bushela, about 2,0 0,OCO more neas Jà an lait yi. r; lu th imouiborn division beati by gs cent., or -,.1 0)0 busisel 3, ueanly A. L P,0001ct ban " 1119?The IP393 struck 1 p Ma 6,i1,0 bahiela. This putaun ir isee yl b anU..uiaily large îuclem 1 "a I1 c<,rf. Tbe total est& ares for Isead -A, s CoMPareti v:h 'MU% hi 199 Per JUD St-' or i',*11M',"51 aoi-t. On'y a frac-. beidt] t en of 2 p3r oeut, of thse ar.i,eedd t , m-ntA s vas ui1iter kilteti, lebving lOe 750 up. eme. Théseooncitlon of tise ami p la r dc le Dr cent lu the northern division ~d îieonse. eliewher3. ____A s The Apportlonmet, 5qubbts. bearlul Political IntereàtinluIllinois Ilaic-.ateti a l citet upon thse two là-ault3 of vhîcb thirti 1 ne bas becu iguian lSpringfi idi andi have ci ýe other lu Danville. oth of these ih that lfa relate te tte apportiou'î ont of lIN Il enatorlal districts. At Dauvîl'e Cau n- mn C l'ae Fletcher, Bepublican, imvt Sesi 1charge he aId of the court te met aside thse Novem pprtlc anont of 18W% ln no far as if a vet dl elâest3h5. tise Stiith district, andf andi fix estore tise apportlotiment of ltd"± AT 1 U Sprinsgfield Candidate Blair, Pop.-cobNe liât. aec te mot ail. ltqe 5jworks ortiotmetits of bath 1t,82 n lpanti àd restoreý thai of 1972. Mi-.aul ilairalloges of the a -o~tnt$ of ONIand182 tat hbm: 1 bbtlèun& 5thse mi urely (fo partisan purpJ.,»slu contra- shatt. rentlon of tise constitutIcn, whlcb re- ON i tires that tise electoral di,trlit shall )a of "confîguous anti compact terri- 115 ory' and as ut arly as pos3ible of uni- Jue s,: orm size ani p spulaion. The Secra- i6t. J): ary of State Isaving relu--et toe-er- tieni w eun bis pe Ilion on this baibof the Opera tpportioument of 1e2 hie meeks s mari-ych lamu', andti he constit ,tlonallty of the fle àtter two apportionmenis tius bu- tors al 5oe8unisse n outmon-a4 nues~n isue coudoue i Fir. im.urane.go Itimolu. bis na The total number of lire snd lire zLemb marine însuranoe comaliet doing COL business lu thse State li 2u5. Tme finan- bas ri eal panic of la i spriisg andi summer, thse me addel to low rates anti abuormmily a. anr hoary lase», bai greatly reduce th ie twu.il mount o! Insurauce canttal availabi , sons s ln thiâ sta'e. Su, erintendeut Durfee of Co tbaSa lb.L3gis'itturo shoul rrescribe bellot the use of the standard lire insurance retint: licy by al companea dong business C À. 1 thf e State an 1I ase for more vigor- manti ous proeecution for violaturs of the Chien stalutes regar.ling wbat le kuowu as tock unaderground insurance. Ho alan mach favors writtng polie es f or oui jean si omiy. Thse Ore lasos 3dn-Ing thse jear thh. have been excessive, approsimatleg BeWa $1500,0000. H. sugeât4 the auka et 2 c susheiquartersaI it iago. gigmea Eseaith iboir Lisa. sae. The Columbian Hotel and saloo:â bis fi stiGrecnug andtihie building atjiiuýng. dwmi sccupledby a Falcon, ve o wpcd eut fTis by fire. Tue ocourants of thee hotel 8OB bire'y escape tch thoir lives, ieav- lie, irg tVoir valuables anti clothing. The bols jes wili amount t10 nom' 015,00 -, andi le eel eoverMi by $4,« P0isurane. l'h. hotel Ta sud malcon and fixturei of A. . Ray the c were insureti for $1,t00. Tise iotel Agi buldtinug, which. vas put up la4t year Marc bv James H. Ward, vasi insureti for wbez zey 2,0. The cause of the OIre là catin huitta h.va baen tIse expld:sicu of moutI u lamp, Icbough thore la talk cfi ncen- pn lllanlmL. . ____boue fl. ltabbd la Dra.O flytght. ment iftet Sat urday morang, at 22d stre 3t anti rapit Michigan avenue. Chsicago, two men The wentIuttb te look store of J. & IL elio sism. When %Ir. Simms f urnedta t of ai thse supp sedl custoner, -Now, keep 9, lu ptl1 or 111 kill you, îEaid fisi man. sout! wiscse linger clutehed the ¶rlgger. l 1 Wisiile this was golng on in the iear of e tbe store tbe ttier robber w. s rilling pr tIe saie. il containecil .05 and was fmy te get t. The rbb3ry ai. doue Ti au lois than two mInues, ana the cil (' thieves vire rtnnlng away vbun Mr-. of Il ISimîs secavrrd f rom is i;fright. eos met 51.avy DamurgeaAgainçt Oumblora. mit Mr. Emma Gaby, of Lltcield, bas of < just been awardod damagus tu tihe G. 1 amount of 8,,0 ln tiseNlcntgomnery Bm CouyCircuit Court against Frank M Wi. L-yd sotiers u19 linGaby, dole Mn. ay s ubbnd, let $1,50) ln a ordu ci-Bp game run by Loyd, and she suedi Sei tei ecover thse amount. Thse Court lu- Chug sitruiteti theeil, ry that il tbey founti of t frontuthoe eidece that Mi-. (abyishtd puni last that mucis mouov lu the gane Vuey mie sh culti returu a verdict fortlnre3 tfnmes Pali thse amount, wici matie $4,5W . so At Peria the grand jury raturu'd PT fventy-four indictusellta. A tru i biiT . wae fouud a,ain,f .Julius Sebvabacher, timc oisarging bum with burglary. He ani tbe eon of tise milloniai dstiller wv a cil. vas caughin tluele ot f !eavlug tIse la residence of Mre. P. A. Bel1, aeter piling up ail tise silver plate prepar t- tory f0 Ifs removal. The d 3fgnse sill i be tIsat Scbwabacir as uit lu bis in rigbf mind afIthe tume ho commîtted t l the crime. ____ il iner r tot il.s.for- AT Aupora, f vo ,a-cm 0of smali-pox QuI we e reporteti. i7 Guco51E WaALExv-, an olti resideni of D Warclla, wiso senvesi four years lu tise a Unio a r~, fu deti fom praly -.1 pppoe la love. I BUl, s s"-ld maItre- the= ;-Wo ,n . ., s a, A, i-av spartsud k.Ied.__ son. of Mo 11 ovl, of Cov- luto a hsle uio ot '406P W bunnti cte des. Tise lpsso tof thse alooni a eJeraeyvioi:e ho ouu fal fil doors. StagnaIti nl0f bnci- id bigis liceuses were given ai s Jesi l lits Pl" LMÂRAVIE. a BohOemian, W&I Bne th" % a camp ru tise drainagfe canai uîirnwaig 'iel bb ein&, struck ou tise Uon filoti ya pInce o!ft'ock. DravIt oui S. GsnME of Carlyle, vaa tise waters yý a ý t -sownby Georgre isWltel, ca ba.eball slayer. A gasi four k vitii a long vai cut lu Grine's fore- visi. sef Putiulm lied ,, i4yandi ;E CREIGHTON, of Soriael~ te National Marrie ndÔ* = 01 USs C l a tl n a W 1 , 't i S o d ,T n e t ç , contrary t itla poltày a"dLr I'ts ciý te or.:er tise imsance 0f1 ntls [ZURE Of the barrais of whisky afr owuise' L the hi-ant of J. EL Faible are- ièý «W sensation at Alton, si tiIs la tiesece" t titre thse Govenment officliaisi crTsn,q mllei cil Mr. Faile. Tise charge oi l t0f doctorlng gocti.IO eo Eensationat triai of e--Pol'ce- Levi toquat Gus Meukisausen, cr1! Bel:evil'e. 1sespotitito 1 ti vils polaoning bis wifla&3 it mes TIhq nber. the jury promptly returneti oiumad am lot of murtier lnuthe fir3t.degTee Hebrar pe zd the penalty et deats. aetishe sanite Liscoln tIse Illht4ois Asyluin for 'When et 9-Migdel Childri6n anti the water ciil." l'h ai eiecfrlclghf anti rafivay "Anti»baia è have a mist exisauste.fIbein mise -hi& h y0f oral. At Mount PulasSi tise slmp'ly bacs lovely, or a bhe eveulinyr of tIse ast day of tise hepstIser. revivaL services conducted at beaut)?, o iinville by tisat emtillnt evaz)gel- givois te M J. W Chpme, apaeigt Ova- Mouns W, ra. W.de ilatlthe Grasud andi figure. aHous. Durng bis stai ho hoe mtt- "t6 id a lairge number vise batilbeen ise valkcd .ions o e .efforts of tise inis- ho vw» t5D ) tise dlv, anti by hi 1 i lain, c ote- mgo. Stop1 tn ie malisotis auicarueàtness bas vas exiOt wontisrs f r lIse commuulty, anti Go.i or foi mne viii ba helt inlufragrant i-e- MosI, Val] rance fo.- many yearm Wo corne, tIse arlisis Exodus, 61 .JAmi A. SEXTON, of Chicago, imaginiatle fflignoti bis position as trustee 0f beaistifuli1 olirs homte ait Çu'ncy. Hegive Antile*! sa-ion bis inablffy t. agre i-evti ep ut mfiîberâ'of tise bolrd, Gen. Par- royal Chai and Capt. Stluvetioll.A meulbe! a touîet 1. sexton'a famiÈ &id lt ho i A=là veti thse Colonelsa only reason for 10havebe lng vas tIse pressure CI business. Sextou's oWn affaire, hie iaid, de- ths~a lhie attention anti çnesenoe lu in aC. Tise soldiers' homo busIne s vas olb# tIse Co!onel f romntishe clty too nevekbeâ MoEN 0 . COLEMAN, a5 dorS inlise - buaki Springfield dry aodtitveof ritiier th & Tozua, vent mb te store Unetivi o elcali Tueeday mornlng sud sur- nIve villa ed lvoc a'ksmen slsov venulu baiore e at of ,ndeavoring te borie tise Tiser Ibrust Ivoravolvors fate of us he face. Thon they robisoti m of asM goduti:414a vatob scid arevolver. MioeU latter vau, di eij4In ihe 00 *heroupou 1t"oîvs> i obisere al, leavingar acomploth et o f birgian NUlS_ sbeblutim -Th.ybai otlm.c- If l tep d le geltng imb lise safe. Dr. Utn « final official reporta necelved t aite ,OEce of tise State DenarimeoftPoh uîtule s!uoe tIse severe -freoze of!rpei eh .25 show lIse timmage doue te Mt et tisaI linte Wasgrostiy over- pnds isteti. Ie soute ountiei lu tIse o 4 ici-n division of tise State coir.e- emi- 14,e ieuts report tisai tise olti vau =h efcil te vbeat, Insteati o! dot- tai, as varm vwestier b.d caunseilbty!,, arit toni-anS, vIsile colti checiseti acorn I grovth anti iaused tIteticspr.ad. CtiWUfl'O .condition o! vinter vbeat now il Ceikie , Dptionally gooti, buing 93 ne cent. ut.? Md s averui-mtesenortiseru division,vîi tubte central, anti 96 Fer cent lu tIse w soi-n dlvLion, vhile aI same date Iherd 1*1 8M thseucondition vas 72.81, anti t3 nov. 1té cent. lu thse division i ln the orier thend u wd. tie idun 'E teventeentis au nual Gi-caf Cou-- lu tise de, f the Improveti Order of Redi Mon Tise ah Ilînois met lu Dizon for a feu daym <laya of! don. Tvo hundreti delegates voe. gyptaias tat tise depot by lise receplion Coin- pawer.I ce of tIse Illili tribu, couslsfing national C. H. Keeoi, L. EL Roâbrook, W. pirture4l lartashoru. ]E. A. Brown. Etivardi nousoisol, isay, Joiepis T. Dol! sud Eti &anti)f luzuny nItni. Amoug tisemuet Promiunt o! Rame: gm'cm veru: Gr-est Chiot of Bec- tissu 115 a EL Tmndy, o! Freoponi; Great tfisc y ** Sagamune Wilson Brooks, t f bimseif s mgof; Gi-cal Sachet W. A. Koover, Ià . naf l St-estor, andi Great Feeper of Wam- I uuu dfi nW. H. Hôlland, of Fi-epor. Thu Ir tln. vas mtidrcssc b; Josephs P & inter, Mayo' of the cify, sud a s e sauvas rmatie byon3 0f Vie mIs I ss. Au inter. ting p-ogra, vo , e by aban:àuet. rH£ cent faine laT în ia Industries o! sîebuing coin ist u t 1luruaes f cri Ssp f TIse Ele_____m retl lors!Ww nn tis t Z=d or. mèe 'o mbyes b m-w. iprogre dan en fie youl)j Id sud nie Y.Ebue ce an:, roi asa M ili sed eal lm? T»- the sdiIie s li. 01~ M11 E. a tis a *»i~ m Imm w oe, se" rte&ut am te the ta' mmse l4ff wu. 1 Iupori jtýjr-;j J"thè -room -iýnd to- Platt é