ibt4. toi. À l 1, ea ptnttut that au sqî4ec. thé . s .*wct t*W;*beéà em bolyq6àMied totaire ftilme-fid au.nIprv1nlaithinto l e bi ande 'nd te mold- the #»f latiest-of bigher' edueallea, tliofgh1 plastic natures even of the. priai m1ti ot a patron of your village ohool, 1ahidren, unil hlm ownmmnd lias been asl that you kindly give me a column broadeiied and reflned by a futll col- ~ 'la the IxunaPxENT, the mont pro- leglat training; yet I cmre fot to be greasive8- papet in Lake oounty In lftiflately acqualnted wlth the sehol- qMle *ih o disclie the test of a true arship or the moral character of the. POOP& telaher.village principale of our fair land, but,1 .4- on ^ «Ey their fruits ye shail kuow tbem."t tel me what percentage of bis briglit, sali. Whlch sort of fruit do we prefer- talented youths have been paesed on ~O~the bitter, nujIy wind fait, or the ripe, by hie earnest zaia from bis oligbtli R mO*!ature beâllower? Ini the physIcal grade gramar raom to the. higli de brld, "the vay-faring man, tiioagii a shools or -academies and thenoe t10 t__ out, vould flot err" lu hlis choice. tbe great unlveraltles of our land; and SWbi r eg bllnd la ail that per- telli me vat perceutage of bis boya tolt thsàt moat Ood-Iike.tbing in a id girls, just as the mmnd wss begI.-ý là«.mabisalntelleot? Jual taireà moment tilug to unfold île germe, lie has fot sobeÎtellectlon; examine the. bell- plunged beadlaug loto the. learnet t over, otherwlse knôwu osa coflege Professions or lnto buslaeumme education; Judge whctber thus le Dot viiose natural endowment witliproper the very klnd ot fruit whlch the. 1f. training and development would have] 0f your villa"e ohool tesolier should placei thor a the foremost renli et yiod, an blhoh duty bide you place their colline, but now dentiedta o- 1atebands of your ohlldren. tîs caule commonpiso. and medicre- l'r W at 4~ the rylag n ed-of ti et tl me this nd vOw l telyou whether decaide o! the. nInetecalli century? you -bave a liv. teober, a modem Tiiere ta& dearth of tliorougiily trsined tombuer, a truc tombler, or vhether v m im, i.tau idl ee you bave a man. however excellent adrug otho« marlet. The college lun hie, waads tii. ly n ddien1 inipd ti ]ot MMat 01 o! hi te band theiuires o!nd deltb q ilweil atored ritli usful lrnow-i. ororon efi*t e q~e0w ~ ilnd mand thc powerjti.feoarhînqlrhtee et 0oo.0entrated thouglit. From the la no sure test- Tou may flot be able ta Vory beglnlng, the str actors upon udge wliat sort of apples the yonng ti). 4486 t out national ilstory, have tres vill boetr, tilt the firet lusolous .bgcm of broad culture and ripe fruit le inellowed by the autumu sua ý. .bôl.ueblp. The vriter of tnt Obtuse. Juat go, we must Judge the alemilPeerleas enuaoAation of artie teacher by the fruit. Mioes heinu. 't iboret rightlof Mmnkind, thespire men vitb s true love of knovf' Dbdm*"rlet e Independenoe, vanà edge, and point out ta thema the un- à erdfto seholar. Elghtyflve pet meanured Polbillties of bigler éd- Offl 9 te Members of thât .ugu, ucation, or do.elie stunt and d warf bYwhleb fi ilîr tdi t c Ct,esîlutîcu their (iod-glveu itelectsand plonge etUi.Uniteil Statea,hlad laid broad thoraIoto the Stygimo darlinesa o!fman Mdi deep foubdatious for future us.Intellectuel midniglit? otes», by butaIog thre midalgbt oit A Sincere Friend cf Uberal [ducation Sw u n v o mit la' ï a Im ftuRM e"l *sib.L ay. li.but so pw unJmo --"hg b ffltepOf thslPopulation of eur country Ms Il "vu Maly mia"ake a"aaIr go ho bld a baccalaureste dcgre f rom tih elMa reasoamble nwnber printeil, le ÎÏ41 varions ollegea o! liberal ,rt, ye «&g0etor. printing sud &U ait the ---- -@qmven par ceut of the. lilgiest Là» C INI>5WZNl uif fe. SPitona of trust sud honor luihLUbOttYVlél, an cbeaP Muh.a M bU> car nation hbate beetov, are occupied t" bIl Wt byeoiolge-bred men. A glane.atour Co YCevn 5 SuprlieeBencli. Lefiiatîive Hall@,~ v, Dmortt of laota<uionè, Gubenatoll sd MayoraI Chairs, la ç~I onvinclng. l'h.coflege menahs litaoracccves e ab tIM iti.T< om is Intellectuel battles wlth tuhe keen Btouse. teubimisil.i ii.iip. w ait tauy. oil edge of- a abatp sword, vhile bis un- uM lsi. for thepurpom o nonauab ~ ~rIue eOI»etltor, ven houh lt uuay 0-1, .atarif., (outy Treasurer Mmd Ir u e- Mendowe4 'výIth superlor naturel <>»,,Y, up,.intea ut or ohSoil, for eieoing Wa * talent-pfl tit behold-le f uriously ove dewenteta reprumsnh Laiie Coumtl a 't beatiag ay vitI the bitant bocki of Ii tetaCOe flliitk. 1tasie ldJune t? hie wapon.1@111. eiSIdoereea ta wpeu aite ab (ouesy 5 ie2 eatn.lu tbe ouuendaig mvenUt'lo,àuma Truea ev men, sspar"ebsker' lao- DffSudeki« eges ta els sthe m Guav la e la thé course 0f acentury of national ta. e otutota Comveutjois. aw te uta tras 1f., ris. superlor te aitdisadvcntages, Scht rboule- smanuwropuoeoem, antffrsd, vitiLincoln sltting on thie tavera blireth cv 4o . he e. ,atat n e tepoet ai dd moment. ln mature @V"l!. »hitwil eUbiÇthe laO Sboucon the propositions et Buclld, and ever vemiy.Ove valsa, or Imror fracul b$à" sbecomo s college unto tiiemmlves. tbçrmof. cm ea the b. muacrailo oridiate fut but, Sg.rtat sle vas In soui and In Prealdetlu t»«, sud ..ti ta as toUows. Tv.a Dol Town& DM1 ture sweep o! bis lntret, vbat miglit aDoua..,...... i Ue mot that giant bave been viti the Newprt .. A bo * sohildhood discipline and remultant Crai.......t........... 'g uehlslmlpof a Jefferson, s Bamil- vasai, ....... ... Vennann.. ..... 28 West Deefteld... 'ton, or a John Qiucy Adamsor f a 5jit, ibeerfield. n W, Ce- ont Herbert Bismarck, or a William. 1 £vat Gladstone? Tbeseval îtovua are remmhmedea ta SOn.the other baud ua college train- Sli their <iucuea at the iuuelpia, aon d~~ta ~ an ever transform a John L. Su' - Vlra. NaY istb. eweept wh wov hp cu e« RImanto a Solon, s Socrates, or u a tt'u asy pruvide orervle by pStng dote. It canuot croate, but tices. H uÀuW .Ka to develop toward mfa turity W. Kumazma, Huy maS, t LEejçbs lready exista lu the germ. T. J. GOkALi. Fa l esai f theebç l 3,the later growth and b Tiie -Most that a col- J WILA B = ~ m~ ud o o a *t The W.lil Known and' keodt bii'bo tryoi imftwiened Well Dlger, gowa4nynor an4J~P25 ~ egle. lea uwv ruils oeoiee tunbqI-I itisuinhiae vita. h& ovu outel e ptm, w9rks itsgrestat t The #'ýWHEEL OF FORTUNE,- Ihigêr natu IlluvouNam tbouiog of bsurîgra Weill d g~ ~ ~ 1,. rvealopie u .U if FOUa lot- nig desp enough for I11feomta. eth"I l tIhe rliuire linitvWelas. "W bus lm e«« otde . My Prtçes Are: 4à - i .1' ilmellectUal o els&ou or e la diamoter, ort* >! liusîe est'_n no 11,rua ..1 vr tut te owbms la 0rs lite. A-Plueisai ee ndianoter.tat et I~~~~~~~~ teOUA5 8 ihomtsadra.0. etc. oe, for Wells elosl test acsa MMS S o«keeper i ansvrdosnuttaibSn , ÎÏ,ieO Ofor taip. brick for Weil 411lu111ber fer onrba Bat, ni tneedai .i, ain JoW iu olunios lul taisIb melrt e le ail hume-, m 'i io uard myoif Mid bp; l boue jot baS i a go Vitefort oÀ curbbugwotk tobo doms la sgod yutk. â",W imâs â"m 01116 :l#&i1prctcr Ibal Iflb.heowSn canta el ame J-. SAUBAKF,} SIle G4oegue et. Waukesgn.1 Ti hrb~ci filos or ork 4Me. 31atisfaction su re. to everyone Lany bad babtr of bdw*t-%bave blMCaMued from tberrte i=hm. been diçcoverel by Pro£ T. D. Hinebaugh. V. S., i'ressdent of the vetinary college at La- fayette, Indiana. Such as slober- ing gnawing mangers. weak eyeq, stopang suddenly, loss of flesh, driving on one fine, balking. thrýowing the head and bad breath as be taced to bad teeth. Kabay yng-drivers- have been, -nearw "'apilcbefore the diréct' cause wax discovered. Rough edges and aharji corners Jacerate tbexmouth. and prduce nervous- uess and irritability; uneaven and elongated molars and incisors preverit the proper mastication of the food, producirng indigestion apd general debility. Decayed molars cause n-crosis of the bonie, absesses, nasal gleet. fistula of the jaw, etc. These causes sbould be removed. Decayed teeth should be ext'racted. sharp corners and rougb edgeq-çhould be smoothed down. and el.e)nýated noars and incissors cut offi The common float or file, heretnfore deemied çufficient to accomplish this, wil flot suffice. but. special instru- ments devised for the purpoqe art necesçary. Some Vetinary Den- tiçts say it is of no use toi confine a"rorse to repair the teeth. Can a dentist do a gond job on your teeth îvhen Vou are walking arornînd the roin Have your horses teeth flxed. there ks a iman at the County Farm who bas got a gond set of tools andknows how to usethem. I k. f com uautlbutaSvin 1 *6Mli. vi SmmU re 5W vilO.suaii rsr'11bUe ..1 tema coesdmal.siyq M it le by farthe bout vek of MhkIIh8W& sfatme 1 knov, bas««ebe bom sad Item tii prU& as. EWrgh.a.sM & ROI rYOU IAly OSAN [Rs VALUMRiL U The«9saim tiasvii o omplais là parts.tudel maMi. Cie r~it 10cat vmi m ai yof Prt1.Par.S18soliyrnqbdfip4 ils partsan lma.0»nepart to e .Issusiekoivok, bglig W* Copy or Sgt "tuot mailmail to Lake County Independent, Libertyvitte, 14j. "wltr Independent, i eveby enutlose yon té cents fer lPart 1 or '*1Isner'a» $eip<ve s»d Stock Dock <or il 5 tor thc Complete Serlaso« 18 -Xiees lbed send te me de follove: t. Ima - a.......................... Town. uns esSi -a". ~S9'42h * overasa son aý* titi -The.whole. of Lake Cognty has.now *the Chance to CGet the Benefit of Sofie 4) Extraordinary Low Cash PurchâÏÏ SMade by us Recently. 'Ne don't want to mnake you bçlieve that we can ýi soit you the goods for half 'what they are worthi BUT * WE FEEL SURE timat we are now offering goods at '.25 per cent. less than we have ever known them to be sold before. Note Thoe. Prie* for Rellable -Merchandise. Mo lien' Strong# Weil Mado Working Pante'..............S 89 Boyle short Pantes uit@, ame 4 ta 14, New patteras, Weil m tade..............................SI 01 4 6160 1i7 50 Young Mon% Sulite ....................... .....S84 00 to ô00 * Youtig Mo'"eo f but quallty, împorled, aIl-woo1, Frencb Tricot, a rigola, 810.00 Suit at .............7 60 Good Sutfr Mon.............................. ..... 600 100 0 Ail-7moISuit. for Men, color warranted mat te fade.,........ ..S ic A1I-wool Se"tc Cheviot Suite for Moen, regular 014.00 quality ut, 100OS &Tii Fis" tQuailty of Beuglish sClay Woi* ulted ft.ruMon, rm gular 120.00 quatity. st ...............1600S m tls eorsLista, regular $1.50 quaiity, at'ý........... 1 Q qi Itylishât1f learla .0 S3yý" ~. . ;z IT PAYS TrO TRADE AT Temperance Temple,- Waukegan. OOLOU, BHM SE8A»D TNTS Prepared Paintis, Lead and Oils. Prices to Fit your Pocketbook.. ,At L ovlle's Drug Stdre, LIBERTYviLLE, ILL. efrSI$. L Impurs 0"g é I flaste *goy Su 'a nuai Tu sbur oka noa mfUV cals... ftlPOuRjrW, D Es onr&.9av gouvsus!ma of eue Trui, laci ajwit t Fut. Gadugse& TMh. ounM of Tauale& Comtzlilng &WUo"iucag UnbrokMm ailViolou H«»4oisas l h tal s cd brkn "p&I WBail a w"t eléums aps 11181480L rm Abasse« BlIndr., Peoiig. uIR& " g. Mcma *0 ~eTÎ11011b li - tsuon e. hoinauffoblytng Nov alalla" C" su f., cmeomta .Wimk, Feest QUaRtaMr aSCuam ' c.Also tUru mIt ia"nilagome Wau" aMailLaimess. leb&ng naay valual s s i * hax keas grea l 1 ell. Cs.pulsfg*e 1" pag8seau 1744lIat'aiu The resait 09 delghts.a7ars of prwactie i m aS by Prof D. Maer. Tb$ author eftibis vorli I.vlilly kuovaas tii mo$ ooiasul luiuituto ia the Ait ot Tanlmail Sd LaUng Borsas«ever bete s malma publie He la ernloroi by the Um anmt aUtbrtlsmailMdhose ovairM a bIolv wUaorna par i la $ Po" ialad.1 la the dspartmeactelswek eVOtoWtbe HB«s@%s vei w on m *Mu- latiug te thee m i Stocla sgemiul atIbashmbail tissédamoset ln. mout emaint veterft7 arsthorthhola tIi oaatry, MailDo PaiUor e«pu»s ha. bom apueil to mako lbe ork tlnoeughlyrellable. »uSTDn 10S216 Q., PEUMBEaWTuf-"UV t y03 LESESau m ~sTO BUT 0? luS NOUa