CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 18 May 1894, p. 5

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vrnty hasr now -nefit of = ~e h Pu rc a~ çlieve that we can -y are worth, BUT w offering goods at known- them to be e Merchandise. ........S89 uw Patterns, Weil .$50 si ma 1 76 ......8400 5ooa00 ................ 760 ........ ....... 600 fade.,............ aS r 014.00 quality aut, 10 OS Suite for Mm,. M~ .......... ..... 100 .. .. .. .. .. . 1 A0 DE AT DFEàlj" Waukegan. rD TmN8 md Oils. Wib tire W" , um mg n laroe sudVioou 4i farutaglo. .a ms by Prfm D>. Magne. à». the Amulua pubaws Boi@% m mon m auist- b.dSi austsu etl. su«* e of m u a. Mdwo*Jy. ~mon 1 oot i bertyvite tstu atÀrCuch ana'i-_oèétir Drectori. 'l-u dlflcretift gatôiis *sre .ropre. ~lt WRRAfTLD, ~j rult'o"rJ. i ~leatln P.prr. ,r -F '.ty theIr fhuMa, aud es Marly I î*.ra ,. l s wit ) d. * " , y)~ig ladt.ies aflirêd it vuryllig cos- 9g, ::; è'lit ttSt1 't i~mI, es titlOW5e Brazil, Miss Dot r ; I(Ncd-I M.D. t.ti. a t4IcIii >9 urgeai>. p .1. erly~iF. MrA . ur tt ii';F rative, Luicy Iir lb«tî,Over Drug Sture.* .N 2rz r '~ ~l liltty tr ai;l MîTO4M. 1r~> i N?. tii.. tIt~~1~> t ii (re." , i Circlilli; England, ý%I lin i axe@" weaud6ob-*. Litlit Lee; I rpièli.l. 1Lzzle Ht'rrligtboti; I4brSv~Ue ii.U ,, -,--r'a, ar' .a. ,SjaIra M,tel Avti-tSwltzeriauad, - ---- b . 5 . 2 ,. ita t '.,- E -,i T g g ; 1 '. S , A rm y a ui N a v , c (~k,-~a~~1o a ý 1ttTTiItU IAkE". No. 492, F. eA. . Afli,.'t Htt"rlt'adI FIîatColby. u Charles GallotAri. it ii.ay& .1 f i let' riogram was dtlviiiddloto two e * ftCOInLoel'~Orgstore. i~>~ r'îtla .LS 'julîts, tfieltrst vdttt(itflag drill ,OMc in. I0. . ~Couqc ,.SEC. j. tinal rtt'ýi. The -ouîng , - I, 10 DIcIa wli t ftroîîg te lwmlitalry evo- i L6bertviUeC..healis t Smithl & iu tS. jra' lie ilke 's.j, eccîtooeed toi Ask to) ,ce the latmea.t i ,lî1t'-,"lar-'jartde. h'tatiliw c- ~ o ~tiiutaMr J'o¶îac .aiîrly "ýry 'eaifuil. Tloy d enenve L DR. E.u ctai Mr P'illi. ret tard-c for tluat jpart of the office ov*r UMtt' & *"flon Store.: ChildrriVîs Bats rt'ady trimmed from, , lmît-.(jt .Oab. ad 0. 1(~~' 1 0.Dly trSW.tali ia ini,,,t". li metIioîî flr the sttlet(I>er- I LIbttVllO. - liilC>8. R. i.SttafTrr i i s'Ii makicoi U.- Iîîg tf htrbe r o.Htr sliiglî# 'eèlec ts 20 --tract, ftr Ctumbt'ii)r Fîaklr-o. ;tt îis':reiit int tilt 'le îlturtof lier in- ad n WirvrAàmntor". l-s vle Davis. ~ p. J. SOCKILUANK98 The oidTnt w Hall wjilli c r t The- aeconiJîturt waa More Purfely a TrONSORIAL PARLOR pubfllcieiltlui.nTarit t, May .31 I"otlUt'Tt. It wuaa matter ofrnmuch re- i lu wetI eq.ipped wlth iint-l8I l oilia Sce Du ive lawht-re. gre t théit Ml-a Alie Davis wp~baent of ant»a Arti-teta h âlb tît011511. Pre8l,yteriaii clîaîrrh, Stindav, 21,#*1,. - i,àiîg [0 siitg at Trinlty churci, W Wh.m pou Waalt 1, Nit', SIitta hIKKt sui'eof, mu:mrtiig' Chilcago Suiîaday, "lie lied to practive Vu&ulcHaîr cat. or Suanilratt, SCtt'to croim iriaiug Unr'tth Alwtye omasta.tAieExaîkt;cveîîag ~Cîl ~ ~ Xith the choir there Fnlday evening. * ~0 tg thETY I~ E S S eR W P Exemple; t uir j ll *-C li Lve C i" 1 Ml-ni. G. M. W lizney, of Evts n t _______________ BARBE*_______________ M¾ V r DîawFiJa3 tva ieïît, t lotiMi§q Daîvis' ormber as well as ~. U 1~i». 1 ty.rown tai lw14r( grass. MrîleWhk- ýney has a 3weet powerfuii naturel a î.<t~ktEE - Gpn WàiruD fo gau-r.l Ijuta' vlcesthat bhowa lie cultî31e .11ere- Iwork, une tiiel. culd odge at lri 'ia ii tOeîuadB th <~5RTY ILL. - - IL. preonr1. iuo Wdt'.conriervatorl's tf Music. Eacb ,Xium- T la meS.X<llS~ Ac1as I Mia.V.A.Rrian.x utean Prtt ar wa ehilaxtieulIy encored. W g titfessu I a Mi p~ia< Wi'at bave yolà to triade or exthtauaige? The' muratitll ienp:leof Libertyville Lak~ aijlflhiB. W. Stafford halmore îai, îaît wmiNe4 leased ta lieur front ber etli a,.ae.eemàamuu. aeamua cma. iewiha.s to keep..,3ec li,§ adidnlusolOS future ime.M - - - - Want clunin.1 The whistglag numbers by Miss t The biz)PKNIirKttT lias more tiisu Flonaince Howaidi of fit. Charles Ili., dnI~ oti-le the tlltLtliition ifioal otther'wf-re idiiîe. No one ca bave sh)V La e 6 IO If Bank <çoulity Pls-r. ini tratergitiiry. ho (elides or the musical possutÂlltlesS0f1 cktinas it l ia t i est advertialîig wilimling until he lru miesHowar'W Wright, Pinkhurst & Ce., mediuim. titrevrlalettes tQý amuse hr, friende LSSRTYILL. i.L.libn you vient to seili or reut a but uakes Intrumenta1m 'lu ber LOBERTYILLE. fanm, buy a lot, trade horst-s, or a1iý - i profesion.S Liag fIre, kt wlifiayYeu tu piee a, Miras Amiee Hardie gave two ilum- ce - zicùm in Un Iu Cers- tiersb181 hi be ot style ut eloclitonary r tjfoee aya@ <1 ~ &IMM oatre gotrkW lOti a ciasom«. r LII.rtyWe aery~ resve.1jTl' "euaulua W&»Usa&arare trat il - ijttolim. i, diyad h an-froin mutt1finisha. sadlevery onek ___________________________ mlii tiily ndjt m i ,uected witb thie lanning and cie-d lias freight rYuis op awtb a refrigt-r- c tion ofhlit, deserveni mâth pralse. MI¶4 ~ ~ j~J'S atr car for thir!> tilba of butter, a___ ____ -le tbe re t giy twie, a wet-k. BseBot. cw='-Ms, The ree'Ut ey raina have wuala-t et th" etrQz.OV~ eav>il h Mtdeuesi At the fuir grouritàs on May 13, were eti ic Uin-Li k to Sudlatcsutgathered a goodly iuimber of Our &ÀWI MdOhtir*nO MM **vdivition inio giutters. Hallttey; tuwusteuîtîe Lu wdtsa a grime bu- b jIhd UJ ~II Tbeen liahed acconaing to e-il twetue W) [hotati o om rom b. wauke-2 Vasacy Workc Materl&iS, r gau anti our i4tr-lumtrd Ittgtiisre. It Iteeri dlff.-neut. 1r zialmottut-aeles W nay 51)0 won I, S IF M80 LINSMOS. Look at the rec ta& on your papoi r for wiei were the' Regulars kuown tu 4Laies Necxwear. ftuchins. etc.- itshows the date te whlch jort u sUi wilu anUnng'ilè;? TLuWatikegma 8M~TH£ SWW. 5iptiof la pald. If you owe, pieuse .uaàrted lu to, wln from thets tart sud Ipay UP and we wMl furnlah, you a bet- keî>t î,îal'ug. 1 litu Rcgulus hâ ba _______________________ rter paper. It reqitirs money as welJ bau c rt lattivre waikil tiey dld 41brama sto produce a 90dg e': u&LgeL oven uintil alter rthe' tourth Paffl. 1 lîlng, whcýu IL waas too ltte. Alter Fou SaaîuF-7 rmomthoouse and acre. tiet they played as good as tite Wau- of grontad. on Lake St. Alaa I10 rooim keganas, aithuugili uny did not at any bousesud 4 lots.tan Chunch fit. Good une bat as guod. tiehinjge played aà Keep the Best Coffee mellia, la'ianti fruit on bath; or: gt>d game and batted bard tîîrutigb- in town for the mc n xy. will neut my resideuce furnitsbed, or. out. Ille tegulars bast a good deita T ry ur 2'.~ gadeit tn:urtiiah5ki«, uind hourd i wtl teniant. by not improviaiS tiiir chances. The' le equal to mnost 35ct t0 Mr. E. C. Peltou Libertyville. tIingErrora were numerouâ esaiie Coffee. One of our principal Contractors aî.)peudud score wllti row. A game la 1.0says yoai eau buiid 12 per cent cheal)- iig arraîîged ta blibaba> cdini Wau- er îîow than any time dîînlng tire pat kegin Saturalay, May iu. The' play- 4 gai. lest Syiip 1.10 1tan yeura, owlng t) tt'li low itricea for'ers were: Wuukga-J.- White. Pur- i ti *~rm pae PIS,.. 1.001 labor anad matttnal. Tiiose wha have!1 ter, G1. Tliompson.C. Whilte, Hoffmfan, teiititiiîsking on the' mater better; Wol!ut'd, O'Haru, C. Thomp5flfl and i ii ?l FIh.1.00 seýLle on thiir plana a nd go tabeatl. 1 Fritz; Regulars-Smith, Giebingin, 1,ml U~Co11.00 Watchi for oun niew serial file igt Wooluidge, Fi.5her, Herringtoti, Gîtai, rLawrnce, Urascu and Duberlberry. 6 9 sai. m Mion. .45 chaîtterS (if whlicia ujl s>oflbe nlaa i~l 00 ?WU lithé lest. 1nblahd ii 1rDEPSDan. s, 4 7 1 1 01 3 02 19 a sortstoy, urein out whch ill1 00 00 i2 1 b 3 Il 14 t lb. Pool Tua,.15 b re îomjreted ini a few weeks. It la BaieYie, Pre u 'aaui S moke La Duchess finishiauly iiîtt'rt"life. fru il lWhit, Oelnge, imithtiand Lawrt'îce. Cigar, is better than enjoh itraDit' tomissfe.Yo vlal Umpires, Price aud Lyon. the best, kept else- Who does your îr ltliàg? Dorai it Fon echool bats Cali ut Smith & wheelook neut andti rtittie«? la the' paper .4wl! t's. where,. what yotî wsiît? Does it cone tri) ta Muelin kuuderwetar claeaip at Mra. ~ Ryouîr expeccslion? Cali It ho irnproved pnotine's flI uhtot? It la otr nuit' to doutent, cletiai, Eeya culsapoii Fi, C !W t . 90% stylinahi work. ut reasonable jîices. @laEInery d ociaicaa pomieri No seedaidaelala tht tuIned out et T. LJElYL 5" w prcs; îary lis and be cou- For Tenntis flaniiels. ilas vinced. 2tf Prits and Summer D*bsa ood's cuti How ta wfte for anewspaper* lat on mis. Pnotilie. Have somethlng tu write about. 2nd W"a waut tât' îews, ail o! iL;. but we Chas. Kaiser. ~Write plabi, dot your 'a; cross your we. I rk sh and s1e7 rith 2=ejce 11%,t'a; Point santances- begla wlth cap- we spsil. ltals. ird, Write short; te tthe point Cal oui Mrt. PraLine fotr te latest S10U i ?aCl: %top when you have done. 4th, WritA styles ln ïnlllnery. She ha& the on only on. aide of the. leaf. 6thl finest sto ck a-ver sla9wn Ili town. lU I$i 4.00 Bead lit over, &bridge and correct it The INDELPEN)IKT Tli liot 1partial. Ir 1.78 until you get It Into the ahortesi space alima to giv e every îarty a fuir lieur-1 ~ Ns U ullauNi 1.1 pssble. Iug. Juast jresent your ride of the 178Cse W tVj Tàg 4 i i LOWEýST7. --..... ....... ....< a <Oe carry the. largest and hIneat Sstock of mflblery iii Lake Co., al of whioh wllI be uold oheap. Mrs. H. S. Hurlbutt. éW. ae a.large stock of Graite sud Mmud Wbite Tes et ae t hIoIglow Pd": ea : .l,*O1 Mn. and Mns. Caleb Wright have rue for a two weeks' viit amotag elatives nt Minneapolis, Mina. Dr. Knlght la planning to biaild 1mself a bandâoma home Luis seaeon Me hasa splendid location oaa %ilwiuaîkee Ave. next ta R. J. Pror-tor. F. B. Lavell is excavatirîg the riblar for hia riew reisidence neit te U. . TaylIon. From 'be plans we idge it -will be the' most modern and rmrveaiuit.btîaeln tewn. J. A. Gage rcturned Tuesday from artding the faîneral of lis mother In St. Lawrance coîmnty, N. Y. His ister, Miss Sarah Gage, <urne with him to spend the sommer among LiIbert)vlIe relations. Cuahier C.E. Wrightthasfacilitated basiness a Lb. Lake County Bank by doptlng a uew:patent cash register wlich keep8 alithe. change saparate. Tt ba4 con-veulent places for 1, 5, 10, 20, sud 50 cts. and $1.00 ln ailver, $1, $2, 45. $10, aud $20 lu gold, and de- vers onecoin o! any denomination ranted. By the way thîs Institution l ai solid as the bUIs, bai and plentyn of money te accommodate everybody wbo can f urnleb good security. Dur- the panlo or bard tîmes the. past year lt neyer close th t doora durlng busi boutra. Every deposltor oaa always get bis moneyi f ull, on demand. Tias supreieý Court of SOUtIa Cartlîa liAg Itluiianttttnt he dispnatury itw Wisltl 'ëotenîiiot Tîlîmati has eîideavoUd ta eitfu;ce. rimt enîds the cottest for Lbe prosent. If you want to find honest men to deal wlth, look for them througb the coltimna of aur advertlsing depant- ment. There are no other kinds there, if thene ia te11 us of tbem. Wlile Lhiene are usnailly thinteet- Sundays every three moînthil, this yeau ,'. have a casme wblch bas not orcurret for the pas eleven yemr andI will nol wccur agaila Luis ceiatury. lu that t trat qarter rÀoiitaiîied ouaiy ladys Sundays. Subacnibe for the. LNDEPZIWENT sMd remse, iuekly. aul tiienews fos your smvurrdiugountry. Advefllse in theIi. lm>wEIIDU, and let people know youî are alive andI shat you are doing. la the best local paper and advertlsing medium ln Lake Co. O1» papers juat the thing fer Plen. tmg on the pantly shelves, layina "der carpeta or for dolng up pack- igu, for alde heep et the qoie ut *4 ImmE COUUTT Ixïiur. as *Mt$Pmr douan, 15 oua I« M,'W la@ m onats. -Decoration Day Excursion. 'Il C. M. & St- P. R. K. wjli sell extiaiaij tickets May7 29 andi 30 good rettirîiingttg) May 31, *94, ait One and ts t1iiiîd Fane ftor Rouîad Trip tu pointe wlthiii 200 miles. For f urther jparicuiaiappal tu t E. L. L>uBois, Agt. Lîltertyville. Spectai Homeneekere Excursion. Thie C. M. & St. P. R. R. wili run twt, speciati lioumeseekers Kxctiretoias May 8 and May 29, '94 ait One laie f« rh Li1ounjrit Tp. lTicketsa iilir rettrllu passage Taon thirty dayifr0. ulule of tuale. For further particulars itliîtîS t> say tict uagenit (A12. M. Wedcllng Carda. VPorWeddlng statioflery of the. fineui jualityand workman hip always corne go the I»ZILXsILvPrlntlng Ofloe.. W. challenge eompetition ln farjcy ai wel as ]plain prlnting. W. can f ur- nlab anythlng (engraved work a speclaltyl on as 10w termes - can be jbaned in Chicago. Remember, ws ouarantee satisfaction. .a...icsou8 Advertl-ang Croates many a new business. Enlarges many an old business. Revivea many a duil business. Rescues many a lot business. Saves many a faillng business. Preservez many a large business. ,Trust? Nol Pay au You G0. Many of our customers, wbo would not think of asklng us to lend them money, of ton ask uls to 'book" a job, not thinklng that w. bave to psay cash for our stock andt cash to Ouîr men every Saturday îîlght. We shade our 1prices for job work on a very small margin and find It much easier to colleot Cash On Dellvery, than to get lit promptly after ward. If you willl not have the money ta pay for the job when It la'* done, please say os wben you give the order; then we wlIl uuderstand eacb other. at leat. Clip This Coupon. This Coupon and 15 CrOM7"S Eli'titles any Subsciber of the I ndependent, Uo tne Year's Subecrlption t tu e Farmers' Monthly Ia i rà koSoç. Pq Ye., We wiII seil you a New MachiqmrJ We will sell you a '" 31 "N to be paid for in Monthly Inst We wilI take your OId Machine i Prices: $10. ta $20. Iess, than a Sewing Machine man would asky saving, aint it? HATS AND CPe- Our line is complete bath Straw goods. QUEENSWAReP We have a fulll une of WYhIte, Lu Decorated Ware. Also a compàleteA 'GIàss waàre just, in. An elegant new line for GROCERIES. You wiIl find the Beet Sgtanda at our store, sold at Bed Reok Let Live Prices. You can't ar us by whenever you want anyt line of General Merchandise. We have a fulli une of Carpets, Wall Papers, etc. which it WîlI examine before buylng. ýIT PAY19 TO TRADE me. PAINT~ BrilsilosGlass ISAAC HEATH Libertyville, We cant,ê ini hism 4'- CHICA~ le d

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